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Old 10-01-2002, 09:55 PM   #91  
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Punkin = your back pain sounds horrific and I hope it lessens soon.

Welcome, new fellow challengers. I will weigh in tomorrow as scheduled but may after that follow the advice of the Hag and skip a few 'til I adjust to the new med. Am happy with my food choices today (even the chips/salsa) and did get in a nice huffy, puffy walk. Somehow just not too sure there'll be scale happiness in the a.m. Feeling a need for a late night sweet so am posting to remind myself of how SCARY that scale can be. So off to a bit of water and then to bed.
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Old 10-02-2002, 12:58 AM   #92  
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Just got home from work and had a wonderful healthy eating day. I avoided all kinds of sweets and did not feel the least bit cheated for some reason. Maybe I want to be thin more than the short feeling of satisfaction I get from a goodie. Could thin thinking finally be kicking in after all these years???? lol
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Old 10-02-2002, 06:36 AM   #93  
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Tomorrow morning we're [Husband and me!] are leaving the mountains for our first trip to the beach in 17 years. I can't believe it's been so long and I'm so excited. We're only going to be gone 2 nights so maybe my withdrawel from being away from everyone here won't be too severe---maybe the hotel will have internet access!
So---my challenge is not to eat myself into a holiday stupor. I intend to take all kinds of healthy snacks with me and seek out health food stores, healthy restaurants , etc.

Hotsplashes, thanks for your thoughts on my journal. Truth is, I do much better on a low-fat, high-carb diet. I tried the Zone for 3 weeks and I was miserable---felt so bloated and lethargic. Ick. I THRIVE on tons of fruits and vegetables. Admittedly, I have to watch my tendency to rely on bread-y sandwich-y things, when I don't feel like cooking much.

Punkin, feeling better?

Guinevere, I know what you mean about the sweaters and boots. I love cozy fall clothes! The weather here is still unpredictable--some days hot, some days cool. I'm ready for cool!

Have a healthy day, everybody!
Old 10-02-2002, 09:37 AM   #94  
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Well it is a good day indeed, Im down 1.4 at my wieigh in last night and Im thrilled. Im back on track with my eating for breakfast this morning I treated myself to ww recipe for buttermilk pancakes that I add apple and cinnamon to along with this stuff called better than bacon, it is very low fat ham bacon, sooooo good. So Im on my way again and feel good this week. Good luck to all this week. Must run as the laundry is calling my name it sure seems to do that alot especially on my days off.
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Old 10-02-2002, 09:45 AM   #95  
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Smile Crisp autumn morning ...

It actually IS a crisp morning here, which beith different anyway!!!! Unseasonably cool!!! Yay!!! The Hag must see if she owneth a sweater.

Eydie: The Hag is also excited for thy trip to the beach ... it is thy chance for a personal Halloween season spa experience. The Hag hath read in a popular women's magazine this week (the one that ALWAYS has a miracle diet that usually turns out to be actually a healthy low-cal eating plan) that FISH is the MIRACLE way to lose weight now. Saith the mag, the omega-3 in the fish raises serotonin (sp?) levels in brain so bringeth control to cravings and a bunch o' other stuff. So, since there is FISH at the beach, there you are! Hmmm. Don't think that includes deep fried fish 'n chips, though! But then you'd never eat that stuff anyhow. If it were me, though ...

Fish is a good source o' protein also. I'm going to look at your journal again ... dunno, I'm like you, do better with lots of carbs, but maybe I need to add some fish to my diet. I do like little fish meals with a vege on the side and some brown rice also, but I like someone else to cook it. It's very hard to get a healthy protein meal out, I find. Most restaurants serve too much food and cook it all in saturated fat so that the health benefits are cancelled!

Anyhow, have fun on your trip!!!!

Jadcie: It sounds like "thin thinking" hath kicked the evil thoughts from thy brain and forevermore thou shalt not be troubled by the desire to leave the path o' dietary virtue!!!! Congratulations on thy victory over the sweet monsters today and the realization that thy satisfaction cometh from a healthy bodyweight!!! The Hag will think of these things today as she walks around the minefield of her cravings!

Anagram: Good luck on thy meeting with Demon Scale, but whatever DS saith, thou hast done wonderfully and are a complete success just by thy good food choices and the huffy, puffy walk

Guinever: Hooray for long pants, boots and crisp fall weather. The Hag enjoys the picture o' you scrunching across campus in your autumn gear, the picture o' health and determination. She looketh in her crystal ball and seeith that you WILL SUCCEED IN YOUR CHALLENGE AND IN ALL YOU DO!!! Woo-hoo!!!

Hotsplashes: The Hag hath double (bubble, toil and trouble) checked both the cauldron and the crystal ball and the forecast hasn't changed. Wednesday is thy day ... the motivation will alight upon thee at the most propitious time and thy WILL SUCCEED in future in getting to all thy workouts. And the best part is WEDNESDAY IS TODAY!!!! Vrooooom!

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Old 10-02-2002, 09:49 AM   #96  
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Old 10-02-2002, 12:05 PM   #97  
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Just got home and was feeling brave, so I approached the beast [the scale!] and wonder of wonders, it showed that I've miraculously dropped 3 pounds so I'm down to 154!
This is the time where I have to be on my best behavior; I have a tendency to sabotage myself when things are going well.
Old 10-02-2002, 01:43 PM   #98  
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Weighed in this morning at 185, down four pounds from 8 days ago. WOW!!!!! Guess that means my goal of 180 by Halloween is a little more reachable than I thought. Maybe I should shoot for 175. Then again, maybe that is setting my goal a little too high since I just lost four pounds this last week but ten in a month is doable. What do you think girls? Should I go for it or am I setting myself up for a letdown? Have a great day. Think Thin!!!!!
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Old 10-02-2002, 05:53 PM   #99  
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YAYYYY for Eydie and Jadcie!!! and Hurrayyy for trips to the beach and crisp cool weather...it's 89 here today, made the work out icky....but I rode the bike for 1/2 and hour and lifted my weights like a good little ghostie....did some stairmaster too! now am huffy puffy from the humidity (97%) and asthma...need to go to the mountains!!lol catch everyone tomorrow!
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Old 10-02-2002, 07:25 PM   #100  
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Demon Scale was feeling Halloween happy today and gave me a reading of 232. that makes me down .8 towards my Halloween goal. I feel most amply rewarded.
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Old 10-02-2002, 08:08 PM   #101  
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Howdy, Halloween Hijinkers!!! The Hag must swish off on the broom in a sec to cover a meeting high in mountains. Having a frightfully off program day and succumbed to the urge to weigh myself. Was down that extra half pound and came up with a new plan to beat obsession with the Demon Scale that is bugging me. I am using today's as my Sunday weigh in and will not hop on DS again until Sunday, October 13. It occurs to me that with the sea cow metabolism I have, the constant weekly weigh-in is as bad as those of normal metabolism who weigh in daily and make themselves nuts over the fluctuations. So by the 13th, The Hag may have a good idea whether she's going to get anywhere on this challenge or spin her broomstick's wheels!!! Sorry to ramble ... feel the need to vent this scale anxiety ... I am sure it is contributing to the mini binges that are coming back. Also I got involved today in a thing with police over a stolen car that seems to be registered in my name but I haven't owned for three years ... stressed me out as it took all my work time ... and poof, I was eating half a chicken!!!

Halloween halos go to Eydie, Jadcie and Anagram for their losses!!!! Woooooooooo-hooooo!!! I'll post an update o' the witchy roster before I run.

A Halloween woo-hoo also to Hotsplashes who was visited by the Wednesday motivation prophesied by the Crystal Ball-o-Matic (never misses)!!!! Congrats for getting your workout done in spite of humidity and asthma (should you do that though when you are having asthma?) It's 89 here also, but that's downright chilly in this neck o' the woods!!! Feels like Halloween.

Gotta fly!!
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Old 10-02-2002, 08:14 PM   #102  
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P.S. Jadcie, I'll update your goal when you decide. For now I'll just put a current weight in? Ok? Let me know. Seems to me like you maybe outta just not push it too far ... this is all for fun and you don't wanna put yourself in a stressed mode? Just my opinion, since you asked!!!
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Old 10-02-2002, 08:23 PM   #103  
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The Scary Halloween Challenge Roster

Amarantha: Starting Weight 164; Now 164; Halloween 158

Anagram: Starting Weight 232.8; Now 232; Halloween 225

Babette: Starting Weight 213; Halloween 199

Bobsgal: Starting Weight 258; Now 256; Halloween 250

Dollar: Starting Weight 209; Halloween 198

Eydie: Starting Weight 157; Now 154; Halloween 148

Guinever: Starting Weight 164; Halloween In 150s

Hotsplashes: Starting Weight 180.5; Halloween 175

Jadcie: Starting Weight 189; Now 185, Halloween 180

Kmabry: Starting Weight 163; Halloween 160

Punkinseed: Starting Weight 232.5; Halloween 220

Scoobysnacks: Starting Weight 193; Halloween 185

SplittinMySeams: Starting Weight 237; Halloween 230


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Old 10-02-2002, 09:31 PM   #104  
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Amarantha, Thanks for the advice. I think I will leave my goal at 180, then if I am lower, it will just be an added bonus. Don't want to set my self up for failure.
Hotsplashes, I am an asthmatic as well but seem more controlled with a little weight loss. Hope that continues and good luck.
Eydie, Way to go, girlfriend. Keep up the good work. You are about where I want to be but have about thirty pounds to go to get there. 165 would be ok so I am setting that goal first and then see from there but 180 by Halloween is my mini goal. Good luck.
Everyone have a good evening and keep in touch. Thin is in.
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Old 10-03-2002, 10:31 AM   #105  
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OK, SCARY HALLOWEEN CHALLENGERS!!! Here we go for another wonderful day!!!! Let's all post some exciting, encouraging, metabolism boiling GOOD NEWS today!!!! (If it pleaseth thee or thou? .... ok? OK!!! Woooo-hooo!! Let's scare away those pounds with a million posts o' GOOD NEWS!!!)

No, The Hag is NOT on ephedra (never) ... just naturally hyper!!! She's just HIGH ON LIFE and LOVETH THIS SCARY CHALLENGE THAT SHE WILL SUCCEED AT!!! Plus she hath posted a personal challenge on her brand-new 3FC journal. (She needeth to have another place to ramble rather than work!!!)

Eydie: Looked for new menu ideas on your journal this a.m. ... please don't stop posting your bill o' fare. It's really interesting.

Jadcie: Thinketh thee be a wisewoman to keep thy goal where it is!!! Mini goals seem to work so well for most people and we oft exceedeth our expectations. Also, the slow, steady and healthy way to weight loss is the ONLY way ... not going to say IMHO because it's the truth and not just my opinion!!! So there!!! The Hag knows these things, as do all the wisewomen o' 3FC!!!

Punkin o' Friday: Hope thou be getting better and if you don't see this until next week, am interpreting that you are getting the rest you need and are ok! Post when thou can. Ok?

Babette/Arabella (Wood Nymph) Art thou on a deadline?

SplittinMySeams: Art thou out there? Art thou having computer troubles again. Let us know how thou be, if it pleaseth thee!!!

Let's see if Haggie can do this without looking: A SCARY also to Anagram, Bobsgal, Dollar, Guinever, Hotsplashes, Kmabry & Scoobysnacks!! (Scooby-dooby-do, where are you? Couldn't do a thing w'out ya!!!)

Ok, off to pick up my lost/found cell phone, do laundry, turn in film, do grocery shopping, pay bills and ... oh, dang, do work that pays!

Remember as the EVIL WEEKEND APPROACHETH: "Hocus, pocus, focus, focus!!" Sometimes things get in the way of our weight management journey and that can't be helped. The Hag worries sometimes in talking to people (in 3D life, not here) that she giveth the impression that the battle against obesity is the only thing in life ... it is NOT, as we all know. We must first LOVE ourselves, our families, friends and our very existence before we can succeed in bringing our bodies to a state of fitness. But that said, to Amarantha, it IS worth doing to reach and maintain a healthy bodyweight. Because this is very hard to do (you bet), Amarantha decided a long time ago to really give it a heavy (though not exclusive) priority in her life. She thanketh all FELLOW TRAVELERS on this website and on the SCARY HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE for walking this mile with her.

But it is a joyous mile, really. Here is the Hag's secret to lasting weight loss (and to life in general): IT IS A GAME!!! IT IS FUN!!! BUT AMARANTHA MUST PLAY TO WIN!!! (Then if she loses, who cares, because she's given it a shot!!)

So, let's get some weekend posting in, witchies, goblins and assorted SCARY fitness folkies!!! Let's encourage each other to stay on that straight and narrow!!! Let's everyone post an upbeat but SCARY thought to encourage others this weekend!!! (If you wanna? Ok? No pressure? The Hag will NOT turn anyone into a toad, though toads are rather nice!)

Over and out!! Sheesh! Got to stop typing!!!
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