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Old 10-06-2006, 09:11 AM   #211  
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Well i changed my ticker, i *think* i lost a pound. I dont know what the deal was with the scale. I weighed 2 pounds less yesterday morning. Then by night time was only up .5 (which is good for me at night), then this morning i step on the scale...up 3 pounds. Step on the scale again, in disbelief, it says i lost 3 pounds. Ok, so now i pace the house. Pace, pace, pace. Go back to the scale...telling myself, this is it, what i weigh is what i put down. It says i lost 1 pound. So that is what i am sticking with for the week. Dang it. With the scale being that nutty...i just dont know what the actual number is, so i feel like i am guessing, like i am frauding myself or something. Whatever, i think it is just crazy because I am in full swing of TOM and it came 3 days early and i couldnt do my elliptical last night, I think i am just going to block out this week in my head and look forward to my gym visit and put all my energy and focus into next week.

Shyla-Sometimes it is just like the world is fighting your healthy plan. I can relate, with it being TOM AND my ellipitical biting the has been an up hill battle for me too. It sounds very nice though to have a hot date with dh, that one sounds worth the cals. In your situation, sometimes i think the best thing is like your doing, you just go with it and know that you will get back on track when the smoke clears. I am sure whatever you put back on will be back off in no time. Maybe it will do your metabolism good to raise those cals for a while, just to shock it by dropping them back down when your body least expects it.

Tina-Mmmm Thanksgiving. My kids are out of school today and all next week too, fall break. I am looking forward to spending the week with them. I just cant pass up Thanksgiving. I love for my house to be full of people , the smell of my house after cooking all day, i just love the whole thing. My favorite time of the year. I am really, really going to try to cut corners here and there to be able to get to that gym. I am cutting my hours back from 30 a week to 16 a week starting next week, so now that i have time to go to the GYM, i only hope i have the cash to go to the gym, ha ha. I used to go when i was a SAHM and i LOVED it. But lost track of my priorities when i started working again. So hopefully this can put things back in perspective.

Louie- Hey gal, hope the interviews went well. Hang in there, its Friday.

Ribbin-I have a membership to that know, the one where the scale determines your mood. I am as fussy as a wet hen today because of my scales indecision and my pants are tight, whereas they were fine earlier this week, due to TOM I am sure. I didnt know kids got Scarlet fever anymore either. WHen the doc told me that, i felt like i had stepped back in time...that just seemed like 1800's stuff to me. Scared the heck out of me.

Ok gals, thanks for listening to me fuss and moan.
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Old 10-06-2006, 09:13 AM   #212  
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Good morning ladies, in another good mood today due to scales...........LOL oh well I will just take the good mood and run with it. Scales said 224 this morning and I am now gonna take it, it is time to change the ticker.

I have done pretty good on exercising this week got in my walk 3 times and plan on jumping on the trampoline tonight. Hubby will be gone all weekend and I am gonna be running like crazy tomorrow and will probably end up at McDonalds at one point or another. Actually I am hoping to convince myself to stop at Subway before taking the kids on to McD's that way I will not eat "bad" for the whole weekend and maybe will have a good reading on Monday. Cross your fingers for me that I have the willpower.

Well better get to work. Have a great day.
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Old 10-06-2006, 11:46 AM   #213  
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Good morning all,

I’m going to try to catch up a bit. I’ve been reading but have had no time to post lately.

Robbin, Yes, Like Stacy and you, I’m a member of the scale mood club too. I’m still traveling so I haven’t weighed this week, but I will be very lucky if I’ve maintained this week. I suspect I will be in a foul mood come Sunday morning when I weigh in. I’m glad to see that you’ve had a loss today and your mood has improved.

Stacy, With your scale going down two days in a row (although up on another weigh in) I bet you’ll see another loss again really soon. That’s how mine seem to work. Bummer on the elliptical breaking. It would be hard to decide whether to put more money into repairing it if it doesn’t hold up for more than a year between repairs. Congrats on the new job. I hope the gym looks good. Maybe that will be the right direction to go. How is DD by now? My school does the same thing. Send your kids to school sick and at the end of the year they get an award. Does that make sense?

Shyla – Happy anniversary, belated. Hope you enjoyed your night out with DH.

Hi Tina, The water aerobics class sounds like a lot of fun. I had forgotten how much I loved being in the pool until this trip. I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving weekend. Have you talked DH into going out of town yet? No way I’m dumping you ladies either, by the way.

Hi Louie, Good to hear from you.

Emily, I just read that the scales dropped for you earlier this week. Yoohoo! Is DH back home? Good for you for NOT turning to food during stress.

Robsia, The trouser suit sounds lovely. I hope you can post a photo of you in it. Size 10, wowsie!

My calorie count has been consistently in the 2500 calories per day range this week and I know that is way too high. Why is it so hard to resist FREE food? I head back home tomorrow and I plan to pull out my food scales, measuring cups and spoons, etc. Back to measuring every bite, at least for the next two weeks, then I have another business trip. I feel a little out of control this week, so I must rein that in right away. Talk to you all later.
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Old 10-06-2006, 11:20 PM   #214  
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Evening Ladies...Sorry I was MIA for the past week, but I have had the weekend/week from **** with the FD's. Can't go into details, but it was serious enough that they were suspended from school for three days and we had to go before the school board Wednesday night because they wanted to expell them for the remainder of the school year. We had one FD removed from our home so the other one can stay in school now. I have been so stressed out that I have had a migrain for a week, pain between my shoulder blades and I broke out on my neck and chest with what look likes ringworm, but isn't. All stressed related.
After maintaining my weight for two weeks, I have eaten everything and anything that isn't nailed down, so I'm up two pounds. Hope to be back on track and destressed by Monday. Bought a new laptop computer today, so I'm hoping hubby will have it up and running by tomorrow so I won't have to use the old dinosaur. I'll be back tomorrow to catch up on reading all of the post and posting personals. Sounds like everyone is doing great.
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Old 10-07-2006, 10:15 AM   #215  
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Morning Chicks

Hope everyone survived the week and is looking forward to a great weekend. Even better for me is that it is a long weekend.. yes Turkey Day up in here in Canada, so have Monday off

FFMother paid me a visit this week and I am down another 2 lbs. I have made myself a ticker and just going to tackle 20 lbs at a time, so I am almost half way to my first mini goal.

Cheryl ~ great to see you, but sorry that you had to go through such a rough week A new laptop, yeah for you !! I love my laptop and just bought my hubby one a few weeks ago.

Tammy ~ travelling can be so hard on the old calories, but I know that you will get right back on track.

Robbin ~ your persistence paid off.. well done on tackling the scale demon

Stacy ~ a pound's a pound..and looks like you only have 2 more before another dragonfly. Good for you !!!

Robsia ~ good to see you !

Tina ~ Happy Thanksgiving Hope you get lots of time with family and get enjoy a good turkey dinner.

Well I am off to brew me some and tackle some reading. Have a great day and TTYS
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Old 10-07-2006, 12:35 PM   #216  
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I'm just on my way out of town for the weekend, but wanted to check in since I'm not sure I'll have computer access at the in-laws.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians! (or transplants like me, lol) Remember it's just a day with yummy food, get a walk in and drink lots of water. And Tuesday is the start of a great new week. I'm still going to try for a loss, even if it's small.

Yes, my DH is home now and doing much better. Lip is still a bit swollen, but going down every day and almost looks normal (hee hee). Not a fun experience though.

Well, still have lots to do before leaving (did get my 30 minutes in on the treadmill already though!)

Take care all.
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Old 10-08-2006, 10:28 AM   #217  
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Good Morning

I found us over on the second page this morning... everyone must be having a busy weekend.

So far my weekend has consisted of trying to catch up on my reading for my leadership program, walking the dog, and watching the shows that I had taped last week.

Today won't be much different, although I have been tasked with getting the pumpkin pie for dinner tomorrow night, so I will have to make a trip to Costco at some point today.

I hear the jug boiling so I must go make my Have a great day
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Old 10-08-2006, 01:48 PM   #218  
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Good morning ladies,

Cheryl, So sorry to hear of your troubles with FDs. I know how easy it is to let stress mess up our food, but I hope this week is better for you. I just got a new laptop too (well it is from work, but as the system admin, I intend to use it for all my personal stuff as well so I only have to use one computer, not several).

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Canadian friends! Hope you all have a great holiday.

Louie, Congrats on the 2 lbs. The FFM is sure staying busy, I hope she makes it down to Mississippi this week. What type of leadership program are you involved in?

Emily, Glad to hear that DH is recovering. Hope you have a nice time at your in-laws. Good plan to get walking and drink lots of water. And keeping in mind that it's just one day (maybe even one meal). We aren't going to gain weight based on one meal anyway. (Thank goodness!)

Well, I'm back home and I was able to weigh today. I've maintained at 229. Now I'm back to cutting my calories and I'm ready to start losing weight again. I've been at 229 for almost three weeks, so I'm ready to see it move down again. Have a great rest of weekend!
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Old 10-09-2006, 06:13 AM   #219  
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Just a quick pop in, been to long to read up on everything in the couple of minutes I've got. Lots going on around here, work is getting complicated, and so is life, but isn't that how it goes!!! Weight is stuck at my ticker, have been a little above and very briefly a little below, but even this morning i was at my ticker weight.

Hope all is well with everyone and hope to be back to regular posting in the next week or two!
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Old 10-09-2006, 09:47 AM   #220  
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Hey girls just a quick pop in to say good morning. Glad to see everyone here and sorry to hear of your problems Cheryl. Tammy I am glad you maintained through out your trip, that is a big victory. Louie did you get a good pie? Emily did you have fun at the in-laws?

Well ladies I didn't do too bad over the weekend I even got in exercies which I never do on weekends. The scales were good to me and never went up, This mornings reading was 224, however yesterday they were better at 223. Maybe by tomorrow they will be back down there and I can change the ticker again. I had a great NSV on saturday at the little ones football game with having more than one person ask me how much I had lost telling me how great I look. YAY.
Well better get to work. I will try to get back later on.
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Old 10-09-2006, 10:56 AM   #221  
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Good Morning Ladies

Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend. Today being the stat holiday I am just relaxing in my PJ's, sipping my morning and looking out the window at the beautiful fall leaves. I love the time of year !!

Robbin ~ yes, I got a nice looking pumpkin pie. The taste test will be tonight. Looking forward to a nice turkey dinner with family. Good job on maintaining over the weekend. Weekends can certainly pose problems for me at times. And a NSV to go along with it .. YAHOO

Erin ~ so nice to see you Hope all is well, although sounds like you have been really busy. Look forward to your return !!

Tammy ~ In the summer I wrote the national exam to become a CMA (certified management accountant). I passed both parts of the exam, so now I must go through their leadership program. Basically they know from the exams that you have what it takes to become a CMA, now they just want to see that you can apply it. So I have to do presentations, write reports etc. Congrats on maintaining while you were away !!

To all the other chicks ~ hope you are doing well and taking care

Have a great Monday and TTYS
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Old 10-09-2006, 02:48 PM   #222  
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Default monday rush

Good morning. I am off to a fantastic start for the week. As most of you know, my ellpitical died on me last week. Well i went and checked in to a gym really close to my house and it is only $50 a month for me and my son, dh wont go, so i just inquired about ds and myself. So i am loving that. I signed up and had the BEST workout. My arms feel so light and like i can feel their every move. I love the feeling a gym gives you. I worked out for a little over an hour and the time just flew by, half weights, half cardio. I really needed this after a not so great weekend...ok, a really bad weekend. Could have been worse, but basically, i like to keep it at around 1700 cals on the weekend and i was more like 2000 both days. So surely i can make up for it by friday. I am trying some calorie cycling though. If i can keep it at 1700 on the weekend and 1400 during the week i will be happy. Then unlimited cals (within reason) on friday.

My last day at my job was friday. Know what that means??? No more bimbo. Lets all do a "no more bimbo" cheer

Happy Thanksgiving to all my northern friends.

Robbin- Good deal on the NSV. is so nice to know that all that work is noticable to others.

Jtammy- Wow, good job on maintaining while out of town. That is excellent. I bet you will have a big loss this week.

Jelynn-Glad to hear dh is doing better.

Ok chickies, lets make it a great week. My goals for the week are to make it to gym all week, stay under 1400 cals, and drink LOTS of water.
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Old 10-09-2006, 10:03 PM   #223  
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Evening Ladies...Sorry I never made it back here over the weekend, but the new laptop wouldn't let us into our sights. We ended taking it back to where we bought it and they worked on it for 1 1/2 hours and couldn't get it to work so they exchanged the laptop for a new one.

Things are slowly getting better with the one remaining FD and I'm back on track with my weight loss. I can still make my goal of weighing below 300 by January 1st if I get my butt in gear. Project ME starts tomorrow, girls!

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Old 10-10-2006, 04:37 PM   #224  
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Gosh, I haven't been here since thursday! Friday I babysat my neighbors little one. Which was a busy day in itself. But then my sister came with her kids for a night because it was my nieces b-day. It all went down hill from there. We went out to dinner (East side Marios) and then to a movie. The next day I got all prepared to out of town till yesterday. So I've totally blown my course but I am back on plan as of this morning. I've already did my water aerobics class and keeping everything I eat in line and getting plenty of water. I could get down and all discouraged by what the scale read this morning...but I'm taking it as LiFe! Sometimes we're up, and a lot of the time we're down. As long as I know it will come back off and work at it I'm a.o.k.!

Has anyone ever read "the Sugar Solution"? It's basically helping you live a healthier life (aka lose weight) by balancing your sugar levels. It makes a lot of sense as I read it but practicing it successfully in my life... well we'll see. It's a lot of watching your carbs, making sure they're whole grain and eating fresh wholesome fruits and veggies and of course lean protein. Because if you don't watch how your blood sugar often spikes and drops you could be in for a endless cyle of cravings and the nasty side effect of becoming insulin resistant. It sounds really interesting. Anyhow, now that I've bored you to death...LOL!

Hope you had a great day!
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Old 10-10-2006, 10:01 PM   #225  
Staying on track!!
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Hey girls! Only have a minute, as its already 9pm, and I still need to sort thru some paperwork on my desk here. I indulged all weekend, but got back on track yesterday, and the scale says 227. So up a pound (or a few - I think I DID hit 224 ONCE, but never changed my ticker). But that's not bad, considering. I worked out yesterday & today, and hope to drop this weight back down ASAP! Will check back in soon!

*hugs* to you all!
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