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Old 09-24-2006, 10:01 AM   #166  
Project Down-Sizing !!
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Good Morning Ladies

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend. I had a busy day yesterday, I went and might my GF "Anna" from work and we went for a long walk. Well it actually wasn't that long but we took this trail that led to a beach.. which on the way down didn't seem so bad. But them we had to walk back up it..lets just say I think I burnt off a few calories

Not sure what today will bring, although I need to get my butt in gear and get some reading done for my Leadership Program. I have been slacking off

I jumped on the scaled this morning and I am happy to report that I am down 3.1 lbs. So a good start for me

Robbin ~ your kids are soo cute. No mistaken that those boys are brothers, and your daughter looks like you. Good luck with the bake can do it !!!

JTammy ~ congrats on the scale !! Sounds like you have been busy busy, hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

jelynn ~ did you get to a movie yesterday, what did you see ?

getnhealthy ~ yahoo...a loss and then some, congrats !!

Tina ~ another loser in the group (and I mean that in the nicest way!). The FFMother has been one busy lady. Congrats !!!

To anyone else I may have missed hope all is well with you.

Okay gals the is calling my name so I am off to pour me a cup. Have a relaxing Sunday and I will TTYS
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Old 09-24-2006, 06:03 PM   #167  
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Hello all, well i am totally beat. Been working on remodeling my master bedroom all weekend. Of course i was planning on being finished by today but alas, looks like it will be tomorrow before we lay the floor. Oh well. It looks beautiful though. So i am happy.

I have been kind of slacking lately. Doing better today but still not on plan as well as i would like. Havent done my elliptical since Wednesday...YIKES. i just realized that. I was pouting thursday, friday is my off day, then remodeling all weekend. Gotta get back on it tomorrow with a vengence.

Louie-WOW, 3.1 Very cool.

Jelynn-Good job on the scale victory. I imagine 4 kids are very messy. I know my 2 do plenty of damage to the inside of a car, i cant imagine the damage 2 MORE could do. Over the summer my daughter left her crayons in the door handle while we went in the mall. Nice crayon soup when we got back to the car.

Robbin-Hope your bake sale went well. That is a terrible temptation, especially for the week TOM is around. I had a big mac attack too, mine was on friday. Now we are paying for that high sodium, huh. I havent had one of those in years and dont plan on having another one for years but it sure was good. Your children are just beautiful.

Tammy- I didnt even think about renting exercise stuff from the library...good idea. Glad your scale is being kind to you again. It sure can be a battle with that darn scale. I compltely know what you mean about it being easy to get out of the habit of exercising. That is what has happened to me. Usually i am 6 days a week, i have to do that or i get out of the habit and one day becomes two, becomes here i am not having done cardio since wednesday. Terrible.

Ok, well while i was fighting wall paper, hubby made home made chicken and dumplings and homemade rosemary bread. Yum. I will go heavy on the chicken, light on the dumplings and bread though.
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Old 09-24-2006, 11:55 PM   #168  
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Sorry I've been MIA, girlies. Had stepkids this weekend, plus the two year olds running around, so it's been nonstop craziness around here. I have NOT been on track all weekend... so am starting fresh tomorrow. Scale is telling me mean & nasty things, so I'm hoping to get it back in shape ASAP! Will write more soon.
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Old 09-25-2006, 11:17 AM   #169  
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Default Happy Monday!

Good morning ladies! Boy, did that weekend ever fly by! Sorry I haven't checked in all weekend but it was just one of those where I haven't been around home too much. I had a little cabin fever and decided home was too boring...LOL! It was a pretty good weekend overall, I didn't endulge too much. The scale is at 214 this morning, I plan on breaking that ticker weight this week. Woo HOO!

Stacy, good job! I know how relieved you must of felt getting back to ticker weight by fridays weigh in and with 0.6lb to boot! Awesome! Lets hope we have fat bustin' time this week, I'm sure we'd love to see some new numbers on that beloved scale! Sounds like a lot of fun remodeling your bedroom. You should take some before and after pics to share.

Emily, you're doing really well with your exercise. I feel exactly like you, come weekends I tend to have an "off" meal and then come Monday I am so OP that it hurts! You wanna come clean my vehicle, I've been meaning to do for weeks. Mind you, it's pretty tidy, just needs a good vacuuming and dusting.

Robbin, I don't know how you resist all those temptations. You have more strength than you give yourself credit for. Especially the surprise cupcakes, I would have given in for sure! Your kids are beautiful! I can sure see you in Vicki, beautiful of course! They look all so innocent and well behaved in that picture...LOL! If they were like that all year long, would be nice wouldn't it?! I bet there school is getting done now! hehehe!

Tammy, yesterday we were at the mall and we passed by a swim suit shop and he said, "will we be stocking up in there pretty soon?". I'm not sure if his mentionings are his way of keeping me motivated or not. Let me just say, they're working! Congrats on getting the scale back to where they were last saturday. I'm sure you'll be well into the 20's this week. You have done so amazingly awesome. You are such an inspiration to me. 117lbs. is incrediable, and you're still going! Do you have any before and current pics that we could peek at?

Louie, I had to giggle about not realizing the workout walking down to the beach but on the way back proved to be the real workout because I did the same thing one time. I walked down to a beach with a group of friends but on the way back I found myself grasping at roots and trees to try to pull myself back up! LOL! It felt like the slope was 90 degrees! Congrats on the great scale victory! Keep it going!

Shyla, come on back girl! Having all those kids around had to wreak havoc on your patience for sure.

Phew! That's the most catching up I've had to do in a while..hehe! It's all good though. Have a great day ladies!

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Old 09-25-2006, 08:34 PM   #170  
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Hi Ladies...Sorry I was MIA over the weekend, just didn't feel well, the weather was yucky and I just wanted to hibernate. Things were much better today and I felt energized. I'm doing good following the Core plan and If I was counting points, I'm well below what I would be allowed to eat. When shopping this morning and stressed with the FD's, but I walked past the gormet jelly beans and bought WW yogurt instead. Tomorrow, hubby and I will be doing the final mowing of the yard before winter sets in. Suppose to be 72 tomorrow and in the 40's on Wednesday. No time for personals tonight, but I'll be back tomorrow.

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Old 09-25-2006, 10:54 PM   #171  
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Hey everyone- you all OP this Monday???

I had a good day- got up and did my short t-tapp w/o and then did the treadmill for 30 minutes after taking kids to school. Eating was good, water was good so all in all a good way to start the week. Plan is to get up early and do my long t-tapp early in the morning. Need to go to bed a little early, my body is begging for it

I'll be back tomorrow...night all!
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Old 09-26-2006, 09:23 AM   #172  
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Hey ladies sorry I have been MIA, I just havent felt too socialble. TOM is here and the scales are up to 227.5 which is a big downer for me. I also ate 2 slices of pizza on Sunday so am figureing that did not help the scales any.

Well it is time for me to clock in to work. I will check back later.
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Old 09-26-2006, 09:42 AM   #173  
Project Down-Sizing !!
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Good Morning Chicks !!

Just getting ready to head out to the office, so thought I would drop in and say

Jumped on the scale this morning and no change from Sunday. Which is just fine with me

Well I better scoot.. have a great day
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Old 09-26-2006, 12:41 PM   #174  
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Well hello ladies. I am feeling SO much better emotionally this week. My scale is up from my friday weigh in but that is okay...its not up like last week, which sent me into a full blown panic. Just a pound or two...i can handle that and it is steadily going down. So i am happy. A coworker gave me a compliment today, "gosh stacy your really doing it. I can really tell it in your neck and chest." So i was happy with that. I got back on the elliptical after a 4 day hiatus. It felt good to get back on it. While i didnt slack all weekend, i just hate to not do the cardio. I was up working on my bedroom remodel project but that is just not the same as a 1/2 hour of cardio. After my cardio, we spent the rest of the night hanging crown molding, so all in all, i am exhausted but off to a good start this week.

Shyla- I felt off track all weekend too with no official exercise and seemed like i didnt make an effort to eat healthy. The scale was pretty forgiving come monday. Just be sure to get back in gear gal. Once i get out of gear sometimes it takes ALOT to get my groove back.

Tina- Lets both send that ticker moving this week. I want to see the 250's SO bad. 2 weeks ago i was at 260.6, then this last weigh in i was at 260 even. So i am sick to death of the 260's and even though i lost 0.6 last week, i didnt get to move my ticker, so now i want to move it even more.

Cheryl-The weather was yucky here over the weekend too. Made my paint take FOREVER to dry. Good for you for getting yogurt instead of jelly beans. DH offered to make biscuits, gravy, eggs,...the whole deal for breakfast over the was a nice thought. BUt i talked him into an english muffin with egg beaters instead. That was hard for me on a rainy sunday morning. Dang those temptations.

Robbin-Dont you just hate TOM week. I told my dh not long ago, i think i have one good weigh in a month, all because of TOM, maybe two, but i swear just when i start to get momentum going, bam, TOM again. Hang in there and have some hot tea. That always is a comfort to me. After this week the pounds will make a jump in the right direction.

Louie-Glad you are doing a good job maintaining from the weekend. I know what a challenge that is.

Ok, well i guess lunch break is over, time to get back to work. I am craving chicken parmesian. I think i am going to shake and bake chicken, then use no sugar added marinara with LOTS of veggies, then low fat cheese. I bet it would be delicious and completely guilt free.
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Old 09-26-2006, 01:10 PM   #175  
Staying on track!!
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Hey girls! You'd be so PROUD of me! Here for the past few weeks, DH has been working much later than normal, so I'm dealing with cooking, getting the twins in bed, etc all by myself. Then when he gets home I'm too exhausted / frustrated / etc to go workout. So I was slacking big time.

So yesterday, I packed up the kids and stuck them in the gym's childcare for 45 mins while I worked out. Jordan was kinda pissy and cried a bit, but after I left the room, they did great! (I did the whole "stand outside the door - outta sight - routine" & make sure they calm down - hehe). So I was proud that I packed them up & did that! Those kids may be seeing more of that childcare room from now on! LOL

Anyhow - I was back on track as of yesterday, and am doing good today, too. Eating a Subway sandwich for lunch with lots of veggies. The scale has not yet been back down to 225-226 range, but it's close! It has hit 225 ONCE last week (I think that's when it was), and I can't wait to be there again!

Will check back in tonight, hopefully. Have a great day!
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Old 09-26-2006, 02:14 PM   #176  
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Default Happy Tuesday!

Cheryl, sorry you've been feeling so yuck lately. I hope you find yourself back to tip top shape very soon. Great job passing up the jelly beans and heading straight for the yogurt. Every little small victory you make is worth celebrating...way to go!

Emily, well you couldn't of had a better monday start than that. Good for you!

Robbin, I sure hope you're feeling a little better today. Would it help if I gave you the ol' cliche "todays a new day, a fresh start"!?

Louie, maintenance is good. You're doing so well, keep up the great effort!

Stacy, we'll move that ticker don't you worry. I'll being pulling out all the stops (I hope..hehe) to get it to budge. LOL! I know how you feel being sick of the number you see. I know you'd probably say, "think yourself lucky", but I'm so sick of the 2-teens! I've been looking at them since june/july.

Shyla, now there's some determination! Good for you! It's time to put mama first for a few minutes a day. Keep it up and you'll be below ticker so soon!

I'm having a pretty good on project day. I'm about to make lunch for Alyssa and I so I better scoot. She saying she's starvin' marvin so that means gotta go!

Have a great day!
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Old 09-26-2006, 04:24 PM   #177  
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I ended up going to bed early last night (probably asleep by 10:30) and was wide awake at 4:30!!! I think my body is too used to running on 6 hours of sleep! lol I wasn't about to get up though (since that would be insane)- so I finally fell back to sleep, but didn't wake up until nearly 7. early morning workout. I was disappointed because it's so hard for me to get to it if I wait! But totally my fault for not having the alarm set.
Then, since I hadn't worked out, I had a less than stellar lunch. BUT! Instead of scratching the day off I got my workout clothes after the kids went down for naps and did my long workout and just finished a little while ago! YAY ME! I already have a plan for a light dinner (spaghetti squash and salad-- maybe a tiny bit of meat sauce (I'm making reg. spaghetti for the family) so I think I'll be able to stay on track for the week. I would hate to mess it up this early, LOL! I have book club Friday night and know my friend is making a chocolate hazelnut cheesecake which I'm saving up for so I have to have a good rest of the week!!

Robbin- I know all too well about those funks! Hope you are feeling better soon and if you need a place to whine please come and post! This shouldn't just be a place for when we are feeling great- kwim?

Stacy- So what did you change in your room? Any before and after pics? And how nice to get a compliment!!

Cheryl- good job on the yogurt!

Shawn- Great job getting to the gym!! I know how hard it is to pack the kids around! I'll bet they loved playing there though- and you got your workout in! Win, Win You and I are right close to the same weight right now...let's get to those 2-teens!!!

Hey Tina- how's the weather up north? It was HOT here yesterday and supposed to be again on Thursday, but today is cool and cloudy.

Have a great Tuesday everyone!!
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Old 09-27-2006, 10:45 AM   #178  
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Hey girls thanks for the support during my funky mood, I really appreciate it. I am feeling a bit better today and expect I will be even better tomorrow. The scales were back down to 226 so only 1 pound from the ticker. I didn't get in any real exercise yesterday just a few crunches last night. I am having to fight the I want to sit on the couch and watch tv bug that has bitten me. The truth is as Tina already knows my husband has recently told me that there is a high possibility of him having to be deployed to Iraq for a year this comming May and I am having to fight the blues. I know that this is not the end of the world and it is only 1 year out of the rest of our lives together but since he told me I am wanting to grab every second I can with him to just be together and that is cutting into my ME time. I am working hard to get back on track and hopefully I will be soon. It's not like he is leaving tomorrow and never comming back. I have 7 - 8 months to prepare for this and I gotta get my mind back on track.

Well thanks for letting me whine, I know that this is not a "military wives support group" but you ladies mean the world to me and are what have kept me going I know I can count on you to say "GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND GET YOURSELF BACK ON TRACK". Thank you.
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Old 09-27-2006, 10:45 AM   #179  
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Good morning ladies. Big NSV for me this morning. I can actually wear my jeans that i havent worn in a couple of years. I tried them on right before i started eating better and they were hard to even get over my hips and lacked several inches for being able to button. Now i can wear them and they fit snug but definately not tight...WOOHOO. I am doing well this week...determinted to make progress on that scale by friday. That reminds me, time for some water.

Shyla-I had subway for lunch yesterday too. I love that place...makes me feel like i get a little bit of a splurge in the middle of the week. Good job on getting to the gym. When i went to the Y i did that ALL the time with my little girl. Keep it up.

Tina- Even though you have looked at those 2teens for what seems like forever, i think you are well on your way out of them. I was thinking about it and even if we lose 10 pounds a month that still means we have to look at that relative group of numbers for a dang wonder i am so tired of seeing 260's, etc. I want progress, progress, progress...i am impatient, ha ha. I am pulling out all the stops this week too. I feel like i drug my feet last week or something. I was in some sort of funk last week, but back on my game and motivated this week.

Jelynn-Wow, good for you for turning around what could have been a bad day. That takes a lot of determination. It is so easy to just say, "oh well, i have screwed up today anyway...". That is a big struggle for me. I am changing everything in my bedroom. Walls, carpet, the works. I dont know if i have any "before" pics but i will definately post the "afters". It has given me several extra workouts this week. We laid most of the flooring last night for 3 hours AFTER i had done my 30 minutes on the ellipitical, so while i was exhausted, i was smiling as i collapsed in the bed. ha ha.

Robbin-I know that watch tv bug well. That is what kept my weight inching up for the past two years. But it sounds like you have a lot going on right now and TV is a good escape. I can only imagine how stressful it would be to think of dh going over seas. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. On a lighter note, only one pound away is GREAT. You'll be there in no time.
Ok, everybody ready for Biggest Loser tonight? I am determined to get my flooring done so i can watch it.

Last edited by Get n healthy; 09-27-2006 at 10:50 AM.
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Old 09-27-2006, 11:18 AM   #180  
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Default Happy hUMp day!

Good morning ladies! How's the day treating ya so far? I'm doing so far so good. The scale is still lingering at 213.5 but I just know that's going to change soon. I would love, love, love to beat my ticker weight this week. Put me in good standing for the weekend cuz we all know how weekends seem to get the better of us sometimes.

Emily, the weather has been pretty good up here. No more snow, and back to seasonal temps. We had a little frost this morning and it did dip down to 3 degrees when I took my DD to school, but it's suppose to get up to 20 this afternoon. Yeah, I'll believe that one when I see it! LOL!! (What part of Alberta did you say you were from again?) Way to go on taking hold of your day and making the best out of it. That's the way to do it!

Robbin, I can not relate to your stress about hubby leaving. I can only imagine what it feels like and that alone wouldn't be easy. Whether or not we're a military support group doesn't matter, we're support, here for you and all of us. I would believe that dealing with this would make you feel like your "diet" is secondary. Nothing else matters when it compares to the seriousness of this matter. And in actuallity, you would be right. War would take presshold over the scale. But what you also have to remember is... you. You are doing this for you, and it's your own battle to fight. And girl you have got a lot of fight. I'm sure hubby wouldn't want you to lose yourself in worry, I bet he'd want you to continue to be the greatest mom and wife that you have been. Do you know if he'll still be around for that ball you've told us about? If so, work hard to be one hot, smokin' mama in a knock out dress. Give him a lasting memory that'll he'll yearn to come home to. Get back in those walking shoes girl!! You can do this!!

Stacy, woo hoo! Great NSV!! I bet you were on cloud nine and dancing around in those jeans. PSSSt....I know I did..hehehe! Good job! With all that extra movement this week you should be looking at some new numbers pretty soon! That's the way, uh huh, uh huh..I like it!

Have an awesome day girls! Make the most outta what you have!

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