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Old 10-03-2006, 12:29 AM   #196  
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Hi ladies, Just a quick note to say hi. Last week was a blur for me. I'm traveling on a business trip this week (to Salt Lake City), so the week before was spent getting everything caught up at work and at home. The scales hadn't changed before I left Sunday, and I have ate 200 - 300 calories more each day than usual, so I doubt that have changed yet. DH came with me, but he leaves Wednesday, so I will be able to get my eating under better control when I don't have such good company.

My exercise has been great though. It's amazing how much free time I have when I don't have to cook, clean or do laundry. I've spent a lot of it exercising.

One NSV to add, is that the first time in 15 (??) years, I've put on a swimsuit and got in a swimming pool. I always used to love to swim (and play in the water), but that was one of many things I let my fat steal from me.

Sorry to not do personals tonight, but I have read everyone's post and I hope to be able to respond tomorrow. TTYL
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Old 10-03-2006, 09:44 AM   #197  
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Good Morning Gals

Just a fly by for me this morning as I get ready to head out to work.

Have a great day and I will try to catch up tonight
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Old 10-03-2006, 01:16 PM   #198  
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Hello ladies, well Olivia, my dd, is doing MUCH better with her scarlet fever, bless her heart. I had to pull her off the trampoline this morning, so that is a good sign...maybe school tomorrow. I was one scared momma for a few days. I am on program this week. Hating every minute of exercise but doing it anyway and feeling great AFTER the exercise...i dont even mind the thought of is just the act itself that i despise...who knew 30 minutes could be so slow. ha ha.

Well i am 2 pounds up from friday's weigh in but that is pretty par for my course. Drink, drink, drink between now and friday.

Is it just me or does it always feel like TOM is either on its way, here, or you are recovering from it. I swear. Only a few days til its TOM AGAIN, and it seems like i just got over it is time to fight with the dang scale all over again. Men are spoiled.

Jtammy-So good to hear from you. I was starting to get worried about you. A business trip sounds fun. That is awesome you have spent your free time exercising... wtg. Good for you for getting in that bathing suit. That is a good way to put it, that fat stole fun in the water from you. When you put it that way, it makes me realize just how many things "fat has stolen" from me too. Sort of a light bulb moment.

Louie-Good to see you.

Shyla-Good for you for getting to the gym again. The guilt ALWAYS hits me like that too...late at night when all is quiet and i actually get a few minutes to think...then i just lay there thinking why on earth did i do that? Like you said, just let it motivate you to do better next time. I did that the other day though. I made speghetti squash, which is totally healthy but then i even over indulged in that...that is just rediculous. I guess it is better than over indulging in pasta but still...why did i just have to keep taking, "one more bite"...i just dont get it and i felt SICK afterwards, literally like that full feeling in my stomach was just gross.

Ok, i guess back to work for me. Have a strong day ladies.
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Old 10-03-2006, 01:36 PM   #199  
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Hey girls just a quick drop in for me and hopefully tomorrow I will be able to do personals. I have been fighting the bad mood syndrom the past couple of days and am trying to get my emotions back on track. I have had an argument with hubby and have a teenage son that "hates" me. Me and hubby are on the mend but I'm not so sure about the boy, I think he had better change his attitude soon or he is gonna see how horrible of a Mom he has. I also have a set of scales that hate me today, they were up 3 pounds to 228. Not good at all. I do know what to do to them though, I will just show them what heavy is by running them over with my car. Then they will not be able to complain that I am heavy anymore. Well better get back to work. I am sorry to drop in and dump all my sorrows on you all but, you always help me so much.
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Old 10-04-2006, 12:01 AM   #200  
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Hanging in there this week. Watching portions, getting water, and getting my treadmill and t-tapp in. I'm super tired so it's a little harder staying motivated. I'm on my way to bed a little early tonight so I can get up and exercise at 6 (otherwise it just won't happen!)
I'll check in tomorrow
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Old 10-04-2006, 09:20 AM   #201  
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Scales are still up this morning at 227. This sucks!!! I am so frustrated!!! I stayed on plan yesterday with food, chugged lots of water and got my walk in. All of that for what?????? Crappy Scales!!! Makes me want to scream.

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Old 10-04-2006, 10:01 AM   #202  
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*creeps back into thread shamefacedly*

Hi - sorry!!

I know I've been MIA for ages. I've been busy and also not so well. Had a nasty tooth infection last week which had the happy side effect of helping me to lose 4 lbs! Sadly 2 lbs of WWW appeared on Monday as TOM is due Sunday so I'm trying to shift that this week too.

But I'm doing pretty well - I've been posting in the featherweight forum, which feels so good!

My parents have a big party on the 14th October for their Ruby Wedding and it's in the day so I had to find an outfit suitable to a glam daytime 'do'. Had loads of sparkly stuff for evening but all I had for daytime is my work suits and that's boring.

So I went out shopping on Saturday and found the most gorgeous cream trouser suit in a size 12!! (That's 10 in the US!) I would never have been seen dead in a cream trouser suit before. Now my thighs are still a bit wobbly but these pants are wide leg so they skim over the wibbly bits. The jacket is really unusual - it looks normal from the front, but, below the collar, the back is open at the top and buttons down the back too.

I'm hoping I don't look like a big cream elephant - it looked really nice in the shop. And I still have almost 2 weeks to lose a few more pounds by then.

So things are pretty good - I just wish I could snap my fingers and these last few pounds would just disappear! I figure it'll take me till about Christmas, which will mean it's taken a whole year of my life to lose this weight. I just hope I can keep it off!!
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Old 10-04-2006, 12:39 PM   #203  
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Just a quick fly-by post...the scale read 218.2 this morning!! I was shocked (and happy!) Let's hope it wasn't a fluke!
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Old 10-04-2006, 01:17 PM   #204  
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Hello all you lovely ladies. It has been one heck of a day at work. Thankfully, i am quitting this job and starting a new one next friday...CANT WAIT. I will not miss bimbo one single bit. So i am excited about that.

I am doing well on program this week. Due to job stress this morning i had to force myself to eat lunch today. I was just so upset with bimbo that my hands were shaking and the whole bit. But i knew if i didnt eat, i would binge once i got home, so i ate a wonderful salad with lots of veggies. So i am happy about that.

The scales are still showing me 2 pounds up from friday's weighin but that is okay. TOM is here and i still have 2 days til weigh in. So we shall see.

Jelynn-Congrats on the good weigh in. If your scale or body is anything like mine it will go back up for a few days but it will come right back down in a few days, so dont get upset if it goes up just a tad before settling on that number. My scale does that EVERY week.

Robbin-I feel your pain. That is where i was just a few weeks ago. I am trying to think of something encouraging to say but all i can come up with is to just keep on keeping on and know that the scale will catch up with you eventually. Dont give up or give in...although, i know it sucks. You are too funny though, threatening to run your scale over with a truck. I love it. At least you are down a pound from the day before...that scale is going in the right direction...just grin and bear it a few more days and i bet your patience will be rewarded.

Ok, back to work for me.
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Old 10-04-2006, 02:01 PM   #205  
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Default Happy Wednesday!

Hey ladies, I just realized I didn't post yesterday! Things are pretty so-so for me. My dear Aunt Flo has shown her ugly face today and I suppose that would explain the scales being at 213 this morning. I'm loving the water aerobics and meeting some great ladies who are by the in the same boat as me. It's turning out to be quite fun, very exhausting but fun!

Stacy, glad to hear Olivia is on the mend! I so get what you mean it seems like we finally are getting over the "side effects" of AF when we have to have her come visit again. It bites! And yes, men are definitely spoiled! LOL!

Shyla, I have Alyssa's birthday coming on the 21st. I'm already starting to prepare...hehe! I know how much it can take out of your day, hang in're doing okay! I too know what it feels like to have a melt down and know exactly what you feel like afterwards cause I just had one last week. Time heals all wounds and it also helps you feel more like getting back on track! Come on girl!

Tammy, it's great to hear from you. I almost thought that we were dumped, glad to know that you're still with us. Way to go keeping on project, every little effort goes hand in hand with success! I feel ya on the bathing suit, if you haven't heard already I just joined water aerobics classes. I'm glad we're in the deep end! hahaha!

HI fly-by Louie! Hope you're having a great day and things with Anna are still going strong!

Robbin, I wish I could follow my own advice I'm about to give you....throw you're scale out the window! haha! Get some of that anger out that you have towards it. Wouldn't that feel so good??!! But I know we live in reality, so that wouldn't be a likely solution. You're going through a rough spot, you've been through them before and you've beaten them. Just hang on and keep at it, you know things will go in your favor!

Hey Robsia, nice to see you again. You know you'll have to model that amazing sounding suit for us. Congrats!

Emily, woo hoo! "Weigh" to go! Congratulations, all that hard t-tapping is certainly paying off. Good going and keep it up! Love hearing inspiration like this!

Have a great day ladies! Make it worth it even if you feel you don't want to! I have to wonder about Erin, Ryanmi and Cheryl, missing you guys!

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Old 10-04-2006, 07:54 PM   #206  
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Hello, oh, i am SO bummed. I was working on my ellipitical...i had a REALLY crappy day at work...being a good girl and taking it all out on the ellipitical and it broke. Just flat out lost resistence. This is the second time this has happened. I read a review not too long ago that talked about Reeboks Rbels being notorious for i guess there was some substance to the article. I got it fixed last time for around $150 in parts and labor...that was just a year ago...i really dont want to pay that again on a machine that i bought 2 years ago for $600. Now what am i supposed to do? I have made an apt to check out a new gym in my area but if it is too pricey i am not going to be able to do it. Oh well. Me and ds are going to go over there and check it out on saturday i guess, but that doesnt help me during the rest of my week. Tomorrow is a full work day and i know i will never go to the gym after work. This is my last week of work where i am now...THANK GOD. so i start my new job next week and i was already tinkering with the idea of a gym since i will just be working 2 days a week, so maybe this is a sign that this gym is where i am supposed to be. Just very upset that i was only 15 minutes into my workout. Thank goodness i had already done my core secrets balance ball, then had moved on to the ellipitical and was half way through before it quit, but is 2 days til weigh in.

Tina-Glad you are liking the water aerobics...that sounds like fun and its nice to be doing something different. Well, my scale probably will not look so good on friday either...TOM came 3 days early.

Well, i just had to vent about my dang ellipitical. Boo hoo
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Old 10-05-2006, 09:38 AM   #207  
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Good morning ladies, how is everyone doing? Pretty good here but I am aggravated with myself. Here is why. You all have been listening to me moan for the past few days about how the scales were up and I was not happy about it. Well today they are back to my normal ticker weight, which makes me happy. Which in turn aggravates me with myself. Why do I let the scales determine my mood? Am I so shallow that I place all importance on the scales? There are other things in my life that are GREAT, and I will loose this weight I am determined to. I need a new mindset, I have to stop letting the scale determine my mood.

Tammy – I hope you have fun on your trip, even thought it is business, I know that a brake from cooking and cleaning must be great.

Fly By Louie – Hope everything is going well for you.

Stacy – I didn’t know kids got scarlet fever anymore, how weird. I would have been very upset about her getting it because someone sent their kid to school sick too. I just can’t stand it when parents do that. Glad she is doing better. Thank you for all of the encouragement yesterday. It really helps to come here and have you ladies on my side.

Emily – Sounds like you are sticking to plan, and those scales are showing your hard work. Keep it up.

Robsia – How great to be able to post in the featherweight forum. You are going to have to take pics of yourself in your new suit and post them it sounds gorgeous.

Tina – Don’t you just hate TOM, LOL, my husband has an Uncle Tom and whenever I say TOM is here and I hate him he looks at me like I am a wacko. I hate the weird weight it always adds to the scales.

Well I guess I had better get my rear in gear and get to work. Check back later.
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Old 10-05-2006, 09:51 AM   #208  
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Morning Gals

A quick check in for me before I head out to the office. We have been conducting interviews over the past few days, so by the time I get home at night I have been pretty drained. 2 more today, so hopefully it won't be as bad.

Well I better get a move on or hubby will be leaving without me. Have a great day
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Old 10-05-2006, 02:49 PM   #209  
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Default Happy Thursday!

Afternoon chickies! The scale came down a tad to 212 this morning, which was weird because I totally slacked on water yesterday. I have an extra long weekend which starts today. Alyssa has no school tomorrow and none on Monday due to Thanksgiving. Yes I said Thanksgiving...MMMMMmmmmmm...Thanksgiving dinner. I would love to sit down to a wonderful home cooked big meal like that, but the thing I'm trying to convince my hubby to forgoe the turkey dinner and go outta town. Not sure how that's going to go yet. I did my water aerobics again today, boy..I feel like I've been put through the ringer. My muscles are sure feeling it, but that's good. I might, just might start to tone up.

Stacy, ahhh man that sucks about the elliptical. I have read something about that too, the Reebok brand name that is. I hope you're able to join a gym, I think you'll rock it! But I understand the rates can be a little hard to get over when you're so used to working out at home for free! I'm feeling a little like that myself. I bought ten sessions for $ over rated.

Robbin, unfortunately I fall into the category of letting the scale determine my mood too. If things don't seem to be moving along then I feel depleted and frustrated and all I want to do is wallow in it. But we both know to get different results we'll have to work for it even harder. Glad to hear you hit ticker today, that's great news!

Hey Louie, wow girl you've been busy! Hope you're having a more relaxed day today!

Have a great day ladies! I wish us all success before the weekend hits to keep us going down the right track through the weekend.

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Old 10-06-2006, 12:00 AM   #210  
Staying on track!!
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Hey girls. I'm here & not doing so good. It's our anniversary today, so we went out last night. Ate out & had drinks. I've, in my mind, given myself thru the weekend to be bad. Since I KNOW I'm having pizza & cupcakes on Saturday for the twins birthday party... I just want this to be over with and get back on track! Just a few more days of "bad"... gosh, I hope it comes off again quick!
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