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Old 07-17-2005, 06:02 PM   #136  
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Morning all,
Kirsty, do you actually realise you are pregnant? Do you understand that you will get tired and cranky and fatter? So why are you tiling and painting (ooooh the smell - doesn't it affect you at all?) and papering? Maybe you are looking for the pregnant ironwoman of the year award?

Mel - don't be mean, share the firies with Happy. She can't go around looking all baggy and wrinkly and wet! Now if you just lent her a couple of blokes with a fire engine - the entire neighbourhood would be out in force to check out the mail (and the male).

Happy, keep meaning to say, I like the bunnies in the egg cups - errrr mugs now I look at them (would need bloody big eggs to fit in those). They look soooo cute.

It was an interesting jewellery party yesterday. No I didn't buy anything, but there were a couple of people there who were just looking out for their own agendas and not there to look at the stuff on sale. Networking is all very well, I do it myself from time to time but not at someone elses party. There was too much to eat for the number of people there and I indulged in a bit of cheese too much. So we are off to the gym again tonight to move along the excesses of the weekend.

Another week here at work. Don't have a huge schedule, but there will be time to bring things up to date at last. I'm a bit happier about that. Some of the grammar, spelling etc was 'interesting' and some of the lessons in OnDemand as less than the basics which I think are required. So I will do something about that as well. Still managing to work slightly shorter hours, but thats just fine by me.

Got an entire wall painted yesterday morning. And part of the ceiling as well. There needs to be some more plastering done this week and a few patches where I missed before painting. Why is it that when you put a coat of paint on a wall or ceiling all the flaws stand out - why didn't I see them before I painted? Still it is moving along, for which I am grateful.

So here we are at work for yet another week. The bloke who went on leave to the UK returned today. He is all ready to go on holiday again. When he gets through his e-mail, he will be more than ready to go home I should imagine.

Okay, time to go sort out my day. Remind me to pay my bills tonight please.
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Old 07-17-2005, 06:14 PM   #137  
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just vinyl tiles and took one hour lol all 24 of them and hubby cant decorate at all hes hopeless but im taking it very slow and do as much as i can sat on the floor
sorry to worry you all lol
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Old 07-17-2005, 07:06 PM   #138  
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Glad to hear it.
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Old 07-18-2005, 09:01 AM   #139  
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Kirsty~ If we didn't have someone to nag it just wouldn't be right! i too am glad to hear it!

Shad~ OK if I have to......I'll share some with Happy.
No rings there that you liked?!? I hate when people undermine someone else's party with their own needs. How rude!
Have fun at the gym and how is the new guy there? keeping you sweaty?!

I am in the m iddle of doing laundry. Finally got it all sorted and bagged and ready to be dragged to the washers. One load started and about 5 more to go! It is one job I truly hate. When Jen and I lived together, I cleaned the bathroom and she did the wash.
Wonder if Richie is cleaning HER bathroom!
Not much new here except the dark mornings contimue. Storms everyday now are getting boring. I was outside early so I don't get electrocuted! I joined another 6 week challenge on my weight site. I am 3 lbs thinner from the last one so I am back to 170! Will I ever get OUT of the 170's!!!
Happy Monday to you all and sweet dreams Miss Shad.
Where are our other Worldly Chickies?!? Inquiring minds want to know!!!
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Old 07-18-2005, 09:15 AM   #140  
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I Am So Excited!!! I Went Downstairs And Judy Has Bought Me The New Harry Potter Book!!! She Says It's An Early Xmas Present!!! It's Such A Big Book That It Will Probably Take Me The Rest Of The Year To Read!!! She Made My Day
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Old 07-18-2005, 01:12 PM   #141  
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And yes its Hello from me at last!!
I have had so much trouble getting an internet connection but at last here I am!
Thank you to Linus for keeping you all updated during my 2 weeks holiday amongst the Make Poverty Marches and the anarchy marchers....cor I really chose the wrong weeks to be in Edinburgh.
I am sad to say that I really didn't see Linus as much as I had liked although we managed to do a couple of things together. She was in the middle of so much hassle and muddle with the house and all the workers needing their collective bottoms kicking, and then the mobile phone went wrong and people didn't turn up when they were meant to. Poor Linus! A nice level blood pressure was not in the picture over the last 2 weeks!!
Well we do really seem to be in the height of summer here in England...or should I say Suffolk, as mother keeps telling me how grey and miserable the weather is where she lives about 60 miles away. Here it has been lovely in the mid to high 20's.
Holly was well pleased to see me when I got home last week although she has been sick a few times. I am not very happy with this but I hope its due to the very hot weather. I think its supposed to cool down a shade or two for the rest of the week.
Hello to Happy...I love your new avatar!! Talking of the "post-counters", my count went down significantly...its not important, as Shad says, but a shame not to be able to see exactly how much one has been posting.
Well I had better bring this to a close...I promise I will share some holiday memories in my next post...if I can get a connection, that is!!!

Hello to all. I have now got to read 2 weeks worth of posts!!!

Bye for now. Love from Teel xx
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Old 07-18-2005, 01:51 PM   #142  
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Wow~ so nice to see lots of the gang here!!!!
I had an incredibly busy weekend but it was insanely fun and well worth it.
Gala Days had it's official closing ceremony at 8:30pm last night.
The weekend was a resounding success. ALL the events went well. There were some major mishaps but I must say our committee absolutely rocks. We pulled together and pulled through with class.
My Avon booth did very well. I booked some orders but better yet handed out over 70 books and talked to a couple of hundred. I would say the county knows where to find Avon now!!I was at the Park from early in the morning to till 2am the next morning and back again 6 hours later, 2 days in a row. What a huge endeavour. We have 25 different events all weekend long and about 10 committee members running it. Quite amazing really.
I am proud to be a part of it.
Food was minimal. Water was plentiful. It was over 30C every day with thunder showers off and on. No rain for 4 weeks. It poured several times over the weekend but only put a minor damper on things. Farmers are happy. My yard is happy.
I was rain soaked or sweating my *** off all weekend.
Hopefully we will have a quiet day today.6 kids.
Went out groceries. All I had to offer for any meal are pb&j sandwiches.
Hubby is laid off this week til next Mon. He says he will build the front deck. I have had the $$ in the bank for 2 years.I dropped off the permit application.
He needs to order lumber and then dig post holes. It is just sooooo hot.
I must say that in the week I turn 40 that 3 days with no sleep does show. My eyes are beyond baggy. 10 years ago it would not have showed. Other than that the big 4-0 seems effortless. LOL!!
Hugs dear chicks!! It is a new week and a new day!!!!
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Old 07-18-2005, 06:15 PM   #143  
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Just a note to say hello. Nothing happening much in my little world.

More later.
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Old 07-18-2005, 06:30 PM   #144  
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Default Glorious one day, perfect the next

That’s Queensland in the winter for you. Although it is still cold at night and early morning.

I’m looking at clear blue skies (around the skyscraper across the road) and sunshine and shadows through the trees. Might go down to the gardens for lunch. It would be nice down there I think.

Here you go, Brisbane in the morning. Errmmm the building that I work in is the one on the extreme left with the tower thingy on the top.

Changing the food around again today. Going for a bigger breakfast, lots of veg and salad for lunch and tea will be a light affair - maybe mushrooms or something. Have to see if I can shake this body into some action again. I need to journal the intake again as well. What am I eating or not eating that has stopped the weight loss in it’s tracks? (again)

Going to shake the exercise around as well. Maybe do both cardio and weights/ resistance in the same session. I know I am fitter than before, and I know I am stronger than before, and I know that the muscle weighs more. But I am not seeing changes in the way my clothes fit and I am not seeing changes anywhere else. Maybe a couple of classes like Body Pump or Step once in a while instead of the program I am currently doing.

So I am thinking - up the protein some more - fish and chicken and a lean steak once in a while and also add some nuts into the mix. I used to eat these frequently, but haven’t for some time. Knock off the carbs again - bread, potatoes (oh dear, boo hoo) and see what happens. I thought about upping the calories again too, but not for long, just as long as it took to remember what happened last time!

Still getting around the 15 minute housework dash. I have a list of things to achieve each night during each 15 minute cycle. Things are getting done around here slowly. I’ve resurrected the white board list as well. This time I have only given myself three things to achieve per evening. That should also allow for cuddle time with the puss who is definitely neglected (according to the gospel of St. Sunday that is) and a bit of tv viewing, although much of the time these days, viewing is done from the back of the eyelids.

Okay, having said that I have a short training course to deliver in half an hour. I had better go get ready for it.

Good to see Teel posting.
Ceejay are you melting in the heat. Not doing anything because you are lying down??
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Old 07-18-2005, 08:25 PM   #145  
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We picked up our copy of the Harry Potter book on Saturday. I finished it Sunday afternoon and Slim finished it early this morning. *SOMEBODY* stayed up all night reading last night and is dragging today.

The thugs and their parents are on their way to Colorado. After a week or so visit with DDIL's father, they'll be on their way to Okinawa. DDarlingD and the most precious DGD are home, and DDD started her new job at the pediatric clinic today. After almost three weeks of mayhem and bedlam it's terribly quiet around here. We had a glorious visit. Beach, zoo, The Fort, kiddie pool, playground, laughing, only a few fights and time outs... lots of fun!

Saturday afternoon and Sunday after church Slim and I went riding on the Harley-Davidson. I was feeling H-D: Harley-Deprived. It was great to get out and feel the wind, smell the wild flowers along the roadside and dead fish along the river (well, not EVERY smell is pleasant), and enjoy the scenery.

I didn't do too badly keeping up with the running but I still put on some weight - both pounds and waterweight. Slim moved the treadmill back from the garage to the boys' bedroom so I can get back where I want to be. I don't have much to lose, but I've found that it's too much easier to let it creep back up than it is to drop it off. Drat. We ate most meals at home, but it seems that only one or two meals in a restaurant swell me up. Water Retention must be my best skill.

Work is remarkably unpleasant. My group was split up today - I had no say. I wasn't asked; I was told. It was really a blow to the entire technical team. The result is clearly going to be failure. I don't understand why the non-technical believe that the technical have no brains. When we say that having floating requirements and scope results in not being able to accomplish tasks on time, what part is unclear? And how surprised will they be when I turn in my resignation? Alrighty, then. Time to move on.

We have inherited a third dog while the Military Folk are in Okinawa. We had her for four years before her Other Family moved to Florida, so she and our older dog are good buddies. She and our younger dog seem to be vying for the title of Cutest-Youngest Doggie or something. She's 9; he's 3. Don't anybody tell her that's she's older - she's sensitive about her age. They'll settle down, but meanwhile both sets of brown eyes appear to have a lovely shade of green.

I have a ton of laundry to fold. All the beds are stripped and clean linens are smoothed and ready for the next wave of company. Although, if the next visitors are a year away as expected, you know I'll put on fresh sheets! Dear Slim spent today cleaning the house - vacuuming, mopping floors, and cleaning the kitchen. We tried to keep the house clean but 8 people and three dogs drag in lots of dirt and sand.

It's been great to read everyone's news. Is it just me or is summer worse for putting on weight? Heat and humidity seems to just do me in. Of course, then in the winter cooler weather, I blame the hibernation factor.

I have a summons for jury duty beginning next Monday. Anything's better than work!
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Old 07-19-2005, 08:00 AM   #146  
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Happy Early Birthday for Thursday HOLLY!!!

I know I'm a bit early but it seems lately that I forget things so easily - sometimes in mid stride even that I figured I'd start sending the happy wishes right now.

I opted for going to bed a bit earlier last night. Best thing I could have done. Woke up naturally today a bit before the alarm and feeling rested. Was talking to sister last night, she said something innocent that really hit me - I didn't realize I was projecting something so strongly - made me really sit and think hard the rest of the evening. I'll tell you all in a bit when I have my thoughts more organized.

Just wanted to check in quick, I will try and get back tonight after groceries and a few chores. Maybe I can even manage a post during my eat in lunch at work.

Have a good day - lovely pics Shad, what a great view. I get to look across the road at a large brewery - look but don't drink
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Old 07-19-2005, 08:17 AM   #147  
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Tig~ lovely newsy post!! I loved every word. Yes su,,er helps with water retention. With the heat, the body thinks it must hold on to every drop!! glad you all had such a grand time together. Happy Harley riding. Next time the wind is in my hair, I will think of you and Slim

Shad~ Thanks for the pic and I loved the blue of the sky! Nice to know where you are at during the day!!! lol I think the garden would be great and I'll meet you there for lunch! I tried adding protein and it helped move the weight. The minute I eat carbs it stops. Could we REALLY be sisters?!?!?

Holly~ So happy for you the gala Days went so well. Nice when you can feel pride and truly enjoy yourself!!! Great feeling of
accomplishment! Hold on to that feeling!

Teel~ Welcome home again!!! Glad the trip went well and you are safely ensconced with Holly in your abode. Too bad about the timing. The whole world seems so unsettled and especially where you're at. Can't wait to see any pics!!!!!

Well I am off to the market to buy more salad for me and tofu ice cream for Jen. she has finally found something she likes since the lactose intolerance showed up. The heat today is oppressive already. I will be sorry if I don't get out more soon!!! Next thing yoiu know, it will be Fall!!! Better not even go there.....
Hope you all have a great day.
Mel whispers: Holly's BD is Thursday! We will surprise her with good wishes
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Old 07-19-2005, 08:19 AM   #148  
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Happy you snuck in there while I was typing!! I'll sit on pins and needles till you spill the beans!!! Hope you have a great day too. Happy thinking!
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Old 07-19-2005, 08:36 AM   #149  
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Tig~ what a wonderful post. It touches my heart how much you love spending time with your family. Sorry about the work woes. I would love to feel the wind in my hair too. By the time our kids are grown we will be 60ish. Hope we will be up to the challenge.
Happy~Thank you, thank you. I am still trying to figure out what 40 looks like and feels like.
Teel~ waiting with excitement for some pics!! Happy that you arrived home safely.
Shad~ beautiful pic.Good luck shakin' it up.
Miss Mel~ This heat makes it hard to breathe outside.Stay cool. I love the frozen yogurt.Enjoy your fresh veggies!!!

28 Days, the movie with Sandra Bullock and Viggo Mortenson was on tv last night.A fav. I curled up with a blanket to watch. This movie is is like watching clips of my life.
When she starts to recover and her sister comes to visit I sob and sob. I do find it uplifting and heart wrenching all at once. And she cracks me. Hey, I crack myself up sometimes too. Maybe I should watch it every year to remind myself of far I have come.

I did eat some pistachios and it was after my blubberfest. hmmmmmmmm
It did fill the emotional ache in my heart.
My Avon district manager is really pushing me to be a team leader. Today she is coming with the regional manager to talk about me going into managment. I dont want to. They keep telling me I am too good to waste just on personal sales.
Um...maybe in 2 years. I can see it heading that way but i have only been doing this 6 weeks. AND I really hate working with other people. I am am okay with being the boss usually but I work best independantly. Hubby is the same. Couple of rebels.
I ate too much yesterday. Started my period too.Still tired but had a good sleep last night.
Got the building permit yesterday. DH ordered the lumber. It is being delivered today.I may have a deck in 2 days!!!!!!!!!!
5 year with no front porch. It will be so nice to sit out there and watch the cars go by.

Today’s chuckle.....

Butt Measurement
> > >
> > > A man and his wife were working in their
> > > garden one day and the man looks over at his wife
> > > and says
> > > “Your butt is getting really big, I mean
> > > really big! I bet your butt is bigger than the
> > > barbecue.”
> > >
> > > With that he proceeded to get a measuring tape
> > > and measure the grill and then went over to where
> > > his wife was working and measured his wife’s bottom.
> > >
> > > “Yes, I was right, your butt is two inches
> > > wider than the barbecue!!!”
> > > The woman chose to ignore her husband.
> > >
> > > Later that night in bed, the husband is
> > > feeling frisky.
> > > He makes some advances towards his wife who
> > > completely brushes him off.
> > > “What’s wrong?” he asks.
> > > She answers: “Do you really think I’m going to
> > > fire up this big-*** grill for one little weenie?”
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Old 07-19-2005, 09:16 AM   #150  
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Well as promised here are a few tales of my stay in Linus' country!

I landed in the rain at Edinburgh which was a shame as the rain continued through till the next evening and I thought ah boo sucks!! So to get out of the rain I went in to the city and got on one of the bus tours that goes round the old town so I could get my barings and keep dry. Then late afternoon I went to the Ocean Terminal (where there is a huge multi screen cinema and a large shopping complex) and met up with Linus and DH and DS who had just been to see War of the Worlds. Then it was back to the guest house for an early night

FRIDAY...came out a better day and it was off on my coach trip to Stirling Castle and a trip on Loch Lomond. Oh and a tourist photo stop by the Forth Bridges. The weather was grey and overcast but Stirling Castle was awesome and Wet Wet Wet were appearing on stage that evening...shame I didn't see them...The boat trip was great and I got chatted up by a very nice chap who bought me a drink! Of course he turns out to be married but he is a chief executive of a charity...why are all the nice men married??

SATURDAY.....I was so tired I slept for an age and had to keep out of town because of all the thousands of people turning up for the Make Poverty History marches so I got the bus out to see Linus and then found somewhere for dinner in the evening...

SUNDAY....another day to keep away from the city center so I went to the Ocean Terminus again where the ROYAL YACHT BRITTANIA is moored and open to visitors. It really is a fantastic ship and there are lots and lots of signed photos of all the royal family and all manner of personal effects and gifts from all their travels of the most impressive pieces is a gold button from Nelson's coat which is framed and hanging in one of the state was certainly a very memorable occassion.

Well thats all from me for now...more later!!
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