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Old 06-30-2005, 02:31 PM   #31  
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i have banned the kids and hubby from the living room while i post because i kep being interupted just as i come on so teel is here and she is welcomed by a very wet edinburgh she had a wonderful mystery tour around edinburgh this morning and then met myself andy and conner from the pictures {we went to see war of the worlds}tomorrow shes off to see loch lomand and sterling castle {hope she gets better weather tomorrow} for some strange reason she thought i had blonde hair ??????? but now she knows ,her b+b is lovely
Craig started work this week and as of yet has not quit !!!! and if not enjoying it can see the benefit of having ,money in his pocket ,conner finishes school for the holidays tomorrow and we have to go to an awards ceremony at the school as he is being honoured for excellence in computer studies so nice end to the term
the house is still not done and i have the joiners boss coming tomorrow to check the mess his joiner made of my top hall and bathroom floor !!! as for now im going to wash the mud off my living room floor and have a cup of tea and wash the dishes
lots of love
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Old 06-30-2005, 05:57 PM   #32  
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Below are the results of yesterdays weigh in. Flat out at work and busy at home. Seems like some weeks are destined to go on forever and ever. I’m so looking forward to this weekend. Except that Sunday the cat must go to the vet for her annual check up. There will be squeals and yells and frustration all around. How the vet quietens her is a mystery. I should be a vet. No maybe not.

Maybe I should have called this entry chasing my tail or the weight goes around and around and around

Weight 72/ 73 Up 1Kg
Upper Chest 36/ 37.5 Up 1.5 inch
Bust 41.5/ 41.5 Same
Low Chest 33/ 34.25 Up 1.25 inch
Waist 32/33 Up 1 inch
Up Hip 38.5/ 38.5 same
Low Hip 39/ 39.25 up 1/4 inch
Arm 12/ 12.5 Up 1/2 inch
Leg 20.75/ 21.5 Up 3/4 inch

So not what I wanted to see. Just have to hope that the month gets better. Otherwise I might have to try fasting!!

Work continues to get busier again. I have more training to do after go live this weekend. This time some of the Executive Board - since I got a letter of commendation from them, the implementation team has decided I should teach the lot. Oh thank you. Now I have to deal with politicians, quasi politicians and others of the ilk. Next they will give me accountants - oh happy days (daze). Sorry LindaT and Ruthxxx and any other accountants out there. I just find that you can’t teach the accountants - only point them at the computers and tell them to get on with it and answer any questions to do with the system workings that they can’t figure out for themselves. Actually showing them what to do with the systems is an exercise in futility. No doubt that is why they are accountants. Engineers work the same way.

Gym again last night - cardio circuit this time. Only I found that the bike really annoyed me last night. I couldn’t get comfortable on the seat and my legs got the burning feeling that goes before cramp. However I was fine on the eliptical and the treadie and the stepper. I feel somewhat stiff this morning. Can’t think why. Actually not too sure about going tonight since I am going to dinner with friends at the Thai Orchid. If I get away from work early enough, I should manage to fit in a half hour session, but we will see.

Linus, good to see you and Teel found each other. Hope you continue to have fun in the 'sun'. It has never rained when I've been to Edinburgh. Always fine and sunny if not hot - warm enough anyway. Each time I have been there I have bought myself a jumper. Never had to wear one yet, but I've bought one anyway. Hello to Teel and Linus and hubby. Nice one Connor. Clever man that. Congratulations.
Keep on plugging away Craig. The money comes in handy and just remember that the job may not be everything we would wish, but we can always strive for better. Sometimes the view from the top is not that exciting either after a while. Or even from halfway up. Take it from one who knows. Or maybe not. Teenagers are not good on personal history.

Thanks for the words of encouragement Nae. Yes I have changed in size and shape. It actually looks like I have lost more than around 14-15lbs, but that is what toning and gym does for you I guess. I look forward to another photo to see that I have lost more of the pot belly. I will be really happy if/when that gets smaller. I don't expect to lose it all.

Adieu mes amies - gotta go and figure out what happens today. It seems I have no training, so maybe an early mark is possible today.
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Old 06-30-2005, 10:34 PM   #33  
Gotta RUN!
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Dearest Ever DD and the Most Darling DGD are here visiting for the next 2 1/2 weeks.

I ran this morning and had the best time ever for my 2.6 miles in the Florida humiidty and heat. If I keep this up I definitely will be in shape for the 5K races in the fall.

Just in case my friend Cherie from Israel peeks in... HI! Think about joining us.

More later!
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Old 07-01-2005, 12:09 AM   #34  
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Default Hey Worldly chicks!

Rose-OMG! I remember staying in a hotel in Yellowknife for a week and this mouse used to come in under the door every night and rumage through our garbage can. I could hear it, we complained to the management and they just said "don't keep food in your room" Has anyone stayed in a hotel and not had cheezies and cookies for munchies? Or is that just my hangup? Totally creeped me out every night, as I had visions of it scampering over the bed and me!! You are not alone in your aversion to those critters.

Mel-I hope you get some good news from all the professions you are visiting today. Maybe they will give you a smile while they are feeling you up Yikes on the paper work, 99 people and they all have to be sorted and have their little spaces filled in, goodness, the politics of aging!

Holly-I hear music? Is it you celebrating Canada Day with the relatives at the lake? Remember you are there with your little family to have fun, ignore the squishy faced ones and have a blast! Fireworks and Canada flags flying!!

Linus and Teel-Together at last! How goes the conversation? Are you getting more out in person or are your finding yourselves feeling shy with the eye contact and physical presence stuff? I've often wondered how that would go. Stirling Castle has always held an appeal for me, up on the hill like it is, I used to have a beautiful picture of it from the field below.I found a picture like the one I had but mine had sheep in the meadow , very serene

Shad- Have you tried those exercise balls? I saw a personal trainer doing some exercise to increase hamstring muscle rather than calf muscles and he said that is where alot of women miss out because they are concentrating on the wrong areas that help distribute weight and keep a nice firm, round butt . Looked like fun to me, maybe you just need to play more with the exercise .Of course you know this is coming from me, the exercise guru but you never know it might be just the shake up you need. Your numbers look good to me, a little up here and there may just be a blip and it will all tighten up again as you redistribute

Tig- Congratulations! Stronger, faster and feeling great! GO!

This is moving week for me. Busy packing boxes and boxes and boxes! Sigh. I will keep the computer running and pack it last because it is my only respite these days. Chocolate and almond cravings as the stress tightens and closes in on me. Onwards, upwards, always! Tally ho!To the mountains I go

Last edited by Meadow; 07-01-2005 at 12:32 AM.
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Old 07-01-2005, 12:16 AM   #35  
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Hello, mind if I join you. Some I know from the journals.
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Old 07-01-2005, 12:33 AM   #36  
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Go right ahead. Jump on in. Be pleased to have you
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Old 07-01-2005, 12:35 AM   #37  
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Hi Ceejay, we are a friendly bunch, please join in and tell us how things are with you in Arkansas
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Old 07-01-2005, 12:38 AM   #38  
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Hi Shad I see you glowing
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Old 07-01-2005, 09:05 AM   #39  
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HI Ceejay!!!

Busy bunch yesterday. Nice to see everyone popping in!!!!
Gorgeous pic Meadow. I have stood down below and wandered around the castle. Brings back happy memories!!!
Hope the packing is going smoothly.Listen to some Matchbox 20 to keep ya movin!!
Thanks for the kind words. I am feeling fine about seeing them today.
I had a visit from sis on her way up to the lake yesterday , she saw my pic of Kalan and bestfriend as my screen saver and sneered, "EW!! why would you torture yourself every day seeing your best friend hanging all over your guy." LOL!!!!!!!! It was a nice reminder of how incredibly negative and twisted my family of origin is. I feel good about my choices.
It is the happiest pic ever. It brings me so much joy. I cant ever begin to fathom anything negative about it. Cutting back the family contact will only keep me happier.

Linus~ I thought you had blonde highlights in your hair??!!! hmmmmmm. I hope you to gals are having the time of your life.

Tig~ HUGS and ENJOY every moment!!!!!!!!

Shad ~ you pics show an incredible amount of success!!!!!! It was so nice to see you sweet face again. I picture you when I read your posts.

Mel~ how did the appts go????

It is a lovely muggy holiday morning here!!!! I am happy to have 3 days off. Today is all about puttering and cleaning. I am itching to get inot the gardens and weed. The temps have cooled off some.
Still fighting this cold off but seem better today.
Awesome fireworks to be viewed tonight!!!!!
Food has been better.Water is through the roof. Too hot not to drink gallons.

HUGS delightful friends!!!!!!!

A little Kalan for the holiday!!!
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Old 07-01-2005, 02:35 PM   #40  
Happy September
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WELCOME CEEJAY!!~ so glad you joined in!!! Now we can still 'talk'!!!! How goes life in general?!?!?!?

Shad~ your pics looked great and WHAT A CHANGE!!! good for you and congratulations!!! Hope the weekend has some quiet time for you!!

Holly~ Just stay true to Holly!!!!
Tig~ giving a wave to Cherie too! Hope she jumps in also. Great run and hope the heat doesn't get you down!

Teel and Linus and Bump~ have a great time together!! Hope you all enjoy the vacation! Congrats to both Connor for the honours and Craig for the job!

Nae~ Soon something will happen to someone else and they will be laughing at them! Enjoy the down time and sounds like you really could use it!!

Meadow~ I forgot to ask how the eyes are in YOUR household!!
I use lots of munchies when I was in hotel/motels!!! What else are those rooms for!

Yesterday at the drs: PAP and mammo went very well and do NOT have to be repeated this year!!!
Eyes are not good but not killing me either so we are statis quo there.
Bone scan will go to the Dr who ordered it(she is gone to Florida for good) and then my other Dr can access it from the computer I guess. won't be for awhile though.
did sugar tests again cause the problems I have could suggest that. So they are usually I a closte diabetic?!?!?
Feeling tired but good. Been a very busy week and used 2 young girls to help the seniors! Great kids they are too. going to take a shower and get into comfy jammies and stay in them for 3 1/2 days!!!
Happy Canada Day and Happy 4th of July!!! Hope we all have celebrations of freedom and enjoy the weekend too.
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Old 07-01-2005, 03:08 PM   #41  
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This has been a do nothing week end. I've completed one load of laundry and paid some bills yesterday and that was it. I'm still in jammies and it's 2:00 p.m. our time. Guess I was more tired from work Wednesday than I thought. I'd been getting ready for inspection from the Health Department on July 6th. We are also being audited. Books should be alright. They balance each month.

I've started back to the gym. Gotta start exercising more. The food and water seem to be alright. This is aerobic day. Will walk one mile and thinking about doing some step work upstairs. With the 2 of them combined I'm working on 50-60 minutes.

I'm being tested for allergies Thursday. I've never gone through this but I'm anxious to find out just what I'm allergic to so I can avoid it if possible. I have a feeling that yeast will be one of them. We shall see.

We got a much needed rain last night, about .50 inch, but with a month long drought anything would help.

Shad: I can see a big difference in the pictures. You are a success story.

Nae-That's living a bit to close to nature for me. especially with a momma cougar and raccoon's. You made me smile about the chipmunk story.

Mel--I found this. Thanks for sharing.

Holly and Meadow--Hello.

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Old 07-01-2005, 05:59 PM   #42  
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Morning all and Happy Canada Day to our Canadians on the thread. Sorry it is late, the day must be just about over for you

Hope you all have a great time in a great country
Enjoy the fireworks and the festivities.

Went out to dinner last night at the Thai Orchid. Place was packed and noisy which sort of dulled the enjoyment. However the meal was yummy - I had a chicken satay and a seafood and vegie dish with a mild curry and coconut sauce. Had one alcoholic drink and the rest was water. I do enjoy a curry however I hate them to be too hot. I really am not a great chilli person. I like to taste what I eat.

Welcome to Ceejay. It is good to have you on board. Look forward to getting to know you better. I took a peep at your profile yesterday. We seem to be much of an age and also I see you have a birthday coming up next month. Goodo we like birthdays on this thread. You might have noticed.

Happy must be still catching up with family. Hope the weather has been kind and they have had a good holiday. Such a pity that holidays go so fast and work goes so slow.

Linus + Bump and Teel - do log in and let us know how things are going for you. Some Photos WOULD BE GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!

Also went to the gym last night before dinner. 4th time this week. Have todays Body Balance session and then I can have tomorrow off exercise - well structured stuff anyway. Will get some more painting done, another tile off the floor and of course today is the day I get to take the cat to the vet. Oh lucky me. She hates getting in that carry case, she hates getting in the car. She hates the vets waiting room. She LOVES the vet. Then she hates the reverse trip home as well. I, of course, am the reason for this undignified, unwanted, unwelcome and totally unnecessary suffering!! So I am not liked for the next few hours or so.

So it is time to get dressed and hit the day running. Catch up soon.
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Old 07-01-2005, 06:32 PM   #43  
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hello flying visit sorry again hello toi ceejay,well done on the before and after shots shad and glad the medic roundup went well mel,nae my mum keeps 2 chipmunks in a cage in her living room and the sit on her shoulder
ive only been to the school and back today pregnancy is taking a wee bit of a toll today very tired teel semed to enjoy her day trip and her meal ,her bus trip home overshot by about 10 bus stops but she got home {b+b}eventually ,very tired but she did seem to enjoy it
back tomorrow
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Old 07-02-2005, 08:04 AM   #44  
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Ceejay~ Good luck with the allergy testing. Hope all goes well. I need to get a handle on my wash! It continues to mount. Hope the audit goes well too. but knowing you, the figures must all be like ducks in a row!!!

Shad~ I must be wearing my invisibility cloak!!! LOL Good luck with Sunday and the tiles!!! My cats hated the case when the lid was closed! What has the new trainer said, did you see one and good luck with the balance thing too.

Linus~ glad Teel got to the B&B!! Imagine her getting lost on the first few days!!! Have a wonderful time. Think I said this before! Get some rest as the end is almost here. You'll need your strength!!!

Another gorgeous sunnt day. going for a quick ride before the heat comes. Haven't been to the partk much. The eyes are not thrilled with this humidity and the city's smog!
Hope the weekend is a great one. Stay safe from the fireworks!!!
Happy Saturday/Sunday to you all.
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Old 07-02-2005, 08:09 AM   #45  
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Thumbs up Another Chance To Celebrate........

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