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Old 07-13-2005, 08:19 AM   #106  
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My nap was glorious,the rest of the aft went sideways.
Dh's home town is an hour north of here on a lake.He is still best buddies with all of his friends from grade school. We see them all several times a year. I called a friend there because they have a connection for some beautiful free range chicken. I picked up the phone and she started to cry. The son of another couple had drowned last week.He was in the care of another parent.He was 6 1/5, his birthday just 2 days after my DS.
Devastating is is the minimal despription for everyone invloved. This couple have been together for 18 years. He was their only child.
Every time I look at my son I and think of all the love/energy that has gone into his existance since before he was born to suddenly disappear is plain unimagineable to me.
I dont how this couple will ever heal.

Sure puts an emphasis on cherishing each moment in everything we do and in every speckle of love we share.
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Old 07-13-2005, 01:06 PM   #107  
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Oh man!!!! My little cubicle farm at work is just over a partial brick wall from the break room / cafeteria. Someone is making garlic bread and the smell is wafting through the area. That is just DOWNRIGHT CRUEL! Worse than the fact that there seems to be no air conditioning just in the immediate area where we sit. Yesterday I was downright about to melt. Even the girl who's always cold was complaining about it being too hot!

Mel, our temps are in the low 80s with 70's at night but the humidity has been on the lower side so it feels like it's in the 70s when it's really much warmer than that. We have to get you a breeze machine for your chair so you can be cool no matter where you are and then we'll just call you Ma-rye-a - how do you spell Mah Rye Ah anyway? Keeps coming out looking like Maria... well hot spam, I just looked it up and it is spelled Maria.

Holly, I just saw your journal entry - pretty scary story about the kids. I'd be freaking out myself and yelling at all those so called adults. Hope your friend learned her lesson about being pressured into what her gut told her not to do. Always a tough call. So sorry to hear about the other couple losing their dear son. Can't imagine anything more heart wrenching.

Well I have taken a short break from boring documentation and the unbelievable smell of garlic bread to pop in here. I moved my car 30 minutes ago and got a primo parking spot so no chance of me leaving the building in pursuit of garlic bread of my own. I'll just have to be content with my fresh garden tomatoes - yum, yum - just realized I should have taken a leaf or two of fresh basil for them.

Make the most of the day ladies!
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Old 07-13-2005, 05:21 PM   #108  
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Talking We all need a laugh now and then

Thought this was worth sharing...

Birthday Present Debate

The couple had been debating the purchase of a new auto for weeks. He wanted a new truck.

She wanted a fast little sports-like car so she could zip through traffic around town.

He would probably have settled on any beat up old truck, but everything she seemed to like was way out of their price range.

"Look !" she said. I want something that goes from 0 to 200 in 4 seconds or less. "And my birthday is coming up. You could surprise me." !

For her birthday, he bought her a brand new bathroom scale.

Services for him are pending.
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Old 07-13-2005, 06:34 PM   #109  
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LOL!!!!!!!!! So sad but true!!!!!!!! i will pass this on the some curvy open minded gals!!!
Thanks for the smile!!
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Old 07-13-2005, 06:52 PM   #110  
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Just a quick post.I'm at work at it's nearing the end of shift for me. Yipee.

Happy--I just saw that you live in Memphis. Is that Tennessee? If so I'm just across the river.

Holly--I'm envious. Naps, I love them.

Hello to all the rest. Got to "shake a leg" as my grand father used to say before I can go home.
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Old 07-13-2005, 08:10 PM   #111  
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Originally Posted by ceejay52
Happy--I just saw that you live in Memphis. Is that Tennessee? If so I'm just across the river.
Yes 'mam. Memphis Tennessee. And its a mighty BIG river between us. But a big howdy neighbor to you (I'm learning to be a more polite ex-Yank here).

Back later, gotta go finish up my newsletter.
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Old 07-13-2005, 08:50 PM   #112  
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Is there more than one Memphis?????
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Old 07-13-2005, 09:50 PM   #113  
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Left work early yesterday and went along to the Eyeman. I spoke to one of the receptionists and checked the time of my appointment which was 4.40 (I’d forgotten my phone and therefore lost all my appointment times as well). They said then that I could go in early as there had been several cancellations between now and then so report back in 20 minutes. Okay.

I needed a couple of new bras, so I went to the underwear section of the department store and a lady came up and asked if she could help. I told her the story of how I have lost some weight and redistributed some weight and she said she would give me a fitting. Fine. To cut a long story short, all my old bra’s have been between a 14 and a 16C, now I find that although I have lost several inches in the bust I am a 16D. And even worse the old bras still fit!!!!! I’ve never been a D anything before in my whole life, but now I am a D. What’s more the sample bras she gave me to try on fitted.

So my question for the day is - have they devalued the boob??? I might be able to understand this if these were the horrible made in Indonesia/ Taiwan/ China/ Vietnam/ India type clothes that we have to put up with in the shops, but these are either made locally or made in NZ. Why do manufacturers put us through this trauma - or is it that we allow them to treat us in this way. And the prices are horrendous, even for the cheap imports.
Clothes used to be different sizes depending on the brand. You used to find brands that fitted and just keep on buying that brand. Now you can get identical trousers for example, wearing identical labels, on the same rack and bearing the same size and one will fit and one won’t. I’m getting really hacked off with this. I’m tired of paying money for inferior rubbish. I might have to start making my own again - if I ever find the time to indulge in some sewing or crafty stuff.
The wife, of a bloke I used to work with, works for a clothing store in Stones Corner, just down the road a bit. She was telling me that some of these imports are just ridiculous. One container load of shirts from India came with 1 sleeve and the buttons and buttonholes on the same side of the front. How???!!! Where is the quality control?? It seems that they come over by the container load and get sent back by the container loads as well. How stupid are we to put up with this???

Apart from that, I went back to the eyeman to get the news that I can no longer wear the permanent contacts. He has given me a pair of disposables (3 months = $95), permanents cost $200 and last 2 years. If these new (rolls royce type) lenses don’t work for me and they don’t for everyone then I have to resort to glasses. I HATE GLASSES - these WILL work.

And because of those two things to think about I missed the gym yesterday - well that's my excuse anyway. Today might also be a bit of a battle to get there as I am getting my hair cut and foils put in and maybe some sort of colour since grey is on the increase - or maybe I will get streaks put it so it all looks the same. Who knows - I’ll talk to Cara about it tonight.

So here I am, bigger than ever, poorer than before, missing the gym and going grey. Isn’t life interesting!!!!!!

Back later to catch up on you all (good joke Happy) and make comments. Better do some work.

Last edited by Shad; 07-13-2005 at 09:52 PM.
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Old 07-14-2005, 12:49 AM   #114  
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Originally Posted by Shad
Is there more than one Memphis?????
Well golly (as they say out here) - apparently there is tho I think Tennessee gets the bragging rights.

1. Memphis, Indiana, United States
2. Memphis, Michigan, United States
3. Memphis, Missouri, United States
4. Memphis, Nebraska, United States
5. Memphis, New York, United States
6. Memphis, Tennessee, United States
7. Memphis, Texas, United States
8. New Memphis, Illinois, United States
9. West Memphis, Arkansas, United States
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Old 07-14-2005, 12:58 AM   #115  
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Well Shad at least you have new contacts to see how fabulous your big boobs look

When I read your post I was actually thinking well, they say most of us wear an incorrectly fitting bra so perhaps you were wrong all along in what you thought your size was. I think there are so many manufacturers outsourcing things all over that you can't rely on any size. Have to waste even more time shopping by trying everything on. I'm with you on the complaint of buying 2 pairs of pants - same size, same manufacturer, same style, right next to each other on the rack. Tried one pair on, liked the fit, decided to get 2 pairs and the other one didn't fit the same grrrr

And why is it that you can't wear the permanent lenses anymore? Not enough oxygen to the eye or just because they want you to spend more money? I gave up on contacts long ago. Too much hassle, learned to love / accept my glasses as a part of me. At least I can see (somewhat).

Miserable day for me at the office. Oh the sorrows of being on support. It carried into the evening again. I will only hope the balance of the night goes quietly so I can get some sleep.

Nighty night all.
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Old 07-14-2005, 08:40 AM   #116  
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Shad~ sounds like a traumatic day!! I hope the contacts work. There are some really funky glasses out there now. I agree about the clothes issues!
Happy~ sorry you had day tough day. Hope you came home a frolicked in the pool.
HI Ceejay!
How's the rest of the gang doing???

Hazy day again.
We had booming flashing storms all around us yesterday and not a drop of rain here. A mile away got a major downpour.Calling for storms again today.
The power kept cutting out. I had written all the minutes for Gala Days and was about to save when it blinked out the first time. Lost it all. Arg!
Great day with the kids yesterday. We have started the summer reading club at the library. Enjoyable.
I weighed in a TOPS. I am up a couple. Too much salty snack food.
Hubby went to see the guys yesterday. He was out late and up and gone early. I wouldn’t have known he was in bed at all if I hadn’t rolled over and opened an eye at about 3am. He is grieving/mourning the loss. He always goes to the guys place when bad stuff happens.He is lucky to have them.
I enjoyed a peaceful evening at home.Everything is less chaotic when he isn’t here. The kids get SUPER excited when he comes home from work and everyone is LOUD and BUSY! It was a nice break for me.
Just 4 kids today. Dollar store shopping on the agenda. Need to get green decorations for the kids bikes to ride in the parade on Saturday.Going with “turtle” bikes.
I may just shave my legs, they seem to be furry.
I have been tired-ish. May be the heat or a hangover from the hives.
Apparently I will be rewriting those minutes.
I need to focus on less salty food. I do drink tons of water. I eat a lot of fresh fruit and moderate fresh veg. Need to up the veg.

Hugs dear chicks!! Have a blessed day!!
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Old 07-14-2005, 03:36 PM   #117  
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hi folks ,everythings chaotic here never had time to pause for thought {which would explain soooooooo much} never mind rest .i will get back later ive scheduled an hour on the pc later ???? after the dishes ,the laundrey,washing and swiffering the living room floor {cant wait till the rest of the house is floored}cleaning the cooker {the plaster look aint good on silver}and clearing the garden of everthing i dont want carted away tomorrow and the kids scrubbed conner is in the bath now so one down one to go ,and dealing with hormonal minnie{cleo who is due to go into season and keeps molesting poor benjy who couldnt even if he really wanted to }so ill be back at some point tonight
lots of love kirsty + bump
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Old 07-14-2005, 06:37 PM   #118  
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Old 07-14-2005, 06:48 PM   #119  
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I gather that Teel has gone home then Kirsty??? I might try to ring her tomorrow then. Probably easier than ringing Mel!!!! Sorry Mel.
When are they going to finish fixing the house then???

Morning Holly, so sad to hear about the little boy drowning. It's a terrible thing and it can happen so fast. You only have to look away for a couple of seconds with children. It is so hard. My thoughts go out to the parents of the wee boy.

The contact lenses are working fine. They are just delightful even if they are tinted and I now have a strange shade of blue/green/brown eyes. They were green/brown before I put the lenses in. I can't wear the permanents anymore because they are not giving oxygen to the eyes. The right is fine but apparently the left has spots (!???) I also have monocular lenses - that is the left is distance the right is reading. The man seems to think I will just give up and start wearing glasses if he lectures long enough, however he doesn't know me that well.
I don't have a problem with glasses per se. As Holly says there are some great designs around at the moment. I just have a problem with wearing them. You see as a kid I was incredibly clumsy and accident prone. I broke my nose several times - like about 7 that I can remember - consequently the darn thing is plastered all over my face. It hurts to wear glasses for any length of time. Doesn't matter how lightweight they are or how well they fit, come a couple of hours of wearing, I have a nose ache!! It just hurts. If glasses did not sit on the nose, I would wear them. I have a pair, I use them during the weekends mostly and at night.

As I have said before I am a morning person. I like to read the journals and comment early but when I come here to work, for some reason, I have difficulty posting a comment. It’s just taken three goes to get something to stick in Turtles journal post. bah humbug. Luckily I copy everything and then submit and paste it back in again and submit again, preview the post, paste once more, submit again. Hello where did it go this time. More bah humbug.

Hairdo last night. For someone with short hair, a lot sure does end up on the floor when I get shorn! Cara, my hairdresser always comments on the amount of it I have growing on my head. I call it number 8 fencing wire - she calls me lucky.

Anyway I am shorn and frosted - sat there forever or so it seemed with that silly looking cap on and a Southpark type hair sticking out of the holes - but it does look good. Or at least it did when Cara finished with it. Since I have no talent whatsoever with hair, it does not look so good this morning.

The weekend is almost here. Another 6 hours or so and I will be free for a couple of days. Well not free exactly - chained to the house more like since I have a lot of work lined up. My friend Chris (who works in Japan) will be down for next weekend, so I would like to get some stuff done before she arrives. I may have to follow LindaT’s example and set the timer for 15 minutes during the week to get things shipshape. We are going to plan our next overseas jaunt timed for next year which will include the Italy trip we were supposed to go on about now. We are talking about spending time in Italy and Switzerland and need to hammer out what we both want to see and what each of us would like to see. It’s all about compromise - she doesn’t like heights, I hate buses. So I may well go to the top of the mountain, she may take a bus tour around some city or area. She likes museums and art galleries, I can only take a limited amount of time in them. I like the outdoors, she gets sunburnt, neither of us are great shoppers so there is no problem there. We can work it out - well we’ve been doing so for over thirty years now. This will be no different.

Food has not been particularly good this week. But then again exercise is down too. I should have been to the gym at least three times for the week but I have only been twice. Tonight is cardio, tomorrow I will have to do a double whammy of weights and Body Balance. That will bring up the 5 times and near enough 5 hours of exercise for the week. Water is at this time abysmal. I shall have to do better today.

Right having said that. Time for a loo trip and then a large glass of water and then finish this paper on What comes next - training into the future at the OSR. Have a good day/ night whatever you are up to.
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Old 07-14-2005, 09:26 PM   #120  
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I've lost a couple of pounds this week. I have found that the routine of calorie counting and burning those calories off is what is the best for me.

Shad-I've only had one eye doctor tell me that I could wear contacts. But I don't think I'd like them. I've also heard that the clothing companies are resizing. So that may be your problem.

Mel--Sorry that you are still having problems. Get well soon


Happy--I was thinking of Memphis, Missouri. Glad to know that we are neighbors.

Linus-- You don't have much longer to wait until that little bundle gets here.
Try to stay comfortable.

Hello to every one else.

I don't usually make lists but I did for today. Today is my rest day and I didn't want to over load myself. I' ve accomplished 3 out of 5 things so that's not bad. Made 2 phone calls and washed out the air conditioner. I got grass on the outside of the air intake screen last time I mowed the lawn.
I have that to do again tomorrow, mow the lawn that is. My next apartment will have a concrete lawn or the land lord will do it one.

My uncle fussed at me for not going to Paragould last week end and told him I would try to be there this week end. I think my aunt should have a little more time to recupe from her surgery. I've emailed him that I could not make it.
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