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Old 04-16-2005, 12:55 PM   #811  
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Lightbulb quick check in

Hi All,

My daughter and I are driving to visit the camp she's going to this summer. It's her first sleep away camp and it's for one week. It's a surfing camp!
ANYWAY, it's a 1 hr and 40 minute drive and we're stopping to eat at a biker restaurant--Alice's Restaurant--if you don't hear from me after today, you'll know that I've gotten myself a hog and have taken off.

I did make it to the gym!!!!!! It felt great. It took way too much time preparing to go, everything had to be just perfect. I'll get over it and get ready the day before in the future. I plan on going again tomorrow afternoon.

My eating yesterday was not good.

Breakfast: grapefruit and 1/2 bagel

lunch: greasy burger? I don't know.

dinner: chicken vegetable soup

Sounds like a food plan for a multiple personality type.

Talk with you later.

Love to all,


P.S. Your posts are really helping to keep me to on track or at least correct my course more quickly than before. Thank You.
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Old 04-17-2005, 07:39 AM   #812  
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Rollmdl you sound great like your spirit is up and your doing some fun stuff. The bider spot sounds wonderful. Here in Syr. N.Y. we have the Dinosaur Barbeque and that is a biker bar and rest. and the food is great. Hope you have a good time. Your daughters camp sounds like a fun time. And you will have a little mom break that will be different but well deserved. Have fun!
Tiredoffat your right I do have a lot of support. Hubbie didn't go in the church it was just a bit too much. But the reception went well and we had a great location in the room. I think my family had thought of the best table to get to things without to much of a walk. The wedding was beautiful the bride so pretty and just a great time. The cake was 5 layer squares with real purple roses inbetween each layer. I can't even think of the cost of that. The families did well and overall it was a beautiful time and a nice family event. I enjoyed visiting with my family some are living out of state so you only see them at big event. We have another family wedding in July. I hope to be down some more wt. by then. So I guess I will wait to buy a dress for that one.
Tired I love Maine have a super time. Lots to see and such beauty!
Judy hope your doing well this weekend and having some fun too! You had a very busy work week and deserve a bit of a break. Before you start another week.
Intake plans and exercise. I am going to walk around the lake today! About 2.5 miles.
Breakfast= 2 poached eggs and rye toast little jam coffee
1 banana
lunch = kefir and strawberries w/ granola, almonds
Dinner= grilled london broil , baked potatoe and salad w/ beets
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Old 04-17-2005, 12:46 PM   #813  
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Lightbulb Good Morning All

I just wrote a post and previewed it and then forgot to submit it. I hate it when that happens.

Carol, the wedding sounds like it was fun and satisfying. I love big events where all I have to do is show up (sometimes that takes a lot of effort, though). I'm glad everything went smoothly.

Tired, I hope your trip to Maine was fun and restful.

My drive yesterday was really, pretty perfect. The weather was mild and sunny and the camp was beautiful--900 acres of redwoods. I want to go.
The biker restaurant was colorful and the food, really tasty ---- Burgers named after bikes.

I had a really "bad" eating day. Part of me wants to refrain from posting for a few days but I don't think that would be helpful. What would be helpful is to get back on the horse (hog?).

I was so exhausted yesterday after 5 total hours of driving and we had a sleep-over here last night. I won't go into what I ate. I have a sugar hangover today.

My plan for today:

breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs and 1/2 bagel

snack: grapefruit

lunch: 1/2 bagel with crab salad

dinner: chicken vegetable soup

snack # 2 nonfat greek yogurt with splenda and vanilla

Wish me luck.

Thanks for being here.

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Old 04-17-2005, 06:35 PM   #814  
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Yaay, Roll, I'm so happy that you 'fessed up and resolved to climb back on the hog! We beat ourselves up too much, I think, about not being perfect all the time. As long as you pull yourself back on track after a slip, you'll reach your goals. I'm just glad that you had a fine day with your daughter, and that you've shared it with us.

Carol, thanks for the kind thoughts. Yes, I do deserve a nice weekend, and I've been as self-indulgent as I can be without gaining weight....I got my hair done yesterday. I have dreadlocks, so it's an expensive and time-consuming process. I asked the stylist to put it up for me when she got done, so today I look quite regal. My locs usually hang along the sides of my face and halfway down my back, and to me my face looks totally different when my hair is up and back. I got a pedicure today, hooray, and bought a pair of sandals. Anyway, Carol, I'm glad that you and the DH had fun at the wedding. Purple roses in the cake, I'm trying to picture it.....

Tired, I hope you're doing well in Maine!

I've been EPP all weekend. I went to Curves yesterday, and had a short walk today. For breakfast I had an egg, a bit of ham and some salsa. For lunch I had a beef patty and some veggies. I had an apple, a protein bar and almonds for snacks. Tonight I'll have chicken with Chinese veggies for dinner, and maybe fruit with kefir if I'm hungry for dessert.

See you all tomorrow!

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Old 04-18-2005, 06:50 AM   #815  
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Well its jump back in day for me today. I did walk around the lake yesterday and that was so beautiful but ate a couple of handfuls of naughty jalopeno chips. At least they were all natural thats at least something oh how far will I fetch to make them look good! Hah hah! At any rate it was a nice weekend sounds like we all enjoyed it and had some good things going on.
Judy I also need a pedicure. My daughter and I were just talking about that. I have only ever had one and it was done in Toronto. The girl was really good and it lasted almost the whole summer with a few touch ups of course. I have to wait a bit to do that too much cash flow lately. Weddings , etc.... That was a great treat for you the hair and pedicure good ideas.
Rollmdl you deserved a good time and if the intake was a little high well just jump back in. It will be okay its when we don't jump in that we get ourselves in trouble. Having a splurge once in awhile is a good thing as long as we gain control back again. Just look at your intake and work outs lately their good. So what is a weekend once in awhile as long as you know the difference and you do. Have a great start to your week.
One plan I read about was 6 days on 1 day off but not go to crazy. I always thought it was a good idea.
Tired hope your having some fun!
I had a nice day yesterday. I started my morning with a walk around Green Lake its about 2.5 miles. My friend joined me it seemed to go by quicker being with someone else. Then I did a little quilting on the retro quilt. After grilling dinner and then visited some friends next door. We made some arrangements for our first camping trip of the year. Last year we bought a popup a used one but hardly used and well kept. We only got out once because of buying it late in the year. So this year we will make up for it.
Today I plan on going around Green Lake and Round Lake. I have talked another friend to go with me. I think it will be about 4 miles. I am glad she is joining me I haven't been around Round since I was a kid. I am glad to have company for the first time at least. Have a great day and I will enter in my intake later.
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Old 04-18-2005, 11:44 AM   #816  
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Lightbulb Good Morning All

I did okay with my food intake yesterday. I spent the day cleaning the refrigerator and linen closet among other housekeeping tasks. I didn't make it to the gym because our sleep-over guests didn't leave till 5:00.
Well, housework is more exercise than lounging, right?

Now I have what appears to be the flu. No water aerobics for me today. Hope this is short lived. Luckily I made a pot of chicken broth yesterday.

Judy, thank you so much for the supportive and reasonable words. My thinking leads me down a dark alley sometimes. I need to be kinder to myself and hearing your words really helps to change my perspective. Good for you for taking such good care of yourself. How long does it take to have your hair done? There is something to say for taking care of yourself all day long. I think I'll plan one of those days when my daughter goes to camp. It sounds like you not only look regal but feel regal after Saturday.

Carol, your walks sound wonderful. They sound like mini vacations. We have a few lakes around here, one on the way to my daughter's piano lesson. I'm thinking that it would be a good idea to take a walk before her lesson occasionally.

My plan for today:

chicken soup

Take care all.


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Old 04-18-2005, 02:28 PM   #817  
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Hi all, it is so good to read all your posts. I agree with Judy, when we eat a bit too much or have a few days without exercise, the important thing is to get back on track again.

I'm officially back on track. I want it again. I like the idea Judy mentioned about spoiling oneself with all kinds of great things, but not food. I'm going to focus on that.

Carol, I'm glad that the wedding went well. What did you wear? Did you feel great after loosing the weight?

Roll, your daughter's camp sounds like lots of fun. I bet she's excited. Long drives make me tired too.

Maine was beautiful. I needed that break so much. My husband and I had lots of fun. We spent most of the day biking up and down the coast. On bikes you can see all the beautiful homes and the wonderful rocky shore. The weather was terrific.

Glad to be home and ready to be back on track. Thanks for all the support.
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Old 04-18-2005, 07:11 PM   #818  
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This will be quick, I really want to get a long walk in this evening.

Today I had a peach smoothie for b'fast, the usual apple and almonds mid-AM, and for lunch (large meeting with colleagues at a Mexican restaurant) a large green salad with poached salmon and several tortilla chips .
Tonight will be stir-fried chicken and veggies for dinner.

Carol, your walk sounds lovely, and with a friend, too! How nice to have things to do with friends that don't necessarily involve food, and allow you to really enjoy each other's company.

Roll, I hope whatever nasty bug is bothering you goes away soon! Isn't chicken soup wonderful? My hair takes a couple of hours for a shampoo, various moisturizing treatments, neatening up the new growth by my scalp. But I got a little color also, a nice reddish tone. What's most time consuming is going back and forth under the dryers; my hair is long and thick. Plus the salon's owner does my hair, and she's kinda slow, and distracted by phone calls, training the new receptionist, chatting up the other clients, etc. So it's the better part of the day for me. I just have to take some snacks and reading material and go with the was actually very fun.

Tired--It sounds like such a great get-away, zipping around Maine in the springtime! We will stay on track together, okay?

Okay, I'm gone. Have a good evening!

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Old 04-19-2005, 06:40 AM   #819  
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Well girls confession time yesterday I didn't make the best food choices but did do great exercise. I ate a good breakfast oatmeal. Then I celebrated a coworkers birthday and we ordered out. I had a barbeque pork sandwich only ate 1/2 of the roll but had some greasy fries. I wanted to replace them with a salad and I let others talk me out of it. That was dumb. I should of remembered just say no! But I didn't lesson learned. But this is all a learning experence so next time will be different I will offer to call the order in and make it the way I will order what I really want. At any rate then for supper I made the hubby homemade macorni and cheese. I did reg cheddar and then added 1/2 stick of reduced cheese. But no matter how you look at it the calories weren't great. I did have broccoli steamed something healthy! But my walk was great 2 lakes one is kind of right in back of the other connected by a winding path. It was fun and fully enjoyed by the 3 of us. We even climbed some staircase with 30 steps up and then back down. So I think my extra calories were evened out. Today I will be better with out a doubt. Lesson Learned!
Tiredoffat I had bought a special dress for the wedding. It was black with the layers of light wt. fabric overlay. It had an airbrushed type flower on the left side with a few secquenes little ruffle edge and I had strapy heels not to high cause of my bad knee. Your doing very good getting back on track it feels good I am sure. I look so forward to exercising lately its funny I never would of thought in the past I'd feel so comfortable with it. I am grateful that I do hopefully it will be this way from now on.
Rollmdl cleaning isn't bad exercise at all. Hope your sleep over was lots of fun. We used to have one with women when I worked at the school. It was lots of fun!
My daughter and grandson had a virus with stomach problems and a headache. It lasted a few days. Thank God it hit him last week this saturday he is in his aunts wedding in Boston a big wedding. That wouldn't of been good at all! Hope your feeling better if its the same bug it wipes you out so just rest up!
Judy your doing well keep up the good work. Oh I have 6 hrs. of training today! Yuh!
Intake: Breakfast= cereal w/ kefir and 1/2 cup cantalope
snack- granola bar 110 cal.
Lunch- salad w/ lite dressing cottage cheese 1/2 cup/ yogurt
Snack- almonds and mix of dried stuff 1/4 cup.
Dinner- grilled chicken and broc./ salad w/ dressing little blue cheese
Snack- cantalope
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Old 04-19-2005, 09:02 AM   #820  
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Good Morning. I realized as I read the posts today that I am so lucky to have you - people who can relate to this health journey. I love reading about your healthy choices. I don't have to think as much - I can just copy a lunch or snack that you had.

Carol I like your idea about calling in the order next time. I think that's the key for me - replacing old (not healthy) behaviors with new behaviors. It means life change. The last couple of months I resorted to old ways of coping (food, laying around, denial, etc). I did keep some of the replacements that I had already come up with though such as smoothies for comfort/ice cream, almonds and apples for crunch, going to bed when tired rather than snacking, etc.

Thanks for being here. I hope you feel better Roll. Judy, I love your enthusiasm.
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Old 04-19-2005, 06:23 PM   #821  
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Well, I didn't leave work at a reasonable enough time to take my walk last night, and I really want to try again tonight. I'm preparing to leave town early tomorrow morning, and will be in Seattle until late Friday night. I'll try to get to a computer and say hello, but if you don't hear from me before the weekend, know that I'm thinking of you and trying not to overindulge while I'll traveling....still a big barrier for me! I got a nice pep talk at the doctor's this morning, and I'll pack a 'war bag' of almonds, apples, water and protein bars, along with my walkman, my journal and all your good wishes. My goal is not to lose any ground while I'm gone.

I expect to hear good reports from each of you when I get back! This means YOU, Roll, Tired, Carol and you lurkers who really want to jump in but haven't yet.

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Old 04-20-2005, 06:36 AM   #822  
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Judy I love Seattle such a cool place. If your have a chance go to Pikes Market it was one of my special spots. My son lives on Bainbridge Island right across from the city. I visited in October it was great! Hope you have some time on your trip to enjoy the area. Ivars is a great place for seafood right on the water front. Have fun! My son and his wife are moving to Hawaii on the 21st.
Tireddofat its so nice to have you back. I enjoy hearing from you and how you are doing. Hope the vacation is going well. I planned on going to the gym but never got there yesterday. So I need to do some exercise today.
I am off this afternoon for a couple of hours of personal. I am going to meet with the tax assessment guy. My friends next door and I have an appt. to appeal our tax rate. My assessment went up by 11,000 and I haven't even done anything yet. What the heck! So I am off to battle with them wish me luck I am sure I will need it. Life just isn't aways so fair.
I got on the scale for a reality ck today I felt I needed it. I was up by 1 lb. could be water wt. but I have been induldging a bit. So I will try today to really stick to my plan and not be stepping over that line. If I feel like eatting I am grabbing a healthy snack and going to get busy away from food. We will see how that works. I guess with weddings and eatting out to much going in not the best choices. When ordering out its tough you have no control over how things are cooked etc.
Rollmdl hope your having a nice day. Is your daughter off this week?
Todays plan of attack! Breakfast= oatmeal w/ little br. sugar and little splenda cinn.
Snack= yogurt
Lunch= grilled chicken/ greens/ lite dressing/ almonds
I have been doing good with getting in my water intake lately.
Snack= 1 granola bar 110 cal.
Dinner= grilled chicken, 1cup goulash/ salad w/ olive oil /vin.
Snack= fruit
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Old 04-20-2005, 07:03 AM   #823  
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Good morning! Carol, I'm glad to hear that you got on the scale. In "Thin For Life" they say to take a 3lb weight gain seriously. I now know what they mean since I think I'm up about 10-15 lbs from February. Getting on the scale regularly would have curbed that.

Judy, good luck on the trip. I hope you can get out for a walk or two while you are there. Roll, I hope you are doing well.

I went shopping for spring clothes last night and I could feel the extra lbs. I just didn't fit into clothes as well and felt really "fat." I had to remind myself that I'm still down a few sizes from last year and that I have several weeks to get back on track and even surpass my low of 167 in February. I should shop once a week because it really helps me to stay on track. I didn't buy anything. I really want to loses those 10 lbs before buying anything new.

On the up side, my children and I walked all over Boston yesterday. It was beautiful. I loved the "people watching" best of all. There were many limping marathoners around town with big smiles on their faces after running the 26 miles yesterday. It felt good to be out walking at a leisurly pace.

I'm on track. Have a good day all.
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Old 04-20-2005, 08:37 AM   #824  
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morning all!!!!!

first time at daily check in. this might help me keep on track!!

have had two glasses of water so far
1/2 banana, 1/2 bagel with cheese

going to exercise after i post this: aerobics, weights and pilates for a total 70 minutes today.

199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 that is my mini goal 199 199 199 199 199

have a great one will check in later!
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Old 04-20-2005, 12:24 PM   #825  
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Hi all. Hope you don't mind if I check in a lot in the next few days while I jump start phase two of this health journey. Just to recap the journey so far. I started in earnest last August with a regular routine of diet and exercise, then in Sept. I resorted to a strict diet of 1500 cals a day until Dec. I went from 210 to 170 by Dec/Jan. Since Jan. I've been struggling to get back on track and have gained about 10 lbs. Now I feel I have the resolve and energy and motivation to do it. The good weather really helps. My goals are 160 by early summer and 150 by September.

To jump start I'm trying a diet of only fruits, veggies and non fat yogurt for one week with regular low key exercise each day. Then I'll weigh in and decide on next week's plan.

Checking in often really helped me last summer. Sometimes I checked in as much as five days a day. This site was truly my best support. Thanks for listening.

sw 210 8/04
cw about 175-180 (we'll see soon)
gw 160 by 7/4 , 150 by 9/4
incentives - bike riding in a triathlon 6/11, doing a whole triathlon 7/31 (I've got a lot of working out to do - it's a bit daunting I must say, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it with your support.)

Thanks for listening.
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