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Old 04-09-2005, 08:28 AM   #781  
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Well girls I have to say its been since the 5th of March I did my scale thing.

Girls I did it! Down 4.0lbs!

I am very happy to say the least its been a long time since I can say I was at 169.5. I am 5' 7'' and bigger boned than the other girls in my family. I would never share my wt except on here with my good friends. But I have to say its been a lot of hard work and effort to get to where I am. For some it might not seem like much but to me that is ! After Christmas I was back up to 178 or so. Not a good place for me to be. I think my success is due to the support from my friends here on this site. I look to you all when things are down or up or if an eating spree comes my way. Its been a way for me to express myself with people who know what its like to binge or overeat or want to lose what wt. they have thats extra bagage. THANKS GIRLS FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT I WISH YOU HAD SEEN MY FACE WHEN I GOT ON THAT SCALE!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is the most I have ever lost at one time . Of course I haven't done the scale thing in a few weeks. Maybe that was gopod? But I knew I felt better and the clothes were fitting better. Tiredoffat you were the one who said do the saturday scale thing! Also to write out my goals and I did and it worked. Thanks! I must be a person who has to see it on paper. I have written in my little journal the wt. for today and my future goal which is to be down to 165 by the end of April. If I keep it up I will reach my goal of 155 by the end of July. I would like to maintain that wt. I will work hard to continue to exercise and count calories and belong to this site!
Rollmdl I am so happy for you losing and sticking to the plan. You know I don't always watch every little thing and some things slip in. I do think that if you really want something special you should have it just plan for it and add it in. Thats the nice thing about doing calorie counting verses other plans. Keep up the good work!
Tiredoffat I have been mixing my exercise up at the gym. Lately I have been doing the treadmill at 4.0 and the incline at 4.0 then using the elipitical machine for a little while. That new machine is a killer. Then add in the wt. resistance stuff. I like it but it takes a bit out of me which is good I guess. One of the guys at the gym said to make sure I the weight resistance equipment its the best. I also read to eat a yogurt or other cal. before or after a work out it builds more muscle which in return raises your metabolism.
Judy hope your doing well and we will catch up soon.
Good luck everyone and again I couldn't of done it without all of you and Julie!
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Old 04-09-2005, 03:13 PM   #782  
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Great job Carol. You must feel great!!!! I'm sure you look great too. I bet that all those nice colorful spring clothes look great on you.

I bet that we're about the same size. I about 5'6'', 5'7'' and I'd like to weigh 155 - that would be perfect. You're an inspiration. I've really got to get back on track. I having trouble finding the momentum. Hopefully I'll find it today.

Take care and congrats.
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Old 04-09-2005, 07:04 PM   #783  
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Tired, welcome back! After so many years of losing and gaining weight, I'm finally beginning to accept the fact that this business is not a lateral progression, but a wavy line that isn't always straight. As long as you keep bringing yourself back to center before too much time has passed, you will still reach your goal. It sounds like you are doing what you need to do to get back on track. No worries And I appreciate the computer hassles. I don't post as often on the weekend because my home computer and dial-up connection make it a bit of a chore.

Carol, congratulations on seeing those numbers jump down! Good luck reaching your goal weight by the end of this month. I'm down another half pound, but I'll wait 'til tomorrow's weigh-in to change my ticker, maybe it will be a bit more....Kefir is kinda like yogurt, more tart and more liquid. I love tart things (lemons, yummy!) and kefir has protein and probiotics like yogurt, but less milk sugar.

Roll--you're doing great, too! It sounds like you had a Seinfeld dinner last night. I always noticed how on his show there was always a large collection of cereal boxes lined up in the kitchen.....

On Sunday I will try to finish up my taxes and mentally prepare for another stressful week at the office. I'll come back and say hello if I can, otherwise I'll see you on Monday!
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Old 04-10-2005, 09:37 AM   #784  
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Thanks girls for all your praise and support. I will keep on trying to lose and to make a healthier lifestyle. I have to say I do feel better these days.
Tiredoffat we are most likely on the same wave here thats for sure. Thank God for the extra height he has given us. At any rate I am happy that you are back on board with us all. On this site we have all found each other and will continue to support one another to each reach our goals and then to maintain them. I couldn't of been this far with out this site. It has given me a place to post the good and the bad. Thanks again everyone. Tired keep on moving forward. The little old guy in my gym said to me your are what you eat and exercise and boy was he right. I think of his statement often.
Judy thanks for your input. Hope you are having a nice weekend. The sun is shining and I am going to work in the yard today. I also am going to visit the gym and the health food store. I will ask about kefir? I also like tangy stuff so I am willing to go for less sugar. It is sometimes hard to pick a yogurt out because of sugar content. Thanks for the info.
Rollmdl hope your weekend is going well maybe your out in the sunshine somewhere?
Todays plans= blueberry pancake and syrup little, coffee
Lunch= salad w/ fresh veggies and protein jalopeno salad dressing 1 T.
Dinner= scalloped potatoes and ham and pickled beets and salad w/ homemade dressing olive oil and ving. and spices
Snack= almonds, soy crisp w/ salsa
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Old 04-10-2005, 12:57 PM   #785  
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Hi Ladies,
This is going to be total self pity so just skip it if you'd like, but I have to let it out. I am so so so low today. I can't remember the last time I was so low. I keep trying to climb out of it and then something else happens. I just can't seem to achieve a thing! The kids are all putting one obstacle after another in my way - one wants this, another wants that. Plus I'm absolutely drained from my job and from being a mom. My husband is away on a business trip, and because I work so much I hardly have a friend left in the world. I'm so, so, so, so, so low! I know I'll make it through this, but I just had to put it down.

I lost so much weight and have tried so hard this year to do a good job and now I feel like the block tower I've built with weight loss and professional work is crumbling around me and I am left with only me a disaster. Thanks for listening. Please forgive my self pity - I know I have so much more than I deserve. Any advice - I'm open.
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Old 04-10-2005, 09:52 PM   #786  
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Lightbulb Hi All


Way to go!!!!! You are an inspiration. Your shopping trip is going to be so great!!! You can probably go shopping in your own closet.

I have has such a hard time getting myself to the gym for weight training. I'm doing the water aerobics class but only twice a week. I know that diet and exercise are both huge components of good health.

Wellll I'm going to the water aerobics class tomorrow morning and my intentions are to do weight lifting on Friday and Sunday.

My eating has been good this week so far. I haven't gone over my ceiling of 2000 cal. I've been averaging about 1750.

Tired. I have horrible periods like you are having. Sometimes nothing feels fair and I feel like I'm working for nothing. I think that giving into those feelings is a good idea (not with food or anything self destructive).
I've tried to "help" myself by watching movies that will make me cry. Once, MANY years ago, I was really depressed and I watched a double feature of horror movies---The Omen and Scanners. They were really bad and scary. I felt pretty good about my life when they were over.

There is also a meditation that I did in a workshop that was pretty helpful. What we did was to focus ---meditate---on "bad" feelings, not try to change them, just to witness them. What happened for me was that they shifted. It was a helpful illustration about the quality of mutation that is inherent in our feelings.

Judy, uggggghhhhh Taxes. I feel for you. I just payed my property taxes and did my taxes. I'm always so surprised when tax time rolls around. It's like it's new every time I deal with it.

Today I had chicken gumbo for breakfast--I had a meeting in a coffee shop and hadn't eaten breakfast

steak sandwich on rye

kashi-pecans-yogurt snack

for dinner I'll have a warm chicken spinach salad

Keep up the good work.

Tomorrow is weigh in for me.


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Old 04-11-2005, 05:11 AM   #787  
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Good Morning all. Roll thanks for the good ideas. I can feel your positive energy all the way to the east coast. I appreciate it. I like the idea of just being with the feelings. That might work for me.

Judy, I appreciate your "not a straight line" idea about weight loss. That's confirmed in everything I've read. Being on this site really helps me.

I also like hearing about everyone's positive lifestyle changes/efforts. Today I'm going to sign my son up for an extra hour of day care so I can fit in a workout after work while my husband is away.

To loose the initial weight I had to really work at carving time for myself to do what I needed to do to lose weight. I lost sight of that in the last month so I'm going to work at that.

I'll check in later today with eating.

Have a great day everyone. Thanks so much for being here.
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Old 04-11-2005, 07:16 AM   #788  
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Tiredoffat I am glad your expressing your feelings because when their bottled up there it isn't good for you or anyone else. Sometimes just clariflying them makes a world of difference. Your the one who started me on making goals and a exercise schedule. Just get started slow even if you can't get to the gym take a 25 min walk any exercise will be helpful and you will feel better. Have you ever tried yoga its suppose to be relaxing but good exercise at the same time. I haven't tried it only read about it. See I am kind of in a different time of life than some of you I had my kids young and so I can be selfish now and take time for myself to exercise etc. That wasn't always the way for me either. I do try to get home at a reasonable hour as my hubby being disabled from his illness is here all day. Now I have different demands life is always interesting putting us through hurdles. Tiredoffat you did it before reflect back to it and take some baby steps then add on don't take too much at once your balancing alot with work, kids, home and yourself. Good luck and I am here as everyone else if you need us. That is the great thing about this site.
Rollmdl thanks for your input. I am taking one day at a time. I think that one thing that has helped is this site. It helps me feel that I have support and knowing others too have struggles with wt. etc. I think sharing ideas sure is a blessing too!
Judy thanks for the kefir idea. I am having right now my kashia cereal w/ plain kefir and a little vanilla flavoring and cinnamon. It is very good and seems filling. The flavored stuff looked good but a few extra calories maybe next time.
I went to the gym yesterday for an hour then pruned the apple orchard only 6 trees. So I sure felt like I had an extra work out. That new exercise machine at the gym is killing me. I only can do it for 20 min. and the last 5 I didn't think I'd ever finish. Oh! Then I finished off with wt. resistance about 7 machines with varied wts. I find that different exercises require different wts. . I had to get off one machine and reset the wt. I couldn't even budge it. I hope no one was laughing but it had to be kind of funny. It was the chest press only can do 60lbs. and I tried 75 no way! I couldn't so that one at all. water intake sunday good around 100 oz.
Intake Plans= breakfast kefir and cereal, coffee
snack = 1 sm. banana
Lunch= 1/2 wheat pita, 2 oz. grilled burger, feta, greens, red onion, tomatoes,cuke and red onion mixed w/ plain non fat yogurt
Snack= 10 almonds
Dinner= out with the girls
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Old 04-11-2005, 04:26 PM   #789  
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Hi Carol, thanks for the wonderful words. Your success is great to read about and inspiring. I can tell that you're really motivating and it's helping me. Thanks for sharing! What machines are you using - are they the kaiser machines (strength training)? I use those at our gym. Years ago I used them a lot and really had success.

This site is powerful. Everyone's efforts are starting to infiltrate me and make me want to get on board. I appreciate it. Have a good day all.
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Old 04-11-2005, 06:56 PM   #790  
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Hey, Tired--I hope that you are feeling better today! I've never had kids, and I can't imagine what it must be like to have to be 'on' all the time. Even when I've lived with a partner, I've really appreciated having time to myself. To have to be there for someone day in and day out, no matter what's going on in other parts of your life (or in your head), no wonder it gets to you sometime! I would be a wreck. I do hope that you're able to carve out more time for yourself somewhere, to renew your spirit....until then, feel free to unload here when you feel you need to.

Carol, way to go with the weights Can you tell any difference in your muscle tone yet? What I like most about Curves is that it's all hydraulic weights, so you don't have to fuss with settings. If I switch from Curves to another gym, I would pay a personal trainer to teach me to use the universal gym in my apartment building.

Roll, congratulations on a good week! I hope your weigh-in went well.

I've had a pretty good few days, lots of exercise and eating per plan. Yesterday I just did yoga stretches and meditated instead of working out. My legs especially really needed the break, and I feel much refreshed today. I had a berry smoothie for b'fast, went to Curves, had an apple and almonds for a snack, a small salad and a frozen "egg scramble" for lunch, and a protein bar this afternoon. I'm having a large salad w/chicken for dinner, and maybe a cup of soup.

See ya tomorrow
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Old 04-11-2005, 07:11 PM   #791  
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Hello everyone!
Tiredoffat your really back now I can hear it in your message. I use the treadmill at 4.0 speed and 4.0 incline, elipitical machine of that is the killer did 20 hard min. the other day. The wt. machines are chest press and ab. machine, row machine and the leg presses 2 different ones and the machine where your lift above the shoulders. I have weak shoulders according to a male friend how works out. He said thats why such a difference in wts. from one exercise and another. Oh well I will have to strengthen up I guess. Judy I have lost inches but I don't know how many. I see the difference in my legs, arms and face actually all over I guess. But if I go out to eat like tonight it won't last long. I only ate 1/2 of my dinner took the other 1/2 to my mom. Then I ordered the hubby a halfmoon cookie and couldn't talk myself out of that brownie. I ate 1/2 and froze the rest. I told myself when you lose a few more lbs. it can be my reward awaiting! I figured it was one way to look at it. The rest of the day went well as planned. I plan on working out in the morning as I have a busy day on tues.
Judy I enjoyed my kefir and it did keep me filled up.
Rollmdl hope your having a good day! Talk to you all soon.
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Old 04-12-2005, 06:40 AM   #792  
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Good morning everyone,
Well I am up and ready to get my day started. I am going to try to eat better today no slip ups like yesterday. But every once in awhile you need to have a special treat I guess at least thats what the devil told me yesterday! Today is a new day and I am starting my day off with a healthy breakfast and a trip to workout. I am working a bit later tonight.
Tiredoffat are you off next week for break time? My 5 year old grandaughter said she wants to go on a trip. I think she hears all the kids at school talking about their vacations. I have been thinking I will take a vac. day to do something special with the kids. Have you heard of the Strong Museum in Rochester? I was wondering if its worth a trip? It is around 1.5 hrs. from me. Well let me know if you have any info. When the weather gets warmer we will be going camping with the little ones they love it. As they get older I'd like to take them each traveling to see my son. Of course one at a time it would be a little costly.
Intake plans= Breakfast= cereal 190 cal. and 1/2 c.kefir 50cal. w/ cinnamon, 1 banana 70 cal. =310
snack= yogurt 100 cal.
lunch= 1 whole wheat pita pocket 150, jalopeno hummus 100, cukes, tomatoes, spring greens. 300 cal. tog.
Snack= dried aprcoits 100cal.
Dinner= turkey tenderloins marinated in thai sesame sauce grilled w/ veggies and a salad w/ almonds 350 cal.
Snack= smoothie Total= appox. 1400 cal. exercise 50 min.
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Old 04-12-2005, 07:25 AM   #793  
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Hi all, thanks for all the positive encouragement. Judy, thanks for the empathy - you're right it is sometimes hard to be there for someone all the time. Roll, how are you?

Carol, I am reminded of what a thoughtful grandmother you are. I've never heard of that museum. My mom, after hearing that I was down, down, down called and offered a night of babysitting. It's a rarity. I took her up on it and now I have something to look forward to - a night of just my husband and I doing things that adults enjoy - probably dinner and a good movie. That will really help to start the vacation in a good way.

I'm reading everyone's intakes and exercising - good work!!!!! Tonight I'm hoping to fit in a short run with my son - we'll both be doing the triathlon together in about 8 weeks. Thanks all for being here.
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Old 04-12-2005, 12:28 PM   #794  
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Lightbulb Good Morning All

I lost 2 1/2 lbs last week. I think it would have been more if I'd been moving my body more. Slow and steady wins the race, right? I have a busy day today so I know that I need to plan my eating before it starts. I kept under yesterday----1700 ----but didn't plan and it felt uncomfortable, like I wasn't sure about how I'd do. Today I have a plan:

breakfast: beef patty and egg

lunch : chicken salad (out)

snack: grapefruit

dinner: chicken sandwich

snack: another grapefruit

Eating fruit really satisfies my sweet tooth if I eat it before I get a

Carol, your workouts sound awesome. I did the water aerobics class yesterday and it was such a pleasure. A friend wanted me to give her a ride to work (she was dropping her car off at the mechanics) and I told her that we had to be on time because I didn't want to miss the exercise class. She was 1/2 hour late (not an emergency) and SHE would have been on time had I helped her, but I would have missed my class. I waited in my car and decided that I had to come first. This kind of thing is hard for me but I have been letting everything come before exercise, taking care of my body. I told her it was too late for me to help her. This kind of thing feels harsh but I was clear about my "boundaries" before the fact. Soooo I didn't give her the ride. I asked her to call me and she sounded a little annoyed when she left a message. I just read, the other day, that when we feel guilt, it is usually when we take care of ourselves rather than doing for someone else. I hope that one day, this kind of action will become easier.

Tired, I'm so glad you're getting a night off. I trade childcare with friends sometimes and when we have a sleep-over here, I try to make it a 24 hour chunk of time so that there is a big expanse of time for the parents to kick back. I imagine that they're having a mini vacation.

Judy, your plan sounds like it's really working for you. I think that stretching and meditation are really effective in helping to stay on track. I have a friend that lost 100 lbs. going to FA (food anonymous--a stricter form of OA) and one of the things that her sponsor had her do was to sit for 1/2 hour doing nothing everyday. I guess the idea is that it's nourishing to spend time with yourself without props. It sounds kind of luxurious to me---scary too. I didn't have much problem doing that as a kid.

Well, I'd better get going. Busy day---piano, ceramics, swim practice----drive drive drive.

Have a great day, everyone.

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Old 04-12-2005, 04:50 PM   #795  
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Hi all, Great thoughts today. Roll, I'm with you. My sister reminded me of the Dr. Phil book I read this winter. When reading the book I was really able to see how I put so much before my needs. I too feel guilt when doing this. In the book "Thin for Life" it talks about how weight loss and lifestyle changes impact your whole life and even changes friendship sometimes. I guess this journey means making choices for the future - your health and happiness. That's not always easy, but it is important.

OK eating day
breakfast - bagel w/little butter (350)
lunch - cliff bar (230)
snack - popcorn/pear (300)
dinner - taco salad (300)
planned treat if I want it - smoothie (300)

exercise - correcting papers (just joking, but that's what I'll be doing!)
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