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Old 08-25-2004, 07:07 PM   #61  
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Evening all;
Tiredoffat, you have done real good. I am sure that when school starts you will be just fine. Thing of all the teachers who were on weight loss plans this summer. Maybe there won't be all that food. Try bringing in a fruit or veggie tray. See, which goes fastest. That or junk?? You sound like you will have a busy weekend but a fun one at that. I am having a decent day. Stuck to the new WW core plan today. DH made me some homemade ice cream that I can have. More info on Curves. You do a workout machine for 30 seconds and then a recover station for 30 seconds. And contuine on that until you have done about 25 mins. Total workout time is 30 minutes. But, you have stretches after. Some circuits you go around 3 times. Ours is twice because we have allot of machines. I got my heart rate up to where I like working out at. I really need to start counting and working on adding more reps per machine. Well, off to get some after dinner clean up and get ready for tomorrow. Thursday is when I have to run routes for my DH delivery route. It takes me about an hour. Not many drops this week. Have a good night everyone. One more day closer to that goal. Maybe this week I can get that top!!
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Old 08-25-2004, 07:31 PM   #62  
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Not a good day dietwise. And last night after volleyball, I did split a couple appetizers with FH... the sampler (fried stuff... bad but soooo good) and some nachos. I didn't eat a whole lot of it all though... 2 onion rings, 3 cheeseballs, 1 mozarella stick, 4 chicken bites, and maybe 1/3 of the nachos... they had meat and cheese and lots of veggies on them. Considering it was my entire dinner, not bad. Didn't try to find the calorie content of each of those, but I don't think I went over 1400 too much. We also played 4 games of volleyball, so I burned off more than I have been just watching all summer.

Today, I had some peanuts this morning (290) and a chicken salad sandwich (335) for lunch with those fritos honey BBQ twist things (400 - ok, convenience store lunch today... sigh). That is all I have had so far. DD is gone to a friend's, and FH isn't home yet. I think I may just make a can of soup (tomato garden soup... 200 calories for the whole can and it really fills me up).

I am also hoping to get in a jog tonight... I have work to do on the computer, but I hope to get that jog in... hope for me!

I use to find out calories of a lot of things. I have also used fast food or chain restaurant's websites if they list nutritional information. A friend said he has a few really accurate sites he is going to email me. I will share them when I get them and we can all check them out!

Keep up the good work ladies!
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Old 08-26-2004, 08:14 AM   #63  
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Morning: Boy, fatmommacat with all that volleyball, you should have worked off most of that. They say you need more calories if you work hard. I blew my ww new core plan in the middle of the night. Woke up at 2:30 starving, headache, coughing, everything. got up and watched a show I taped and ate rocky road ice cream. allot of it to. Well, DH is upset because I went and joined WW yesterday and spent money on something I am not going to use. So, putting it on e-bay tonight. I should get most of my money back. My dd and I had lost bunches of weight on the old exchange plans. Trying to find my old stuff. I am a packrat and keep all that stuff. Now back to square one. Again, but, that's ok, will be keeping where I am at for now. Everyone have a good day. Time get the the routes run on the puter. So, when dh gets home he can load and go. Check in later.
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Old 08-26-2004, 08:22 AM   #64  
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Hi Chipper - too bad about the WW. I'm so afraid of joining anything because I've failed so many times - I'm enthusiastic at the start and then I let denial set in and I'm back to my old habits.

Tried on my fall clothes last night - so discouraging. I'm 10 pounds heavier than I was last year at this time. I just looked so big and I was uncomfortable too. I put the clothes one size down in a section of my closet and hope to be in those in a month. So far the encouraging messages on all these sites have helped me to stay on track, but I have to work on portion size and fitting in a good workout as often as possible.

Take care good luck today!

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Old 08-26-2004, 09:49 AM   #65  
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Well, now there is a reason to get me in gear. Our bestman at our wedding is coming east from ID this winter. We havn't seen him for at least 20 years. The weight I have put on since then. So, here is something to make me think harder to find a plan. Will, be digging out some old stuff sooner that later. Have a good day. I need to get into my closet also, and get rid of the big clothes!! Will be back later.
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Old 08-26-2004, 12:00 PM   #66  
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Hello All!! Sorry I missed posting yesterday, but I took a much needed bunk day from work & took my sister to Water Country before she heads back to college. I'll tell you, seeing her in a bikini really gave me a kick in the pants. I want to look like that!!! (she is 100lbs soaking wet, but only 5') I was VERY good with my eating though.
B= poached edd with 2 slices of toast & water
L= cheesburger without the bun, a slice of bacon, some coleslaw and coffee with equal & a teaspoon of half & half
D= 2 hot dogs(beef) with no buns, some ketchup & mustard and a glass of crystal light lemonade
1839 cal according to

Doing ok today too. My husband finally fixed our 2nd truck, so I was up at 4:30a & at the gym before work. Got in an hour! The only thing is, when I work out, I get hungrier.
B= protein drink & coffee with equal & creamer
Snack= a fresh cucumber that I bought at a veggie stand...yummy!
Lunch= I brought 2 hot dogs, but not really feeling it. I will see what happens.

I am drinking lots of water & down another 2 lbs this week....yay
No that I am going back to the gym in the morning, more will come off!!!

Good luck everyone!!! Keep up the good job.
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Old 08-26-2004, 06:47 PM   #67  
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Hi all. Hblank - wow! You've really made the start. Inspiring especially the part about going to the gym in the am - that's the best time for me but I had trouble pulling myself out of bed this morning. Chipper - great motivation - the best man's visit.

The beach was beautiful though the kids were somewhat out of sorts still. Hopefully I'll really be able to dote on them during our four day getaway. I'm going to plan a menu before we go. That's what I did today and I stuck to it. It really helped me resist temptation.

breakfast - two eggs on whole wheat english muffin, oj (350)
lunch - tuna roll up w/lettuce and tomato (no mayo) (300)
snacks - grapes/little tomatoes (100) 2 plums (90)
dinner - low carb tortilla w/cheese, salsa (330), mango smoothie (300), fudge pop (30)
Total - 1500! That's it for today.

exercise - not enough - short walk on beach, maybe I'll be able to fit in more tonight.

I wish everyone a great weekend - lots of success!!! I'll be back online next week after the trip to northern Vermont. Thanks for all the encouragement!
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Old 08-27-2004, 11:41 AM   #68  
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tIREDOFFAT---enjoy your trip! I am jealous, I love the northern states.. so pretty.

i am hanging in there. Had spahgetti & meatballs, probably to much too, but that is what I get for not eating dinner until 9pm. Took the dog for a LONG walk at the dog park when i got home. Nice trail in & out of woods. Just relaxing although I am sure I burned some calories, I was strolling.

B- coffee cake muffin from DD(not too good, but yummy) and coffee
Snack- cucmber (one of the doctors brings them in from his garden every day)
Lunch- more spahgetti & meatballs, but a better,lesser portion
Snack- V8 juice
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Old 08-28-2004, 06:11 PM   #69  
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Hey ya'all;
Not much new in these southern parts. Got new puter today still tring to set everything up again. We have several home base business, and we are in the process of setting up a web site called "chippersvariety" Can't wait for that to start. Well, daughter and her family are here so will sign off for now. Be back tomorrow. Hope everyone has a real nice weekend.
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Old 08-29-2004, 11:22 AM   #70  
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Hi, everyone - Been out of touch for a few days. Not all the days have gone as planned but it was a better week than the previous one so progress is progress, right? My sister and my bestfriend are working toward fitness goals, too, so we've got our own 3FC going and the Teaser is coming back in Pilates. According to the video I use, Joseph Pilates said that you'll feel better in 10 sessions, look better in 20 sessions, and have a whole new body in 30 sessions. I'll let you know if that's the case with me -- so far it's been 3 sessions this time.
Thanks again for all the encouraging comments -- it's great to read your posts and know we're all going to hit our goals this time 'round.
Enjoy Sunday!
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Old 08-29-2004, 11:44 AM   #71  
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Just a quick HELLO. Getting hit real hard by Gaston right now. Had to come on real quick before I lose power. Well, gotta shut her down, be back later.
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Old 08-29-2004, 08:52 PM   #72  
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Hi all. I just caught up on everyone's weekend. The pilates video sounds interesting. I may try to get my hands on a copy. I've always been curious about pilates.

Let's face it vacations are difficult for dieters. The positive side was that I got lots of exercise including swimming, hiking and kayaking. The down side is that I gave in with a few not so healthy snacks (I'll skip the details). Luckily I had packed a lot of healthy food and my husband is starting to watch his cals too so I stayed on track somewhat. Starting now I'm back to business - my next getaway won't be until New Years so hopefully I can stay on track.

Thanks for all the encouraging comments. I hope we can all keep this up. Take care.
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Old 08-30-2004, 07:15 AM   #73  
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Good Morning. The plan today is to wear myself out entirely so tomorrow on the first teacher day of school I'll be able to sit still for the hours of meetings ahead of me. I'll probably bike with the kids. As for eating, I need to go grocery shopping and stock up on healthy choices. Have a good day. I'll check in later to see how everyone is doing.
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Old 08-30-2004, 08:57 AM   #74  
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Good morning everyone!! All in all, not a bad weekend. I should really check in more, but with the 3 step-kids running around, I don't have a second to sit, not that I am complaining.
Sat I did relatively well. Had scrambled eggs & lean turkey bacon with coffee
Lunch-- ham & cheese roll up with mayo at the beach
Snack-- celery with laughing cow cheese
Dinner--my downfall chinese beef & broccoli & house fried rice. Yummy! I guess not so bad.

Yesterday was a total loss as far as the no/low carbs
B- a half of bagel with light cream cheese
L- a huge bowl of whole wheat pasta with chicken,broccoli,artichokes, and roasted garlic sauce
D- mac & cheese left over from the kids.

So far today
B-Protein drink, coffee
snack- low carb yogurt
lunch- boiled chicken with garlic,summer squash,zuccini, broccoli, and cauliflower
Dinner---who knows.

Exercise I have done pretty good at staying active, Sat we spent at the beach swimming, building sand castles, and just walking. Yesterday, i spent a good part of the day moving my sister into her college dorm in the heat, ugh!!!
Already went to the gym this morning for an hour. Did the bike for a bit, then some weights. i am on the right track. I just have to stay away from the frozen yogurt & I will be ok.
Hope everyone got to enjoy their weekend!!! Keep up the good work.
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Old 08-30-2004, 02:07 PM   #75  
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Afternoon all;
Everyone did so good this weekend. I did not so good this weekend. First, Sat we had my DD and family over all day. Got the new puter that day. Clean out den. Sun was the storm. Made it through that. Just sorta ate when had a chance. Was afraid power was going to go out. Been awhile since I have been through a storm. Winds got to 70+. Didn't lose any trees this time. Watching Francis out there now. Today had eaten a real good breakfast. Had to take motherinlaw to the doc. for some tests and scans today. Left at 9 got home at 1:45. Long morning, also had 3 & 1 yr old granddaughters, so she bought us lunch at MickyDs. You know as i was sitting there eating I realized what I was eating and it didn't even dawn on me until then that I should have ordered different. It really showed me how much I mindlessly(sp) eat. So, counting all of it and see what I end up with. I failed the new WW core plan, so started another today. Well, have to make a run to the bank. Be back later.
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