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Old 04-13-2005, 07:03 AM   #796  
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Tiredoffat your are right on girl. Remember those ideas Dr. Phil had they weren't selfish but if you don't take care of your needs you surely can't help others. I too have found myself in the past and sometimes now doing so much for others we forget our needs. Thats why I have to pre figure my exercise times so I make sure I get them in. I worked 9 hrs. yesterday but because I exercised early in the morning I still fit it in. Today I will get out a bit earlier and maybe go to the gym or for a walk it looks really nice out. Thanks for the gram thought! I do enjoy those little ones. Tonight they all come over while mom and dad go for groceries its their big night out. The kids can ride their bikes an we can go for a little walk in the woods. Keep up your good work. I am glad your mom put one foot forward for you!
Rollmdl you are doing great 2 1/2 lbs. I think is super! Don't you get a bit surprised when those #'S MOVE? At any rate keep up that good work and good things will happen. Sometimes we have to be straight out for others or they just don't get it. By doing what you did with your friend just shows you are really serious and motivated this time. Keep it up! If she is a true friend she will understand and back you 100%.
A younger girl in the office is getting married in the summer. She has a few health problems and its hard for her to lose. Yesterday she told me when she is shopping that my voice comes to her and tells her to buy healthy stuff. Lately she started working out with a friend and is feeling the difference. I think this is contagious! Hurray for everyone who gets this disease. We all need to take care of ourselves no one else will do it for us.
Judy I am enjoying my kefir and have passed that on to others. Your workouts sound interesting maybe I will try to fit that in too! For a change of pace. I need to keep my exercise as a variety just as I do my intakes not to get bored. If I am bored I will be giving in a lot easier to the devil as Julie used to call it.
Intake yesterday I didn't have my turkey dinner but will tonight. I actually had chinese but only ate 1/2 and stuck to the plan the rest of the day. Skipped my smoothie. I did work out for 50 min and did the 20 stairs 4 times at work. So I think I did okay.
Intake today= Breakfast with a friend= 2 poached eggs, pumpernickle dry toast, potatoes. 450 averaged out.
Snack = 1 banana
Lunch= wh. wt. pita pocket w/ tuna salad, celery, red onion, greens
dried aprcoits
Dinner= turkey tenderloin grilled, w/ veggies and a salad
Snack= popcorn w/ cooking spray and parm ch. and garlic 2 cups
Have a super day!
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Old 04-13-2005, 02:42 PM   #797  
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Lightbulb check in

Hi all,

Just got back from the water aerobics class. We did underwater (foam) weights. I think my face got as much of a workout as did my arms and stomach. I like the teacher--she's knowledgeable and not too cutsey.

I have a lot on my "plate" (nyuck nyuck) today: Charter school contact meeting, grief group, my daughters biology class and my office is in chaos (nothing new but it needs to change).

I have the day off on Thursday. Another mother is taking my daughter to the zoo and then for an overnight. I'll be on my own for 27 hours!!!!!

Tired, how was your respite? I hope you had a good time with your "boyfriend".
Thanks for all your feedback on the saying no issue. It turned out, as it usually does, that my offer wasn't that important and she was pretty much unaffected by the absence of my help. She was over it the moment I said that the offer was off. So much for the necessity of discomfort.

Carol, it's so gratifying when someone is affected by your positive example isn't it?

My plan:

breakfast: plain chicken----- fuel-----it's a done deal

snack: grapefruit

lunch: egg salad sandwich

snack : non fat greek yogurt

dinner: chicken vegetable soup

I clocked in at 1500 calories yesterday. I'm feeling pretty good right now.

Talk with y'all soon. Hi Julie. You're in my thoughts.



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Old 04-13-2005, 06:52 PM   #798  
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Great Job Carol and Roll with the eating and exercise. All is well here. I'm getting my strength back (emotional and physical). Your healthy choices are making it easier for me to get on track. I'm getting closer to being there, hopefully by week's end I'll be ready to get an honest weigh-in (I'm afraid I've gained quite a bit) and start a healthy routine. I can't do this without you. Thanks.
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Old 04-13-2005, 07:07 PM   #799  
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Me again. I was just thinking (on the other site I post) of all the reasons I want to lose weight. Here are some:
- bathing suits
- ability to run without all that weight
- feeling good
- longevity
- wearing stylish clothes
- my 25th college reunion
What are some of your reasons for sticking to this journey? Just curious.
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Old 04-13-2005, 08:27 PM   #800  
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Just to let you know that I haven't abandoned you. I'm swamped at work, but I'm eating pretty well, and managing to work out somehow most mornings. I'm stressed, and tomorrow will be worse, as I am struggling to make several deadlines. I barely had time to read what you've posted, and I don't have time to respond, since I really need to get home soon (so I can come back in early tomorrow, arrgh!). But this too shall pass, hopefully by Friday.

Thanks for sharing what's up with you. I'll try to do the same before the end of the week. In the meantime, you're in my thoughts--keep up the good work, ladies!

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Old 04-13-2005, 09:42 PM   #801  
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Hi Judy, 18lbs is wonderful!! You must feel great. How did you lose the weight? I'm inspired that you're able to keep up with the exercise despite the busy schedule. I hope I can start to do that too. Take care.
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Old 04-14-2005, 06:36 AM   #802  
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Rollmdl good for you having a little break for yourself! Hurray! You need to just do for yourself and enjoy that time it doesn't come your way often enough! Your doing well with your intake calories. Do you track fibers at all? They help to keep us full longer. Keep up your good work. I wish I had that water exercise available at my gym. I visited our new big YMCA with a client yesterday. WOW! The pool and equipment is awesome. If I didn't have my membership paid up for lifetime it would be a go for me. But I only pay 13 a month so where am I going? I think I might ck some other area pools for a water class though.
Tiredoffat your sure getting bakc into the swing of things. I know what you mean about the scale. But sometimes that ck and balance really gets us going. I remember when I would avoid it for a long time looking back now I guess when I got back on was when things started to turn around for me. So don't be down about it think of it as a step forward. This is all a learning experience for each one of us. We all are so different in how we lose wt.. But in reality at least we are learning how to change of lifes for the better. I like your goals. Together as a group we are going to all meet our goals.
Judy sorry you have been so busy. I have been busy somedays but yesterday was a bit of a break. Todays schedule is crazy! Now with gas prices and driving to see clients I try to group them in the same afternoon in one side of town. So it gets a bit nuts. I have 1 meeting at 1:30 and then 3 more sites to go to . It will be a bit crazy but I can do it. As you said at least when the deadlines are met things will calm down a bit. Good luck and your staying on track! HurraY
My reasons for wanting to loose are:
To live a healthier life.
To be around to enjoy all the kids and their families.
To enjoy life and living
To feel better, look better, to stay as young as possible.
To beable to do things, walks and explore life there are many things I still haven't done that I want to do.
To beable to stay strong to handle all the hurdles in my life.
I guess thats quite a bit I better get my butt in gear and go to the gym!
Thanks Tired for this idea.
Intake plans; Kefir and cereal , banana
Snack = almonds
Lunch= 1/2 wh. wt. pita w/ turkey tenderloin and salad greens, cottage ch. and pineapple slices.
Dinner? Gotta figure that out!
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Old 04-15-2005, 06:22 AM   #803  
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HI Carol - lots of positive ideas! Thanks for the scale incentive too. What's kefir? I missed that. I hope everyone is doing well. I continue to gain incentive from your writing - I appreciate it. My vacation starts in 8 hours and then I have a week to refocus and get back on track. Thanks all. Have a good day.
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Old 04-15-2005, 06:55 AM   #804  
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Tiredoffat I got the kefir idea from Judy I think or Rollmdl. It is kind of like yogurt not as thick though and is a bit more tart does come in flavors but they have more sugar. You know how tricky picking out a good yogurt is? Well the nice thing is the less sugar and its not bad healthy for you actually. I got plain and added some vanilla flavoring and cinnamon to it. I like it over kashia cereal its good. Last night I had for my snack kind of late in the night banana yogurt and sliced in some fresh strawberries the hubbie was eating chips. I have to admit I had a few but could control myself. That I have noticed in the past couple of months my control of having just some of what I like seems to be lot less of a hassle than before its a good feeling. Good luck and I am glad those ideas were helpful. I am off to take the dog to the groomers before work. I am only working til 2:45 today hurray. I have put in a couple of late ones 9 hr. days aren't much fun but it happens!
I will add my intake later and my exercise today.
I have a wedding on saturday a big family one with all the high class stuff and open bar. I better really work out today and go walk in the morning to make adjustments for my good time coming up. At least my new dress is a size smaller and fits nice! Hurray!
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Old 04-15-2005, 08:11 AM   #805  
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Hi, ladies--

I hope everyone is feeling good this morning! Roll, did you have a good day off? I hope you got to do something self-indulgent (but healthy, of course). I used to run these trainings for women, and they were held at hotels, and we paid for the women to stay there. For some of them, it was a treat just to lay back on the bed in the evening and control the TV's remote; watching whatever you wanted on the tube, in peace and quiet, was like a spa vacation!

Carol, who's getting married? Have you been thinking about how to make good choices there? These types of events are always a struggle for me. I know that you will figure out how to enjoy yourself without going overboard.

Tired--I have 'tons' of reasons to lose weight (pun intended!). Some of them are: to be able to move more comfortably; for a better quality of life as I get older; to stop stressing out my knees and other joints; to be an example to my roly-poly nieces and nephew, and to prove to myself that I can set a major goal and achieve it. A counselor once told my mother that people who were traumatized in their childhoods have a hard time setting goals, because deep down they feel powerless, as if there's always some random chaotic (and bad) force that ultimately controlsl their fates. I'm great at the big-picture stuff, but I'm always waiting for the next bad thing to sweep in and ruin all my plans. Anyway, it's not just about the pounds for me, it's a mental and spiritual challenge as much as anything.

How I've lost the weight so far: eating a conscious-carbs, healthy fats diet, controlling portion sizes, noticing but not counting calories, and learning not to snack in the evening. Walking briskly at least 45 minutes most days (sometimes in two shorter walks, sometimes on a treadmill), doing the Curves circuit training three times a week. Supporting myself through threads like this, checking in with a bariatric doctor's office every couple of weeks, and using hypnotherapy, meditation and readings to focus and to learn to deal with stress in ways that aren't self-destructive. And reminding myself over and over that I can do this, I am doing this, I am doing it right, I will achieve my long-range goal--practicing coaching myself instead of beating myself up.

Gotta go in and put an end to this crazy week. I did manage to eat pretty much per plan, except for a piece of cheesecake at this conference, which I ate mindlessly. It wasn't even that good....

Happy Friday!
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Old 04-15-2005, 12:16 PM   #806  
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Lightbulb Hi All

I had a good time yesterday. I spent an awful long time playing a bio feedback computer game. Pretty luxurious. I don't give myself that kind of
time, usually. I also went to the movies late at night with a bunch of girls from one of my meetings. I had snacks at the movies but stayed within my calorie limits. My eating wasn't healthy yesterday and I feel it today but I didn't overeat. I just ate food that wasn't healthy, late at night. I am going to the gym today come **** or high water.
I'm not ignoring your question about why I want to lose weight, Tired, I just have to keep this kind of short. I have to get going soon. I love hearing your reasons, everyone, and I can twin with you with most of them.

Carol, I like a similar kashi combination : greek nonfat yogurt thinned with milk, splenda and vanilla poured over kashi with toasted pecans and unsweetened coconut. It's a really satisfying snack or desert.

Plan for today:

breakfast: crab salad on 1 slice rye toast

lunch: 2 hard-boiled eggs with grapefruit (sounds like a DIET!!!)

dinner: chicken vegetable soup

snack: kashi described above (it made me hungry)

Thanks everyone for being here. I feel like writing more but I have to run.
I feel better about my coming day having touched base with y'all.

No, I'm not from the south. But I WAS married to a Texan, bless his soul.

Keep up the good work.

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Old 04-15-2005, 07:38 PM   #807  
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Old 04-15-2005, 07:45 PM   #808  
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Hi all, great to hear from you. Judy, I liked hearing all about your plan - it has so many dimensions to it. You're doing great down 19 since December - that's fabulous! You must feel great. I know you'll reach your goals. I enjoyed reading all your reasons. I have trouble with setting goals and sticking to them too. Another reason to get back on track and meet this goal.

Carol, thanks for telling me about kefir. Roll, sounds like you're staying on track as far as calories and exercise. Terrific. Although it is better to eat healthy, the most important factor to loosing weight I believe is eating less. I'm nervous about the triathlon I signed up for. I'm biking this time. It's in about 8 weeks so I have a lot of work to do to get ready. Tomorrow I'm finally hoping to get to the gym for a really good workout. The rest of the day I won't be as active so I know I'll feel really good if I make it to the gym. Tonight I'm going to veg - went shopping, but I was really too tired to shop (clear sign that I'm tired since I love to shop!). Glad to be on this journey with all of you. Take care and have a good night.

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Old 04-16-2005, 07:58 AM   #809  
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Judy thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas. Your setting a great example for the others in your family but most of all you are going after what you want and need. That is so important! Your on the right track that is for sure. Good luck oh it is a second cous. getting married. Big wedding set in a ballroom. I am a bit concerned about all the walking for my hubby. Distance is always a problem for him. So I have that on my mind this morning wondering how he is going to do. It will be a long day for him. Walking in the church, reception etc. I hope he will enjoy himself and not be too stressed out. Evenings are more difficult for him less coordination during this time of day. But my daughter and son in law will be with us he just hates bringing any attention to himself. Thanks for letting me vent . I guess it was on my mind and just seemed to pour out. This site is a good one for that and always so supportive. At any rate we are going to have a good time. It is a sit down meal so portions will be set thats not a bad thing. But I can't even remember what we ordered isn't that funny it was so long ago. The girl is currently living in S. Carolina and is getting married here with all her family , friends etc. The flowers alone were 2,000, glad someones got money. My daughters wedding was beautiful and we didn't go to that extreme buy if I had the cash we might of too!
Rollmdl thanks for your kefir idea. I found a little European store near my work that had a bigger seletion of kefir. Not many in there speak english so its hard to ask questions. But its a great little store. Keep up your good work I am very impressed .You must feel good about things?
Tiredoffat you will do fine with the race. Sounds like your back on track or at least really close to feeling like you are. Keep up your good efforts and it will all fit in place like puzzle pieces do. Hope you enjoy the week off. I am in training on Tues. all day then Fri. off to play with the kids. Ck that museum out on the web. it is Strong Museum in Rochester. It looks really good and is so reasonable the reviews were great. Nice little trip.
Gotta go oh my wt. stayed the same but that is fine. I figure slow is better and at least it didn't creep back.
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Old 04-16-2005, 10:28 AM   #810  
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Hi all. Thanks for all the great tips. Carol, it seems like you have enough support to make the wedding go smoothly for your husband. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I didn't make it to the gym, but I'm working hard trying to clean my house before I go away. The mess just piled up in the past few weeks and the mess really bogs me down so it feels good. I can feel myself removing all the "cobwebs" so I can start again on this journey. I've definately gained weight - I can tell with my clothes, but they still fit so I'm not that far from where I was. I'll be back to the Sat. weigh in soon. Thanks for sticking by me during this big bump in the weight loss road.

Have a good weekend all. I'll be back in a few days after my reprieve in Maine.
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