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Old 05-10-2005, 07:24 PM   #886  
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Default Daily or weekly check-in? I forget...

Hi! I'm more or less EPP, but not working out much due to painful shin splints. My office is closed for a few days while we move to a new site, so I have meetings and appointments, but a bit of free time 'til Monday. So I'll come back tomorrow and catch up.

Be good--judy
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Old 05-11-2005, 06:49 AM   #887  
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Tiredoffat your right going back to the routine once your off it is hard. I guess that will teach us not to stray away? I know because the last week I let a few extras in my intake and didn't workout as much. I really felt the difference quickly. So I am trying to really get back into it. I did workout on Tues. and a good work out it was then ate some wrong choices because I was so hungry. Well now I should of known to take a snack because that would happen. But other than that slip up I ate pretty good for the day. I bought groceries and now have some better choices around.
I have to do my wt. this weekend I haven't done it in awhile.
Judy sorry to hear about you leg. Boy that hurts I remember when I did that too! Sometimes its because we push to hard on ourselves or don't warm up before a work out. I should warm up but hardly ever do. Work has been crazy for me too this week. Lots going on I had a meeting yesterday and then the state audit guys showed up. Out of 7 clients at the site they pick my two. Oh! I had to stop my meeting to answer a few questions. It seems they always have to find something even when things seem to be running smooth. Needless to say work does keep us all so busy. Tired pretty soon school will be out and you will have some extra time for yourself I hope.
Intake: 2 poached eggs, 2 rye toast, 1/2 order potatoes 450 out for breakfast!
Lunch: salad with 1 whole wheat pita, 1 link turkey sausage yogurt
Snack; 1 apple
Dinner: taco salad homemade w/ beans and I will bake a w/w pita to dip in.
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Old 05-11-2005, 01:34 PM   #888  
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Hi all. Sorry for the short posts - life is hectic these days. Spring is an extra busy time of year. Had the day off and did a healthy food shop - first time in weeks. I'm psyched to have a house full of healthy choices! That will help a lot!

Trying a new get back on track strategy - calorie counting and exercise when I can. That's how I lost most of the weight to begin with. Plus my hectic schedule doesn't allow for much exercise at the moment. In five weeks, school will be over and I'll have time again. Then next year I'll try a more balanced approach - but I hope to go crazy with exercise this summer and knock off the lbs.

Hope everyone is hanging in there. Thanks for all your positive encouragement. I hope I can be there for you too.
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Old 05-12-2005, 07:40 AM   #889  
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Tiredoffat how right you are the house with good food choices really makes the difference. I also bought some groceries earlier this week and it helps alot. I am also back to calorie counting. I am working on a 1400 calories a day. If we make healthy choices there is a lot one can eat. I am making for dinner eggplant parm. tonight. I am off today as I have a couple of doctor visits. So I will have sometime to make a nice dinner not a rushed one. I am going to lightly bread the eggplant and bake it on a sprayed baking sheet. Then put it together with homemade sauce. I also did well on counting calories. There is a new magazine out Womans World on the news stands at the stores 1.49 is all. And it has an article on this woman whom varies her calories. Check it out. I have read about this before and you actually trick you metabolism level into different ways of burning calories. Many people when counting calories go to low and thats not good. You and I are around the same level as we discussed before the ht. / wt. size etc. So around 1400 seems to be our number to work on. Using a journal helps me not to slip in too many! Good luck and keep me posted and post short or long is so helpful and supportive. The site has wound down a bit but I hope it picks up again because its very helpful.
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Old 05-13-2005, 04:58 AM   #890  
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Yes, I think journaling helps too. I've been eating lots of healthy food - a bit too much, but I keep trying. Started reading Dr. Phil again. I like that book.

Have a healthy day!!!

It's very busy at school - lots of paperwork at the end of the year.
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Old 05-13-2005, 06:51 AM   #891  
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Yesterday was a good day as far as food goes. I didn't exercise but made some healthier choices. I ended up right around 1400 calories. Today I am going to try to fit in an evening walk. I didn't work yesterday much to do today. I did have some strawberry shortcake but added it into my calories. Thats one nice thing about calorie counting you can have a little extra specials as long as there counted in. Not to go over board. But my hubby and sister inlaws had much more than mine. One thing that helps me Tired is that I have some 1/2 cup dishes. That way I know each serving is only 1/2 c. so if I have rice pudding or ice cream its not pushing me to far over the edge. Well continue to work on your changes and know I am here with you on this journey. Do you know how to start a new thread? Thought maybe we should think about it. What do you think?
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Old 05-14-2005, 04:40 PM   #892  
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Hope you're all having a good weekend! the weather is hot and gorgeous here, but thunderstorms are on the way, tomorrow if not today. So I've been running errands and taking advantage of the sunny day. I went to Curves this morning, for the first time in almost two weeks. My shin splints are much better, just a little tender. My eating has been all over the map--not pigging out on rich, fatty food, but not watching portions, and eating too many snacks.

Like Tired, I've had to post and run (or not post at all) a lot lately. It's a reflection of how topsy-turvey my life feels right now. When I was really EP and working out, I was taking time to center myself, and using this forum to talk out loud about my goals (while listening to you, of course!). My mental state, like my home and my office, is scattered and cluttered. I'm not especially depressed or angry, just very unfocused.

Today I had a peach smoothie and almonds this morning, a salad and spring rolls at California Pizza Kitchen, an orange and a protein bar this afternoon. This evening I'll be seeing Kingdom of Heaven with a friend, so I'll need to pack something that will keep me away from the concession stand.

Carol, I don't know how to answer your question about starting a new thread. I participate on two others, and find that either I have time for all of them or none of them. Maybe if you launched one with a running theme that would complement the daily check-in, you might entice some new folks with more time and energy.

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Old 05-15-2005, 11:09 AM   #893  
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Hello all! This weekend has been a busy one. I had a sale with a friend and we made a little extra cash. That was nice. I am going on a little casino bus trip to Niagara Falls on thurs. my extra flow will find a place in the slot machines. It will be fun I hope we had to cancel our trip to Toronto as a friend is having teen problems. She couldn't find anyone who could make sure things stay stable so we canceled out for now. I also have camping for Memorial weekend booked at a camp grounds on a lake not too far from home about 45min. So we will take the camper out for the first time this year. I hope it warms up before then. We had lovely warm weather and now a cold front came in for a week or so. I didn't do too bad with my intake this weekend. I actually made some choices that were in the right direction. I feel I have a handle on things again and that feels good. I have a doctors appt. on friday and will have to get on the scale so thurs. I better watch myself. At any rate I am glad to hear from you Judy and Tired too! We have lost a few folks but I hope they return soon. Well I recently read about geting enough sleep can make a difference in wt. loss.I never knew that one. Talk to you all soon Judy keep resting those legs until they are better. Then start off slow. I had that before and its not fun. Tired hope your doing well and I read about eating fruit more in place of other chip snacks etc. I am trying to do that myself.
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Old 05-16-2005, 06:56 AM   #894  
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Just checking in! Yesterday for exercise I did some gardening. It was nice to get outside though my hands look like I was gardening. You would think I'd wear gloves but they get in the way. I am starting off my day with:
1 piece of sour dough toast w/ little canola marg/ 2 oz. ham/ yogurt 300 cals
Lunch: salad w/ grilled chicken breast/ tomatoe/ and low cal blue cheese dressing/apple 370
Dinner/ chili w/ salad/ 1 serving of tortilla chips 440
Snack/ sugar free fudgie/50
Still a bit low on calories but I am sure something else will fall into my mouth.
I am going to go to BJ's and purchase the crystal light packets. My friend uses them to take to restaurants orders ice water and adds them in. I am going to get some for taking to the office. Not sure how expensive they are?
Have a good day everyone. I plan on working out today!
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Old 05-16-2005, 11:46 AM   #895  
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Hi, again!

Yesterday I was pretty much EP, and did 45 minutes of aerobics without much pain from my shins, hooray! Today I have had my usually smoothie, apple and almonds. I'll have a salad w/chicken for lunch, a protein bar for a snack, and steak w/veggies for dinner. I will take a long walk this evening. So that's the plan....Hope everyone is having a great day!

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Old 05-17-2005, 06:37 AM   #896  
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Judy glad to hear your able to start exercising again. I had the shin problem when I pushed myself a bit to hard on the treadmill. It was quite awhile ago but I remember that burning feeling that comes with it. I did a great work out yesterday. I tried a different program on the treadmill. The incline would vary from 4.0 to 7.0 . I really did okay on it and keep up my speed of 4.0. I felt like it really worked me hard. Then did some wt. resistance things. It was about a 55 min. work out with 27 on the treadmill. My intake was very good until I got home then I was so hungry. I induldged in a few no no's how stupid that was after a good workout. But if I remember correctly in the past as I increased the level of exercise that happened too! I am going again today after work. This time I am going to take an apple to eat on the way home and a bottle of water to drink. That treadmill calorie burn was 325 not bad at all. So even though I messed up at least some good went with it to balance things out. I am going to do the scale thing on thurs this week. I am going on a day trip to Niagara Falls and figure it might keep me in line knowing my wt. On friday I also have a doctors appt. to review last weeks bloodwork. So I know the scale will be waiting for me. After I do the scale thing I will set a mini goal anyone want to join in?????????????

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Old 05-18-2005, 06:32 AM   #897  
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Checking in just in case anyone is out there! I have been working out and now feel like I am back in the swing of things. I had a couple of weeks which were a bit off. I still need to adjust my intake a bit. But I am working on that. I guess knowing that changes are needed is a step in the right direction. Judy hope you shins are better. Tired where are you? You must be swamped in end of the year school work. Hope your all doing well. I will continue to ck in for a bit.
My work out was 28 min. treamill w/ varied inclines up to 7.0, wt. resistance for 25 min. then lifted 13 bags of mulch into the truck. Spring is here!
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Old 05-18-2005, 09:27 PM   #898  
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Hi. Yes, Carol, I am swamped. Once summer comes around I'll be back here in full force. Until then I'll be checking in when I can. I can't stand these extra pounds - and my clothes are getting tight. Right now I'm drinking water. Glad to hear that you're doing so well. Keep the good news coming. Take care.
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Old 05-19-2005, 06:41 AM   #899  
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Tiredoffat I used to work at the school here and I know how busy it can be. Then raising a family also takes time. One step at a time increasing your water is a good step. I have been doing okay with that part. I have been doing some reading and now I am trying to make sure that calcium gets into my diet. I bought some calicum chews and keep them by my computer one in the a.m. and p.m.. Every little step helps! I finally got on the scale today and I was up 2 lbs. from my all time low a few weeks ago. But I am not really suprised it could be some water wt. but I have also slipped in extras. For some reason I bought bakery bread the other day and its been hard to stay away from. I also am off to Niagara Falls today with a girl friend. We will be eating at the buffet. I am going to try to limit at least from trying everything. Little portions of things. I have my water packed. Talk to you later!
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Old 05-19-2005, 06:57 PM   #900  
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Today was a so-so day, I feel like I didn't put any energy in saying no to temptation. I had a scone at breakfast meeting, and cookies at a lunch meeting. But I have been walking lots, and went to Curves yesterday (and will again Friday AM).

Hi, tired, hang in there, i hope you have some breathing room soon.

Carol, you sound like you're doing well, I wouldn't worry about fluctating long as they aren't all trending upwards!

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