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Old 04-29-2005, 02:24 AM   #856  
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Thanks everyone - I'm feeling "some" better - but still not up to par - being sick does help with the not eating
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Old 04-29-2005, 06:37 AM   #857  
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kclay hope today your feeling better that bug tends to hang on a bit. My grandkids had it a few weeks ago. Lots of rest it as you know makes you feel so tired out.
Tiredoffat try to take an apple to eat on your way home or have some veggies to pick on ready in the ref. I have had a hard time with that also and after workouts. Judy I think was the one who said eat an apple before a workout or some cheese or something it helps. Ck it out! Glad your noting your changes and info its important.
I didn't get to walk yesterday but plan a gym trip this afternoon kind of a get out a bit early due to working a little later a couple of nights.
Judy this weekend I am going to socialize alot so I am stepping up the exercise. If the weather is good I will be walking around the lake in the a.m. on saturday. I plan on trying each food I desire but in a bit more limited fashion than my past. Because I am hosting the communion gathering at my home I can add a few healthy choices in too.I am planning on exercising sunday after all the folks leave my house. I am glad you asked it got me thinking. Have fun in NYC.
Rollmdl I miss yah!
Intake to be added later I am not sure of my foods today but will attempt to make haealthy choices.
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Old 04-29-2005, 08:36 PM   #858  
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Good evening all. Just checking in to get my daily dose of great health ideas. I know it will start to rub off consistently soon. Have a great night.
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Old 04-30-2005, 07:36 AM   #859  
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Goodmorning everyone,
Tiredoffat I think you are on the right track just keep going forward. Hope you are off to a nice start for your weekend.
This was a very busy week at work lots of things going on and a bit stressful. It was nice for my supervisor to give me a compliment about my work actually two times in one week. I am off until Tues.. I took monday as I was asked to attend a meeting at school for one of the kids. So I figured its at 12:20 what the heck might as well take the day. I have such a busy weekend to start with so extended it didn't take much effort.
I just started my day with a bowl of raisin bran cereal and milk. The shower starts at 11:00 so this should hold me over. I am not even going to guess the intake today so I will post later on. I made a homemade pizza last night lots of veggies but ate a piece of pepperoni that devil I tell you just gets to me. Still not the best choice of foods.
Talk to you all later and have a great day! No loss today problem too much bread, pasta the other day and pizza most likely didn't help. I will try to eat healthy even at the shower the scale is my wake up call and balance to keep in ck. I really need to not only journal here but on a sheet of paper to get back on track!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by cacmsc; 04-30-2005 at 07:41 AM.
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Old 05-01-2005, 07:21 AM   #860  
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Well the shower food was not that tempting but the Italian cookies were. I had 2 small ones and then a small piece of cake. Okay now I feel better that I got that off my chest. The rest of the day my intake was okay.
Today is another get together then its all over until Friday when I go to the Mexican party at a friends. Oh this isn't so easy as I thought it would be. This afternoon after my guest leave I am going walking if we don't have rain or going to the gym yesterday I skipped.
On a good note I took out my spring clothes and was going through them to take some for a garage sale. Some of the sooo tight shirts from last year fit fine this time around. I was pleased with that and the dress I wore to the shower yesterday was an old one but fit great. So at least I can feel and see the difference. I know I will get through all these social events.
Intake start of the day! Oatmeal and coffee no toast
Hope your all having a nice weekend. The shower gifts were very nice yesterday and made me want to redo my kitchen. She is going to make a great wife and loves to cook a variety of things lots of cookbooks. I have my own little collection of those.
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Old 05-01-2005, 03:29 PM   #861  
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Well I'm feeling better, thank goodness - maybe all this rain we've been getting has helped too

I need groceries SO bad - but, alas, I have to wait on DH to get home since he has the money
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Old 05-01-2005, 03:56 PM   #862  
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Hi all. KClay glad to hear that you're feeling better. Carol - great job fitting into the clothes. Once all these parties pass I know you'll be on track again. You're in a good place and have a great momentum going.

All is well here. My dh is back, thank God! Lots of soul searching lately - I'm not sure what I'm looking for, but I'm looking for something. I should be at the gym but I'm hoping to do a lot of intense cleaning today. How do you all keep your houses clean - daily schedule? pattern? Seems like mine is always a mess and that makes me crazy. It's been 13 years without any updates so the time is now to get it cleaned up.

Take care and have a good weekend.
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Old 05-01-2005, 06:12 PM   #863  
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Tired thanks for the words of advice and you are probably right. I hope! Anyways because I was hosting todays party I cleaned last night and this morning. I have only lived in this house for 10 years. But its amazing what one can collect and I think there is still a few things packed from when I moved in! I am going to clean out and take stuff over to a friends that is having a moving sale. I started to clean out clothes and dishes and stuff I don't need. I read somewhere to go around on a daily basis and just take a little basket pick up stuff that need to be put away and do it. I guess that would work. Only two of us live here and my house still gets dirty not bad but cluttered up quickly. Those little people whom come to play give it the lived in look. I do use a bedroom as their play room but from time to time they run out in the livingroom and love to run around my island. Someday they'll be too old and won't want to come to visit. That will be a sad day! Anyways as my daughter says if you don't use get rid of it. So I am trying to do that with out the dh knowing he is a pack rat worse than me. Good luck with your cleaning take one room at a time and get started with redoing it. I am luck as my son helps keep my house updated. The girls are taking an antique tub and making it into a pond for me in my flower bed. It will have a little fountain should be cool! The tub use to have claw feet on it so its kind of oval with a lip all around it. Their both very creative and together we all will have our hands into this project. It is my mothers day gift. The pump isn't cheap, that I KNOW.
Take care I am not even trying to track my day today it was just off no sense. Monday is the start of my new week
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Old 05-02-2005, 07:06 AM   #864  
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Good morning everyone well its monday time to get back into the groove of healthy choices and some exercise. Today I am going to track myself a bit closer than I have been. I worked pretty hard on my goal and a couple of parties later feel the need to get serious again about my intake. I have another party on friday so I need to eat good all week to balance things out. Also to get that exercise in 4 times for the week. So here is my goal this week 1500 cal. or less a day, exercise 4 times and increase my water intake and yogurt.
Intake: oatmeal , little dash of br.sugar, cinnamon, coffee
snack; yogurt
burrito for lunch, 1 gr. apple
snack: almonds 15
dinner: asparagus steamed w/ little vinegar and olive oil, steak grilled, salad w/ romaine lettuce and cukes.
snack: sugar free jello
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Old 05-02-2005, 05:57 PM   #865  
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Hi Carol. Thanks for the cleaning tips. How did you do today? Your girls, by the way, sound very creative. I started off the day with a great one-hour early morning bike ride. I rode hard and it felt great, plus the world is so beautiful early in the morning before most people are up. The rest of the day I ate quite a bit but most of it was healthy so that's good. I wish you well tonight. I'm planning to go to bed early. Now that my dh is back home life is not so stressed. I do appreciate him. Take care.
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Old 05-03-2005, 06:38 AM   #866  
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Tiredoffat I didn't get to the gym yesterday as planned but this a.m. I am going. I see how once we are out of our routine how easy it is to slip back. Yesterday My lunch wasn't filling and when I got home I couln't wait to eat. That needs to be adjusted for sure.Good for you going off for a mornig ride. It must of been pretty peaceful and a super start to the day. At least your intake was healthy I managed to slip a piece of cake in but now its all out of the house and the chips too! My daugher is taking the hubby and I out for dinner tonight for helping out so much with our grandson. His dad has taken a promotion and has been working out of town a lot so we pitch in. But he is so good its really a good time for us. So I will order something that isn't too bad and avoid the good fries we are going to a good hamburger joint. It is called Zebbs they have a lot of different things there so I will ck it out. I also have some training today for 3 hours and their serving lunch OH! Well my breakfast is healthy 1/2 a bagel w/ lt. cc and 1 bowl of Kashia cereal to start off my day. I also have started to use the stairs again at work I kind of got out of that habit. It adds a bit of extra calorie burning. Your right all the kids are very creative. Oh I finished my friends quilt last night that felt so good. It was a king size biggest I have ever done and I never want to do one that big again. It was made of retro aprons her collection and bordered with her red ck'd table cloth cut in strips and backed with tea table cloths. I was never so glad to have something finished. Designing it with her choices and using 26 aprons wow! Well gotta fly if I am going to make it to the gym.
Have a SUPER day! Where is everyone else????????????????????
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Old 05-03-2005, 07:17 AM   #867  
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I'm here, just not awake - didn't get in the bed until 4am and now I'm back up again, to take daughter's to school - I will be back later on this afternoon
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Old 05-03-2005, 07:44 PM   #868  
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Hi all. How are you? Yes, Carol it is so easy to get off track. I know you'll get back on though. That's so nice of your daughter to recognize your help. I'm happy that you finished the quilt.

KClay why did you get to bed so late? You must be tired today.

I took the bike to work today - about a one mile ride and then I took about a 3 mile ride home - very nice. Not a lot of exercise, but certainly better than nothing. I'm getting into the bike which is good because that's what I'm doing on the 6/11 triathlon.

Eating was ok - could be better. I had a great chocolate treat for only 80 cals tonight - TCBY bars - very tasty. Thanks for being here - exercise definately makes you want to get in shape and helps you to crave the healthy foods. I hope to get out for another early morning ride tomorrow. I'll let you know. Take care.
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Old 05-04-2005, 12:42 AM   #869  
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I have a bad habit - I don't go to bed until 3 maybe 4 - I've done this for as long as I can remember - Even when I was a teen - Needless to say, Study Hall was used for napping
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Old 05-04-2005, 06:38 AM   #870  
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Tiredoffat your right when you start to exercise it all kind of comes together again. I feel that way too! In the past I got into a habit for awhile checking my schedule and noting when I would workout. That way I already had it in the schedule. After awhile I didn't need it anymore but after my slip into a few extras now I need to do it again. Sometimes looking back to what worked before we got off course is so helpful. The biking sounds good to me. Have you ever tried a spin class at the gym? One of my coworkers asked me and another girl to join him and his girl friend on the 12th. I haven't made up my mind as of yet. Only because I would have to take a 1/2 of day off they want to go during work hours. But it suppose to be lots of fun. Here they shut off the lights to dim and have different music throughout the ride and he says you go at your own pace. So if its around ck it out.
My intake wasn't too bad yesterday a bit of pasta but at dinner last night I ordered a salad w/ dressing on the side instead or fries. Thats a hard thing when you go to that place but I did it. After I did have choc. cookie but I figured at least I worked out in the a.m. so I am sure I balanced it out. At least it was one and not 4.
Kclay wow I am an early to bad early up kind of girl. I wouldn't beable to stay up that late unless I was out at a party or away somewhere on vac. I'd like to stay up later but just can't do it my body is so routined. How do you do it?
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