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Old 03-23-2005, 06:52 AM   #751  
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Well girls I fell off a bit last evening. Having the bag of Easter candy in my closet isn't so good for me.I am going to give it to the hubby to put in the plastic eggs today that way its out of my sight and reach. I had a bit of a stressful work day yesterday and that didn't help it makes me more of an impulsive eater. Oh well at least I recognize it and that says something and I will over come those extra few calories when I go to the gym. Easter is coming pretty fast. We will have to see if we are doing a inside or outside hunt for eggs. The kids just love it running around and gathering the eggs to see whats inside them. They will all be on sugar highs after that and Grams will send them all home! Hah Hah!
Rollmdl don't ever regret what you let loose on this site. Its okay and sometimes expressing ourselves is just what we need. The soup sounds like a great idea. I think I am going to go throw some stuff in my crock pot to make turkey soup for tonight. Thanks for the soup thought. Happy exercising! Friends are wonderful up lifts of good times and lots of fun. Keep moving and you will burn extra calories and can eat a few extras during these times. Work out a few extra min.... it helps
Julie your right I am pretty lucky and I am grateful for them. I never take things like that for granted.
Intake : Breakfast= 2 poached eggs, dry rye toast, 1/2 order potatoes, coffee
Lunch= soy crisp, meatballs w/ little melted cheese, 1 pear

Dinner= turkey soup w/ veggies and a few flat noodles, few thin slices of reduced cheddar ch., w/ reduced fat crackers.
snack= yogurt smoothie
Have a great day! Julie you are right if we don't stray far from our path we will reach our goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of us together with the support of each other! Tired we miss you too! Judy hope you are doing well!
Well girls I did make it to the gym. I did the treadmill for 35min. and then wt. resistance 20 min. It felt good to get into it today. I updated my intake for today.

Last edited by cacmsc; 03-23-2005 at 06:53 PM.
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Old 03-24-2005, 03:05 AM   #752  
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Lightbulb Hi All

I won't be posting tomorrow. I have a super busy day. I'm meeting with my accountant tomorrow and have two other meetings as well. I'm glad I have my soup all ready to go.

I'll check in on Friday.

Thanks for being here. Sorry to be so brief but I'm really tired and doing the taxes brings up lots of anxiety. I've been audited twice since my husband died. Once for his business and once for me personally.

Wish me luck,
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Old 03-24-2005, 06:37 AM   #753  
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Roll I just want to say that also happened to us last year. It surely isn't any fun at all and I don't wish that process on anyone. I ended up taking 2 personnal days off to meet with the tax lady. She was at least a reasonable person and wasn't too bad to deal with. But it was something I hope to never have to do again. At any rate I think it was my little side business that brought that all on. She said they were just picking folks but I don't know if that is so true. Good luck with your taxes mine were easier this year as I haven't been working on the side. I am going to do that again soon but not alot and its a different paying source. I made turkey soup yesterday after thinking about your chicken soup. I did it in the crock pot.
Julie, Judy and Tired hope your all well!
Today I am feeling good and thought maybe I'd fit in an exercise time after work. That way on friday I won't have to go into the city. I have a lot to do cleaning , cooking and preparing food for everyone. I started to take a daily vitamin with ginseng I think its helping me feel more energized. Last night I made a smoothie with yogurt, 2% milk, few nuts and blueberries. It was very good and I think a good snack it keeps you feeling full. A friend makes one with plain nonfat yogurt or vanilla, frozen orange juice and skim milk. Its like a creamsicle. I have to try that one. Little healthy treats.
Intake plans; breakfast- whole wheat toast 1 w/ raspberry jam, grapefruit whole, 1 slice of reduced fat cheese , coffee
Snack= soy crisp 130
Lunch= out for lunch chinese=?
Snack= 1 pear
Dinner= quesadillas made w/ chicken, salad w/ olive oil, vinegar spices
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Old 03-24-2005, 05:44 PM   #754  
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A quick note on a busy day to say hello, sorry I have to run...things are good, I've been ignoring the Easter candy everywhere and I got a new food journal this morning at the doctor's office, as well as a very bracing pep talk...more tomorrow. I am going to reach my long-term goal!
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Old 03-25-2005, 07:40 AM   #755  
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Judy I hear you loud and clear about that Easter candy. Its not easy I have been staying away since the other day. But yesterday while shopping did eat a small handful of choc. covered dried cranberries. Well they weren't the best thing to eat but I guess not the worse. Did the doctor pass on any good advice that you feel like sharing? Sometimes they have good words of wisdom. I read an article last night from our local newspaper where my daughter works. It was on health and well being. The guidelines reccomend we eat 2 cups of fruit a day and 2 1/2 cups of veggies. It also talked about building muscle. Eating protein or calcium before of after a workout is suppose to build more muscle. The muscle in turn raises your metabolism level on a daily basis. Just food for thought everyone! I am going to make some new type of cookies for Easter. An Italian style I will eat one and take the rest to the downstairs freezer. I am going to make sure they go home with everyone on sunday when they leave.
Well I am off to workout this a.m. . I did do the scale thing this morning I haven't lost anything this week but on the bright side not gained. I feel like I have lost inches. I am going to measure myself this a.m. to keep a running record. I lost my old one. Well take care everyone.
Breakfast= 1/2 grapefruit, 2 eggs, 1 english muffin wh. wt, little canola marg. 325 cals.
Lunch= smoothy w/ yogurt nonfat, blueberries, almonds few, milk 250
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Old 03-28-2005, 07:07 PM   #756  
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Hope we didn't lose everybody when the forum was down... or were you all washed away by the rain?

The advice I got at my weigh-in wasn't new, but I needed to be pushed hard for having so many excuses to drift off program. I spent the weekend setting new goals, and making plans to achieve them, like figuring out how to make my mornings easier (and not lay in bed contemplating whether or not I'll work out). I'm sure that I'm not losing more quickly because I'm not geting enough aerobic exercise. I also studied the eating plan that I've been following more or less since December, and seeing where I've been way too lax .

Today I had a peach smoothie for breakfast, went to Curves, had an apple and almonds for an AM snack, LC turkey and green beans, with a cup of steak and veggie soup, for lunch, a protein bar in late afternoon, four chocolate kisses (hmmm, no dessert for me), and will have a big salad w/chicken for dinner.

See you tomorrow!
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Old 03-29-2005, 06:31 AM   #757  
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Judy hopefully we didn't lose everyone. I tried to get on and found it was closed. I guess I needed a bit of support over the weekend. I didn't do to bad but of course had add in's oh well it was a holiday. I did good at sending home almost all the goodies. Yesterday I didn't do too bad until I waited too long to eat. I have been having a bit of trouble with my knee the last couple of days. I worked out on saturday so I got my 3 days of planned exercise in. That was a plus in the right direction it always makes me feel good when I met the goal. I should up it to 4 days this week and I think I will. But I need to take at easy on my knee. I will try the bike it might be less pressure. The motrin help thank goodness at 800 mgs they should. Hope everyone joins in soon. Sounds like your getting it together with a good plan in place. It really helps to make yourself a little chart. More accountability to yourself I guess at any rate it helps me to see what I have done or not done. At any rate spring is here and it is so nice to hear the birds in the morning, but I wish they'd sleep in a bit longer 5 is a bit early. Have a great day.
Yesterday: 1 sweet roll last one left!, coffee
lunch= 1 jalpeno pepper roll w/ ham slices and mustard
raw veggies, broc, carrots,celery and laughing cow cheese
few grapes and 1 handful of potatoe chips a coworker shared!
At dinner late and was straved 7 hrs. since I ate anything!
ham sandwich on a rye roll , mustard
potatoe salad, banana bread homemade
I didn't drink enough water yesterday, didn't need the chips and potatoe salad wasn't a great choice either. I will try to get on better terms with food today.
I will ck in later.
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Old 03-30-2005, 02:05 AM   #758  
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Lightbulb Hi All

Sorry to be MIA. We have guests in town--2 families that have moved away are visiting for Easter Week. We had a beach party and 7 girls sleeping over and lounging all day here. I have a headache. My eating------exercise? Well, I'll not be gone for good but it's kind of tough to stay on track right now. Not a good excuse. I really miss my friends and
it makes me want to comfort myself with food. I'm glad you're still around. I'll check in tomorrow after socializing again.

I'm sorry about your knee, Carol. You work so hard and deserve functioning knees. It's so tricky. I have faulty knees. Arthritis. I have to strengthen my quadriceps slowly or I injure them and I'm back to square one.

Well, I'm going to bed now, before I eat the house..

Love to You All.


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Old 03-30-2005, 06:21 AM   #759  
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Thanks Rollmdl for your thoughts my knee seems a bit better today. I am off to exercise before work as ai have another late day. When that happens I make excuses to not stop at the gym. Now that nice weather has come I can always walk too. I think that I will make it to the lake this weekend and walk around. It is 2 miles and so pretty. Enjoy your company and when they leave you can jump back into your routine just make a schedule and make yourself accountable. I haven't worked out really since saturday but this morning I am off! Gotta get that 3 days in I was shooting for 4 this week we will see.
I had a bit of stress to the end of my day yesterday but held it together when I got home and didn't eat the house. I made split pea soup from one of my ham bones. It came out really good but seemed to take for ever to get done. So I had a bit of cheese and a few reduced fat crackers. I did eat a piece of the banana bread but now its all gone.
I hope everyone else is doing good? We miss hearing from everyone.
Todays planned intake: breakfast= oatmeal w/ spices and 1/2 grapefruit
snack= yogurt
lunch= split pea soup and reduced fat crackers
baked chips 1 serving
dinner= grilled chicken , aspargus w/ little butter and lemon
salad w/ olive oil and vinegar, spices
snack= yogurt
I have to increase my water I have been slacking off! Maybe I should give that a chart? Have a super day and I will attempt to ck in again as it keeps me on task.
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Old 03-30-2005, 12:28 PM   #760  
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Maybe we should start an arthritis thread? I've had my right knee 'scoped twice, and apparently I have some arthritis in my hips and in my big toe. So I ache a lot...but it's osteoarthritis, mostly as a result of lugging so much weight around. If I don't lose weight, I know I'll be looking at more extensive surgeries down the road. Every pound I drop, every workout I do, is ultimately leading to less pain, so my poor joints won't have to work so hard I haven't had a lot of Motrin-inducing pain in recent years, but my stepped-up workout schedule might change that, we'll see. I keep a couple of specially marked 2-lb bags of frozen peas to ice my knees when they feel cranky. This is a big reason that I started going to Curves. It's important to do strenght training, and ankle weights are so boring....

Roll, don't feel too badly about being off program when you have company. As long as you're conscious of what you are and what you aren't doing, you can minimize the damage, and you will be able to get right back in the saddle when the party's over. Have fun! It sounds like there is a lot of energy and laughter around your house this week.

Carol, you've read my mind about the weather! I will be walking along the Potomac as the temperature improves. Being out in the sunlight, even if I'm walking along a busy street, is like a tonic for me. I'm not an outdoorsy type--city girl, never went camping or whatever--but I love being able to spend time along a lake or a river. It's so calming for me! I hope your day got off to a great start.

Julie--come back! I want to know what's going on in your life, and I miss your smilies

Yesterday was a gold star day in my journal. I ate entirely on program, got up early enough for a 50-minute workout on the aerobic machines, and said no to temptations. To combat my urge to nibble in the evening, I've been sitting on the couch, off to the side of the TV. I put my feet up and surround myself with the newspapers and the rest of my reading backlog, and somehow that seems to keep me from wanting to eat. Crazy, huh? Whatever works....

Make good choices, everyone!

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Old 03-31-2005, 06:51 AM   #761  
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Hey Judy what ever works for you newspapers etc. I sometimes knit and that helps last night it was a houseful of grandkids and helping one with homework. Boy I thought I was done with that stage of my life how wrong I was! I do enjoy helping out I used to be a teaching assistant before I decided to go back to school to further my own education. So I still have some good teaching skills in me and it was nice to use them. I am not sure if my grandson felt the same way I really pushed him to do his very best. At anyrate an hour or so later we finished and I hadn't picked on anything. In fact even forgot my evening snack. I did think about having a small bowl of ice cream at 9 but talked myself out of it. I have to do my wt. on saturday we'll see how its gone then. I did make it to the gym yesterday before work I really enjoyed it the less folks there the easier to get the equipment of choice. I do need to get there a bit sooner so I can have a more relaxed time. I was a bit rushed but went to one of my sites close to the gym right afterwards so I was only 5 min. late . I am sure during the week I have put those 5 in already somewhere. I ran in to my little man again and we said hello. He is an inspiratation of growing older and keeping yourself up. My intake yesterday changed for dinner I made homemade sloppy joes and had one on a roll nothing else. I should of ate some veggies. Otherwise on schedule except forgot to eat my snack at night. Judy see I am one of those raised in the country girls work in the city! But I enjoy the outside very much and we are going to do lots of camping this year. We bought a little used popup last year. The grandkids and my kids love to get away. So lots of that this summer no real vacations except my long weekend planned in May with the girls to Toronto. Next year Hawaii to see my son and his wife I need to start to save for that.
You sound like your really getting into the swing of things with exercise and having a positive outlook on things. Good for you! Keep up the good work.
Rollmdl hope your enjoying your friends and having some great laughs. You sure deserve a break!
Julie hope you come back soon as Judy said we miss your smiles and insights on life and those wonderful tips you give us. Hope your doing well!
Tiredoffat hope life is treating you well we miss you too!
Intake plans= one walk after work I have a meeting today no gym workout!
Breakfast= 1 slice Italian toast w/ jam
Kasha cereal
Snack= yogurt
Lunch= 1/2 subway veggie sub, water
Snack= 1 apple
Dinner = grilled chicken , asparagus w/ lemon pepper little butter, 1 baked potatoe small, water,
Snack= 1 cup of cantalope fresh
Yesterday I did much better with my water intake. Today I will try to improve even more.
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Old 04-01-2005, 06:37 AM   #762  
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Today I am going to do my preplan of intake on paper then adjust it as my day goes on. Yesterday I changed it around and also will get back to adding my calories. This morning I am going to exercise before work. I will only get in 3 times this week. I came down witht he virus everyone had around me, cold symptons, tired etc. So I am going to work but we will see maybe only put in a half of day. There are a few things needed to be done this morning that can't wait. Hope everyone is doing well.
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Old 04-01-2005, 04:33 PM   #763  
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Yaay, it's Friday! And the sun is shining again today! And I didn't eat anything but a little fruit and my almonds at a meeting this morning, despite a bad case of the fidgets and a buffet with pastries and muffins!!! I had to leave home very early this morning, so I didn't have time for a real workout, I danced around doing fake Tae-Bo for 20 minutes before hoping in the shower. Had cantaloupe and kefir for breakfast, a salad w/turkey and an apple at lunch, and a protein bar this afternoon. The weather is lovely, so I'm going for a long (50 minute) walk on the way home.

Carol--I hope that you're feeling better. Drinking more water will help with your weight and the virus! It's so cool that you can help your grandkids with their homework. My grandparents weren't terribly literate (Southern rural schools for black children in the Depression, what can I say?), so all they could give me was moral support. My mom stays on her own grandkids about their homework, though, and is always thinking of books flashcards and other things to help them.

This weekend I have to tackle my taxes. That will be the true test of how I'm doing with stress eating!

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Old 04-04-2005, 06:57 AM   #764  
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Hello! Well seems though we have lost a people here? Judy maybe we need to start a new thread but I am not sure how to go about the process? Do you know how? Maybe we could find out and make sure that our friends can find us when their ready to? What do you think? This one is quite long and Tired had thought in the past about doing a new one? Well let me know I am game for anything but don't want to lose touch with the girls we have had here.
Sorry I haven't ck'd in I was a bit busy. I haven't even done the scale as Tom has been hanging around a bit extra this time around. I can't wait until he takes a hike! At any rate I think I am doing okay and clothes are looking better. I am trying to find a new dress or fancy skirt for a wedding a couple of weeks. No luck they fit fine but just not me. I will ck again tonight after work. I feel better still a deep cough but not too bad. I didn't sleep well last night though so stayed in bed a bit longer this a.m.. No workout. I will workout before work on tues. , weds, fri. and hopefully fit in a walk on sat. I am shooting for 4 times this week.
Well I will ck in later with my intake at the end of my evening. Otherwise a few things seem to slip in or out of my journal. Take care and keep up the good work Judy and avoiding those snacks take some fruit to your meetings. I am gald you said cantalope I am going to take some for lunch.
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Old 04-04-2005, 04:29 PM   #765  
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Lightbulb I'm Back

Hi All,

Sorry to have been gone for so long. The friends and week off were fun
but I don't have a success story to share about how I kept my head while others were eating everything in sight. I gained a few pounds and am feeling physically uncomfortable. That's enough to get me inspired to get back on track.

Reading your posts this morning has been like medicine for me(good medicine, not castor oil). Judy, thank you for reminding me of the benefits of being out of doors. It really is mood altering to work in the garden and it's something that I've been depriving myself of for quite a while. It's hard to eat nachos with gardening gloves on.

Carol, you share a lot about keeping your hands busy at night. It makes a lot of sense. I used to sew a lot and, once again, I was always too lazy to wash my hands after eating a greasy, messy snack, so I just wouldn't do it.

I appreciate the ideas you present and your sharing what works for you.

Here's my plan for today:

Breakfast: roast beef and tomato sandwich with pesto spread on flax bread

lunch: fresh pineapple salad

snack: orange

dinner: chicken portebello mushroom salad

lots and lots of water. I think I'm retaining water from all the salt in the junk I've been eating.

I feel like I need to detox.

Thanks for being here and listening to me while I start all over again.
I apologize for disappearing so much.

Love to you all,


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