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Old 06-06-2005, 12:31 PM   #946  
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Yaay, I've survived my really tough time at work and not killed anybody or gained ten pounds. I spent the weekend, relaxing being introspective and shedding the negativity that's being piling up inside me for the past few months. I haven't lost any weight, but I managed not to gain any, either, which I will take as a very positive sign.

More later--judy
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Old 06-06-2005, 10:02 PM   #947  
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Lightbulb Hi All,

I spent the day with the computer guy and my computer is pretty much stripped. He's coming back tomorrow to re-install everything. I was "keeping him company" so I didn't have much of a chance to stuff my face.
I probably won't have much of a chance to post tomorrow so I thought I'd touch base tonight.

Judy, not killing anyone is good.. I hear prison food is really high in refined carbs I think about you often and send good energy your way. I think spending time with people "from another planet" is the hardest work you can tackle.... and you are dealing with it rather than letting it eat you alive. Congratulations on your maintenance.

Well, I have to do some computer research tonight -----tomorrow I have to take my daughter to her piano lesson and she's starting Karate again. Her old teacher is giving her lessons with her daughter.

I'll be putting in more hours with the computer guy, too.

Thanks for all the support.

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Old 06-06-2005, 10:27 PM   #948  
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Hi all. Great inspiration. Roll, your menu sounds delicious! Perfect! Carol, what a wonderful event in the city. It's great to visit new places and see different lifestyles. I love it. Roll, thanks for showing me why I like biking so much.

Tough school day! I've had poor press lately. I know why - something to work on. Mainly teachers are just tired out by this time of the year and ready for a break. Unlike the two of you it has been a while since I've done a healthy shop - it's so important. Tomorrow will be a new day.

The triathlon is Sat. I know I'm ready for the bike which is great. We'll have fun and I'm getting closer to the summer break. Thanks for being here.
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Old 06-06-2005, 10:54 PM   #949  
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Default I'm still trying

I just started ww today and this really seems like a good thread for me to start. Now if I can just find it again. I get lost real easy )

Breakfast - 1/2c applesauce
Snack - 4 crackers
Lunch - 1/2c rice, 1/2c chicken
Snack - strawberry/banana nector drink
Dinner - 1/2c rice, 1/2c refried beans, 1/2c pork and a tortilla

I stuck a chocolate mint in my mouth then realized I wasn't suppose to be eating it so I threw it in the garbage. I went into the break room at work and there temptation sits. Cookies from subway. I actually walked out of the break room so I wouldn't eat them. That was a close call

Not! none today the only exercise I get lately is going up to my apartment that is on the third floor with no elevator. Some times I think that is why I keep procrastinating is I hate going down the stairs cuss I know I have to come back up them to get home.

Things I will work on:
Drink more water I think I only drank one glass today thats pretty bad.
Get the nerve to go down to the gym in my apartments. I don't know why I feel so uncomfortable about going. I never see anyone in there so it wouldn't be like I am going to have a bunch of people watching me. Look at the fat girl trying to lose weight

I'll be back tomarrow if I can find it again
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Old 06-07-2005, 06:36 AM   #950  
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Chime I hope you find the site again. We all feel a bit off when starting the gym. I think it is a normal feeling like we are out of place or something. But from my own experience once you get into it you feel so good and a sense of accomplishment. So try it out its so nice its right in your building.
Rollmdl yah those cats would be mighty happy huh? With a little garden they'd love my cat nip which is in my flower bed. Keep up your good intakes. Spending time with my kids is always a special time. My oldest and her family are going camping with us the first weekend the kids are off from school. We will have some fun. I think this summer I will just take turns with each child coming with us for a weekend or overnight. That way they get some individualized time. My 3 grandkids are taking karate they started a couple of months ago. Its been really good for my grandaughter whom had balance problems. She is doing great and has progressed the most and learning to really listen and take direction great program.
Tired sounds like your bike day will be lots of fun and you are surely ready. Your getting into the mode you belong in and it must feel good huh?
Judy maintaining your wt. while all this stressful stuff has been going on is a great success for sure. Sometimes maintaining is better than a loss. Your body adjusts at a slower rate but longterm is important and you keep it off when its lost.
Well I went o pick up my car yesterday but the electric was out for hrs. So they gave me a nice one to use like a 30,000 dollar one. When I drive this to work I will never get another raise! I feel like I am part of a hit mob its a 2005 chrysler 300. Mafia looking! The one with those narrow windows and its big! They were very nice about giving me something to drive. I think they knew better than to mess with me. I told them I am a pretty straight lady and tell it how I see it the other day. I just don't let anyone walk on me!
Intake: wh/wt/ cheerios 150 cal.
3 sm. wh/wt/ pitas/ lettuce / lemon hummus= 225
1 peach
small maple walnut ice cream= work stress break! not so healthy
homemade meatballs 4w/french bread sauce=400 ?
soy bar 150
Not too bad other than my ice cream!
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Old 06-07-2005, 11:25 AM   #951  
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Chime, the easy way to find a thread you know you'll want to follow is to 'subscribe' to it, by clicking on the 'thread tools' button near the top of the thread. Then when you want to check in with us, you can go to your User Control Panel ('User CP' up and to the left) and be able to quickly link with all the threads you've subscribed to. It sounds like you have a lot of tools to help you get off to a good start--WW, a gym in your apartment building, this site, and enough determination to do things like step away from the cookies Give yourself time and a pat on the back for every good step you take!

Carol, I think it's so nice of you to think of 'individualized' time with your g-kids. I spent a lot of time with some of my grandparents, but usually with other people. The rare times I got to hang out just with my grandfather still feel special, we really got to talk to one another on a different level.

Tired--I'm thinking of you and that triathalon! And around your question of rhythms and the times we live in--yeah, I think we expect way too much of ourselves in some ways, with less interpersonal support. We have more time in the day, and longer lifespans, and feel compelled to cram each minute with something, even if it's just watching television or yakking about nothing on the cell phone. But that busyness and distraction is a mile wide and an inch deep. It doesn't add much to our spirits or souls. In a time of plenty and rampant consumerism, we try to fill the void by things, including food, which we can never get enough of.....

Roll, thanks for the good energy! I've heard that prison food is all potatoes and pasta, calming and filling, but hardly South Beach.

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Old 06-07-2005, 09:59 PM   #952  
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Hi all - it's been a very busy day. I've got my students working on research reports and a short play, my son had a playoff game and then a myriad of other events. I must say that it was a good day but without a moment's rest. Very hard to eat healthy when I'm rushing like this.

I enjoyed reading all your thoughts. Chime, I'm glad you're joining - new energy and resolve is always welcome! Judy, thanks for your thoughts on life. Carol, you've got inspiration for all of us - thank you. Roll, hope you're well. Take care. I'll be back again.
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Old 06-08-2005, 06:13 AM   #953  
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Hello all well I am getting ready to start my day. I now have my new wheels a bit scary with a much larger payment but we will adjust. Like the hubby said all you were putting in the other car will make the payment almost. I think he might be right. At least I have something now I pray it will be a good car for me. If not the dealership is 2 miles down the road.
Yesterday was a real crazy work day but I was able to keep myself going. I had a good breakfast and lunch. The hubby and I did go to Jreck subs for dinner but after I didn't have anything else. So calorie wise I think I made it. Could of had a better dinner but we took the car for a drive to ck it out. Lots of bells and whisles to figure out. I still don't know how to use the alarm.
Tired your biking day is coming near you must be feeling pretty good about being ready. Good thing yah been out biking. My friend is teaching a spin class. He said its really fun. I am going to take an try at it sometime. He's asked me several times but its a the YMCA I would only go as a guest.
Judy your so right after I read your notes I thought of the times I spent with my grandpa and grandma. Those times are thought of often and I learned so much from them so many fine memories to keep forever. Thanks for the nice thought. Yah that prison food oh! Better stay straight!
Rollmdl hello where ever you are today!
Chime hope you return!
Intake: 1 sm wh/wt/ pita 3" one w/canadian bacon and 1 poached egg 190 cal.
pita 2 w/lemon hummus/lettuce shreds/carrots/cherry tomatoes yogurt 310
banana 100/2 SMALL MEATBALLS 120
Jreck sub! Oh! NOT THE HEALTHIEST THING MIXED MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 06-08-2005, 12:24 PM   #954  
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I made it back I think still trying to figure this out anyway, thank you for the support. Yesturday was really not that good of a day as far as keeping on track. Had to work a late night because of graduation for our students. Manditory that we have to go. Well with the extra time in the morning I went to have coffee with my friend which was great but I got hungry and asked her if she wanted to go get something to eat. She decided to make me something really yummy! It was yummy but it wasn't what I should be eating didn't have the heart to tell her I'm sorry but I can't eat this. So I ate it. I went to work and "oh boy" we are having a pot luck. Yes I ate again I chose salads and fruit trying to be good ya no especially after that great breakfast then later it was time to go to graduation and what do we do stop off at a near by resturant to eat and drink. I did really good stayed away from the nacho plate with all the gooy cheese. Come on my day was not planned well "My Bad" I came home last night and by this time I am hungry cuss I was being so good at the resturant hello one beer and a couple of chips is not dinner. Needless to say I ate when I got home. Wow yesturday was a mess. Thank god I have another day to do things right. Before I leave my house today I am going to have a plan. I have to work my regular late night tonight so no potlucks, graduations or resturants for me today

gooy cheese nachos
more beer

Yummy breakfast sandwich- 2 pieces of bacon, 2 slices of wheat toast, hashbrown, cheese and an egg. oh my....

crab salad really thick on the mayo just had a couple of bites.
pasta salad maybe about a 1/4 cup
1 chicken leg
oriental chicken salad 1/4 cup
apple pie

1 beer
chips and salsa

quesidilla-cheese and meat
bean buritto with rice and cheese
glass of coke(not diet either)

Thing to work on for today:
Drink more water
Don't set myself up
plan my meals before I leave home today

I just love being able to write this stuff down and someone is actually reading it instead of a journal at home and no one knows what I am going through. This is great. I will let you know how my day goes. till tomarrow
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Old 06-08-2005, 03:39 PM   #955  
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Yesterday wasn't a bad day for me. Despite 90-plus-degree heat, I did manage to get two 25-minute walks in, and a visit to Curves in the evening. I ate per plan, except for some hard candy brought in by a co-worker who just returned from visiting his home in South America (coffee candy from Colombia, how could I say no?).

Chime, I'm glad you found your way back. Maybe you can leave a trail of crumbs next time! Anyway, don't feel badly about not being perfect. They say the first step is being conscious of your challenges and your triggers, so just getting used to tracking your intake (and the environment, and how you felt) is a huge step. I have struggled a lot with sticking to my plan when I'm out with friends; I'm trying to implant ideas in my mind hours before an event starts, like "That place has great salads and seafood," or I'll have either a drink or a small dessert but not both.

Gotta run--Carol, Tired, Roll, I hope you're feeling good!

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Old 06-08-2005, 11:14 PM   #956  
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Hi all. It's crazy busy here right now so forgive me for not commenting personally. I just want you to know that I'm checking in and gaining a lot from your questions, thoughts and perspectives. Life is such an interesting journey. Take care and know that I appreciate all your care.
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Old 06-09-2005, 06:30 AM   #957  
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Well Chime I have to say yesterday was good for me until I ate some pastries. It was a pasitcotta or something kind of pie filling in a cake like crust. Oh couldn't of been great calorie wise. But I was good the rest of my day. I even went for a swim after work once by myself then the little ones came over to my friends and I had to go in again. The second time was more pulling kids around the pool etc. the first time was exercise for sure. At any rate it was 94 out and it sure felt great to get wet.
My intake most likely added up to around 1600 yesterday a bit high. Wasn't sure how to count my pastry in. But no more of that! I have a wedding to go to on 7/22 and want to look nice even drop a few lbs. by then that is my goal. That and my birthday is the 21st so it gives me 2 reasons for that goal.
Tired its a tough time of year for you so busy! Hang in there you must beable to see the light at the end of the tunnel coming closer?
Chime its all part of the process we all go through it. As Judy said recognizing and trying to make changes along the way is a start. If you are trying to change lots of things at once its hard. Maybe target a couple of different things and do them for 10 days. For instance eat a healthy breakfast and lunch. Or decide on dinner to be your focal pt. Just an idea! Good luck! So hard when we have events that come up.
Intake plans: Granola cereal 250 w/ splash of milk
yogurt 100
salad w/ tuna/ veggies/ grapes 1 pita pocket = 250
apple 70
Dinner out? Oh I will try to be good! I planned for extra cals. for this.
I might swim later on after dinner if we don't get a storm.
Take care everyone remember every step forward helps to reach our goal. Anyone interested in setting a mini goal for say the deadline end of June? Something small and reachable?????????????
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Old 06-09-2005, 12:31 PM   #958  
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Hi. Still trying to climb this awesome health mountain - a rugged journey.
Thanks for being here.
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Old 06-09-2005, 11:20 PM   #959  
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What can I tell you about today I always start out with great intentions. I left for work with an apple and v8 juice. Got in the car and forgot my yogurt. That was going to be my snack anyway ended up rushing out of the house I had no lunch so my co-worker and I went to King. I felt so bad after I ate. Cuss I seriously planned to be good and order a salad but no the french fries got up and started dancing and calling my name I was so made I bit all there little heads off temptation seems to be getting the best of me . Oh I just hope that I get the strength to say no the next time. I have my lunch for tomarrow so I am hoping it goes alot better. I seem to do ok in the morning and for dinner. Well maybe not so much dinner either. Anyway I know I have it in me to do this so just wait you will soon seeing big changes in me.

Thanks for the advice judy bread crumbs was a good idea but with my eye site I had to leave large loafs of bread I will definity try to be more concious with what I am eating cuss I am not doing so good. I don't seem to have time to prepare my meals which is becoming my down fall. Thinking about frozen meals for my lunches. That is were move of my temptation is coming from work. cacmsc I was just looking at what you eat and you do so good. Someday I wish to be disaplined like that. I did go down to the gym yesturday and walked on the treadmill for 1/2 hour. I was so proud of myself

4 crackers

dancing french fries

2oz country bbq ribs
1/2 c rice
mixed vegis
strawberry/banna smoothie

Hey when I look at this it doesn't look that bad

cookie - I was actually given one and I took one bit and threw it in the garbage (It was kind of gross)

things to work on:
work more on the water thing
go to the gym again
plan my meals or go shopping and buy frozen ones
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Old 06-10-2005, 06:13 AM   #960  
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Chime hang in there! Every little change counts and its not easy changing our ways. For me preparing my lunch the night before has helped. I also take a bag of greens, salad dressing and fixings to work and build my salad there. It works for me most of the time. There are times we go out for lunch too. Look at you going to the gym hurray! 30 MIN. is fine every change helps.
Tired your one day closer!
Judy hope things are calming down for you at work.
Rollmdl where are you we miss you!
I did go out for dinner last night we had spaghetti and meatballs. I brought 1/2 home after I ordered I wished I'd order steak or seafood. To late! Cantalope for a snack!
Breakfast: cereal w/milk
salad w/ tuna and dressing/ almonds/grapes
? dinner
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