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Old 02-23-2005, 10:08 PM   #661  
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Judy we are all learning how to make changes and good for you thinking about the next trip. But in New York aren't you doing a lot of walking? Sounded like a good time sometimes we all need to enjoy ourselves and catch up on healthy eating when we are done.
Tireedoffat I just finished Dr. Phil some good info. I think. I did write down some info. for later on. I liked the ideas on exercising on how to fit it into our schedules etc. Also he thinks the menu pre planning is good and tracking. So we are on the right road just hit a few bumps once in a while. Staying on the road is the most important thing we can do!
Rollmdl thanks for your comforting words. I am trying my best to stay healthy because I can't help anyone else if I am run down and that is for sure.Your smoothie sounds good and I have read that coconut isn't so bad for you as they once thought. I will give it a whirl.
My end calories of today were around 1450 and I worked out for 1 hour. I have increased my routine to 38 min on the treadmill. Then the rest wt. resistance. The treadmill burned calories were 340 and then the rest? But not too shabby! My new sneakers were killing me and I got a blister to boot!
Thurs. Intake: Kashi cereal w/ coffee 190 cal.
Snack: yogurt 90 cal.
Lunch: chinese shrimp w/ celery, peanuts, peppers, carrots some rice? cals.400
Snack: 1 apple 70 cal.
Dinner: Tuna noodle casserole made w/ light pasta, few peas, salad, 450 calories?
Beverages, green tea, coffee and water
Have a great day everyone!
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Old 02-23-2005, 10:46 PM   #662  
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of all the things.....I thought I had checked in for today here, but did not....silly me

Anyway for BREAKFAST I had a medium tupperware bowl of semi-homemade soup (a big can of chicken broth, 2 vegetable boullion, 1 can of sliced potatoes, 1 can of green beans-no salt added, and one can of sliced carrots- no salt added, and some very small soup pasta)...I probably had a 2 1/2 to 3 cup serving with limited pasta and potatoes (I think there were 4 slices in my bowl) so maybe about 450 to 500 cals.

For LUNCH I had another small (1 cup) bowl of soup so maybe another 100 to 150 cals.

SNACKS: I also had a small piece of a huge chocolate chip cookie (the cake cookies you see at mrs. fields) so that I would guess is a good 250 cals. and one chocolate escargot (which are terrible) and that is 52 cals.

No dinner yet as I slept until 4:30 this afternoon (after going to bed at 6 this morning) so I will post again when I eat dinner.

But CAL total so far (at max.) is: 952
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Old 02-24-2005, 04:53 PM   #663  
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Yesterday was pretty good, I ate pretty much per plan, got in two short walks and went to the gym. If I can do this everyday, I'll be fine....I don't want to weigh myself until tomorrow. I know that my weight went up a bit (d'oh!), but I hope it will be 241 in the morning. Then I'll finally change my weight tracker! The number on scale 'does on number' on my mood, unless I keep reminding myself of the big picture, and that I'm still on track to reach my goal, if I continue to loss five pounds a month.

Today I had a berry smoothie (cup of frozen berries, 2 scoops Aria protien powder, tablespoon of flax seeds) for b'fast, an apple and some pecans for a morning snack, a small salad and a slice of spinach quiche for lunch and a protein bar for a late afternoon snack. Somewhere in there I absent-mindedly ate a few chips that a co-worker offered me, before I groaned and stopped myself. To cold and snowy to walk today, I am girding myself to go down tot he workout room in my apartment complex in the morning and walk on the treadmill.

Gotta go--bye!
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Old 02-24-2005, 05:39 PM   #664  
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Default G,day Everyone I,m Still Here

GOOD MORNING s, I,ve just been catching up with all of your posts, you all seem to be doing great, and dealing with lifes hiccups in equal measure, ROLL its so good to see your back I missed my smilie buddy I,m still hanging in there, I haven,t made a dint in the scale war I,ve actually put on 2lb and you wouldn,t believe it the DOC said I was OK to get back on my indoor bike after not being able to exercise for so long I was stoked, but I over did it and damaged the cartlidge in my knee, now I,m out of action again , I can,t even walk, I have to rest it as much as I can at myself, I,ve got to stop thinking I,m wonder woman , I,m going to check out DR PHIL,S BOOKS, TIRED I,ve been intriqued as you and CAROL have mentioned them often, HEY I need all the help I can get at the moment as I,m not able to be as mobile as I would like I,m finding it hard to not comfort eat, my biggest downfall the known as food sure has my number at times, any way it is still quite hot here downunder, can,t wait til it starts getting cooler, nice to catch up with you all I,m at home with hubby for a week or two then back to SYDNEY my life seems to revolve around others to much these days, I never seem to have any me time anyway I,ll see how the day goes and I,ll check in later I have missed each and everyone of you bye for now , TIRED, ROLL, CAROL, JUDY, MOMMACAT, SYNN BLESSED BE, JULIE
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Old 02-25-2005, 12:20 AM   #665  
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Hello Ladies~
Had a terible eating day today....very uneventfull too other than rescheduling my reg doctors appointment for March 8th rather than tomorrow morning.
Hectic Hectic I tell you, between trying to make changes for myself and worrying about my best friend (her grandmother passed on Valentine's Day), and now having the beginnings of a cold...I am already just blah about all this.
I am not giving up though...I need to do something for me for a change!
But alas...just wanted to check in.
Hope everyone has a better tomorrow....take it one day at a time!
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Old 02-25-2005, 06:51 AM   #666  
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Synn hang in there it will get easier as you go along! The soup thing is surely a positive move in the right direction. Having soup or salad before meals helps keep you fuller longer and takes you longer to eat so there for helps you feel full. Good choice!
I had some changes in yesterdays intake plan.My dinner changed into grilled chicken breast, hot sauce mixed w/ barbcue sauce and greens, almond slices w/ reduced shredded sharp cheese. I did okay with the calorie intake until last night then I just got this urge to have something sweet, choc. . So I first ck'd out the kitchen , then the pantry. Ah a box of brownie mix looked me in the eye I of course couldn't resist. So I baked them up an had one large one of course w/ milk. I never just drink milk. I think I lost my mind for a bit. But then I thought about it today and for my excuse and some what reality there weren't alot of good food choices in the house. Down on fruit, no yogurt or low cal. ice cream treats etc. So I guess I went awall for a little bit. I didn't get to the gym but did walk to a meeting yesterday so I got in about 15 min. better than nothing I guess. Water intake was good yesterday.
Julie glad to hear from you. Oh that leg thing isn't good. I had surgery on my knee an really killed it about 4 years ago. Sometimes I am reminded with it when it is swollen from activity or weather changes. Not good!
Judy I know how its like having coworkers with goodies. Yesterday I had the same thing but after a couple of chips I remembered I had some mini cheddar baked rice chips so I went off to get them. They helped it was around 130 cal. but less fat and I had them dipped in some of my laughing cow cream cheese at 35 calories. So better in the long run.
I am back on track this a.m.
Breakfast= 1 bowl of Kashi w/ milk 190 cal. coffee
Lunch= Veggie sub w/ wheat roll subway. 350
Yogurt=80 cal.
Dinner= broiled haddock, baked potatoe w/ reduced sour cream and coleslaw w/ pineapple. Cal's need to ck it out I will add them later on.
Fruit= apple 100 cal.
Beverages= coffee, tea and water.
Rollmdl thanks for that info. on the games. I ck'd it out and will introduce the site to my 8 yr. old grandson. Its pretty neat!
Plan to work out this afternoon and on Saturday morning early as I have a wedding shower at 12.
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Old 02-25-2005, 05:52 PM   #667  
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Julie--so sorry to hear about your knee! I have bad knees, too, I've had surgery twice on my right knee. Please forget being Wonder Woman and pace yourself. The good thing is that the physical therapy helps you build nice sleek thigh muscles

Synn--I'm glad you took the time to check in, even on a bad day. I hope that things have picked up for you as the day wears on.

Carol and Tired--I'm glad you like Dr. Phil--he doesn't do anything for me. Although it's generally good common-sense advice, I find him to be somewhat of an egotistical bully. I'm all for tough love, but his style gets my back up. I need more of a coach, who makes me be more introspective (but will also challenge me). But that's the benefit of the avalanche of diet doctors out there--there's bound to be one who speaks to you at this particular time!

I didn't make it to the treadmill this morning. I slept like a log and had to rush to not be very late to work. I had a smoothie for b'fast, an apple and a pecan for a morning snack, and a big salad with tuna for lunch. We were treated to lunch today, so after I ate my salad I did have a small portion of shrimp and veggies, and skipped my late-afternoon snack.

I have no excuse to go off program this weekend--no traveling, no social activities, just chores and errands. So I will be EPP Saturday and Sunday. I finally got back on the scale, and was happy to see that I'm losing a little again.

Have a good weekend!

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Old 02-25-2005, 06:09 PM   #668  
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GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, You all sound like your focused, keep it up, thanks for the input about the knee guys CAROL it looks like I,ll be up for a knee op now I know what to look forward to, JUDY its funny its my right knee I,ve injured as well, hey it would be good if I could just chop off my head and start fresh with a new body,lol anyway just thought I would check in have a good one bye for now BLESSED BE , JULIE
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Old 02-26-2005, 11:49 AM   #669  
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Lightbulb Hi All

I posted a message here yesterday morning, hit "preview post" and not "submit reply". Talk about spaced out.
Julie, I'm so sorry about your knee. I don't know what to say, but the
word unfair comes to mind. You are certainly being tested.

Syn, I'm sorry you didn't get my message yesterday. I know that when my eating behavior is less than great, it helps me to log in here. It's an action in the right direction. I feel like I'm reaching out for support and I get it here (thank you).

I got the Dr. Phil book at the library and it's been fun to read. I get inspiration anywhere I can get it. For me it's like a good pep talk with some valuable information. I don't buy everything he says but as with everything else, I take what I can use and leave the rest.

My eating plan for today:

Breakfast: Kashi

lunch: egg salad on pumpernickel (my new rut)

dinner: beef salad

Take care all,


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Old 02-27-2005, 04:57 PM   #670  
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GOOD MORNING, s, I hope your all well and staying focused, thanks for the kind words ROLL and you sure are right I am being tested, but I am learning to take it in my stride I must have some bad KARMA I have to pay back either for myself or for someone else I,ve been told by the cards and runes that things are going to turn around by SEPTEMBER thier right anyway I,ve made up my mind that I have no control over the rest of it, but I do have control over the way I look and feel which is pretty so I have set my mind and starting from today I am going to see this journey through to the end no more getting off and then getting back on because every time I do I have even more to lose than I did before I am so at myself because the only one I let down is me when I give up, I am not going to let emotions rule me anymore I,ve said all this before but this time I,m going to see it come true, I come to this site and you are all doing so well and that gives me encouragement to keep going but then something negative happens in my life and I give up and return to the food for comfort, but not this time, I am going to do it with all of your positive energy and encouraging words I know I can , well I have been a bit long winded this morning just had to off load, I am so glad to have you all there with me on this journey sorry if I sound mushy but knowing there are others going through the same things as I am at times really helps thanks guys again for being there.

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Old 02-28-2005, 07:02 AM   #671  
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Hello everyone. Well it was a busy weekend I did okay but not great with my intake. I made some better choices at times but overall let some things slip in. I didn't reach my goal I was after for Feb. but at least I lost the 1.5. I guess looking back if I had exercised a bit more and left a few sneaked in foods out I would of met it. But life goes on and today is another day. So my new goal is to lose 2.5 by March 14th. I will make it this time. I didn't exercise this weekend but was active with doing things. I guess every bit counts. We are going to get some big storm so I am going to get to the gym this afternoon before it comes in.
Judy and Rollmdl you have to read Dr. Phil with an open mind after all he is a man and I think woman are completly different when losing wt. But some of what he says makes good sense to me. I don't in anyway read each thing if it doesn't agree with me I skip right over it. I also have out the South Beach Diet book. I think some of that is good advice and I like new recipes and ideas. I do read alot of stuff and take a bit of advice from each. Its all a learning experience and we all lose differently so it becomes very individualized in the end. Keep up the good efforts and we are all moving forward.
Julie its my left knee. Surgery isn't too bad and the therapy is helpful. You sure have had your share of things going on. Keep up your strong spirit and together as a group we will all work together to meet our goals.
Tiredoffat where are you? Hope all is well.
Synn I agree checking in makes a difference and I need to do it a bit better myself on the weekends it makes me more accountable for my exercise and intake.
Today: Breakfast= Kashi cereal w/ skim 190cal. , 1/2 slice lowfat apple bread 100 cal.
Snack= 1 pear
Lunch= white tuna w/ little mayo and lemon pepper spice stuffed in a red sweet pepper=? I will figure it out later, 1 yogurt 90 cal.
Dinner= shirmp stir fry w/ broc. and asparagus, peas w.peanut sauce
Snack= low cal ice cream bar 130 cal.
Have a super day its the beginning of a new week, fresh start lets make the best of it. Wt. day was today and Saturday for me! Goal 3 exercises, 1400 - 1500 cals daily
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Old 02-28-2005, 01:59 PM   #672  
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Lightbulb Hi All

I don't know if it's this site or my computer but the advanced post area is taking forever to load.
I went to an Academy Award party and ate way too much of the wrong foods. Well, it wasn't an accident. I was in charge of desserts an I made 5--all good.

Today is a new day. I need to make a mini goal. I'm committing to track my food for the next 7 days.

My goal this week is to keep my calorie intake between 1500 and 1800.
I'll get the the gym at least 3 times this week.
I'll drink at least 64 oz. of water a day.

I think that these small goals will help to get me on the right track.
I've been struggling and I really want to get back on track.

breakfast: bowl of go lean kashi with nonfat milk.

lunch: tuna salad on pumpernickel

snack: green algae shake

dinner: beef vegetable soup

snack: orange

exercise: water aerobic class

I REALLY don't feel like putting a bathing-suit on. Good thing I don't have to act on my feelings, right?

Tired, did you have a good week off? How are you? How is your computer?

I'm going to stock up on vegetables and clean my refrigerator today.
That always gives me a psychic boost.

Thanks for listening.

Love to you all,

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Old 02-28-2005, 05:03 PM   #673  
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Sorry I didn't check-in over the weekend. I was dashing around a lot, it was actually a productive few days. I mostly ate per plan, and made good choices. I didn't make it to the gym Saturday morning--I overslept, which felt marvelous. Assuming the gym is open this evening (snowing again in DC), I'll stop by on my way home. I just ate a slice of carrot cake, so I'll go around the Curves circuit twice to atone for my sin. For b'fast I had two turkey breakfast sausages and an orange; an apple for a snack, and a cup of chicken soup and a salad for lunch. I had my protein bar in the afternoon, and the aforesaid carrot cake.

Julie--I can feel your energy as you commit to staying on the train for the whole ride! I know how to lose weight-I've done it enough times!--but I somehow let life get in the way before I've completed the journey. This time I'm on for the long haul, too.

Carol and Roll--I read a lot of these books, too! It's all part of my self-brainwashing....I would probably like Dr. Phil better if hadn't seen him on TV, his written stuff is pretty straightforward. Now I'm going back to my mini-library to read some of my older books. Anne Fletcher's books are good, because like this forum, you get lots of different approaches from people's real-life experiences. I'm re-reading Weight Loss through Persistance, by (Robert?) Kirshenbaum.

Finally made it to 240, two weeks later than I'd hoped, but I'm glad to be here My mini-goal is to reach 235 by Easter (March 27). Hopefully having an Easte goal will make it easier to say no to all the Easter candy that's already beginning to show up at the office....

Take care, everyone!

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Old 02-28-2005, 09:26 PM   #674  
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G,DAY s, hope your all well , I,m with you JUDY together with positive input and encouragement I know we will arrive at our final destination this time HEY TIRED, ROLL how you doing busy I guess, I,m doing good today so far my eating plan for today,

Well thats it for me catch you all later stay focused, be good , and remember be kind to yourselves, bye for now BLESSED BE , JULIE
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Old 03-01-2005, 07:09 AM   #675  
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Hello everyone. Well I didn't get a chance to ck back in yesterday but stayed around 1400 calories. At any rate I made it to the gym for a 50 min. workout it felt good to get back into it. Lately I changed my speed and incline and actually know my workouts are better as I get those little sweat drips on the temples. That makes me feel good and know its doing something. I have been increasing my yogurt intake lately as I read some articles about it helps decrease belly fat? I figure it can't hurt any. Looking for a low fat, low sugar isn't always so easy. Once they reduce one thing they inc. another what the heck! Its never easy!
Rollmdl I also find this site a bit slow, thought it was my computer. I know Tiredoffat was also having a hard time with it. I think thats why we don't hear from her as much. I am off to work take care everyone and together we will do this. Rollmdl I am rooting for you, the goals you set are realistic and reachable. Good for you reaching for what you want. I have made myself a daily chart and record intake, exercise, water and my goals are written in the front. The accountablity thing is important and makes a difference for me. Let me know how your doing and good luck! Julie and Judy keep up your hard work it will pay offf in the end.
Intake: Kashi w/ skim milk, coffee 190
Snack= yogurt 90 cal.
Lunch = whole wheat pita small size80 cal. w/ tuna, tomatoe, red pepper, little mayo, mild pepper rings 100 cals. and 1 pear 100 cals? water and tea
Dinner= marinated steak grilled on George Forman w/ peppers, onions, mushrooms
asparagus w/ little canoila marg.and lemon pepper seasoning , water and tea
Snack= ice cream bar Slim by Knodike 130 cal.
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