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Old 08-23-2004, 06:58 PM   #46  
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evening all;
What a day. Did pretty good. Just can't find that happy medium. I don't know if I just don't have a good mind set right now. I really do want it to come off. I want to become a realestate agent. But, feel I can't at my weight. I am so tired of being fat. I want to wear those cute clothes. I sorta want to go back to WW. But, my dm would just shoot me. I have joined so many times. I can't find a leader that I like. At one point I had lost 60+ pounds then the plan change to points and leader left. So, I felt lost and quit. I don't really like the points. Not sure about new program either. Anyway have to find a good mind set. I will talk to you guys later.
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Old 08-23-2004, 07:58 PM   #47  
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Chipper, hang in there. It is hard this loosing weight business - it takes time and focus, yet not too much focus. But, you know this better than me. I've never lost any weight, I've just crept up and up, especially in the last 10 years. Lots of life events, lots of work and other things put me where I am. Food has been such a crutch for me - a relaxer, a "drug" of sorts. A couple of things helped me today.

I don't know if you like seltzer, but I love it and I filled my glass with lemon and lime slices and lots and lots of ice - it tasted great!

I also bought a lot of little, tiny plums - they are only eight calories a piece - real tasty.

Then for dinner I made oven baked fries for the family. I cut up about four potatoes into french fry size. I sprayed the cookie sheet with pam and then sprayed the potatoes with pam and cooked them for 375 for 45 minutes - very tasty, about 100 cals per potatoe (quite a few pieces).

I like counting calories because I have a lot of choices which I need with my busy household.

Feel free to vent here any time. I hope you'll continue to check in.

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Old 08-23-2004, 07:59 PM   #48  
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excuse my spelling!
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Old 08-23-2004, 11:19 PM   #49  
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Hello ladies,

Returning member... back again. Thought I would join you.

Breakfast: hot tea, half of a chocolate chip cookie (split it with daughter)
Lunch: 2 softshell tacos and about 10 potato oles
Dinner: hot dog, serving of potato chips, kit kat bar

Other: had 2 beers tonight (friend has been babysitting and needed a beer then went home to watch an R rated movie... 4 days with kids is a lot for a childless couple I

Comments: Not the best diet today as far as balanced or anything, but I didn't snack (big weakness) an honestly, I haven't tracked the calories, but looking at it, I can't be that far over my goal of 1400 calories... I didn't exercise today besides work (not really strenuous, just standing and active) so that means I "lose" 100 calories... I have to earn that last 100 calories.

Well, I hope to be on here a lot now and good luck to all of you!
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Old 08-24-2004, 07:22 AM   #50  
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hifatmommacat - welcome. You're closing in on your goal. I just read a number of diet articles on the web. The articles emphasized again that it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle. Also, they listed the number one reason for obesity as portion control - that's something I have to work on.

I started today with a smoothie for breakfast: 1 c. plain yogurt (110), 1/4 c. 1% milk (30), frozen pineapple pieces (50), frozen strawberries (30), banana (100) Total 320
then black coffee. Very filling and takes a long time to drink - thick.

today's plan (tricky day as I have a lot of errands, kid stuff)
lunch - salad (need to stop at the farm stand to get some great tomatoes, cukes) with feta and balsamic vinegar (about 300)

dinner - that's hard as I have to bring the kids out due to the conflict of a ball game and drop off time. What's the best food to have out - healthiest??? I've decided on Wendy's - I'll have large chile w/cheese - 330 cals. or grilled chicken sandwich (300)

exercise plan - biking with kids to the playground this morning.

Thanks for listening - let's see what happens.

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Old 08-24-2004, 10:02 AM   #51  
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Morning; I am still on my search for a mind set. Today is a bad allergy day. Don't know why. Feeling real bad today. I have decided to take back my granddaughters to babysit again. Will start next week. It should be better this time around. I am praying it will be. I will check back later. Gotta go get some meds.
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Old 08-24-2004, 10:56 AM   #52  
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Tiredoffat, Curves is great if you have the time. I don't know about where you are, but in MA I haven't found one that stays open past 7pm & with my commute, I don't get off the train until 6:45, so I really had a hard time fitting it in. But otherwise, I loved it and it worked.

Well, yesterday was also a bust, stress eating,ugh!!! I need a new job. Let's just say that I indulged in spaghetti & meatballs.......yummy, but man did I feel guilty after.
Have vowed that today & forward will be better.

Breakfast: coffee with half & half(just a teaspoon), low carb yogurt, and laughing cow low fat cheese
Lunch: another serving of boiled chicken & broccolli with garlic & hopefully a long walk as it is soooo nice out by the river here in Boston, and I finished my book.
Snack: stringy cheese or V8.
Dinner: I am thinking pork something & peas. I will have to look for a new recipe.

Hanging in there though! I am glad to see everyone is doing so well.
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Old 08-24-2004, 10:58 AM   #53  
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Good luck with the allergy - I know it's tough. I hope you can find meds that help out. I fit in a mini bike ride this morning to a playground with the kids - about 20 minutes, but it was some exercise and they were very happy after the little excursion. Now they are busy playing.

Sorry if I check in too often, but everytime I get the urge to be unhealthy I check in to see how everyone is doing. I'm off to do an errand or two and I'm going to fit in the farm stand too for some of those wonderful, very low cal and healthy fresh tomatoes that I love!

Take care.
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Old 08-24-2004, 02:00 PM   #54  
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Well, I started the day well. I had a half cup of orange juice as I was getting ready for work. It is my daughter's last day of summer vacation so lunch was her choice. Taco John's... I had 2 tacos and an order of rice. 680 calories for lunch and 57 for breakfast totaling 737 for the day. I am busy working the rest of the afternoon and we have volleyball tonight which means a couple beers and out for dinner afterwards. So, I have enough calories left to have a nice chicken ceasar salad for dinner. I honestly could do without drinking beers during volleyball tonight as well. (it is a drinking game type of volleyball that we play at a local park on a sand court)

Sounds like many of you are doing pretty good. Keep it up!
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Old 08-24-2004, 03:18 PM   #55  
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Almost 4pm, my usual need a break and support time of day. I made my plan and then 100 changes happened as usual. Ex - I did the very mini bike ride with kids, then stome stretches in the pool and about 10 min of ex including sit ups (first time in about 25 years can you believe it!)
lunch - grilled chicken, turkey bacon, lettuce and tomato roll up no mayo, very tasty and filling (about 700 - a lot!) Total to date 1140 I believe - quite a bit.
Dinner Plan - grilled veggie salad and fresh ear of corn (400) That's it for the day though - wow those calories add up
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Old 08-24-2004, 03:55 PM   #56  
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So far so good today. I am skipping my afternoon snack because I couldn't pass up the frozen yogurt at lunch(fat free though) and my calories are still only at 738, so I am doing good. Has anyone here tried using the website ? It will count your calories for you & figure out your calories burned while exercising, while allowing you to journal your food and set your goals. My nutritionist thought it was great when I told her about it & has started recommending it to patients too.
I have to go to school tonight, so who knows what dinner will bring.
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Old 08-24-2004, 08:53 PM   #57  
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hblank - thanks for the web site reference I'll check it out. I know a friend who always treated herself once in a while to low fat yogurt - she was always successful at loosing weight probably because she allotted the calories for it.

I had a tough night. I made a gross meal and ate too much - wasted calories. I didn't go past 2,000 but now I'm trying to stick to 1500 as I seem to be a little less hungry then when I started. The problems tonight - too much rushing, too many unknowns so that our schedule kept changing, no real sweaty good workout exercise (me and the kids all day with lots of kid events - no mom breaks!)

The good news is I bypassed chips, Dairy Queen ice cream. When I was stressed out I od'd on seltzer and sugarless gum - that helped!

Thanks for keeping in touch everyone. It is such inspiration. After writing tonight, I'll call it a day - no more eating! I'll think about the goal. We can do it!
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Old 08-25-2004, 08:00 AM   #58  
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Morning all: Yes, we can do it. I am slowly finding mind set. I have been doing lots of checking on the new WW core program. I started that today. BK this morning is a smoothie, made with yogurt and sf tang. and a banana. Don't know about lunch yet. I can't plan to far in advance. I am going to try this for a week and see what happens. If I can do a week then we shall see what happens for the next week. Feeling better today. Doing curves this afternoon. I like to get it done in the morning, but, wait until DD gets off work and we go together. Yea, I really enjoy it. Have been going for over a year now. They weigh and measure you every month. There was no change from the first join to my year mark. But, then I was only trying off and on. Had about a 3 month period where I didn't go at all. But, I went back. I will have been on this new plan a week when it is time for w/m again. I am excited to see what it shows. You can work at your own pace. Which is what I like. I am going to try to push it today. Well, outa here for now. Be back later.
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Old 08-25-2004, 11:42 AM   #59  
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Chipper - thanks for the Curves info. I'll keep it in mind.

All the boys (3) are home today. They expect so much and want to do so little. We're taking off for a last hurrah weekend and going north to the upper reaches of Vermont (Canadian border) for a three day exploration trip - hiking, kayaking, a country fair, etc. Then the crazy, busy school year starts when I'll need all the support I can get. When 24 10 years olds need you all at once the chocolate cake and goodies in the teachers' room look very comforting. Last year I put on at least 20 pounds. Then when I get home to the needs of my three - all the goodies look good.

So today I'm cleaning. I cleaned out all the kitchen cabinets, and I'm going shopping to fill them with healthy snacks and foods for cooking. I figure if the healthy stuff is there that's what I'll have.

breakfast - cereal/milk (190 (not that satisfying - crummy cereal)
snack - sesame sticks (not nutritious, I'm not buying those again) with health pb (290)
another snack - fruit salad (100)
total so far 580. Today I may just eat a little every few hours since that's the kind of day it will be. I'm really trying to stick to 1500 now.

exercise plan - probably lots and lots of housework - I'll put on Carol King and try to make it ambitious (maybe work up a sweat!).
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Old 08-25-2004, 06:35 PM   #60  
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Me again - sorry! It's just that this thread is one of my 3fatchick lifesavers out there in the ocean of temptation.

Great shopping trip to Trader Joe's - lots of healthy food.

Nice dinner - frozen veggie stir fry w/tofu (frozen veggies and sauce from TJ) (only 200 cals - very tasty), strawberry-banana-pineapple smoothie, yummy, (150 - I made half what I used to). The frozen fruits are great to have for these smoothies.

A few mini snacks - 1 choc covered peanut (20), 1 yogurt covered raisin (20), 2 olives (20)

All in all about 1500 for today! No exercise, but lots and lots of house cleaning. Good luck everyone - thanks for listening.
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