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Old 04-09-2009, 08:02 PM   #331  
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Any insights on updating that picture would be appreciated too. I have tried several times!! I don't look like that anymore Never Mind - now I've got it - this is current

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Old 04-09-2009, 10:56 PM   #332  
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Originally Posted by NicoleDiana View Post
I (re)joined MRC today after almost 5 years of wallowing in food and self-pity.

Thank you so much for having an MRC section here! I'm looking forward to not only finding help and advice but hopefully being able to return the favor as my goal appears on the horizon.

Today is Day 1 of pre-conditioning and I am excited. I can do this and I will do this!
Welcome and congratulations for joining. Be sure to read the advice to newbies post for some ideas and the recipe thread to get lots of recipes to keep your program from becoming boring.

Originally Posted by dla View Post
I think I have posted this here before, but my counselor reminded me of this yesterday and I thought it was worth sharing again. As you start to lose weight make sure that you are wearing clothes that fit you. Since it takes the mind longer to process the weight loss it will not help you if you continue to wear clothes that are hanging on you, because you will seem larger than you are.

For the record...I need to heed my own advice!
I have found recently that when you wear your clothes that are too big, they make you look much bigger than you are. I was in some pictures taken a couple of weeks ago and wearing clothes from 70lbs ago and it really surprised me to see how large they make me look. I have been trying to hold off until we had some consistent warmer weather to buy clothes but will look now.

Originally Posted by texasrtr78 View Post
I am new around here and thought I would ask you ladies & gents a question. What all is in the HNS? I use the liquid packs 'cause I think they taste like jolly ranchers! lol


HNS is the High Nutrient Supplements we take as part of the MRC program. Protein drinks. There are powders and concentrates.
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Old 04-09-2009, 11:17 PM   #333  
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Today at WI I lost 0.5lbs for a total of 2.5 this week which is great since my losses have been slower laterly!! YEAH!! This WI was special because it also got me to a new mile marker that I have not been at for who knows how long. That marker was that I am no longer Severely Obese! I started this journey in the Morbidly Obese category so this is a good step along the way. I feel a lot of shame when I say that I was morbidly obese but I try to focus on the progress now and the remaining steps along this way.

I like to think about some of the things in my freedom list that I started when Namaste mentioned it back in the fall (Thanks Denise!! ) and also tracking mini goals to keep my mind focused on that and not the final number which can seem so far away. I’m so glad a friend showed me how she tracks progress like this because it is encouraging to have these points along the way to look forward to.

Hopefully on Monday, I will hit the 75lbs mark. I already feel so much better with a lot more energy even though I have my moments of frustration. Now, I actually look forward to exercising and ways to fit it into my week. I even played baseball with my nieces and nephews a couple of weeks ago. It’s wonderful to start seeing some these freedoms start to appear in my world and to just plain enjoy life again.
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Old 04-09-2009, 11:19 PM   #334  
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Originally Posted by HighMaintenance View Post
Any insights on updating that picture would be appreciated too. I have tried several times!! I don't look like that anymore Never Mind - now I've got it - this is current
The new picture is fantastic!!!
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Old 04-10-2009, 12:38 AM   #335  
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I finally went in today. I talked to one of the girls I liked, told her abt my personality clash with it's not good enough girl over my exercise and she said "Oh YOU'RE the one who said you get more between the sheets than she ever will" I was SO embarrassed cuz while I phrased it a little differently, I had in fact told crabby girl that last time she started being crabby about my exercise. I found out today that crabby girl has never been big. She lost a total of 5 whopping pounds when she got on the menu for a couple weeks just so she can say she's done it. She has NO clue and that to me comes through in her attitude because she's the ONLY one that I ever said to anyone that I didn't think she'd ever been big. She keeps spouting that exercise will make you healthier, yeah, that's true but guess what sweet cheeks, I like the rewarding kind of exercise I get better!!!

So while the girl today was laughing hysterically and I'm laughing and embarrassed at the same time, she said that I didn't have to worry about crabby skinny girl anymore. I told her I wasn't trying to get her in trouble but she just clashes with me and she assured me she's not in trouble or anything. *thumbs up*

So, I also lost I think it was 1.5 since Monday week before this one. That's pretty bad for nearly two weeks worth BUT considering what I've eaten this week, I'm STOKED OUT OF MY HEAD to be down instead of up!!! I'm ready to get back completely on track, even start measuring stuff again and doing my water correctly as well. I'm not going to make 160 by June when my contract's up but I'll be close enough that I'm not going to squabble about it. I've fudged most of the week on proportions and what I can have at each meal but other than Sunday and Monday never really broke off the plan food and I think that's what saved me from being completely screwed.

Kudos to everyone who's ever gotten off plan and then back on. I intend to NEVER do this again because once I'm done, I'm D U N DONE!!

They STILL haven't gotten the pants exchange up and running. They're trying to work out some bugs and I said, **** I'd be happy to bring a pair and take a pair... and they all said THAT'S A GOOD IDEA like they'd never thought of it!.... uh... seriously? Isn't that what I said when I mentioned it?? I remember there were a couple different versions of the pants exchange going on at different centers - wld y'all mind putting them up again so I can print off those parts and show them the ideas next time I go in?
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Old 04-10-2009, 12:53 AM   #336  
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Originally Posted by lcmaly View Post
I signed up at MRC last Friday and have been doing this pre-conditioning diet religiously all this week. It actually wasn't very difficult because the foods were very similar to what I've been eating for the last 5 years. The difference was I didn't go out and drink 3 margaritas on Friday/Saturday and eat Cold Stone ice cream on the way home from the restuarant. So this week, I lost 8 pounds. Not too unusual for me when I'm in the 160-170 lb range.

I go to my first class to get my first menu tomorrow (Friday). So I found this forum and decided to sign up. I love support groups! But after reading some of the posts I'm a little concerned about the program now...

My major concern is...can I really do this? When I was at the store picking up more food for my menu this week I was in the bakery section. I love sweets! I didn't indulge but I got a little sad that I wouldn't be eating any of those yummy treats for a loooong time. Then I read how a bunch of you cheat on the program. I like to succeed at things...ESPECIALLY when I'm being held accountable. I was always the top of my class in school, I'm pretty darn good at my job (if I say so myself) and I stive to be the best (and I mean the best) at everything I do. Eating and losing weight however, has always been difficult because I just love food so much!

I grew up in a very unhealthy household. I didn't even know what a calorie was until I was 20! How sad is that? I was overweight as a child. When I arrived at college, I somehow lost weight (how does that even happen?) and then gained it back two-fold after a bad breakup. When I met my husband almost 6 years ago I lost the weight again. He's one of those people who doesn't really care if he eats or not and if he does eat he can eat whatever the heck he wants and not gain a pound. But he inspired me to be healthy. After I met him, I started going to the gym and eating better. Over the last 5 years I've worked my way up to working out 1.5-2 hours a day and eating really well (at least Sunday-Thursday...Friday/Saturdays were always tough). But because I'm going in to this program as someone with a background on eating healthy and working out religiously I'm concerned this program maybe isn't right for me. When I talk about some of the things I do while working out (such as lifting to hit certain muscle groups), my counselor seems like she almost has no idea what I'm talking about. That makes me nervous.

I'm 164 right now. That's the weight I've been at for about 4 years now (I did balloon up to 172 since September...I went to Italy/Greece for my honeymoon. You can't NOT eat there!). I chose to go on this program because I've always wanted to be in the 150s. other major concern is...are they trying to get me to lose too much?! I'm 6 foot tall. I have a medium build and good muscle mass. They say on this program I can get down to 143 in 8-10 weeks. Does a 6 foot tall woman who is very active (and still a competitive athlete) need to be 143? I know someone who is also 6'0, she's 130 and she NEVER works out (i.e. has no muscle mass) and she looks sickly to me.

Finally, I'm worried, is this all worth it? I really do love food. I love drinking wine and margaritas on the weekends. I love dessert. Is this program trying to change my attitude towards those things so that I don't want them again or is this program trying to restrict me from the things I really enjoy?

I need some inspiration from women like me. I'm so impressed with the women I've read about/seen so far who have lost 50+ or 100+ lbs but that just isn't me. I'm honestly not doing this for my "health". I'm a healthy person and I'm not concerned about my current weight affecting my health. I'm doing this because I'm vain (aren't we all?!) and I want to look great in clothes (and without!). I need some inspiration!
When I went in and they asked what I wanted to weigh I said I'm generally aiming for 160 - at 5'6". To me, that sounds pretty big but I don't want to be tiny. When I did my first BMI and they calculated what I "should" weigh my range was 164 to 182 - I don't think that's right so I elected to go with 160 which I now know I won't reach by the end of my time. What you want to weigh is completely up to you. You don't have to lose as much as they tell you that you should or you cld lose more so long as it doesn't make you unhealthy. Anyone that's gonna tell me 160 is too small isn't bright enough to listen to.

They're not fitness experts at my center, more like college students trying to work their way through and find that helping others do what they've done or are doing with a meal plan and being supportive is a good way to do it. There's one girl, I've nicknamed her the crabby girl, who, while arguing with me about their monkey math, told me she was a math major *who doesn't understand what a true average is - sigh*. That's got NOTHING to do with weight loss except when it comes to subtracting the pounds. I wouldn't let their lack of exercise knowledge really concern you since their main recommendation is to walk 30 mins 3 times a week AND EAT THE PLAN. That's all they're taught.

You can do it if you REALLY set your mind to it. You have to DECIDE that it's time, that you're fed up with where you are and just DO it. You will be able to have the sweets back some day. I grew up in a house where the sweetest thing we got was the sugar we were allowed to put on the government rice we had for breakfast every so often. Candy was a foreign delicacy to us but I still managed to grow up fat because everything was fried and you didn't know if you'd have anything at the next meal so you stuffed it down every meal. I now work for a candy distribution center - where there are samples at every corner of almost every desk. I'm also a chocoholic but having DECIDED that I wanted to do this, *for my knee - health reason* I've been able to abstain. I know I'll have my chocolate again some day but more in proportion to what my body can handle. You'll do fine! If you've got the determination to work out like that, you can do this too.

Good luck, and WELCOME!
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Old 04-10-2009, 06:33 AM   #337  
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Originally Posted by workin2lose View Post
Hi I know exactly how you feel!! I too have been perfect with NO weight loss! I seemed to have started out slow and the weight is coming off slow....get very discouraged at times.......BUT..... lets look at the good things....we are losing weight......we feel better about ourselves......this weight didn't come on over night and it won't go away overnight! I evny those that loose quickly I am just not one of them!

Now your one flippin pound is a pound down ......better than up!

Here is to a better week for both of us!
Thanks for that! I HATE these plateaus, my counselor says that that is a good thing, something about the fat holding on to water?? But still. Anyway, you are right! A pound down is a pound down.. Congrats to you so far and YES let's keep going!!!
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Old 04-10-2009, 10:18 AM   #338  
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OK, now I am depressed. Take a look at my ticker.. The one pound i was moaning about losing yesterday??? Well, guess what?? It FOUND me again.. Yes...that's right, i GAINED a pound. ACTUALLY a little over a pound.
HOW CAN THAT BE?????????????? I mean I have not done ANYTHING i am not supposed to. My counselor swears it is a good thing, but have any of you ever felt like this is a good thing??? WAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! lol

my ticker didn't pick it up, maybe i didn't edit it right??

Last edited by janett41; 04-10-2009 at 10:19 AM.
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Old 04-10-2009, 10:41 AM   #339  
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Hi all, day 47 averaging 2.9 lbs, 20 lbs down 21 inches gone. Just had to share with you all. I had an awesome coversation with a new counselor. She actually has been with MRC for 5 years, but here at our location now. She explained to me everything more in depth than it has been explained to me before. I am happy she did, I felt down this AM-almost cried in there, but I know that constructive criticism is a good thing.

Any way, I am going to be shy of my goal for next Friday. I wanted to be at 216 for my 36th birthday. She told me if I walked a lot, drank one more drink a day I possibly could do it. I am praying, but my hopes are not up that high right now, but hey, I am now 81 lbs closer to goal than 101 lbs so I love me for doing this.

I hope every one has a great Easter weekend. May the Easter Bunny bring us lbs gone
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Old 04-10-2009, 10:44 AM   #340  
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Originally Posted by janett41 View Post
OK, now I am depressed. Take a look at my ticker.. The one pound i was moaning about losing yesterday??? Well, guess what?? It FOUND me again.. Yes...that's right, i GAINED a pound. ACTUALLY a little over a pound.
HOW CAN THAT BE?????????????? I mean I have not done ANYTHING i am not supposed to. My counselor swears it is a good thing, but have any of you ever felt like this is a good thing??? WAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! lol

my ticker didn't pick it up, maybe i didn't edit it right??
If you are doing what you should, don't be depressed about this. I was on MRC five years ago and yesterday, when I rejoined, we looked at my old progress chart. A few times along the way, I was up 1-5 pounds on a weigh-in (and I did not cheat, ever!). I did lose it again so just keep at it. It is when we think we can "do this alone" that we have problems.

5 years after my almost 30 pound loss, I gained it plus 20. I'm gonna do it RIGHT this time!!!!
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Old 04-10-2009, 10:56 AM   #341  
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Originally Posted by HighMaintenance View Post
Any insights on updating that picture would be appreciated too. I have tried several times!! I don't look like that anymore Never Mind - now I've got it - this is current
I just wanted to let you know you look wonderful!
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Old 04-10-2009, 10:58 AM   #342  
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Originally Posted by HighMaintenance View Post
Any insights on updating that picture would be appreciated too. I have tried several times!! I don't look like that anymore Never Mind - now I've got it - this is current look fantastic. It was good to see you at the center on Monday!
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Old 04-10-2009, 10:59 AM   #343  
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Originally Posted by janett41 View Post
OK, now I am depressed. Take a look at my ticker.. The one pound i was moaning about losing yesterday??? Well, guess what?? It FOUND me again.. Yes...that's right, i GAINED a pound. ACTUALLY a little over a pound.
HOW CAN THAT BE?????????????? I mean I have not done ANYTHING i am not supposed to. My counselor swears it is a good thing, but have any of you ever felt like this is a good thing??? WAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! lol

my ticker didn't pick it up, maybe i didn't edit it right??
I was told that plateaus are good too. I hit a bump in the road last month. I am trying to keep my chin up. I keep reminding myself that hey Jenn you are 20lbs closer to goal that you were 2 months ago. Remember to count your inches too. I have lost 21 inches. That is helping me too. And as suggested by my counselor, walking 20-30 minutes a day is good too. So with that in mind, I am going walking and just reminding myself I am doing this, whether small losses or big losses, I am doing it
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Old 04-10-2009, 11:00 AM   #344  
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Originally Posted by janett41 View Post
OK, now I am depressed. Take a look at my ticker.. The one pound i was moaning about losing yesterday??? Well, guess what?? It FOUND me again.. Yes...that's right, i GAINED a pound. ACTUALLY a little over a pound.
HOW CAN THAT BE?????????????? I mean I have not done ANYTHING i am not supposed to. My counselor swears it is a good thing, but have any of you ever felt like this is a good thing??? WAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! lol

my ticker didn't pick it up, maybe i didn't edit it right??
I know that this is easier said than done, but don't sweat it. If you can help it, I can't, try not to weigh yourself every day. There are so many things that affect the day to day, but as long as you stay on a downward trend you will be fine. Keep following the program, drinking your water, and doing a little bit of exercise. You'll get there!!
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Old 04-10-2009, 11:01 AM   #345  
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Originally Posted by Jennifer73 View Post
I was told that plateaus are good too. I hit a bump in the road last month. I am trying to keep my chin up. I keep reminding myself that hey Jenn you are 20lbs closer to goal that you were 2 months ago. Remember to count your inches too. I have lost 21 inches. That is helping me too. And as suggested by my counselor, walking 20-30 minutes a day is good too. So with that in mind, I am going walking and just reminding myself I am doing this, whether small losses or big losses, I am doing it
I love your attitude! You're doing great!
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