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Old 04-18-2009, 11:15 PM   #466  
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Originally Posted by Karen1234 View Post
Hey Everyone,
Went for WI today which revealed the dreaded plateau. Ugghh. I last WI Monday and I only lost .5, today 0 - big fat 0. I guess it's been a long time coming but still, I don't get it. I'm really having a hard time understanding how I could be hitting one now b/c I have been on plan completely since the start of program - no cheats except litteraly 1 cashew a day last week, 5 almonds and 2 peanuts one night 3 weeks ago - and actually exercised for the first time this week twice doing the C25K program! What in the world?? The counselor said real quick "don't worry, we're gonna get you over this plateau quick" She took me back to her office and said I should try the Metaquick plan. She gave me a copy and recommended I start asap and come back for WI tuesday. The only thing is, I'm still on the beige menu and the Metaquick says 4 oz of protein at dinner and only 4 supplements. Does anyone know if this goes for those on Beige as well ?? I thought we're supposed to use 6 oz. protein and have up to 5 HNS daily. I didn't notice the differnce until tonight and the center was closed so I couldn't call. Anyways, Since I had not eaten yet this am, I decided today was as good a day as any so I'm doing Metaquick for the week. Out of habit I had my 6 oz of protein and hope that was ok. I really hope this works and is worth it - she reports some clients lose 7 lbs after 1 week on it. Any input would be helpful. Take Care.
I'm on the beige menu and when I did Metaquick, they told me to do 6 oz. I only did it for 3 days but I did have a loss after I got done with it.
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Old 04-18-2009, 11:31 PM   #467  
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Karen .... plateaus can be very frustrating especially when you are totally OP. They are however your body's way of "Catching up". I think quickly jumping to Metaquick just because you have a plateau is over-reacting (my personal opinion only). Metaquick can lead to some loss, but there are many people who do it and don't lose. It's simply two meal replacements and one small meal of white meat or fish and veggies. I did Metaquick several times and never really lost while doing them ... seems like the next week when I was back OP I usually lost about 3 though. Metaquick is more of a convenience thing for me (when I didn't have time to eat meals). Good luck, and if you keep on with program, your plateau will eventually be over. It's hard not to be frustrated, but hang in there. Sometimes you do see a loss in inches even when you don't see loss of pounds. Hang in there!
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Old 04-19-2009, 09:34 AM   #468  
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Originally Posted by noahsmama View Post

I tried quoting you but my computer is either really slow or something's wrong when I tried to do it. So, I'm from Columbus. Do you know of anyone else from IN that's on here?
do you mean on the MRC thread? nope..which is kinda weird being that the Lafayette MRC center is 10% of the entire MRC clients nationwide (I am not sure how many centers there are).
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Old 04-19-2009, 11:15 AM   #469  
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Originally Posted by dkmd27 View Post
Karen .... plateaus can be very frustrating especially when you are totally OP. They are however your body's way of "Catching up". I think quickly jumping to Metaquick just because you have a plateau is over-reacting (my personal opinion only). Metaquick can lead to some loss, but there are many people who do it and don't lose. It's simply two meal replacements and one small meal of white meat or fish and veggies. I did Metaquick several times and never really lost while doing them ... seems like the next week when I was back OP I usually lost about 3 though. Metaquick is more of a convenience thing for me (when I didn't have time to eat meals). Good luck, and if you keep on with program, your plateau will eventually be over. It's hard not to be frustrated, but hang in there. Sometimes you do see a loss in inches even when you don't see loss of pounds. Hang in there!
Thanks Dkm and Cari
I kind of thought it was premature too but then if you look at my numbers over the last few weeks, they've been steadily declining so I decided to just do it. 6 oz of protein sounds better to me - I wasn't ready to cut myself short on that just yet I think 3 days of this will be plenty - any more than that and I'll probably start to feel deprived so we'll see. Hopefully I'll be posting some good news soon, Thanks Again.
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Old 04-19-2009, 11:47 AM   #470  
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I think my plateau has finally ended! I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 1.2 pounds since yesterday morning. I'm really excited. I did go to the gym yesterday so I'm going again today cause it seems like it might have helped. I think I've hit the 10 pound mark now and I don't officially weight in til Tuesday so it could be a pretty good drop by then.
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Old 04-19-2009, 04:02 PM   #471  
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Good Sunday Everyone...

Well I went grocery shopping and bought all of my foods for next week. So I am not tempted to eat off plan.. I start the beige plan on monday and tuesday is next weigh in..

Here's to a good week, next week everyone. I am shooting for five pounds by next friday. We shall see... I'll take what I get but 5 lb would be AWESOME!
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Old 04-20-2009, 12:27 AM   #472  
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Default Lost 3Lbs in 5 days

I was on preconditoning for 5 days and weighed in and have lost 3lbs and im soo excited cant wait to lose more. And THis past saturday i started the HNS and they are great, i was kinda worried at first but they ended up being really good, The powder ones arnt my fav but the concentrated ones!!! I LOVE the grape orange, kiwi melon (taste like a green jolly rancher) Im excited!!! A friend of mine says the more shakes you drink the more weight you lose soo im downing them 5 times a day lol.

COuple of questions, i just stared the beige menu how long do they leave you on a menu and what is the next color? And i went to red lobster and ate the Snow crab legs. and my list says i can have it but they were sooo salty. I was just wondering how can we have them if they are salty? lol thanks everybody
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Old 04-20-2009, 08:00 AM   #473  
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Just thought I'd pop in here, I've been reading the MRC thread for the last 3 weeks, but haven't posted.

I belong to the Lafayette, IN, center...but, they come up to Rensselaer as a satellite center so I don't actually visit the one in Lafayette.

Just thought I'd say HI to others from Indiana!

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Old 04-20-2009, 09:45 AM   #474  
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Originally Posted by dkmd27 View Post
(((DENISE))) ..... I LOVE your Easter picture .... wow, when you look at it, what do you see?
Thanks to all the wonderful compliments!

Gosh, what do I see. I see the person that was always there; the person hiding inside without all the baggage.
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Old 04-20-2009, 10:23 AM   #475  
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I am SOO proud of myself!! I went to Dallas for the weekend, to the Renaissance Faire.. Now you know how fair food is?? I was so worried, but I did PERFECT!!! I ate some of a turkey leg and some pineapple on a stick. I carried my HNS's and drank them right out of the package. We went to Chili's the second night and i had grilled chicken, salad and brought my own bread. Today is five weeks since I started pre-cond.. I only lost 2 lbs this week, but i think that is because i could not drink enough water for three days due to travelling and also because I had on a costume that made it pretty hard to go to the bathroom!LOL! I am at 17 pounds down so far! ALMOST TO THE 20 LB MARK! YAY!
To all of you other newbies, who are just starting out, it may seem hard at first, but for me, once I started the program, it has been SOO much easier than i thought. Stick with it, i know i am!!! Also the support on this site, is SOO important to me. These people are just awesome!

Keepinonandon... Where are you?? I am missing ya!!

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Old 04-20-2009, 12:39 PM   #476  
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Originally Posted by Jodi1964 View Post
Just thought I'd pop in here, I've been reading the MRC thread for the last 3 weeks, but haven't posted.

I belong to the Lafayette, IN, center...but, they come up to Rensselaer as a satellite center so I don't actually visit the one in Lafayette.

Just thought I'd say HI to others from Indiana!

Hi Jodi That's my bffs name and spelled the same too! I just love my MRC gals.

I lost 2.5 since Fri so I got to sign the 65lb board and I am ONE pound away from Onederland!!!
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Old 04-20-2009, 12:55 PM   #477  
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Originally Posted by lcmaly View Post
I'm on the blue menu (day 1 blue/ day 5 overall - finally protein at lunch!) and I'm traveling for work. I was really nervous about being able to get food that's OP while on this trip. But I think I've been doing pretty darn good. One thing that's been really tough for me is getting enough raw veggies with my lunch. Like today, I had my ~4 oz chicken breast (though it had some BBQ sauce on it that came with it...I scaraped off as much as I could) but the only OP veggie available was shredded iceburg lettuce. I filled my plate with it (probably 2 cups worth) but there was no way I was getting to 8oz. That was probably only 2-3 oz. I called the center to ask if it's a problem that I can't get all my veggies in and her response was "yes...the program will not work if you don't get all your veggies in". That can't be true, can it? I'm following these menus to a "t" and doing what I can. I've been SOOO good at dinners, ordering off the restaurant menu and not being afraid to ask for exactly what I need. It's been so hard not drinking (this trip I'm on is known for great dinners and drinks following each tough day) but I've been good!
Sometimes I don't get enough veggies, sometimes I don't get enough protein in, etc. I was told the veggies are important to curb your hunger but they're really not giong to throw you off track if you don't get enough as long as you're not skipping them everyday all the time. The meal replacement bars count as protein and starch or protein and fruit depending on which meal you're replacing. If you're replacing lunch you can still have your veggies but it's not going to stop your loss if you don't. Make sense? I do the replacement bars about twice a week for breakfast on the weekends when I'm at my BF's house and sometimes for lunch if I've got too many errands to run. On those days I don't get any veggies in and I don't think that's hindered my loss.

Originally Posted by lcmaly View Post
I have a very open personality and sometimes I share too much with people. Most of the people I work with feel like a 2nd family to me. So I don't hesitate telling them about this diet I'm on. However, I'm getting a lot of negative responses from them which makes me feel foolish. I know they look at me and see a skinny girl because I'm skinnier than them. But I want to lose weight because I've battled with my weight all my life and I want to finally win the battle. I've been as high as 210 and as low at 155. I don't want to deal with fluntuations anymore. But these people I work with (who are telling lots of other people about my diet...people that I work with but certainly don't have relationships with outside work...I don't like that because those people are REALLY judgemental) are being a bit negative. How do you deal with that?
I'm the type that wld say something to them. Not anything overly grouchy, just make the point CLEAR that you're doing it for you, not because you care what they think. It makes them jealous that you're able to lose weight and that they're not willing to do it themselves. They'll make up excuses for why they can't or don't want to but in the end you're doing this for YOU not them. If they look at you cross eyed or roll their eyes about it, just tell them straight to their face, I'm doing this for me and rolling your eyes at me isn't going to deter me from what I feel I NEED to do. If they keep up with the attitude tell them you don't care if they want to stay fat, that's their choice. Fortunately I haven't had much opposition in my diet. I wasn't keeping it quiet and I got some speculative looks like, yeah that'll work, but I just ignored them as if they're not important to the major scheme of my life, because they're NOT. One girl was the classic definition of a feeder. She'd bring brownies and cookies in and keep throwing it at me how WONDERFUL they are bla bla, and I got snappy with her, flat telling her I didn't need her crap cuz this is hard enough as it is. She shutup after that and it hasn't affected our working together at all. Sometimes they just need a little snap to realize how they're REALLY coming across.

Originally Posted by lcmaly View Post
I wish there was a scale in this hotel! I hate not know my progress. I'm looking forward to hitting the 15 lb loss mark (which as of Tuesday I was only 4 bs away from). If I lose weight this week while I'm away from home on a business trip, I'll be so happy. I usually GAIN 5-8 lbs on work trips!
I eat out most of the time on the weekends when I'm at my BF's house. Think about the choices you're making now attempting to stay on plan compared to what you wld have chosen before. THAT'S the biggest improvement of all, that you're not going whole hog when you have to deviate slightly due to circumstance. I too weigh daily at home except over the weekends and I'm getting where it doesn't bother me quite so much to not know everyday when I'm with him cuz I know I'll know when I get home again.

Good luck!
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Old 04-20-2009, 01:11 PM   #478  
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Originally Posted by BonnieMcC View Post
Hi Jodi That's my bffs name and spelled the same too! I just love my MRC gals.

I lost 2.5 since Fri so I got to sign the 65lb board and I am ONE pound away from Onederland!!!
I just really thought about your numbers Bonnie. You started 30 days before me but you've lost twice the weight I have! WAY TO GO!!!!

Last edited by ford4life69; 04-20-2009 at 01:13 PM.
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Old 04-20-2009, 01:49 PM   #479  
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Hi Jodi! It's nice to know there are fellow Hoosiers out there as well as other great support on this site! It's amazing. I'm excited to go and find out on Friday what the next phase of this journey will entail.
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Old 04-20-2009, 02:20 PM   #480  
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Originally Posted by fireice13 View Post
I think my plateau has finally ended! I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 1.2 pounds since yesterday morning. I'm really excited. I did go to the gym yesterday so I'm going again today cause it seems like it might have helped. I think I've hit the 10 pound mark now and I don't officially weight in til Tuesday so it could be a pretty good drop by then.
You'll be signing that 10 lb. board tomorrow for sure! Congrats!!

Originally Posted by BeBlissful View Post
I was on preconditoning for 5 days and weighed in and have lost 3lbs and im soo excited cant wait to lose more. And THis past saturday i started the HNS and they are great, i was kinda worried at first but they ended up being really good, The powder ones arnt my fav but the concentrated ones!!! I LOVE the grape orange, kiwi melon (taste like a green jolly rancher) Im excited!!! A friend of mine says the more shakes you drink the more weight you lose soo im downing them 5 times a day lol.

COuple of questions, i just stared the beige menu how long do they leave you on a menu and what is the next color? And i went to red lobster and ate the Snow crab legs. and my list says i can have it but they were sooo salty. I was just wondering how can we have them if they are salty? lol thanks everybody
Congrats on the 3 lbs! You're off to a great start! You will stay on the beige menu until you get close to 200 lbs. You will then be put on the green menu which you stay on until you reach your goal. Only differences between the two are that you only get 4 ozs. protein at each meal and you can only have a group 1 protein at lunch 3 times per week.

You are allowed to eat the crab legs, but anything you get when you are out to eat is going to be over salted. We're supposed to ask them to not add salt, butter, etc. to stay on plan. I usually don't worry too much about the salt though and I don't eat out the day before a weigh in. I drink lots of water afterward though to get rid of the extra fluid.

Originally Posted by Jodi1964 View Post
Just thought I'd pop in here, I've been reading the MRC thread for the last 3 weeks, but haven't posted.

I belong to the Lafayette, IN, center...but, they come up to Rensselaer as a satellite center so I don't actually visit the one in Lafayette.

Just thought I'd say HI to others from Indiana!


Originally Posted by janett41 View Post
I am SOO proud of myself!! I went to Dallas for the weekend, to the Renaissance Faire.. Now you know how fair food is?? I was so worried, but I did PERFECT!!! I ate some of a turkey leg and some pineapple on a stick. I carried my HNS's and drank them right out of the package. We went to Chili's the second night and i had grilled chicken, salad and brought my own bread. Today is five weeks since I started pre-cond.. I only lost 2 lbs this week, but i think that is because i could not drink enough water for three days due to travelling and also because I had on a costume that made it pretty hard to go to the bathroom!LOL! I am at 17 pounds down so far! ALMOST TO THE 20 LB MARK! YAY!
To all of you other newbies, who are just starting out, it may seem hard at first, but for me, once I started the program, it has been SOO much easier than i thought. Stick with it, i know i am!!! Also the support on this site, is SOO important to me. These people are just awesome!

Keepinonandon... Where are you?? I am missing ya!!

I'm here Was at a youth retreat since last Thursday though. 17 lbs. is so awesome!! Glad to hear you stayed on plan for your trip! I wish I could say the same. I splurged all weekend so I didn't get on the scale this morning. I did have to do a lot of walking though so I'm hoping there wasn't too much damage. I'll let you all know after I get brave enough to step on the scale

Originally Posted by BonnieMcC View Post
Hi Jodi That's my bffs name and spelled the same too! I just love my MRC gals.

I lost 2.5 since Fri so I got to sign the 65lb board and I am ONE pound away from Onederland!!!
You are amazing!! You'll be in onederland by next WI for sure!!
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