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Old 01-03-2007, 10:41 PM   #121  
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Hi Guys- Day 3 POP down 2, a few BLT's today but not too bad.
It is good to be back- my kids are mad because I am cutting in on their computer time again.
Rebecca, good to see you back- I have been gone too
Lea ann and Joni- I love the new pictures, your faces have thinned out a lot!
I am off to go read my weight loss issue of People
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Old 01-03-2007, 11:04 PM   #122  
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Hi All! I've tried to catch up on all the posts - we've all been busy - I won't even try to make up for lost time with personals....

I'm glad to see we all came out of the holidays in one piece.
Well, I made it through Christmas okay, but for some reason when I realized that I managed to have a few bites here and there without much consequence - I decided to see how far I could push it.. What the heck?!?!??!!! 6 pounds later...... (but I see I'm in good company with 6 lbs!!) I started t/o today. It seems much harder this time for some reason..oh well, only 1 more day!
I'm not comfortable with photos of myself, but I decided to join in and put mine up for a couple of days.
Today I made a run accross the border to get some of the items that some of you ladies had mentioned here in the past, and FINALLY found the Knudsen's morning blend juice. Not only did I find it, but it was 3 for $5!!! What a steal. I also got salad spritzer and mini bagels...yum - any food sounds good right about now (I dont get to eat again until tomorrow...damned t/o..hehe)
Lisa, I just read my people mag cover to cover while my kids were swimming-and really enjoyed that issue. It was definately inspiring.
Great to see everyone here - and to the newbies, you have found a wonderful resource in this LAWL forum, there is much support and great ideas here!
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Old 01-03-2007, 11:23 PM   #123  
On stabilization
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Is this the ******ed chicken?
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Old 01-03-2007, 11:32 PM   #124  
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Oh, is that him? I think that dude waited on me at Sonic last week. Wait, um, no, couldn't be. I wasn't at Sonic, I promise! It must have been Dairy Queen!
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Old 01-04-2007, 01:02 AM   #125  
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Shouldn't that chicken have a sign that says, "Eat more beef" ?!? Gosh, I think he's been on LAWL too long! Actually, now that I think about it, I might not mind looking like that skinny chicken on my Gazelle!!!
Church was awesome! Everyone gave their testimonies of the trip and conference in Kansas City. Many had never heard my ODS speak seriously before. He's a lot like me, the clown, but also like me, he has a deeply serious side that will blow your mind! He did so well, our Pastor has asked him to give his testimony again on Sunday. I'm soooo proud of him!
We're going to get flu shots today (Thur.) since dh's insurance will pay for them and Dr. says it's not too late.
Well, gotta go. I'm still working on my menu plans for the next days and weeks.
Blessings all,
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Old 01-04-2007, 08:31 AM   #126  
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Hey everyone,

Lurking lately but I have been reading. I for one and very gald xmas and new year's is over. They were terrible for me but considering everything that was to be expected. On the bright side I hope to be moving again to my own apt next weekend (the 13th). It is extremely difficult right now to be POP as I can't have my food I want at mom's as she simply doesn't have the room for em to have my stuff. So I am doing as best I can and for the next week really just want to maintain until I get back on my own again.

I have a funeral home visitation to go to this afternoon - not my favorite thing but I want to go for the family.

This post isn't exactly cheery, but I promise they will get better!!!

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Old 01-04-2007, 08:38 AM   #127  
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Hey Alannah, sorry the holidays were so tough. I hope that you can get into your own place soon!
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Old 01-04-2007, 08:44 AM   #128  
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Welcome back Alannah, I'm glad the holidays were tolerable for you! It's nice to see you back!

Cassi how is the back doing?

Katie you mentioned everyone's avatars but your face is cute!! As is Makena's!

Makena glad you found some products in the states. I am hoping to make a cross border run this month with DH as some of things they have we simply cannot get here. I did find Shiritaki noodles here yesterday.. YAHOO!! Does anyone have a favorite recipe they've tried with them? I saw three in our threads.

Mama Nicole. Hope you are over post holiday let down/family overkill. I found it wonderful but was so happy to try to get back on track this week. The girls being sick as well has been a try of my sanity but I'm hoping next week we are all back on schedule. I posted a new avatar for you especially. I dressed the whole family up in Packer gear for Sunday.. sad part is I didn't even get to see the game as we were at a party and people wanted karaoke instead! Then I heard it may be his last game? So I shall be dressing in black for the next year, may take a vow of silence and will do Takeoff every two weeks as a means of internal suffering!! Update us when you can

Kim, luckily Canada is ******ed chicken free.. we only have avian flu but those chickens are brilliant even when sick!

Dan way to go on your takeoff..amazing how the body jumps back on the happy train.

Makena welcome to the 6lb gainers club.. I'm making up tshirts for us as we speak!

To all the new posters.. welcome to the inspirational, motivational, humorous but often serious LAWL boards. We look forward to helping all of you on your journey!

Off to WI so I'd better hear that WOOHOO stick clapping after my two days of TO and fingers crossed that I'm back to pre holiday weight.. Of course I'll tell you the second I get home too!
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Old 01-04-2007, 09:03 AM   #129  
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Kristin - Hungry Girl featured Shirataki noodles to clean them right before cooking, etc. and links to a couple recipes. There's a spaghetti pie that sounds yummy (here's the link; not sure if this will work).
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Old 01-04-2007, 09:23 AM   #130  
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Pearl - your comments about your son brought tears to my eyes...not sure why. Sounds like he may have found a calling!

Hey Dan - The Green Chile Stew sounds yummy. I have to admit, my TO was not perfect this time around, but it was just what I needed to get my mind back in the game. I managed to lose a few pounds on my home scale, but I'm quite a ways from my pre-Christmas weight. I'll get there, by golly!

Nicole - I'm cracking up with your post about TOM/pregnant/God wouldn't do that to me.....etc. Sorry, can't remember what I did last weekend, let alone when your last TOM happened!! I, regretfully, changed my ticker to reflect my sinful ways.

Whitney - keep on cooking and Cassi may have you come work for her at her famous (yet to be named) catering business!

Cassi - speaking of this, when do you start culinary classes?

Hmmmmmm....for some reason I cannot see Lori's chicken picture......sometimes that happens and when I go back later I can see it.

I'm behind on my exercise Intentions for the Year, but hope to make up some of the lost time over the next few days.

I'm very excited that I joined a ladies Boot Camp and starting next Monday we meeting 3 mornings a week (5:15 AM to 6:15 AM) and get our butts kicked! And I paid for this! Actually, it looks really good and I figured it was cheaper than a personal trainer at my gym. I used to always get up early and be at my gym around 5-5:30 in the morning, but since I've started working at home, I've been a real slacker. I'm hoping this new regime gets me back in the swing of things. Now I just have to figure out a way to get myself in bed by 9 PM so I can get up at 4:30 AM!
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Old 01-04-2007, 09:23 AM   #131  
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Good morning everyone!

Joni - Thanks for the link for the Shirataki noodles. I couldn't find them at Walmart, so I will try the local Asian Store. They close on Thursdays. That's their run to Chicago to restock. We're like a bit over 3 hrs drive to Chicago. So tomorrow it is, and now that I saw a picture, I'll know what to look for.

Nicole - I have not changed my ticker for the gain. So it seems that I've been maintaining... But with the TO yesterday and today, I may actually move it down by tomorrow pm, after WI.

Lea Ann - That was awesome idea to add new pictures in. It is encouraging, and always nice to "see" who you are talking too!!

And a BIG HELLO to one and all!!
Y'all have a good day,
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Old 01-04-2007, 09:49 AM   #132  
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Debbie--just an idea--but when things are hectic you may want to keep some Slimfast, string cheese, V-8, and 100% fruit juice on hand for emergencies. I hate veggies so the V-8 is a life saver for days I just can't stomach eating them. I believe in EATING but sometimes you have to make adjustments so you can keep your body fueled and burning hot. Take a breather and don't let work stress you out!!

Nicole--I seriously doubt the 5.6 will stick around long once you get back into your routine. Seems a lot were up but not for long. If you don't want to change your ticker then DON"T--remember our conversation about the perks of being an adult?? LOL. Seriously--give it a week of OP eating then change it IF you have to.

Dan--I'm with you--what's any Mexican food/soup without a tortilla?? I'm sure it will be fine.

Everyone have a great one!! Come out and play since I am chained to my room today!!
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Old 01-04-2007, 09:57 AM   #133  
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Kristin - I was just reading your New Year's Intentions. I find it hard to believe you don't have a Family Portrait yet!! You better go before the little one won't let you style her hair anymore!

Lea Ann - do you eat ANY vegetables at all? I had Kale potatoe chips the last two days and they are so yummy! Between my kale chips and my new lettuce/salad spinner, you can't keep me out of the veggie drawer in my fridge (sure wish I could fit in there!).
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Old 01-04-2007, 10:05 AM   #134  
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Geez--I thought I was caught up and there was another page!!

Lisa--I am so thrilled you are back!! And really--you are too kind--I can't seem to get it together to budge the stupid scale (have y'all missed that?) but the only reason I posted that one was because I don't a a second chin--I am pretty sure I still have one--the camera was just being nice! Stay with us--we miss you when you hide.

Rhonda--LEAVE IT-- you are gorgeous!! Like I told Nicole--I don't think the 6 will stick--I think everyone's body is in shock and a few days of OP eating (coupled with your TO) should take care of it.

Pearl--that's great about DS--what a proud moment for parents. Glad you are enjoying your Gazelle!

Alannah--sorry about the bad news but congrats on your move--it will be easier to stay on track when you are surrounded with good stuff.

Kristen--GL @ WI!!!

Joni--I couldn't see it either--the school blocks sooooo much! I have to view most things at home--it's weird though--some tickers I can see and some I can't. I bet you will love the boot camp--I had some friends do it in AZ and they had GREAT results in a short time. You are my hero!

Is the Green Chili Stew in the recipe thread??

Nancy--love the new photo--you are such a cutie! If you look on "House Foods" website you may be able to find a product locator for the noodles. I ended up just calling around to stores that carry healthfoods.

I found the Almond Breeze unsweetened vanilla (2 for $4) last night at United--not even in the organic/whole foods section--it was on the cereal isle--I would have never looked there! Will try soon--I am always so excited to find these products then get scared to try!

Okay--NOW I am caught up!!
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Old 01-04-2007, 10:08 AM   #135  
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Joni--I eat salad veggies but few cooked. I WISH I loved them, it sure would make things easier! I have your Kale chips recipe taped to my fridge and just now added them to my grocery list for after school--gotta stock up on my tuna kits--realized when I got to work today I have NOTHING in my mini-fridge. Ordered a salad from the caf.--not usually great but it'll do in a pinch. What does kale even look like??
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