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Old 01-02-2007, 11:04 AM   #31  
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Hello long lost chickies and you too Rooster Dan!

I did great over Christmas, made it through my DD's 3rd birthday and then totally crashed over New Years eve...and no it had nothing to do with alchol, just rotel and crab dip and chili and dip...dip on everything! I have never done this, okay atleast not since starting LAWL. What gives? My DS's birthday is Friday and my mind's like...Yeah, cake! And I know it should not even be going there! I am planning on a TO as soon as I make it to the store for some Knudsens!!! Wish me luck ....

I have the best DH, he got me my iPod I have been I actually started walking again, I got my You on a Diet book, it in 2 days, loved it. I got a new table and chair set and fuzzy socks and sz 7 undies for when I get there! (he is planning ahead) It was wonderful...

My children are spoiled rotten, my DH is maybe neglected alittle and I am so done with traveling! I hope to stay home the rest of the month....

I hope everyone had a great Christmas as I am NOT going to be playing catch up on the Dec. thread....sorry, I just can't bring myself to do it...not that much time in my days. I wish you all a wonderful New Year and here's to goal....
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Old 01-02-2007, 11:13 AM   #32  
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Happy New Year chickies and roosters!

Oh, I am sooo on TO! New Year, new month, new week, et al! Actually like Joni and Cassi said - I'm sick of all of the holiday food. I'm ready for some good clean livin'!

Megan - Sorry about the car, it makes you feel so violated, doesn't it? When I lived in a local downtown city, my car got 'tagged' with permanent marker. I was soooo pissed!

Cassi - I'm glad your back feels better. Remember to baby it for a while even when it feels good.

Evette - you continue to astound and inspire me. I can't wait until I get in the kind of zone you are in!

Lisa - welcome back to posting! You lurker you! C'mon and post even if you are not POP, we like to talk.

Katie - it is so good to hear you in good spirits these past few weeks. I hope that this means that you are feeling better. All of these go getter attitudes on this board are making me motivated!

Joni - I know what you mean about triggers and not having any idea. I can say that this past week I did not have LAWL in the forefront of my consciousness at all. I just dropped it like a rock. I have to get over the holiday mentality. Forget the pounds gained, I feel yucky inside.

Barb - Glad you are enjoying your christmas camera so much!

OK folks, back to my knudsens (ha ha, the Knudsens company is enjoying a banner start to the year! Sales must be WAAAAY up )

Pearl, I hope that DS is back and enjoyed his trip. Lea Ann- yuck, back to work, huh?

Hi to all others - Nicole, Kristen, Donisha, the Debs, Meagan, and all others!
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Old 01-02-2007, 11:39 AM   #33  
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Good morning everyone!

Dan - It's great to see you out here again - but when is that gorgeous wife of your gonna come out and cluck with the rest of us chickies?

Lori - I've been thinking about you a lot lately! Glad to see you back out here. Please stay with us! I miss you when you're not here!

TO today for DH and I. DS got in at 5a.m. Monday but stayed at a friends house to sleep. Then called at 2 to let us know they had driven straight through but he wanted to stay a while longer with his friend that is going back to college today... so we let him! (Bummed he wasn't ready to rush right back home, but it was sweet last night when we got him back!) He really had an awesome time and God did some wonderful things. DS knows his calling for his life now, to be an example and a voice for his generation! WOO HOO! He's so pumped up and excited!

Well, gotta go weigh our chicken for today's TO menu. Working on cultivating come new recipes so hopefully I'll be posting some after TO (No use torturing myself!)

Today is the first day of a healthier life for all of us!!! Let's do it!
(I had lemon water already, something I never do!!!) I'm trying to arrange to pick up my Gazelle this afternoon. I'm soooo excited!
Hugs, and from the whatever we decided I was!
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Old 01-02-2007, 12:16 PM   #34  
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Katie--I thought of you last night. As an OU fan I have total respect for your guys--what an awesome game--regardless who you are rooting for! WOW.
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Old 01-02-2007, 12:18 PM   #35  
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Hello everyone,

I decided to do TO today and tomorrow. I was trying last week but was a week too early, so I am going for it today.

Sounds like everyone is ready to change things up in their lives. It's a great thing to do, get healthy.

My DD is 13 y/o and thin, I told her that just because she was thin that she should never get in her mind that she can eat any and everything, because I was the same size she is now when I was 20 y/o until I got married at 21. I explained to her that I didn't want her to live a life of yo-yo dieting, but I wanted her to learn to make healthy choices right now so that it would just be the way she eats all the time. So I have eliminated diet soda and I told her that she would only be allowed soda on occassion. She was fine with that she said she would rather have juice anyway. I also told her that her candy intake was going way down as well, she didn't take that as well.

DH and I have decided on the treadmill and now we have to go an order it. The one that we want isn't in the store yet, but it's the best deal. Of course I would like the Cadillac of treadmills, but I don't want to spend that kind of money.

Have a wonderful 2nd day of the New Year! It's back to work for me tomorrow.
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Old 01-02-2007, 12:19 PM   #36  
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Hello Ladies
Kim Glad to see you back!!! Well I must have had some brain meltdown between Xmas and New Years as I seemed to completely forget what LAWL was. Okay truthfully I was not that bad around the food but did indulge in cocktails. Everyone we were with yesterday went and got McDonald's for lunch, including DH and the kids but I said no to it all. Unfortunately my other choices showed a 6lb gain on my scale this morning!! Cassi you and I will both be hardcore to get rid of it! Last night we did get a thin crust veggie pizza and I made a big salad to have with it. I like Pearl and her DH have been craving the vegs and fruit like mad. Your body really does tell you what it wants!
So we all have a bit of a bug and are right tired and worn out. But DH and I are going to try and go for a walk and I am on day 1 of Takeoff. I'm actually looking forward to some plain broccoli and chicken! So my hope is that the lemon water I will be drinking like it's going out of style and the TakeOff will help get rid of the holiday gain. I know there is no way that I ate an extra 21,000 calories so it must be some retention etc.
The new avatar is of me and the girls in our Green Bay fan gear. The oldest has a cheerleader costume and the youngest a jersey. If Brett Favre retires my husband asked if I would be in mourning and wear black for a that I think about it, that's an awfully slimming color!
The nicest thing about this board is to go on and see how many other people indulged, gained, cheated etc over the holidays and how excited everyone is to start anew. It's great to have the support.
For all the lurkers and MIA it's great to have you back and for the newbies, jump in and chat away, we welcome you.

For all those doing TO today and tomorrow stay strong!!! Pick a great recipe for Thursday night from the threads or your cookbooks to celebrate!
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Old 01-02-2007, 12:22 PM   #37  
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Where do I start??...
Well, I have been completely off plan since 12/24/06. I am not proud of myself. I however did not gain anything, and actually lost .6 of a pound at my weigh in last Thursday. I dont know how to explain that one.
I'm back to work today after 8 days off, and ready to be POP. So far so good. I'm always good at work, it's when I get home, that I get in trouble. It's like I'm starving when I get home, even if I have had an apple or soemthing right before I leave work, I really think my body is just craving carbs and thats what gets me. I ussually stay OP but have my weak moments like everyone else. I'm kinda discouraged with my weight loss, I was hoping to get that 2 lbs per week, and honestly probably would have done it, if not for cheating. So in 2007 it's my goal to cheat as little as possible, and excercise.
I hope everyone is doing well, and godd luck to everyone in 2007!

Candace Evert
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Old 01-02-2007, 12:28 PM   #38  
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Morning all--glad to be back. Not even gonna attempt personals. I will openly admit to being a slug lately. Just finished watching hours of the Ford funeral. Pomp and circumstance gets me every time! I am thrilled to say that as "bad" as I felt I was being (plus the post Christmas TO--loved doing it with oranges) that I am exactly where I have been since the summer. But now is the time to get back in gear--geez--how many times have I said that?!? Anyway--I won't negate the progress I have made so this is where I am and I know what I have to do--and I know that together we can accomplish so much in '07.

Welcome to the newbies! I hope you get all you need from this great site--believe me--if you have questions someone around here will be able to answer them.

Welcome BACK to the veterans--you have been missed and I am so happy you are back--stay with us. I know we all seem to drift occasionally but the fact that you drift back shows dedication to your healthy self!!

My house is STILL a post holiday wreck and I must find the motivation to put things back where they belong. Every decoration I own in now confined to the dining room so it must be boxed and put back in the attic. UGH. I have to go to work tomorrow and the kids come back on Thursday. Can you believe I already have a kid for the first day back?? No idea what he did but it must have been good.

Okay--off to do something productive--I hope!!
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Old 01-02-2007, 12:31 PM   #39  
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Kristen--it's okay to mourn--for a while. I sure did when Troy Aikman retired and got married! BOO HOO.
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Old 01-02-2007, 12:45 PM   #40  
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Thanks for the encouragement guys! I went to the gym and worked out this morning, and then went for the weigh in......all good! I moved down to the purple plan, so that's exciting! I was watching the Ford funeral on the treadmill and Tom Brokaw said something that was really an "AH HA!" for me! He said that Ford would get so mad when he didn't do his best, but he would get madder if he stopped trying! That's how my diet is going to work!!! Have a fabulous day everyone!

Julie on LAWL
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Old 01-02-2007, 01:12 PM   #41  
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Julie that is awesome that you were able to take something from the Ford funeral and turn it into positive motivation for you! Of course that wasnt very motivating tv to exercise too. I am sad that I missed it and will have to catch recaps of it on the news later. I was out running errands.

Went to WI and i was at 276.6 and I am ok with that because back in October i was 275 so I really havent gained much since then so i have kind of been maintaining i guess even thought i have been eating anything and everything. I will be getting my ticker back up in a little bit. Have to head to the kitchen and fix my lunch.

Doing good so far. My COD calls it LA Express instead of FF as well i think it was Joni that mentioned that. The girl looked at me like I was crazy when i said FF. She also said that there would probably be some slight changes in the next 3-6 months and the lettuce would probably be one of them however she said for now keep it at 1 cup. I really didnt realize how long I had been off of LAWL but she said said I had not bee in since the end of July. That was kind of wake up for me. I really thought i had been since then. I lost 23 weight loss weeks and that hurts but she said i have 26 left which is a little over half a year and I will see what I can do with that.

Glad to see everyone doing so well today! have a great day and will catch ya later this afternoon off to do some work!
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Old 01-02-2007, 01:23 PM   #42  
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Hey all! Well, I survived the holidays and was down .6 at this morning's WI. Woohoo! I wasn't very good at writing down EVERYTHING I ate...somehow I'd forget to write down the odd piece of candy here or there that would slip into my mouth. *innocent look*

But one thing I did write down was that at lunch one day I'd added 5 BBQ chips to my lunch of 1/2 a turkey sandwich and baby carrots. Wouldn't you know the COD girl zoned in on that and wouldn't leave it alone? You'd think I'd eaten a whole bag the way she was talking. I was like, LOOK, girl, if I want to eat FIVE little BBQ chips, all the Wheat Thins in the world aren't going to steer me away from it. I wonder what she would have done if I'd written EVERYTHING I'd eaten. Hah! I'd probably still be in there.

I'm going to try to exercise 30 mins 3 times a week, moving forward. If I can get down to 185 by Valentine's Day, I will be a happy girl!
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Old 01-02-2007, 01:23 PM   #43  
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I've been reading through some posts and just trying to get to know you all a little bit. I'm really happy to be back here...I know we can do this together!

I'm not brave enough to post my current weight and my goal just yet. I think seeing it on a ticker will look like I have so far to go. So I'm just going to start with a goal of 10 pounds to lose by the end of the month.
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Old 01-02-2007, 01:53 PM   #44  
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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome back. I am happy to say that after one day of POP I am down 2 pounds from yesterday. If only that could happen everyday! I could not tell you the last time I have been POP. The last date I had recorded in my journal was oct 10! It felt good to be in control again.
I threw all the cookies away yesterday- now I am just trying to part with the chocolate. That is going to be hard to give up, I am going to have to go out and buy some chocolate flavored Luna bars.
By the way, I don't know if anyone noticed but I bumped my goal weight up to 155. When I get there I will re evaulate.

Evette- congratulations to you- you are the first person on this thread I have seen to make their goal- you are an inspiration!

Have a good day everyone!
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Old 01-02-2007, 02:36 PM   #45  
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Megan - Congrats on the loss. Love your new picture...yup - quite the innocent look you've got!

Lisa - Lovely new picture!! Run, don't walk, to the store for those Luna bars! Step away from the Chocolate!

Britt - it is amazing how time flies. Make good use of your remaining weeks and you'll see great results. I like that you added the exercise ticker to your signature. It took me about 20 minutes to figure out how to do that one, but I finally figured it out from I know I only have about 10 COD weeks left myself. Unless they give me a really sweet deal, I'll be on my own. I actually should pay some of the folks on this site instead of my COD anyway, since you gals give me way better support, advice, etc.

Lea Ann - my house must look like yours.
"Every decoration I own is now confined to the dining room."
A few days after Christmas I start moving things to the Dining Rom table so when pack up time comes, I don't leave stragglers behind. I'm usually not this slow cleaning up, but I'm in no rush. My (former) step-daughter just told me it's bad luck to have your tree up after New Year's Day -- even if it is fake. Oh well.....what can I say.

Candace and to everyone who lost during this holiday season ... you are my heros!

Julie - I was touched by what you said Tom Brokaw said about Gerald Ford. What a great statement and a testimony that we just have to keep trying and doing our best. My treadmill run was a bit more upbeat. I watched a movie I had taped about 2 months ago - "High School Musical". It was fun and really got me in a good groove. The secret to loving the treadmill (or gazelle or whatever) is watching a good show!

Ulanda - it's great that you are teaching your daughter the smart way to eat; she'll appreciate it later in life (at least you can hope!).

Kristin - Hope you feel better and get your walk in. I like your idea of planning Thursday's menu -- something to look forward to. I'm afraid, though, if I start looking at yummy menus, I'll not get through this Take Off. For some reason, I am really hungry today. Guess I'll go drink some water!

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