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Old 10-01-2011, 09:27 AM   #226  
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Sophie - That's great!

I weighed this morning too for some good news. I've lost 5lbs so far. My goal is to be under 200 by the end of phase 1 (or even better Monday). Now I, unlike most people, don't think of this a 'onederland.' My whole life with the exception of a couple months I have weighed under 200 - yet not always happy with my weight. I am not going to celebrate once again being at weight that at one time was my 'all-time-high.' I will celebrate continuing to see the scale go down and working towards a goal.

Hopefully today will be another successful day. I probably won't exercise - even though I should - I have WAY TOO MUCH homework and studying to do. Why did I decide to do grad school at an Ivy? Silly me!
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Old 10-01-2011, 11:09 AM   #227  
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Wow! you're doing great gatorgirl! Keep it up! I read your blog. I'll be following it. I wish I would've kept one from day 1.
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Old 10-01-2011, 07:33 PM   #228  
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Well, I thought about food most of the day and didn't get much done on my HW. I guess that means I will be up late tonight and hopefully I can get my mind off food and on my studies. The good news is, I have stayed OP for food.

I need to start exercising again. On days I have school, I walk all over campus, up and down hills, for classes. But on days that I have off, I am a lazy bum who is stuck in her apt most of the day doing work for those courses. Honestly, I may not really get any extra exercise in until Friday because of how much I really need to get done. Once Friday hits I will have no excuse. My Goal is to work out at least 3 days btwn Friday and Tuesday next week. Hopefully my weight loss won't slow too much before then.
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Old 10-03-2011, 05:56 AM   #229  
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I weighed in this morning at 169.0!!! I'm so happy! Finally in the 160s. I'm also finished with phase two on Friday, starting phase 3. I've never gotten to this phase during my first attempts so that's a good sign. I've never been so focused on a diet in my life. Let's hope I don't screw it.
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Old 10-03-2011, 06:22 AM   #230  
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My weigh in this morning was less happy than I had hoped and expected... 200.0. The exact same as yesterday. Now, I got up much earlier and I think this effected the weigh in. I have a tough day ahead of me. I will just have to stay strong and look forward to a bigger loss tomorrow.
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Old 10-03-2011, 09:00 AM   #231  
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Don't worry, I had some days where my weight even went up a couple but then went back down. Now though, it's going down as if my body has now adjusted to the way of eating. I told my boyfriend I would probably cry when I hit 165 on the scale. My lowest weight was 166 but didn't last too long. I feel like I'll be hitting 165 soon!

Last edited by SophieCormier; 10-03-2011 at 09:01 AM.
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Old 10-03-2011, 12:29 PM   #232  
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Hi guys-
Great to see everyone's progress here-I love seeing the updates and am inspired by your gains (personally) and losses (lbs!)

Today is Day 1 of original smash plan-we are just starting the 1st cycle. I food shopped like a maniac yesterday and think I'll need more fruit and yogurt before Friday!
Unfortunately, it's TOM for me-woke up with cramps and feeling crabby.

Water all day-this is tough!, I brewed some green peach tea to have iced if I have a craving.

So far:
>1 4 oz cup black tea w/ stevia (I knew I'd trigger migraine if I stopped caffiene immediately-normally, its 3 cups w/ cream and sugar!)
>1 Oatmeal muffin from the recipes page- yum!

>chunks of honeydew melon

>6 oz Smoothie with Light Choc Soy milk, no fat yogurt, banana and strawberries

Planned for rest of day:

>snack- cukes&carrots with dill/yogurt dip

>dinner-big salad/veggies w/ FF dressing

>snack- apple bake w/ oatmeal- also from recipe thread

I don't feel hungry and am in a controlled environment-LOL so I'm not smelling any intruder food smells-coffee, drive through, people heating up leftovers, etc.
I'm a little worried about protein-I'm not an egg I'm trying to get some chick peas in to every salad and keeping up with the yogurt. I'm afraid that by the end of this week, I'll want some chicken!
I have a crazy work week ahead with 2 late nights- Tues-Thursday-I hope I can time my meals to prevent cravings.
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Old 10-03-2011, 01:07 PM   #233  
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Welcome margarita124! Good to have you join us! This diet is tough in the beginning but you'll see how easy it becomes. You'll feel awesome once the 9 days are up and you see the weight loss. It encourages you to keep going. I thought the apple bake was good mixed with some yogurt. Wasn't as dry and was REALLY good. I bought the ingredients to do some more. I've done like 3 batches already ha! I enjoy it for breakfast. It's healthy and filling.
I just had a salad and omg, was it ever good! Really enjoyed it. I can't believe I'm saying that salad is good. I used to HATE salads but now, I'm used to it and look forward to them every day.
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Old 10-03-2011, 01:59 PM   #234  
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WOW guys, that's awesome! Great motivators! I managed to lose 3lbs this past week. One weekend I had ballooned all the way up to my starting weight. I'm just now finally coming back down. Staying Positive and Focused.
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Old 10-03-2011, 02:03 PM   #235  
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thanks for the support and suggestions on the apple bake!
I'm headed out for a walk-I'd rather watch TV or read outside- BUT I'm going to walk and then read outside on my deck!

>>random FatSmash questions for you guys??

I realized I didn't fir in my brown rice today-does tht make a difference? I'm mking the baked rice tonight to have for the week.

When can I have tuna (not tuna steaks, canned white in water) ? Does that wait until P2, along with "Meat" as the book refers to it? I find the book to be very loose...

condiments during P1- can I really have a low fat mayo? If so, I'd mix it w/ the tuna (if allowed) and make lettuca wraps.

trying to get creative!
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Old 10-03-2011, 03:34 PM   #236  
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PrimeTime: YAY! YOU GO GIRL! That's the way to do it!

margarita124: For your brown rice question, do you mean you didn't have brown rice today? You don't have to if you don't want to. I usually eat some with my meat for dinner. I don't know if you ever tried Sweet Potatoes. I know those are good as well. As for Tuna, I'm not a tuna eater so I'm not sure. You could always try it on phase 2. From there you'll see how your body reacts to it. I know I've had some pork a couple of times during phase 2 and I guess I wasn't supposed to... oopsie! I guess I won't be buying Pork Chops for a while haha! You learn as you go. I don't have the book with me ATM but I do think you can have some mayo on phase 2. I know you can also have 2 tsp of butter.
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Old 10-03-2011, 08:53 PM   #237  
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Well, today was a wash. I'm not sure how the scale will respond in the morning, but I wasn't 100% on plan - I also had no choice. I was on sort of a work trip today. I spent the day in the hospital (I'm not sick, I'm designing medical devices). We had a sort of working lunch and there was no way to leave and get my own lunch. They ordered pizza and soda. No options - that or don't eat. So I had a slice and a little diet soda. I didn't over do it. Then for dinner we went as a group to a deli... great. So I ordered a sandwich (only at the meat - turkey breast) and some watermelon. We did walk around the hospital all day and had an hour break where we walked from the hospital to central park and back (~1hr walk). I think I did the best with what I had, but I also know it wasn't on plan. I think I may trying staying on Phase 1 for a couple extra days and see if that helps get me on the right track.
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Old 10-04-2011, 08:28 AM   #238  
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It happens gatorgirl. It happened to me on phase 1 that I ate a canned tomato soup that was full of perservatives. This was before I started eating salads. As long as you keep going, you should be fine. You just need to learn from your mistakes and be prepared for next time. Life isn't perfect, everyone makes mistakes.
I weighed in this morning at 170.6.. boo! I love the 169 a LOT better. Haha! Oh well. I had a good dinner last night. I put a sweet potato in the oven, boyfriend prepared some T-Bone steaks on the grill. I added a bit of butter and salt on my sweet potato. It was an EXCELLENT meal! I loved it. I hadn't tried a baked sweet potato before. I really enjoyed it. I did my apple bake last night. That's what I ate for breakfast, mixed with a yogurt of course
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Old 10-04-2011, 09:35 AM   #239  
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OK-Day 1down-not bad but by bedtime I was thinking about chips and dip and ice cream sundaes.
Today- Day 2- CRAP! I woke to get clothes from dryer to find basement in two inches water-sump isn't working and my wetvac is onthe fritz.
I officailly need a cup of coffee-NOW.
going to get coffee-not a donut or anything else- just coffee-It's not starting out to be a fab day
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Old 10-04-2011, 10:30 AM   #240  
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margarita124 - Awwww! I'm sorry to hear that. That surely is no fun to wake up to. Good for you for not having that donut
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