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Old 06-15-2006, 08:21 AM   #151  
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Hello fellow Jammers!
I did the Tubo Sculpt yesterday, and I have to admit that I didn't expect to sweat as much as I did. I do feel it in my legs this morning. Those squats are a killer. But I love it, the soreness reminds me that I am doing something good for my body!!!

I'm at work so I gotta run. Hope everyone has an awsome day!!!

Let's keep Jammin'
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Old 06-15-2006, 09:23 AM   #152  
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Hi everyone! I started today with the 20 min workout and Turbo Sculpt and I think that my arms are still shaky from the TS!! I feel great though! I am switching around the meal plan depending on what I feel like eating from day to day, but I am sticking with the meals listed there, so I guess that is what will make a difference.

I tried to workout this morning with no shoes, but it just didn't feel right to me, but then we have hardwood flooring in the Living room, so maybe that is why it didn't work for me. I am interested in finding a new pair of workout shoes, so I am going to check out the Nike shox and Asics and see what they are like. I want to keep a pair for inside and have a pair for outside play/exercise.

Rachelle~WOOHOO!!! Congratulations on 1 more pound gone!! I know how frustrated you have been with the scale, so I am so excited for you that the plateau has been broken!!

Sigma3~Well, did your daughter decide to join you for CP? If she does, I know that she will love it as much as the rest of us do!

2cmeagain & mookiemunchkin~I know what you mean about feeling like a new woman and not just a sweaty stinky one! I expected CP to make me sweat alot, but I did not really expect it from Turbo Sculpt and I do sweat alot with that workout! Sweatin' is Good though, like someone else here said, its those calories just melting away!

Will chat again soon!
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Old 06-15-2006, 10:20 AM   #153  
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Default Turbo Sculpt Kick my Booty!!!!

I agree with those who said that Turbo Sculpt was more than they expected!!! I waited at bit late to exercise (was caught up in the best 100 movies show), I really didn't think that it would be as intense as it was. I started out with hand weights and had to give them up about 10 minutes into the workout. But I managed to finish--wasn't my best performance. I don't know what I expected, but now I know.

Nail-lady - I'm so impressed that you did the 20-min workout & TS. WTG Girl!
I don't know how y'all workout without shoes???? I have a pair of Nike Air that I just love. They are several years old, but have only been worn a few times. I have shoes for the inside & out as well. My ankles & knees just can't take the barefoot thing.

Mookiemunchkin - I totally agree with you about the squats - I have to modify them as my right knee gets very sore. I like the soreness as well--it's like the results of using muscles that need to be firmed up!

2CMEAGAIN - I agree that I feel much better after a workout. Sometimes, I wonder why I have waited so long to "get with the program", I guess it's because I truly had to find the right workout program (TJ Rocks) and this support group is just awsome.

SIGMA3 - You don't have to say a lot -- the fact that you are checking-in is just fine. Keep up the good work and I hope that your daughter and friends are enjoying working out with you.

Rachelle - I know that pound means so much. I never thought that 16 ozs of weight loss could raise your spirits as much as it does!!! I certainly agree with you on the support and motivation of this Thread and you are certainly a big part of that! Your positive attitude and love of TJ has inspired many of us to purchase the program and participate in this challenge. There are few people who can take on life challenge like loosing weight and changing lifesyles alone. We actually are trying to control an "Addiction." Unlike other addictions, we cannot go "Cold Turkey". We have to have food to exist, controlling the amount is not easy. It's like telling an alcholic just take a shot of whiskey - the stop...... Our goal is to eat nutritious to keep our bodies healthy and exercise to burn fat and keep our metabolisim at an optimal level.

As I watched the 100 best movies last night, I noticed how many commercials there were on FOOD!! We are constantly bombarded with temptations, on TV, snacks at work, co-workers wanting to go to lunch or future MIL who just want to feed us, it is so difficult to stay on track. It is true that our society is not healthy and it is true that this is not just a 10 day challenge--this is truly a LIFETIME challenge. So just an 8 or 16 oz loss is so important to keep us focused on the goal we have set.

Hamster - Girl are you crazy???? Cardio Party, 20 min & TS--no way! You are setting unreasonable goals - then beating yourself up when you don't complete them. We're not trying to "kill ourselves" here. Just eat well and exercise. I barely made it through TS without weights. You did very well to finished the 20 min workout & CP. Wooo Hooo!!! Be sure to set goals that you can complete, be reasonable and don't feel that you have to "make-up" for anything. As long as you exercise you are doing a fantastic job.

Also, about the future MIL..I had (and still love) a wonderful mother-in-law who is 88 and still cooks full blown meals. She used to make comments to me about not eating enough or about my small portions and not eating dessert until I just looked her in the face and said, "I know that you care about me and I'm asking you to support my efforts to eat less. I love your food and it is difficult for me to resist eating more, but please don't take offense and please understand." From that day forward, she has been a doll about it. I still go visit her when I am in Missouri and talk with her every week. In fact she knows that I'm doing this challenge and wished me the best.

I agree that we have a great team of participants in this challenge and I hope that everyone is asking for and receiving the support and motivation you need to get that much closer to your goal.

Have a great day!!!!
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Old 06-15-2006, 01:19 PM   #154  
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Day 4.

Pre-exercise reflection.

I think my weakness is not in food. Heck, I avoided eating lunch throughout high school (thinking that's how to "diet," only to end up ordering a super-sized Big Mac MEAL for dinner after school, EVERYDAY!). I can say no to a lot of things. My weakness is in my daily activities. I am a gamer, and it's summer, which means I can sit all day long and play a game. I'm also a competitive gamer, which means the more time I spend sitting here, my game character gets--and I want to be the best! I also have a gaming boyfriend (super thin, might I add), so that encourages me to play even more.

My other weakness is my competitive, all-or-nothing mentality. I want to be slim for my health, it's true. But what I want MORE is to look better than my cousin, and every female relative that I have. Last year, I managed to lose 15 pounds because I "wanted to be skinnier than my SIL-to-be" and she just had a baby, for goodness sakes! I know, I'm crazy. And then, my "competitive brain" told me that I "won," and I stopped eating right and working out, and gained back 10 of those lbs in 6 months.

One thing I would like to stop doing is judging what everyone's eating. At this past weekend's cookoff, I was grossed out by who ate what. I kept thinking what other "big" people SHOULDN'T be eating. But I think, overall, I just need to realize that, just because -I- am trying to lose weight, not everyone else is. And it's not my responsibility or place to tell who what to eat. But then again, it's my competitive nature that makes me criticize, so I can feel better about myself eating well. Maybe I'm just jealous that I can't shove fried chicken in my mouth and wash it down with brownies! to exercise. I sound like a big meanie, don't I?
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Old 06-15-2006, 02:01 PM   #155  
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Hi Hamster,

What kind of games do you play?
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Old 06-15-2006, 02:05 PM   #156  
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Well my stuff finally arrived today! I will get my stata and stuff up soon! Turbomimi, thanks for helping me out with the menu!
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Old 06-15-2006, 02:13 PM   #157  
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Natascha - Yeah! I'm so glad that your DVD's arrived. I know it the mix up in shipping was frustrating!!

Now please do join in the challenge. We are here to support and help you. Also, thanks for posting your pic. It is always nice to see are "buddies" are!

Good luck!
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Old 06-15-2006, 02:23 PM   #158  
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Hamster -

I am so proud of you for getting up from that computer and joining our challenge. I know how addictive gaming can be. As far as your competitive nature, I think that is normal for some people to want to be the best at everything they do. Unfortunately, that can sometime backfire when we don't acheive that "Top Dog" honor.

My personal feelings are that "Beauty or looks" are in the beholder. I'm sure that you look beautiful to your future husband and to your family. Just strive to be beautiful inside as well as outside. If that mindset truly helps you achieve your goal -- go for it, but as you said, when you feel that you look better than your sister, friend or whomever, will you lose the desire to continue eating well and exercising?

Something to think about.

It sounds like to me that you are moving in the right direction with your challenge -- keep up the good work.
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Old 06-15-2006, 06:51 PM   #159  
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Default 6 days to go.........

You guys aren't going to believe this...I was sitting here at work...bored and was thinking about what I was going to eat for dinner. Usually, I'd bring in a salad or baked chicken or something. BUT! I was sitting here thinking of a nice juicy cheeseburger and HOT fries! Awww, my mouth is watering just thinking about it! Then I logged in here and read what everyone was doing and going through which reminded me that I busted my butt doing CP this morning even though I had no energy! I am NOT going to let that cheeseburger take over my life! I put a lot of effort into my workout this morning and I still feel a little sore! So do I wanna run over to the cafeteria and grab that juicy burger? NOPE! I'm gonna run over there and get me a salad! By the way, I ended up weighing myself this morning. I really didn't think I had lost any weight but wanted to make sure I wasn't gaining. And to my surprise......I LOST 1 POUND!! haha Thanks for the support!!!
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Old 06-15-2006, 07:12 PM   #160  
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Default Wow

Everyone is sooooo very supportive. This is great- very helpful!
Rachelle- I enjoyed reading "bad days/good days" that you talked about. That really hit close to home with me. Congrats on the 1lb loss. I know I give a cheer when I see that!!! WTG!!!
There is so much stress in our lives and we don't always make time for ourselves. I am thankful that I have my own office at home that I can go into and shut the door, even can do my excercise in, and not be bothered. Makes a big difference. Love my dd's, but some days....
Linda, what you said to MIL was the topic this week at WW. How to tell "Aunt Sue" nicely that you needed her support. And to get that cake out of your face (tactfully of course) I am soooo glad that she was understanding.
luvhandlz - great job on your loss, too.
And to everyone else --keep up the good work!! This is helping me tremedously.
Went for my walk last nite at the park, and because it was threatening to rain more, there were not alot of people at the park. Seemed to be creep nite, or something. But everytime I went around the lake and passed this one old man, he kept telling me that I should walk with him. I was too creeped out and finally went the other way and walked home, of course made sure that he did not follow me. It is a great park to walk in, but ya just never know. Also did AbJam which I love, it is a great add-on to any work out. Give it a try, it is only 20 min for standing abs and floor. AWESOME!!!
Keep on Jammin' and keep it up through the weekend, don't let "life get in the way of YOUR goals!"
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Old 06-15-2006, 08:54 PM   #161  
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Day 4.

I did the 20-minute workout and Turbo Sculpt this morning. I was right--I do like exercising in the morning better, on an empty stomach. I still HATE socks and shoes. Today I ate a Subway sub for lunch--the sweet onion chicken terriyaki. Is that REALLY good for you? Hm! It just seems so huge...and so much bread. Anyway, I feel like doing more TJ!

mookiemunchkin - I play massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs)! Hero Online is the one I'm playing right now. I used to play SilkRoad Online, Legend of Ares, and Last Chaos.

Last edited by Hamster; 06-16-2006 at 12:07 AM.
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Old 06-15-2006, 09:55 PM   #162  
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Thumbs up Keep it Up!

It's awesome that everyone is doing so well. I haven't had much time to post, but finally caught a minute to check in. I'm doing excellent with my workouts...sticking to the 2 days Cardio Party, 1 day Turbo Sculpt plan. I slipped again today at's my bosses birthday and we celebrated with cake and ice cream. If I keep at this rate, I won't lose a pound during the challenge. I'll try to do better tomorrow.

Well, gotta go for now. Keep up the great work everybody. Until next time...keep jamming.

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Old 06-16-2006, 09:27 AM   #163  
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Good Morning Jammers!

I have to admit that I could not finish all the CP last night. I started to feel really light headed about half way through and I had to stop. I think it could be that I am exercising before I have I might need to change that. I have my afternoon snack at 3:00, and then I usually do not eat dinner untill I finish working out, which it at about 8:00. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Oh, I wish I could eat earlier, but I get out of work at 6:00 and by the time I pick up the little ones and get home it's 7:00.

Thanks all!
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Old 06-16-2006, 10:58 AM   #164  
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Hello ladies! I just wanted to do a quick check in to see how everyone is doing. I did my CP workout this morning, so I feel good about that and eating is going good today. Not much news here.

Hamster~I know what you mean about judging others eating, I think that sometimes too and it is definately not my place to even think that. I also find myself thinking that, when I see someone who is just alittle overweight, I wish, for them to start exercising before it gets worse...but of course I would never say that to them. I just hate to see people struggle with it the way I have, I wish I would have nipped this weight in the bud when it was only 10 lbs instead of waiting until it was 65lbs!!
Hamster, I also have the nutritional info on that chicken teriyaki sub too. It is 370 calories, 5g fat (1.5 saturated), 1220mg sodium, 59 carbs, 4g fiber, 26g protein. Hope this helps.

luvhandlz~Good for you, fighting that urge to have the burger!! Way to go with the 1lb loss too!! Congratulations!

mookiemunchkin~I wonder if a little snack would help you make it through the workout? Maybe just before you leave work? I wish I could help more.

Chat again soon,
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Old 06-16-2006, 12:40 PM   #165  
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Hello everybody...I hope you all are having a wonderful Friday. I got up and worked out this morning (Cardio Party) at 5:30a. My dad called last night and asked if I would run a few errands for him today after I leave work. I normally workout immediately after work and this was going to throw off my schedule. So I decided to work out in the A.M. prior to going to work. When my alarm went off at 5:15 this morning, I wanted to scream. I just didn't want to get out of bed, but I remembered our challenge and forced myself to get busy.

I'm 42 y/o and this is the first time in my life that I've worked out this early in the morning. After I got going, I had a lot of energy and had an overall good workout. In the past, I would have found an excuse to skip out on exercise. Not this mindset is changing! Who knows, I may turn into a morning person afterall. I think I'll schedule at least two morning workouts per week from now on.

This forum has been such an instrumental part of the changes that I'm incorporating into my lifestyle. I see so many other people getting it many tickers with 20+ pounds just encourages me to keep going.

Anyway, I had better get back to work. I may check in again later tonight if I get a chance. I wish you all much success.

mookiemunchkin ~~ Try eating a low calorie snack about 30 minutes prior to your workout. I've noticed that I get lightheaded if I don't eat something about every 3 - 3 1/2 hours.

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