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Old 06-07-2006, 10:12 AM   #31  
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Hi, I ordered the Turbo Jam and it is scheduled to be delived TODAY!!! YAY!! I went on the UPS site and its out for delivery. Thanks to everyone who suggested that I buy it from QVC. I ordered it on Friday, and I'll be getting it today. I wanted to ask the veteran jammers, how long does it take to get the moves down?? I really want to start the 10 day challenge on Monday, but I'm wondering if I will be able to??

Brandi-Way to go on weight loss! Your post really inspired me!!!
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Old 06-07-2006, 10:32 AM   #32  
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I've only done learn and burn 3 times . I don't have the moves down yet but its so much fun trying.

Last edited by iluvkomer; 06-07-2006 at 10:45 AM. Reason: made a change
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Old 06-07-2006, 10:59 AM   #33  
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Mookiemunchkin - I don't have everything down pat. And I just last night made it all the way through cardio party and that was doing it the low impact way. I'm not worried at all about having the moves down. As long as you try and keep moving you'll get results. My husband does it with me (most nights) and he is uncoordinated. It's really fun and she doesn't stay on one thing too long, so it's a little harder to pick up, but she does say what is coming next.
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Old 06-07-2006, 12:32 PM   #34  
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Smile Skill Level doesn't matter at all!!!

Mookiemunchkin - I agree, it really doesn't matter what skill level you are, just the fact that you made it through Cardio Party is great!!! It will get easier as you continue.

I am very excited that we will have so many Turbo Jammers participating in the 10 Day Challenge. Please remember to log in on Monday to record your measurments and weight. Now, I can see some of you making that Face! but we can't actually see you and it will motivate you to record the results at the end of our 10 challenge.

I feel so positive that we all will see great results and get support and motivation from each other.

Have a great day!!
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Old 06-07-2006, 02:02 PM   #35  
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Turbomimi, I did not make it through Cardio Party that was Brandi. The credit goes to her. I will be getting mine tonight, but I am all set to start the challenge. I figure even if I don't have all the moves down by then, something is better than nothing. Lokking forward to MONDAY!!!
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Old 06-07-2006, 02:37 PM   #36  
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I'm sorry Brandi and Mookiemunchkin, I am easily confused when reading your posts. So, Brandi congratuations and Mookiemunchkin, I like your positive attitude. You are certainly right about "anything" is better than nothing.

I read the postings to the Turbo Jam threads for several weeks before I finally got off by behind and order the DVD's. Now, I wonder what took me so long, but I am very excited to be part of a weight-loss community that can motivate others to join in the quest to lose weight and improve our health.

I just went to Drug Emporium and bought new scales. They record in 2,4, 6, and 8/10ths of a pound. Sometimes I need that 2/10ths to keep motivated. I also bought flax seed and whey protein. I will buy the first week's groceries on Sunday. What are the rest of you doing to prepare for the challenge?

Keep Jammin!!
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Old 06-07-2006, 04:36 PM   #37  
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Hi ladies! I am toying with the idea of joining your 10 day challenge. I finished one right before Memorial weekend and at first I was a bit discouraged because I only lost 1 pound, but then when I did my measurements, I lost 11.25 needless to say, that excited me!

So, I have been feeling a bit lazy this week and I know it is because I have not been good about drinking my water and even worse, I have been skipping my workouts for absolutely no good reason. So, there's nothin like a great group like this and a fun challenge to get my butt up an movin again! Count me in!!

I have got alot of things going on this summer and I do not want to feel BLAH anymore! Let's do this!

Where are the measurements being posted?

Chat again soon!
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Old 06-07-2006, 05:26 PM   #38  
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Hi everybody, I'm ready for the challenge, too. I am in love with Turbo Jam...wish Chalene would develop a stretching and relaxation dvd. She's so cool that I know it would be a hit. I bought my original set of TJ from QVC and after about a week, ordered the maximum results set from BB. I knew that I had finally found my workout solution.

I also want to know if any of you sign on to BB's WOWY site? I normally plot out my workout schedule there and select a workout partner that I will commit to working out with. Of course, it's a virtual w/o partner...but it has definitely kept me on track when I get those blah days. Since I don't want to ever let my workout buddy down, I get my lazy behind up and get with it. It also makes working out a priority, since you schedule your w/o's and it keeps up with whether you did it or missed it...just a little bit of accountability goes a long way. Anyway, enough of my rambling...see you all on the 12th.
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Old 06-07-2006, 06:28 PM   #39  
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bobsgirl - I was surfing the net and found Chalene's other business. She has a pilates/yoga program too. I'm not certain, but it looks like it may just be for those who are interested in becoming Turbo Kick or PiYo (pilates/yoga) instructors. The link is: The name of the company is Blue Powder Productions. I think she sold the Turbo Jam program to Beach Body, but I understand Turbo Kick is the name of the classes that are offered in Gyms throughout the U.S. Check it out.

One of the participants asked where we are to post our measurements and weight. I'm not sure how to create a link or "another place" to post. I thought we would post on this thread, but if you or anyone out there knows how to create a link for that purpose, please let me know. I'm new to this way of communicating with others on the net.

Thanks and have a great evening.
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Old 06-07-2006, 06:56 PM   #40  
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Hi everyone! I stumbled on this site last week, after seeing a TJ commercial and searching the WWW. I was so inspired by all of you that I ordered TurboJam from QVC and received it today.
I am really looking forward to the 10 day challenge you've got planned. What do I need to do on the boards to participate - other than sweat my butt off and post my successes?

Good luck to you all!


Last edited by FiveTymeMommy; 06-07-2006 at 07:36 PM.
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Old 06-07-2006, 07:08 PM   #41  
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Hey, what areas are ya'll measuring for this? I normally only do 5 (arm, thigh, chest, waist, hips) but can do more like both thighs and arms.
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Old 06-07-2006, 07:14 PM   #42  
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Hi! I'll be joining in too. I just got my Turbo Jam today.

I'll be measuring the things on the Turbo Slim measurement tracker, which are:
Chest, Left & Right upper arms, Waist, Hips, Left & Right thighs. And then my starting weight and body fat percentage.

I'm so excited!
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Old 06-07-2006, 07:34 PM   #43  
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Well, I am ready for Monday to get here. I was so excited cause a coworker of mine asked if I had been working out cause my arms, waist and face looked thinner! Man, it really feels great to have someone notice! I didn't get to workout today but I plan on going for a 1 hour walk. I would do the workout but I work til midnight so I figure I'll do something since I can't workout. Also, just wanted to let you know that when I first started CP I was all over the place. They were going left and I was going right! But it was so much fun. I had to start off low impact. I was surprised at how hard it was for me to keep up but 2 weeks I am keeping up with Chalene. And yes, if you just keep on moving, even if you can't get with what she's doing you will eventually get it. I am no expert at it yet but I am 50% better than what I was on day 1. I was proud of myself yesterday cause my stomach was upset most of the day but as soon as I started to feel better I did CP. I even felt better after I finished! Well, I hope you all are ready for Monday! See you then with my measurements!!!
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Old 06-07-2006, 08:40 PM   #44  
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I got my Turbo Sculpt done tonight!What a workout!
Ate my calories & drank my fluids!
I'm ready to jam!!!
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Old 06-07-2006, 10:42 PM   #45  
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Thanks for the link, Turbomimi...I'll be sure to check it out.

As far as catching on to the will come, just keep moving. I was surprised at how high my kick became after only a few workouts. I'm blessed with good coordination, but still get lost sometime...I just fake it until I can catch up. If you jam often, the repetition will set in and you'll be grooving before you know it.

BTW, I had been working out without on the BB site that it isn't good for you to do, I broke down and bought a pair of Nike Shox Ballo - ouch $$$. I tested them out a few minutes ago on the 20 minute workout and all I can say is WOW! I couldn't believe how easy it is for me to pivot on carpeting with these shoes and my balance was so much better. Okay, here I go rambling again...signing off for now.

Good luck everybody...I'm ready for next week.
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