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Old 06-15-2009, 07:09 PM   #121  
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Originally Posted by Featherfire View Post
I've had this dvd for weeks now, and still have yet to talk myself into doing it! I was doing the old tae-bo tapes for quite a while, and aside from increasing endurance, I honestly saw little to no change in my weight, though it may have been because of the binges I tried to hide even from myself!

I'm thinking that tonight, I should force myself to get my butt into the basement and hit play on the dvd player so I won't go to bed feeling guilty that I let another day I could be changing my life slip by!

How much more challenging is it than the Billy Blanks' stuff?
I know I've read about a whole lot of you that end up swearing at her or close to tears and I'm scared, but kinda psyched to challenge myself.

I'm hoping to lose inches as well as pounds. I'm not so concerned about building muscle, as I've already got quite a bit in leg and arm strength, though my core could use some serious help.
There's nothing stopping you! Just try it, you can always take breaks if you really need to, but it's a really short video. That doesn't mean it's not challenging, but it feels great when you are done!
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Old 06-15-2009, 07:49 PM   #122  
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Well, I just dove in and am currently still panting and sweating like a horse! I had to pause several times not from being out of breath, though I was, but during the jump rope and jumping jacks my feet became unbearably sore! I get this problem on the eliptical(sp?) as well. It starts off like that sort of numbness right before a limb falls asleep, but instead of going to the funky fuzzy feeling, it goes to excruciating pain that takes up to 20 minutes to fade to normal! Does anyone else have this issue? It happens no matter what shoes I'm wearing, no matter what socks, and changing how tight or loose I do my laces, and really frustrates me as I have to stop and wait for the pain to subside to continue. I think I might have to wear two sports bras now too! I never had a bounce issue with tae-bo, but I was convinced I might hit myself in the chin with all this jumping versus kicking!
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Old 06-15-2009, 07:59 PM   #123  
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It sounds like you have circulation issues. You might want to talk with a doc if you haven't already. Otherwise, it's a good thing to get your blood circulating. You might need a lower impact warm up, like marching in place.

I'm glad you went for it, I'm sorry you had the pain!
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Old 06-16-2009, 11:03 AM   #124  
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Holy cow! This morning I'm feeling muscles aching that I didn't even know that I had!!! As for the circulation issues, you're not alone in thinking that, Festivus. My boyfriend has been saying it for months as I'll go from shivering and needing the space heater on when it's over 80 outside to a cold clammy overheating sweat when it's a cold day for no apparent reason! My body can't seem to regulate its temperature properly, especially when I'm trying to sleep! If the thinning hair at 24 weren't bad enough, now I worry about suddenly getting damp underarms and upper lip sweat when it's not even hot out!
I'm going to push through the pain today and force myself to do day 2 of level one, trying my pumas instead of my usual sneakers to see if a closer to barefoot approach helps my poor feet.
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Old 06-16-2009, 02:22 PM   #125  
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Hi all - I love reading about everyone's progress! My husband and I had a minor setback in the program last week. He somehow managed to throw his back out, but I don't think it had much to do with the workout. We had done some work around the house and I think it was sore from that. We took several days off and have decided to start over since we had only done 2 days anyway.

I started yesterday and I think he's going to join me today. My main training focus is Couch to 5K right now. I'm on week 9 (the final week) and I will be running my first 5K on Saturday! Once that's over, I will give my full attention to 30DS.
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Old 06-16-2009, 03:24 PM   #126  
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Well, I forced myself to complete day two as best as I could, and I feel so disappointed in myself because yet again the foot pain had me in agony and I had to stop. I even kicked off my shoes half way through and tried to continue barefoot, which did actually help, except for the top of my right foot that just throbbed for 15 minutes after I stopped.
I called and asked my father, a physician, if he had any ideas on what the problem could be, or any remedies, but he was clueless, never heard of my issue before. It's frustrating, as I had the pain even before the weight, and even with little to no impact exercise!
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Old 06-17-2009, 01:22 PM   #127  
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Originally Posted by Featherfire View Post
Well, I forced myself to complete day two as best as I could, and I feel so disappointed in myself because yet again the foot pain had me in agony and I had to stop. I even kicked off my shoes half way through and tried to continue barefoot, which did actually help, except for the top of my right foot that just throbbed for 15 minutes after I stopped.
I called and asked my father, a physician, if he had any ideas on what the problem could be, or any remedies, but he was clueless, never heard of my issue before. It's frustrating, as I had the pain even before the weight, and even with little to no impact exercise!
Featherfire, I'm sorry you have to deal with that kind of pain! I looked up causes of circulation issues in the feet and there are several: Diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

This type of pain doesn't seem normal, I really would encourage you to see a podiatrist. Another thing I thought of, maybe you have fractured your foot without realizing it? My Mom fractured her foot and it has never completely gotten better.
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Old 06-17-2009, 03:17 PM   #128  
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Just received 30DS in the mail but am finishing up a Firm Wave rotation. I am excited to try 30 DS!

Feather - have you had your thyroid checked? Hair loss can be a symptom of low thyroid I believe.
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Old 06-18-2009, 11:51 AM   #129  
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HI all, I am going to give this a try, I was doing the biggest loser fitness book, and it was soooo boring! So I got the 30ds and I am going to start today! I am very scared, as I have not seen to many people with the same weight as me doing this. I am very excited however! I am also walking five miles a day, and I am going to try to do some strip/chair dancing movies. I am also going to start doing medifast, at the beginning of July, so hopefully once I lose some more of the weight, I will be able to work out a little more...sorry for the novel...Have a great day!!
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Old 06-18-2009, 12:26 PM   #130  
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Hi Sharpie! It's great to hear you are so motivated! Remember to allow yourself time to progress though. It's really exciting to get started, but you don't want to over do it and get hurt or burned out. I'm just now finishing up 30DS and I loved it. It has really changed my perspective on the types of fitness activities I can do. Good luck!

Last edited by festivus; 06-20-2009 at 10:23 AM.
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Old 06-18-2009, 12:35 PM   #131  
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Originally Posted by festivus View Post
Hi Sharpie! It's great to hear you are so motivated! Remember to allow yourself time to progress though. It's really exciting to get started, but you don't want to over do it and get hurt or burned out. I'm just now finishing up 30DS and I loved it. It has really changed my perspective on the types of fitness activities I can do. Good luck!
I did allow myself one day off as I was seriously feeling muscles in my thighs and back that I didn't know I had! Feeling a lot better today, and actually have seen a drop in weight already!

I'm going to see what would happen today if I didn't bother with shoes and socks at all, and will stay on a carpeted surface.
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Old 06-18-2009, 11:52 PM   #132  
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I've done 3 days of the shred but I'm taking a couple day break because I am running my first 5K on Saturday and I want to make sure I'm adequately rested for it. Looking forward to getting back to it maybe after I finish the 5K!
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Old 06-19-2009, 08:44 AM   #133  
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I did my first day last night, and it kicked my butt, but I did it...I did have to stop to ketch my breath a few times, but I was trying o keep up with what they were all doing, it was mostly the cardio that was hard...but when I was done I felt so accomplished, and sweaty but I did it and I am happy!!
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Old 06-20-2009, 10:09 AM   #134  
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Hello everybody,

So I've heard a lot about this 30 day shred thing, so I put it to the top of my netflix queue and it arrived in the mail yesterday. I've lost 21 pounds since the beginning of the year, but I've been in a bit of a plateau for the last 2 1/2 weeks - I only need to lose 2 more pounds to make my first mini-goal of 10% weight loss, and I'm hoping the 30DS will jumpstart me. So I'm going to give level one a try today - I feel quite fit: I lift weights 2-3 times a week, take dance classes, do a lot of walking and biking, but I fully expected to get my booty kicked by this DVD based on everybody's comments. I'm feeling up to the challenge! I'm not online everyday but will pop in soon to fill you all in on my progress. Keep up the great work everybody and thanks for motivation.
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Old 06-20-2009, 10:20 AM   #135  
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okay, so i used to do this like every other day, but i have breathing trouble, and i find that every time I exercise doing this I have to stop b/c I just can't breathe.

any suggestions??
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