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Old 04-10-2023, 12:20 PM   #106  
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I hope everyone has a great week!

Running - I'm sure the scale will be nicer once you get home! Those travel pounds don't count.

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Old 04-11-2023, 11:12 AM   #107  
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KStrong: It wasn't too bad-- I weighed in this morning at 244.7 after arriving home, but I've already eaten (I usually weigh before eating). If I'm being honest, I really miss all potatoes, but particularly sweet potatoes-- I prefer them to be more savory than adding sweetness. Since restricting carbs, I was able to put together that I have a gluten sensitivity, so I think the foods I'm currently missing the most are low-carb bread substitutes (particularly the wraps). Glad to hear your scale is still moving in the friendly direction. I think there is something about spring time and people getting their groove back. I know I feel like I'm coming out of a winter fog.

April SW: 245.8
4/7/23: 244.3

April GW: 235.0

Week 1:
4/1: 244.4 (-1.4)
4/2: 242.4 (-2.0)
4/3: 243.3 (+1.1)
4/4: 242.5 (-0.8)
4/5: 242.5 (+/-0)
4/6: 244.7 (+2.2)
4/7: 244.3 (-0.5)

Week 2:
4/8: NWI
4/9: NWI
4/10: NWI
4/11: 244.3 (+/-0)
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Old 04-11-2023, 03:24 PM   #108  
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Running - That is great that your scale was nice after your trip.

Hope everyone is having a nice week!

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Old 04-11-2023, 09:35 PM   #109  
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Hi everyone!
It's been 5 days and I am up two pounds...I am blaming the Easter Bunny! It's not the sweets as much as just extra calories in the other foods and the left overs. They are almost gone now anyway so it's basically back to normal tomorrow. In a weird way I tell myself it might be good to go over on the calories as it will keep my metabolism guessing. (As in not just 1500-1800 calories every single 2200 calories? 2000 calories?) This will keep it from being sluggish. This may not be true, just what I tell myself.
KStrong Thank you!! I hope you had a great Easter too! Congrats on staying away from the evil R eggs. You are too funny saying "those that will not be named." I can't relate to your chest size... I am the total opposite with my B cup. I was so happy when I was pregnant and nursing to be a C cup. Woo hoo! LOL I think your stats for the year are awesome, especially the waist and hip drop in inches.

RunningRedHead Thank you!! What stuck out to me when you mentioned your mini road trip was your husband. I remember from the previous thread you talked about getting engaged and planning your wedding and now you are married. It's funny how time flies, huh?
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Old 04-12-2023, 10:05 AM   #110  
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Great attitude L&Ls Mom about that mischievous Easter bunny! I've always got mad respect for your daily losing calories so that holiday increase has to be just water as we both know you burn that little extra in a normal day! Not telling you anything that you don't already know, wise one.

Hope everyone is doing fab!!!

Last edited by KStrong; 07-19-2023 at 08:52 PM.
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Old 04-14-2023, 01:44 PM   #111  
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I hope everyone has had a good week!

Happy Weekend!

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Old 04-15-2023, 07:25 AM   #112  
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Hey fam!

I felt the need to check in...I posted on the 11th that I was up two pounds. The next day it was up again to 157.2. Oh well, I know how this the sodium and get in even more fiber etc...and the scale approves. So now basically I am where I was when I was up two pounds. LOL (Today it was 155.6). I have to say I have a much better attitude about this than I would have when I was young. I would give up and eat whatever when the scale was not showing some love. BUT, also I never tried to lose more than maybe 6 months or so. I am closing in on 3 years of trying to lose and keep it off. I am getting the idea of all those books saying "lifestyle change" because that is what it really is! You can't just semi starve a few months and then go back to eating whatever you want. I wish I did this years ago!! This site really is like a therapy for me...getting my feelings out and those who read it can relate.

KStrong I love your anti jinxing wand! Too funny! You are doing great with losing 21 pounds this year!! I know you feel like you have your mojo back. Since you exercise, pick up those weights and tell yourself I have lost this much this year alone. It's quite amazing to see how heavy 20 pounds is when you have to pick up a weight that weighs that much (or a bag of kitty litter, dog food etc that weighs that much) really is quite a lot! Also congrats for leaving the booze alone!!

A question for the group: Does anyone else get annoyed by how few calories we need to maintain our weight? Some days I feel like I didn't eat that much but the calories are almost at the max for the day before dinner. On those days I just eat veggies for dinner. For me I can have 1600 calories a day and stay the same (if truly sedentary) according to the calorie calculator site. I don't formally exercise but try to stay up and active as much as possible when not working.

Just thought I would throw it out there. It is annoying to me sometimes how quickly I can get to 1600.
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Old 04-15-2023, 10:32 AM   #113  
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L&Ls Mom - We wised up later in life but better than never.

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Old 04-16-2023, 07:57 AM   #114  
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Good job anti jinxing wand! We all need one of those!!

When you said how many calories you burn without even exercising officially I figured that is how it is for me too. That is why I use "sedentary" as a guide knowing I don't literally sit on the couch all day being "sedentary." If I was sedentary all day 1600 calories would mean I would stay the same weight. If I do 1600 and keep busy I can lose. Some days I can have 1900 and lose just because I was so busy-active and maybe the high fiber as well. From what I've read fiber not only helps us with bowel movements but it also helps by absorbing some of the calories you've consumed while your body is processing it.

I do notice I do much better (as we all do I suppose) when eating whole real foods vs processed. Processed has all the calories in it. Like a personal sized frozen pizza can have 700 calories. You have to think is this worth almost half my calories for the day? With the same 700 calories I could have LOTS of fruit and veggies and be more full for sure. OK I need to stop the pity party over calories and get over it.

Happy Sunday Funday everyone!
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Old 04-19-2023, 08:14 PM   #115  
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Well it's been 3 days and I am down to 154.6. That means .6 to get back to 110 pounds down. I know this is the boring stage of weight loss since I am basically where I want to be. I say my goal is 150 but I think it will eventually be even 145? I know once again it's up to me on how few calories I want to eat each day to see if I can get that low. Blah, blah, blah.
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Old 04-21-2023, 09:51 AM   #116  
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L&Ls Mom - I know you think it is boring, but look at what you've accomplished and also kept it off for so long with minimal misbehavior!!! I bow.

Day 111 On Plan.

Have a great weekend!

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Old 04-23-2023, 07:08 AM   #117  
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It's been four days since I've posted and it's nothing great to report...up to 156.0. Surprisingly I was expecting a great reward from the scale fairy since I only had 1500 calories yesterday. I know sometimes it's sodium or carbs that can make you retain water weight so it may show up in a day or so...

KStrong Thanks as always for your weight loss cheer leading! I think you said that perfectly about processed does make it hard to practice portion control. Since trying to lose weight I do make more of my food vs getting the pre made convenience type processed foods. They don't give us enough bang for our buck calorie wise. Congrats on day 111 on plan!! Also congrats on avoiding the sale items. I try to remind myself that the sales will be back, this isn't the only time they will be on sale. I am sorry if you've said it before but what store is the land of nuts and cheese? If I had to guess it would be Trader Joes? Whole Foods? Lucky for me my closest TJ and Whole Foods is a good 40 minutes or so away so I don't get there too often. They have lots of vegan "goodies" that I truly don't need.

OK MrBadger, RunningRedHead and Wannabehealthy how are you all doing? We need you to check in!
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Old 04-23-2023, 08:32 AM   #118  
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Happy Sunday!

L&Ls Mom - Great attitude about the temperamental scale. If we weigh daily we have to deal with these dumb fluxes. It can be so frustrating.

Trader Joes is my Land of Nuts and Cheese.

Have a great week all!

Last edited by KStrong; 07-19-2023 at 08:46 PM.
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Old 04-23-2023, 10:25 AM   #119  
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Here is some information about exercise and how,we perceive it.

I've been MIA. I will be back and catch up.
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Old 04-25-2023, 08:05 PM   #120  
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Not to be a broken record but...ugg the scale keeps going up! I have to be honest and check in with the good and the bad. I admit I have been eating somewhat higher than I should lately like about 2000 calories. It kills me that maybe 300 or 400 more calories than they say we need and you can go up so much. Like I said a few days ago that I know part of it is retaining water because of carbs and extra sodium, less fiber etc but it does suck big time! Oh well, I am hanging in there and not too worried about it.

KStrong I guess when we get back to TJ's I will have to pay attention to all the nuts and cheese. They do have a good amount of vegan items that many in my facebook vegan groups rave about. It's funny the groups are international so we can be jealous that the UK will have way more stuff than we have at our stores that are vegan.

Wannabehealthy That study was interesting! It confirms the psychological theory of self fulfilling prophecy. If you tell yourself your activity is exercise you might put more effort in your work and make it like exercise. Those who heard it was exercise really put their energy and effort into it and made it their work out. I sort of do this even going up and down my stairs as much as possible. I lift up a trash can over my head and use it like a weight lifting it up and down. Don't think I am crazy now when you read this. Looking forward to hearing your updates!

OK I am not coming back as Debbie Downer one more time (I hope).
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