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Old 03-24-2023, 06:03 AM   #91  
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congratulations L&L's Mom - it's always nice to hit a personal milestone!

hope everyone is doing well. having your weight on your driving license sounds like a cruel and unusual punishment I'm glad we don't have that here.

I am still losing weight, although at what seems like a glacial pace. I have a couple of targets in sight: 211lb, when I will have lost 4st (I don't know why we use stones in the UK, but that's what I think in for people's weight), & 210lb / 15st, after which I'll "only" be "overweight" rather than "obese" for the first time in about 15 years. I'm 15st 2.25lb / 212.25lb currently, so they're within sight!
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Old 03-24-2023, 12:29 PM   #92  
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Well today the scale is still 154.4! So it's .4 to 110 pounds lost. Looking forward to saying that soon hopefully!

Thanks KStrong and MrBadger!

MrBadger Glad to see you checking in! I have been losing slowly myself. I started close to 3 years ago. I started trying to lose weight in Aug/Sept of 2020. Slowly but surely it's coming off. I remember having the goal of no longer being obese to "just being overweight." Now I can't believe I am in the healthy weight category. I haven't been this weight since I was a teenager.
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Old 03-24-2023, 02:01 PM   #93  
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Mr Badger - As long as you are headed in the right direction or your overall trend line isn't going up, you are winning!

L&Ls Mom - WTG on keeping that new low and maintaining! I know you will rock this new lifestyle. I'm trying to follow your lead with portion control.
Have a wonderful weekend all!

Last edited by KStrong; 07-19-2023 at 09:02 PM.
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Old 03-28-2023, 05:09 PM   #94  
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Hi all! Mind if I join?

I'm not sure the realism of getting to my ultimate goal weight (170s), but I'd like to get to my pre-pandemic weight of 215.
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Old 03-30-2023, 02:14 PM   #95  
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Hi RunningRedHead! I remember you from the monthly thread done by Curvynotlumpy. Feel free to join in! This thread is pretty active. If I can lose the weight after being overweight my ENTIRE life, I know you can too! I said the same thing the first year on this thread (that I knew I wouldn't get to my ultimate goal weight by the end of that year) but I can set some sort of goal for myself. You've got this!
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Old 04-02-2023, 09:04 PM   #96  
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I haven't posted a weight update in over a week. I was 154.4 and then I must have had too many carbs or something because the scale jumped up a few pounds. Today I am "down" to 155.6 from the recent high of 157. I remembered recently that I am now basically HALF my previous weight of 23 years ago. I separated from my ex husband in 2001. I was a high weight pre- separation of 310. Just thinking about it almost seems like another life. I know I was "eating my feelings." Even after we separated and I lost some weight I then was in the mid 200's for the most part like I was when I started losing weight this last time. My poor body has been through a lot! I say all this to reinforce my message of if I can do it, you can too, because it is really true!
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Old 04-03-2023, 12:05 PM   #97  
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loganandlivsmom Thank you so much for the warm welcome back and the encouragement! I spent far too long wallowing about regaining some of the weight I had lost. I'm done with the pity parties now. I think as I became unhappy with the regain I was trying to lose again for the wrong reasons. Kudos to you for being nearly half your previous weight! This is no small feat and it is important to maintain perspective. My goal is return to the 210's by the end of the year, but for the month of April, I will be happy to be firmly seated in the 230s.

April SW: 245.8
April GW: 235.0

Week 1:
3/31: 245.8
4/1: 244.4 (-1.4)
4/2: 242.4 (-2.0)
4/3: 243.3 (+1.1)
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Old 04-03-2023, 02:26 PM   #98  
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Kayla/Running! I've been bouncing around this site since the beginning and I have had more pity parties and new highs than I can count. I firmly believe that we are only failures if we give up! You have a good plan and a great attitude which is a wonderful step in the right direction.

L&L's Mom - As I started to write that you are a RockStar, I always think of you when I see that commercial about "real music" rock stars that act mad that doctors, heroes, etc are using their moniker. You are still the ROCKSTAR to me!

Have a great month!

Last edited by KStrong; 07-19-2023 at 09:01 PM.
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Old 04-04-2023, 06:31 PM   #99  
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Hi everyone! Well today the scale dropped to 153.2, I figure I better report my new low before it bounces back. Even if it goes up the next day I think of these things as my "new low" and know it will be there again in a few days if I behave.

RunningRedHead Thank you! I am looking forward to seeing your progress over time! I think just the feeling of seeing yourself smaller in the mirror will keep you going. Sometimes I may want more calories than I should have and I think of how will I feel when I get back on the scale or how I feel seeing myself in these smaller clothes etc...It keeps me going!

KStrong You are too sweet! It's funny you say that. I will have to tell my daughter. She volunteers at church and her leader calls her a rock star for being a great volunteer on the serve team. Lots of teens sign up to help but never stay very long. Not this girl, she has been volunteering for years and loves it!
Yes I guess you have to be glad you aren't gaining. Basically tell yourself you are in maintenance. Do you still do all the exercise too?

Where are you Mr Badger and Wannabehealthy? Hope all is well!
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Old 04-05-2023, 02:06 AM   #100  
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well done everyone who's made losses.

I'm going to report my loss in case I pt it back on too. 1lb this month, which brings me up to 4st 0.25lb loss total, which is a nice little milestone, so I'm rather chuffed about that - yay me!
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Old 04-05-2023, 09:45 AM   #101  
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KStrong: Thank you for the welcome! I'm sorry you weren't feeling well-- I tend to not be as restrictive when I don't feel great. It seems you and loganandlivsmom have both mentioned carb tracking. Do you do some form of a carb restricted way of eating? Congrats on being on track for 92 days, that's a fantastic streak!

LoganandLivsmom: I think you're onto something in terms of visual changes being strong incentive. I have been learning to sew, and have moved from easier projects to garments. The thing that is spurring me on (besides seeing the number backslide from my smallest measurement three years ago) is the increased cost of making clothes if you require more fabric Something that isn't always the case when buying pieces in the store. Congratulations on your new low!!

MrBadger: Fabulous progress, good on you!

I list out my weight trend below, mainly for a visual representation for myself. Something about the process of typing it out and posting helps me stay accountable, even when I don't feel motivated. I have been trying to improve my activity level lately. I work from home and I have found I get locked into this headspace where I think "I need to go for even a short walk, but first I need to get through x, y, and z." I think I need to start looking at it like an actual shift where you punch a timecard and structure myself to include breaks. This is my goal for the rest of the month... well, this and no takeaway. I think cooking at home has definitely helped me get back on track.

April SW: 245.8
April GW: 235.0

Week 1:
4/1: 244.4 (-1.4)
4/2: 242.4 (-2.0)
4/3: 243.3 (+1.1)
4/4: 242.5 (-0.8)
4/5: 242.5 (+/-0)
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Old 04-05-2023, 12:54 PM   #102  
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Mr Badger - Great job on 11b or 11lbs down this month!

Running - You are doing fantastic!

L&Ls Mom - First off, congrats on also being a super mom to a rockstar daughter. Volunteering is especially tough on the young folks so she is surely special!
And a big yahoo on the new low!
Let's do this!

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Old 04-06-2023, 03:42 PM   #103  
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I am up .6 at 153.8 today. I am still happy though, realizing I am 110 pounds down!

KStrong Thanks as always for your support! Nobody has ever said to me that they hope I am not getting too thin! That almost makes me laugh in a good way.
When I look up healthy weight chart for female and my height it says 125-158. I can't imagine getting too much smaller. My current goal is 150. I would like to be a size 10. I can wear some size 10 jeans already really. The thing I keep thinking is I have to maintain whatever goal I get to. I still want to be able to eat and feel satisfied so I know I won't get that low.

RunningRedHead I am impressed with the sewing! You have a point about needing more fabric. I can see how it would be demoralizing!

Mr Badger I have to admit I looked up stones vs pounds. I see you are very close to 60 pounds down. Maybe you will be there by the end of April!
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Old 04-07-2023, 11:51 AM   #104  
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I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and Easter!

L&L's Mom on making the 110 official! Great news about the Size 10s also!!!

Last edited by KStrong; 07-19-2023 at 08:57 PM.
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Old 04-09-2023, 10:36 AM   #105  
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KStrong: 500 steps/hour is a great way to make sure you’re moving! I just ordered a compact elliptical that can be used similar to a stationary bike under my desk at home in hopes that will help as well. I also do very low carb—I’ve learned over the last few years that much as I miss apples and sweet potatoes, my body does not respond kindly to the increased carbohydrate intake.

LoganandLivsmom::congrats: on your milestone—110 pounds down is incredible!

I haven’t had access to the scale for the past few days, as I am on a mini-road trip to visit my husband who is travelling for work. The uptick prior to departing does not surprise me as I completed a strength-training workout the day before for the first time in many months (I imagine there was a bit of water retention occurring). Since this trip was driving and not flying, I was able to bring my yoga mat with me. Being cooped up in a hotel for 12 hours a day (I’m not really in a great area for exploring unfortunately), is providing me with more than enough time to focus on getting some quality workouts in. Tomorrow I’m planning to use those 12 hours to go visit my friend who lives 1 hour from where we’re staying—what is normally a 4.5-hour car ride. There are some lovely parks in her area to explore, and I know the pup will be thrilled to go for a nice let stretch instead of playing fetch in our room.

April SW: 245.8
April GW: 235.0

Week 1:
4/1: 244.4 (-1.4)
4/2: 242.4 (-2.0)
4/3: 243.3 (+1.1)
4/4: 242.5 (-0.8)
4/5: 242.5 (+/-0)
4/6: 244.7 (+2.2)
4/7: 244.3 (-0.5)

Week 2:
4/8: NWI
4/9: NWI
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