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Old 01-12-2023, 03:56 PM   #16  
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I have a lower number to report, I am down (a bit) at 161.8. I am just happy it seems to be going more in the down direction vs up.

KStrong Thanks! I feel pretty positive and I know this will be S L O W to get any more weight off. I was thinking even if I were to lose one pound a month that is just cutting back 100 calories a day (3500 extra calories is a pound gained or 3500 less than we need is a pound lost). I still stay under 2000 but sometimes I do get that many calories. I pretty much am at around 1800 a day and stay fairly active around the house and walking in general.

I am glad you are being a good girl and looking forward to your results!

Wannabehealthy I see my family isn't the only one. I guess as the family grows and grows it's harder to round us all up. I'm sorry the pound is back, that can be so frustrating. I have dealt with that recently. I can be up one pound one day and then it's gone again a day or so later. It can be water retention or needing to have a bowel movement, etc...Just keep tracking your calories. I do this daily. I think it keeps me "honest" so I don't forget later what I had. At 54 the memory isn't what it used to be. LOL
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Old 01-12-2023, 08:00 PM   #17  
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L&Lsmom it amazes me that you can lose at 1800-2000 calories. I used to lose at around 1500 calories but now I have to go down to 1000-1200. I know I need more activity.
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Old 01-13-2023, 11:13 AM   #18  
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L&L's Mom - on the new numbers! Awesome job!

Carol - Me, too on the lower calories to lose. And sometimes I still don't lose even with my 2500+ calorie burn most days.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Old 01-13-2023, 12:10 PM   #19  
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L&Lsmom I'm curious as to what you eat. I know that vegetarians don't eat meat or seafood but don't know much more. Maybe your diet is why you can eat a higher calorie amount. I don't particularly like red meat or pork but I eat a lot of poultry and fish/seafood.
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Old 01-13-2023, 04:55 PM   #20  
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Wannabehealthy I don't probably lose at 1800 calories but I maintain. I never (well hardly ever) let myself go over 2000 so I am not gaining much. I go back to the website calculator for calories needed to maintain weight. I plug in the height, weight and gender. For me being sedentary I can still have 1649 calories a day. My basal metabolism says 1374 a day (meaning if you are just laying literally in bed all day, just breathing and keeping your body functions going). I figure since I am not truly sedentary by doing lots of walking and things around the house I know I burn more than the 1649 for me to maintain and I lose. I think I am more active than I give myself credit for. I just don't officially "exercise."

To answer what I eat? I was vegetarian for 30 years and became vegan when my daughter went vegan in 2021. Vegans eat everything but dairy and meat. We do have vegan substitutes but I don't use that many of them. I think my true "secret" is FIBER. I tell anyone who wants to hear it...fiber! A high fiber diet does decrease the amount of calories absorbed. Not a ton but it does help. Fiber first of all fills you up so you don't feel hungry. It takes longer for your body to process it so it has to work to digest it, etc...I started realizing the higher my fiber is the more I seem to lose. If you aren't' eating a lot of fiber now it's best to ease into it so you don't get an upset stomach. Definitely look into it! They say we should have 25 grams a day so I strive for that. Sometimes I can do more. Most Americans don't come close to that much.

KStrong Thanks! And congrats on your losses as well! I think this will get your momentum back! You know can do this since you already have. I highly recommend looking at your facebook photos. When I see pics from even 3 years ago it's shocking. I remember thinking I looked good in the pics (or not terrible) but now I feel shocked seeing it. It's an odd feeling.

Have a good weekend and please check in MrBadger!
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Old 01-15-2023, 01:11 PM   #21  
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L&Ls Mom - The pictures idea is a good one. I don't do Facebook but I do have a very limited supply of obese photos (mainly because I rarely take pix in general). None at my highest but a few in the mid 200s. I've digitized everything that wasn't so I'll have to "man up" and look at those.

Have a great week everyone!

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Old 01-16-2023, 05:47 AM   #22  
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Originally Posted by loganandlivsmom View Post
Have a good weekend and please check in MrBadger!
good morning L&Ls Mom & everyone

all mostly fine here thanks. I'm 2lb down on the year so far. unfortunately I was out on a little hike yesterday & slipped over & have pulled something in my knee, so I'm now hobbling around like an old geezer. so much for exercise being goo for you.
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Old 01-16-2023, 11:29 AM   #23  
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Good morning ladies,

I'd like to join your group if I may? I have been struggling to get back on track with my weight loss and I would like the daily accountability. I want 2023 to be the year I reach my weight loss goal. I came so close last year (1.2 pounds away) and then went on 4 cruses between June - December and totally fell off the wagon and could not get back 100% on track. It seemed as though once I got the sweets and junk food in my system, there was no turning around. I am such a junk food addict! I have gained back exactly 20 pounds. I went from 185.6 in June to 205.6 now. This is heartbreaking but I am trying not to beat myself up over the gain. I am on the Weight Watchers plan and I go to in person workshops. I have started over so many times in the past 6 months and I keep falling off the wagon. I have decided that today ends the yoyoing and I WILL get back the mojo I had earlier last year.

I want back the feeling I had when I was at 185.6

My goals for the rest of January are:

1. Track everything I put in my mouth and count the Points

2. Do not purchase any junk food (I live alone so if I don't buy it I won't have it to eat)

3. Do some form of activity 5 days out of the week (30 mins or more)

4. Attend a WW workshop every week

5. Drink at least 6 glasses of water each day

6. Avoid mindless eating when I'm not hungry (No boredom eating)

7. Try some new low-fat recipes

I hope you all have a great Monday!

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Old 01-16-2023, 12:52 PM   #24  
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Hi GettinFit!. Good goals. I see success in your future. I'm glad we have new posters joining in this year.

Mr Badger, I know of 2 people who actually fell over dead while walking for exercise. Of course they were not young and had underlying medical conditions but I took that as a sign that walking is not healthy. (Just kidding!)

L&Ls mom, thank you for the information about what you eat. I understand about the fiber. I love lots of vegetables but haven't been eating them since I was sick. I don't know what that has to do with it. I only like them cooked though. Some I eat raw, like celery and green peppers. I also like steel cut oats and bran cereal but they tend to raise my blood sugar. . What other fiber do you eat?

You are not sedentary. You are physically active through the day, even if its not formal exercise.

Kstrong, I agree with how weight contributes to joint pain and activity. A couple years ago I had foot, ankle, wrist and elbow pain. I was taking Tylenol Arthritis daily. My husband told me to get tested for gout. Neither I or my doctor thought it was gout but sure enough it was. I am now taking meds and am pain free except for my bad knee. I'm not suggesting you have gout, just telling my story.

Congratulations on the lost inches.

Last edited by Wannabehealthy; 01-16-2023 at 01:41 PM.
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Old 01-17-2023, 09:19 AM   #25  
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Thanks Wannabehealthy. I'm looking forward to a year of success!

Congratulations to everyone who is having success whether it's scale or non scale success.

Yesterday went well for me. I tracked everything and only used a few weekly points for a small serving of cashews as a snack last might. My workout yesterday was a Leslie Sansone 3 mile walk. I'm feeling a bit stronger today and hoping to stay in control of my eating again today.

I hope everyone has a great day!

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Old 01-17-2023, 11:41 AM   #26  
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L&Lsmom, I'm reading a book that reminds me of you. Its fiction, but its about a young women who signs up with a personal trainer to helps her lose weight and get fit. Right now they are discussing calorie burn and he's explaining to her the calories burned by simple changes made to your daily activity and how they add up during a year before you figure in your formal exercise routine.
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Old 01-17-2023, 12:32 PM   #27  
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Sorry Mr Badger about the hike slip and knee issues.

Welcome GettinFit! The more the merrier!!! Great goals. We can do this!!!

Thanks Carol, for the info.

Last edited by KStrong; 02-03-2023 at 11:56 AM.
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Old 01-17-2023, 12:54 PM   #28  
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Hi everyone! So happy to see this thread active!
My update is I have made it to the 150's, it's 159.8, but I will take it! When I told my mom on the phone she said "when was the last time you were in the 150s?" I was seriously like 14 or 15 I think. I was 180 when I graduated HS and it's been up ever since (high of about 310 right before my separation from my ex husband) with a few weight losses mixed in of 50 here and there but mostly mid 250 range. It is still surreal for me to be this new person in the mirror. (Some new people may not know this already so I keep feeling the need to share my history a bit from time to time). It's not impossible for any of us to lose weight.
Gettinfit Welcome aboard! We'd love to have you join in! Yes, don't beat yourself up, I know it's hard not to. I am jealous of four cruises in one year! Wow!! I have only been on two and they were both years ago. I think you posting here, and writing all your food down with points will get you back to your goal in no time. I write all my food down as well, the calories and the fiber.
MrBadger Sorry about the knee! Luckily, I feel weight loss is mostly how many calories we eat vs activity. Good job on the two pounds so far!
Wannabehealthy I eat fiber in various ways..lentils, beans, nuts, peas, avocado, whole wheat bread, cauliflower, broccoli, high fiber cereal, oatmeal etc...
KStrong Yes , get those pictures out, digital or otherwise! It really makes you say "oh wow",,, talk about a reality check!! I am sure the 20 pounds does make quite a difference on your joints. Picture carrying two ten pound weights each time you go up the stairs.
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Old 01-17-2023, 01:04 PM   #29  
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Wannabehealthy I now just saw your message about the book, that' s pretty cool!
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Old 01-17-2023, 02:05 PM   #30  
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L&L's Mom! You have to be so proud of yourself!!! You have the patience of a saint!

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