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Old 11-18-2023, 11:46 PM   #226  
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I knew it had been a while since I've checked in, but didn't realize it was 17 days, wow! Today I was 145.6. I am sure it may not be as good the next check in with Thanksgiving (Vegangiving we call it) LOL and Olivia's birthday is 11/22. She will be 19 and is super excited about it. My father in law's bd is 11/23 so that falls on "Vegangiving" this year too. My mother and father in law come for "Vegangiving." They don't care that the sides are all vegan if they don't have to cook or go to a restaurant. I still have a small ham for the meat eaters. My family update is my dad was baptized last Sunday (11/12). It was so sweet. Right before he was baptized an 8 year old little boy was baptized and then my 82 year old dad. It was a great day! We had some extended family come and then to my parents house afterward. We hardly get together any more for a good event...the last time was a funeral about a year ago.
KStrong I think behaving that long with calories and low carb is pretty amazing! It seems like even if the scale isn't moving like you want, the measurements certainly are! Keep hanging in there! I am sorry you might need surgery on your pinky. It's funny how you said you may be gone because of that and not a binge. Well, "funny-not funny" if you know what I mean. After getting through our Halloween candy and "only" eating a few bite size reeses peanut butter cups I did have a Reeses Christmas tree and it was so good! I had another one a few days later and then thought it wasn't as great. I definitely feel like it's "out of my system" for a while.
Wannabehealthy You had a heart valve replaced? It's incredible how something like that is probably considered routine now for cardiac care. Thanks for your praise! Maybe you can just set your goal to get to "overweight." I like what you said you know you can do this, but will you? That is a good question! It is entirely up to us what we put in our mouths. Sigh. Easier said than done, I know. I saw a commercial for weight loss and the guy had lost a lot of weight. He said he never wanted to wear a 4x shirt again. I can relate to that. I was never a 4x, but 2 or 3x was big enough!! That is what keeps me wanting to lose or maintain (not looking like that again). Your red dress story is sad, but so real! I know I have done similar things over the years but never keeping the item that long. Don't beat yourself up, keep trying...we are worth it!
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Old 11-19-2023, 10:09 AM   #227  
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L&Lsmom, I would kill to weigh 145. And at your height instead of mine! Yay!

I have a few other things in my closet, such as the dress I wore for step sons wedding in 2003. I was at my top weight then, but my belly issue changes everything. I will have to try it on one of these days. I don't know why I'm saving it. I will never have a reason to wear it again. Come to think of it, somewhere I have the 2 piece suit from step daughters wedding. That was 1992 but its a basic style that doesn't go out of style. I was much thinner then, before I started gaining. I would love to fit into that. I'd have much more room in my closets if I got rid of things that don't fit. I have a dresser in my spare room that is full of exercise clothes from the 80s. "Lets get physical, physical!". Can you say " Hoarder??". I can't let go of the past.

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Old 11-20-2023, 06:16 AM   #228  
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Hey! I did have surgery on my left pinky last TH. It is still very sore so I'm typing with one right thumb on my phone. I read y'alls' updates and will post personals when I'm able.

Have a great week and holiday!
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Old 11-20-2023, 12:24 PM   #229  
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Take care of that pinky Kstrong!!
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Old 11-27-2023, 09:45 AM   #230  
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Thanks Carol! I hope everyone had a nice holiday!

I still can't type well without using my pinky as it is still terribly sore so I'll make this short.

Have a great one all!

Last edited by KStrong; 11-29-2023 at 08:40 AM.
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Old 12-03-2023, 09:49 AM   #231  
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Happy December! I truly can't believe another year has almost come and gone! I started back on this 3FC site (again) when trying to lose weight in the fall of 2020. I went from 264 to the 220's at the end of 2020. At the end of 2021 I made it to 199 (or so) and to the 160's at the end of 2022. If I make it to 144 it will be "an even 120" lost, but honestly not gaining more is fine with me!

Today I weighed in at 147.8. After all the Thanksgiving leftovers I was up as high as 150, so I am heading back down again.

KStrong I hope your pinky is doing better now. I guess we don't realize how much we type or use our hands (fingers) until we are in your situation. I wanted to let you know Olivia is going to Buc ee's tomorrow. She is so excited about it! She is riding down to SC this morning with her grandparents. On their way back tomorrow night they told her they'd stop by Buc ee's in SC. They have been there once before so they know what they are getting into. LOL

Wannabehealthy I know there are probably lots of us who hold on to clothes for various reasons. I am sure mostly because we think we will one day fit into them again. Then again like we've said before, most thrift stores are STUFFED with people's discarded clothes.
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Old 12-09-2023, 08:56 PM   #232  
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Hi everyone. I would love to go to Buccees since I've heard so much about it but will probably never be in a state that has them. Hope Olivia enjoys it.

I'm still going to cardiac rehab and still hate it. Their recumbent bike hurts my knee. I have 6 more sessuons, 2 weeks. On Wednesday I go to the cardiologist. I want to hear what he has to say about my condition based on the results of recent tests. I don't feel as good as I thought I would. I think I expected a miracle. I've gained back what I lost after coming home from the hospital. I have a new plan in my mind of low carb, 2MAD and IF, 6 :18. I want to lose 6 lbs a month from January June. By Christmas I will be exercising on my own at home. Since winter is here I dont want to go out anywhere. Just emerge with a new me come spring. Seems I think I'm going to live forever!! I want good health for whatever time I have left.

L$&Lsmom, weirdest thing about the valve replacement, they put it through my femeral artery without opening my chest, without putting me to sleep! I don't remember it so I want to ask the doctor if I was asleep or under sedation. I don't remember waking up and DH being there or anything. I went home the next day. Amazing! Apparently the new valve is working as it should. I wear a heart monitor at cardiac rehab and they said my heart looks fine. I don't feel different.

Hope your pinky is healing Kstrong! Little things can be big problems!

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Old 12-12-2023, 11:54 AM   #233  
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I was just reading the thread from 2021. L&'smom, you were trying to get down to 199!! Look at you now!! There were many good discussions.

DH wants me to quit cardiac rehab. He thinks it is the reason I'm tired. I think its anemia. My red blood count was low on my recent bloodwork and pulmonary hypertension can cause iron deficiency. I see both my cardiologist and PCP this month and will ask about this. I don't eat much red meat and that provides iron. l&Is mom, do you know your source of iron as a vegetarian?

My hubby is scrubbing the carpet right now. Makes me feel so lazy! I have a ton of things to do!!

Hope the pinky continues to heal, Kstrong!

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Old 12-16-2023, 09:39 PM   #234  
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Hello again, it's almost been two full weeks!
Not much to report weight wise...I was 147.2 today, so I am down about a wee little bit.

Wannabehealthy She really loved Bucee's. Her and her grandparents (my in laws) posted their pics of their visit there on facebook. It's funny that's it's really just a huge gas station-convenience store-rest stop type place, but it has a huge fan base. We had looked up info on it online before they went and we couldn't believe how popular it is!
What you mentioned about the valve replacement through the femoral artery was pretty amazing. I had to look up where the femoral artery is. It's incredible to think of all they can do today.
When you asked about iron as a vegan I made sure I looked that up. My first thought was beans. The websites said the best iron sources for vegans are beans, lentils, nuts, seeds and whole grains. I do eat those all. The one I don't really eat that they mentioned was the "dark leafy greens." I then remembered I do take a multi vitamin each day. Mine said it has 100% of the RDA for iron so I guess if mine was little low some days the vitamin will help.
KStrong Hope all is well with you!

I hope everyone has a good Christmas-New Year's...can you believe Christmas is just over a week away?
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Old 12-23-2023, 08:32 AM   #235  
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L&Lsmom, the femerol artery is where they do a catheterization when you need a stent. Maybe st of the time. Sometimes they go in through the arm. When my DH broke his hip he had hip replacement surgery then had a heart attack the next day. They could not go through his femoral artery because of the hip replacement so they used his arm. He was a mess, but he's fine now!

I have heard so much about Buccee's and hope to see it someday but there's none in my area and we don't travel much.

I am not ready for Christmas. No cookies baked,no tree, maybe this weekend. I will be cleaning so maybe I will put up the tree. We don't expect to have any company over the holidays so no one would miss the tree. It's just the 2 of us.

I bought a ham to bake for Christmas and pork chops for pork and sauerkraut on New Years. Then its back to stricter eating and intermittent fasting in 2024. I have gained 8-10 lbs since I came home from the hospital.

I have 1 more session of cardiac rehab on Wednesday,then I will be exercising at home. I gave my husband instructions to push me to do it and not let me slack off. I need this!
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Old 12-25-2023, 12:11 PM   #236  
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Merry Christmas everyone!! Its noon, and I've already had all my allowed carbs for the day!!
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Old 12-29-2023, 09:10 PM   #237  
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I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and that we all have a great new year!!

I guess I don't post as much since there isn't that much to exciting updates when you are basically at your goal. The "exciting updates" will be I didn't gain it all back. With that said, it's been almost another two weeks and I am basically the same weight. I was 147.2 on the 16th and I was 147.6 today. I was 151 on 12/26, but I got back on track and got it back down again.

Wannabehealthy It sounds like you had a quiet Christmas. Ours is more busy and chaotic. We have my in laws over in the morning along with our kids. In the afternoon we run to my sister's house to see my family. I always tell my kids we are blessed to have so much family all near by. We are also blessed to have both sets of parents still with us.

How is the exercising at home going?

KStrong We need to hear from our fearless leader! Check in and let us know you are OK!
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Old 01-03-2024, 08:49 AM   #238  
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L&Lsmom, we used to have more hectic Holidays when my MIL was living. Her house got packed. All her 5 kids, an their families would come and spend most of the day, eating, exchanging gifts, then eating again! After she passed away I took over for a few years, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, but as I started getting health issues it became harder. Now my step children do it but it's just immediate family, not extended family. Some have moved out of state or passed away. They are in their 50s and there's only one grandchild so it will be slowing down once my generation is gone. My parents and siblings are all gone. I am "last man standing." I have lived longer than anyone else in my family. I have good doctors and I see them regularly.
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Old 01-08-2024, 07:49 AM   #239  
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Wannabehealthy Your description of the holidays when your mother in law was alive reminded me of my holidays as a kid. A lot of the holidays were at my house since we had the bigger house to hold my mom's side of the family. They'd stay most of the day like you, exchange gifts, hang out and then eat again...leftovers and desserts etc...What great memories!! I am sure it's bittersweet to be the last of your generation. Hugs to you!

Today I weighed 148.6. New Years Eve my daughter ordered Mod Pizza and we had dessert. My weight went up again for a few days. My high was 150, but am getting back down again. Basically if I can keep my calories under 1800 or so I can maintain, when I get it lower and get in more activity it will drop some.
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Old 01-09-2024, 10:40 AM   #240  
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I still make some of the Slovak holiday foods that my step children grew up with going to grandmas. I will have to get my step daughter involved in that so she can continue after I'm gone. I have created shortcuts to make some of them easier. My MIL did it all from scratch. Also, DH saw his mother do it over the years and helps. Also, I use my mothers recipe for pumpkin pie so I bake 6 pies and pass them out. Everybody likes it and they get a pie to take home.

Are we going to have a new thread for 2024? You two are very inspiring to me even though I only lose a little bit each year.
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