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Old 09-14-2008, 10:24 AM   #136  
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I dislike water retention. I know it is not really weight gain, but it can still be disheartening. I weighed in two pounds up this morning...not off-plan, not off-exercise...just random weight fluctuation. Grrr...

Oh well, I am still doing pretty well toward my Halloween Challenge goal. 162...grrr....and chugging along. I liked looking at 160 on my scale better.

Auer--Missing posts are so irritating!
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Old 09-14-2008, 02:15 PM   #137  
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Hi everyone. Just checking in. I hope that you are all doing well and making progress towards your goal. I don't know how I am doing. I had a pretty horrendous week and went off track a couple of times, but I am back to work and I hope that it didn't do too much damage.

Have a great, on track weekend.
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Old 09-14-2008, 03:22 PM   #138  
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I have a ball/formal for school that weekend. I'd love to loose 9 pounds and be at 151 by Halloween.
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Old 09-15-2008, 07:47 AM   #139  
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Hi Challenge Chicks...checking in and hoping everyone is doing well. Congrats to all of you losers. If you are struggling...hop back on your plan. Our food patterns of the past days are over. Everyday is a new beginning.

That being said...I've really struggled the past ten days. Half on and Half off my plan. It's been a while since I've had such a hard time. I know it has to do with not feel physically well. But...I will carry on today. Yesterday was a great on plan day - I am grateful and hopeful for many more to come.

Have a great day, folks.
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Old 09-15-2008, 08:39 AM   #140  
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My weight is up! But it's up by a lot and I've been eating fine and it's tom so I'm not really worried about it. I am thinking that I'll wake up in a day or three and it'll be at a new all-time low. I wish I knew how/why my weight gets jacked up before I lose a significant amount, it drives me nuts.
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Old 09-15-2008, 09:27 AM   #141  
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I had a good weekend and a good loss on sat -3.2lbs. I only need to lose 11lbs more. I did lots of exercisng yesterday carrying limbs from trees that fell around here.Its very strange to have 70+ mile an hour winds in KY for hours.Most areas around us have no power..we are lucky!! I think jumping on the minitramp every morning is really helping me!!
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Old 09-15-2008, 09:52 AM   #142  
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After a couple of rocky days, I was completely on plan yesterday!! I feel motivated to stay on plan... I am back to 164 which is good... I have decided to bone up on my cereal in-take for breakfast (Special K and Cheerios) and lay off of slim-fast for a few weeks. It was not keeping me full anymore. This week is my TOM but if the past rings true... I don't gain during this week or retain water...

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Old 09-15-2008, 02:19 PM   #143  
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Hi, all! Just a quick check-in...

I had a frustrating week last week. I stayed OP, but for three straight days the scale went higher until I was up 4 lbs! No TOM in sight, maybe more salt than usual, but no stand-outs. Ate really clean the rest of the week, but was still up 1 lb on weigh-in day. First time I've had to increase my ticker (I used to keep my ticker high to avoid that, but I brought them in synch as I reach my first goal weight).

Sunday we celebrated DH's bday. I had a big bowl of salty pho (hold the noodles) and was expecting a further 3 lb increase (which would be usual) -- but this time no change on the scale! Maybe I need to start tracking sodium. I'm going to just keep plugging for now and see how this week goes.
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Old 09-15-2008, 02:57 PM   #144  
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Hello to everyone. Glad to see so many people doing so well, and also glad to see i am not the only one flubbing up on some days. I have to say though i used to flub up aloooooooottttt of my days. So flubbing up on one night in a week is actually pretty darn good for me. I can not wait to weigh in in a few days. I have not worked out in 4 days, But i am going to get that back on track today!!

I hope every1 is doing well.
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Old 09-15-2008, 05:42 PM   #145  
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It's amazing how second nature going to the gym can become! I have been exhausted all day today and was thinking to myself that I probably wouldn't go to the gym today. However, I eventually decided to make it a "light" day and went anyway. A couple of months ago, I would have been all over not going! haha
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Old 09-15-2008, 05:52 PM   #146  
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Add me to the 'water retention' boat.. All of the sudden I shot up 2.5 lbs today. I blame it on the fried fish(I planned it in and was within my calorie range) and the lean cuisine I had yesterday. Salty.
I'll be drinking lots of water today..
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Old 09-16-2008, 07:46 AM   #147  
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Hi Challenge Chicks....I stayed in my calorie range yesterday. I am grateful. I am alot better too (back).

Quote of the day:

Carl Sandburg:
The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.

Have a GREAT on plan day, folks.
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Old 09-16-2008, 09:59 AM   #148  
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I stayed OP yesterday with my Calories. It is always good to do. Even webnt to Tropical Smoothie for a treat and got a smoothie made with splenda which cuts the clories in half and my friend got 3 Macadamia and white chocolate cookies and scarfed them down in front of me. i just politely sipped on my smoothie and thought about how many calories were in those cookies. She of course tried to justify herself (by the way she is always preaching about loosing weight while she is eating corn dog nuggets or cookies or whatever) and say that she had not eaten dinner. All i said to her was yea me either. I do not wanna be mean but i feel like telling her to stop telling me WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO lose weight WHEN YOU ARE STUFFING A COOKIE IN YOUR MOUTH!! ok sorry, i had to get that out lol.

On the other hand i got back home late from getting my nails done so today i will have to get back on track with working out. I feel ucky since i have not worked out. Today i have to do it!! I hope every1 else is doing well.
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Old 09-16-2008, 10:21 AM   #149  
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Hey everyone just checking in!! Glad to see everyone is doing great!!

I had a pretty good weekend. Sunday we had a family dinner and there was chocolate cake involved, but I held back and only had a small piece. So other than that it has been a great weekend and start of the week. I havent gotten on the scale this week though, I am trying not to revolve my life around a number but by how I feel. But I think Saturday I will hop on!

Have a great week everyone! Keep up the good work!
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Old 09-16-2008, 10:23 AM   #150  
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159! I hit my main mini-goal of my weight loss journey this morning. I am now officially in the 'normal' weight range for my BMI. I don't know why I care since I really think BMIs are pretty silly since they do not take into account body type/composition, but there it is. Apparently, I do care because...yippee! For some reason, since this challenge started, I have had a pretty quick drop in plan is the same (average 1500 calories a day) and my exercise is the same (average 1 hour a day)...but I am only two pounds away from my 10 pound goal I set for Halloween. I have actually upped my calories a little bit again to sloooow down, but I have dropped well over two pounds a week -- of course it was my TOM when I started, and I had been sitting at the same weight for a week and a half so that might account for a hunk of it.
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