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Old 09-10-2008, 11:22 AM   #106  
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The two pounds that I saw on the scale Monday are gone... suppose it was just water weight.

So far so good this week... I was at a friends house last night and they had homemade mac-n-cheese and I politely declined... I wanted it soooo bad but I knew it was wrong. Another challenge presents itself to me (maybe). My mom just called me to say, "wait until you see what I picked up at the grocery store today. you are going to have to help me eat it." I don't know what it is yet...

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Old 09-10-2008, 03:20 PM   #107  
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Hi every1!! Just checking in.

I have been staying totally on track with my working out and calories. I even got on the scale and i have lost 3 pounds!!!

Congrats to all who have lost already.

didjaever - I know what you mean. I have been invited to a birthday dinner for my mom on Saturday, and i hate to say it but they are very unhealthy eaters over there. But we will persevere!!!
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Old 09-10-2008, 04:22 PM   #108  
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I am changing my GOAL!!

I went totally off track. But I am going to join a Body for Life programme on 4October which should give me a big push.

I know it is still a very high goal, but I am going for a 26 pound loss by Halloween. I think I will be able to do it, as my weight loss journey only started.
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Old 09-10-2008, 05:13 PM   #109  
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Hi all. The fair was fun, lots of walking and evil food, but the scale was good this morning: 189.4! That's my first one-eighty-ANYTHING, so it's exciting to see that.

Re: my goal of getting 100 miles in harness for my 2 dogs... The weather has not been cooperating, with the past few days being way too hot for dogs, but today was a little cooler, so I got my dog Beorn out for 3 miles total, by himself since we were doing some training. The count is Beorn 5 miles/100, Gracie 4.5 miles/100. If it cools off, they'll get a few more this evening, for some pre-season training.

My ds11 has taken his math and a reading book to the library to work, so I think I'll take advantage of the solitude to do some UB lifting. I've been following BFL's schedule of only lifting 3 days a week, but I decided that if I feel like lifting more often, I'll go up to 2 days in a row, and just alternate the upper/lower workouts. I'm experimenting with making workouts more a part of my lifestyle, to see if that helps me stick to working out six days a week, like if I don't feel like lifting but feel like running instead, I don't want to stress about it if it's not on the "schedule". Hope that makes sense.
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Old 09-10-2008, 06:00 PM   #110  
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Haha...I came home from the gym today and I was talking to my mom in the kitchen and she exclaimed, "Wow have no butt!! It's gone!" I'm not quite sure how to react to that. Seriously, is that a good thing? LOL
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Old 09-10-2008, 07:13 PM   #111  
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Hi everyone, checking in here.
Congrats to everyone who is losing and sticking with it. Sorry there are just so many awesome people in this challenge I can't remember everyone's names. So yeah for everyone.

Chele615, yoyoma, FB, and Jammy, thanks so much for the encouraging words of wisdom...oh and Jammy! You are now in plus size model category! Congrats!!!!
Any kind words of wisdom about my diet and exercise plan would be MOST appreciated
An avg. day is Breakfast: multigrain toast, sugarless peanut butter, an apple,
and a glass of skim milk
Snack: an apple
Lunch: salad with a light dressing and romaine lettuce and
one of those all bran things
Snack: celery
Supper: chicken, mash potatoes, veggies
After: herbal tea
I also drink water throughout the day, and have roughly 2 glasses of wine a week. I will have dessert on weekends. Avg. weekday calories work out to be roughly 1300 a day according to FitDay, and weekend about 1600.
Exercise: I run for an hour 3-5 time a week
weight training 3 times a week
2 hour long hikes with the dh on the weekend.
thanks so much for all the support! This is where typically over the last 3 attempts I have just given up, so I really want to push through this
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Old 09-10-2008, 07:56 PM   #112  
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Hi everyone. I'm new to the site and I'm in on this.
I went to my Doctor's appt yesterday and she wants me back in about six weeks to see how I'm doing on my new medication. She also said she'd like to see some weight of me (yeah me too)
I weighed in at 185. A LOT more then I recently thought. Boy that weight catches up fast! Bleh.

So my goal is this:
1. Exercise daily. Either the gym or my workout tape.
2. Lose between 12 and 15lbs.

Hmmmm, not ready for clothes yet. But I do need some new makeup soon so I think i'll treat myself to a makeover at sephora (sp).

Looking forward to this !

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Old 09-10-2008, 08:13 PM   #113  
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I'm down to 162 this morning. That is actually half of my Halloween challenge weight already gone -- which is really wierd because I have not changed my plan at all, and I have suddenly dropped a bunch of weight fast. Water maybe? The pressure of the challenge.

Whatever it is, that is exactly 20 pounds lost since I started this weight loss thing back in July. Another two pounds, and I enter the "normal" weight range for my BMI. I am now doing the chicken dance of happiness.

Last edited by Schumeany; 09-10-2008 at 09:30 PM.
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Old 09-10-2008, 08:32 PM   #114  
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That's great, Schumeany!
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Old 09-10-2008, 09:17 PM   #115  
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I'm still here, just busy with the entire work/school thing. I'm on track too, maybe even a little ahead. Just a few ounces shy of 175, which I find amazing. I think part of me really didn't believe I could lose weight until these last couple of weeks.

I've been riding my bike a lot lately. It's so much fun and I know the weather won't last much longer and I've hit a nice lull in the on-going, going out to eat, struggle.
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Old 09-10-2008, 10:26 PM   #116  
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Hey Sgirl, glad to see you! I'm not a nutritionist nor an expert, but I'll give you my two cents regardless. To be honest, I'm scared to do this (I've never critiqued a diet! Terrified!) as I don't want you think think I'm being really disdainful or full of evil critique - just throwing out what has worked for me. You're eating very healthily and exercising like an iron woman, good job.

Firstly, I think your calories are pretty low. You're a tall girl like myself and likely require more than that. The running/strength training/biking also uses a lot of energy. My first guess would be that your calories are pretty low. Eating more can be a pretty scary thought though and I can understand wanting to try other options as well.

I see a lot more fruit than veggies. Not a ton of lean protein. The only things I wouldn't include in my diet that are on your menu are the daily bread, potatoes and All-Bran things. I'd add in lots more protein in breakfast, some in the salad and replace one of the apples for something more sustaining (cheese, tuna, hard boiled egg?). Definitely more vegetables for additional volume.

I eat a lot more protein than that because my activity levels are very high, as are your activity levels. I've gotten much of my diet plan from my personal trainer, so it's almost a bodybuilding diet.

One of her biggest tips is to eat the carbs in the morning if you must have them (bread, potatoes, ect) and stick to veggies and lean proteins the rest of the day. I don't know how much fact there is behind her idea, but it's worked well for me.

I swear to god I must eat enough veggies every day to feed a family of four! But it keeps me satiated and is nutritious. I'm a big fan of those steamable veggies in the freezer section, stir fry mixes and other easy no brain preparation things. I'm also responsible for the deaths of many fish and chickens. Poor things.

Rather than average calories have you considered sticking to a set amount? I know some people cycle their calories, but if it's not working out for you maybe try sticking to a certain limit 7 days a week. Another tip my trainer has, that I personally don't follow, is to 'refeed' every other week. In other words, cheat it up. Get the desserts and high calorie items in that day.

If you were to take any of my suggestions I wouldn't try them all at once. I'd firstly add some more protein and vegetables in and cut the carbs down a notch before I messed with calories or reverse, whatever - you get my point.

Also, at one point I was stuck on the scale. Both my doctor and trainer recommended cutting some of the activity out (I was going hard at it 7 days a week). I did, and lost 7 pounds in a week. I was amazed! Once the weight leveled off I returned to my old activity levels (I crave it). When I notice a slowing I ease up a bit again.

You could also try switching the exercise up. Rather than run for an hour 3-5 days a week try biking and then run on the weekends. Our bodies acclimated to the duties we make them preform. Confuse your body!

When I first started dieting I was pretty adamant about not going 'low carb'. I've devised my own lowered carb diet with a lot of experimenting. I'm not restricted anything although I do avoid starches, bread in general and sweets for the most part (occasional splurges within calorie limits). As time has gone by I find this to be most efficient for fat burning, for me.

The key thing here is for you to tweak, eliminate or reduce whatever and devise a plan that works better for you.

I hope one little bit of this helps. If not, I don't mind in the least - I'd love to be able to help. Keep on trucking - you're getting there!

Last edited by FB; 09-10-2008 at 10:43 PM.
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Old 09-11-2008, 05:58 AM   #117  
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The past two days have been a disaster. I know it's because I am feeling physical pain and am having a hard time dealing with it. I have planned for a good day and will do some extra mediation to help me get thru it.

Have a great day everyone.

Quote of the day:
"When thoughts become action, success is attainable."
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:17 AM   #118  
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Originally Posted by didjaever View Post
The two pounds that I saw on the scale Monday are gone... suppose it was just water weight.

So far so good this week... I was at a friends house last night and they had homemade mac-n-cheese and I politely declined... I wanted it soooo bad but I knew it was wrong. Another challenge presents itself to me (maybe). My mom just called me to say, "wait until you see what I picked up at the grocery store today. you are going to have to help me eat it." I don't know what it is yet...

You are so good. I bow in your presence. Anything else pales in comparison to giving up homemade macaroni and cheese.

Originally Posted by dlphnmomva View Post
Hi every1!! Just checking in.

I have been staying totally on track with my working out and calories. I even got on the scale and i have lost 3 pounds!!!
Way to go!!! 3 pounds is tremendous.

Originally Posted by Snoozles View Post
I am changing my GOAL!!

I went totally off track. But I am going to join a Body for Life programme on 4October which should give me a big push.

I know it is still a very high goal, but I am going for a 26 pound loss by Halloween. I think I will be able to do it, as my weight loss journey only started.
It is a high goal but maybe where you are just starting you'll lose quite a lot to begin with. Even if you don't make goal anything you lose will be wonderful.

Originally Posted by jamsk8r View Post
Hi all. The fair was fun, lots of walking and evil food, but the scale was good this morning: 189.4! That's my first one-eighty-ANYTHING, so it's exciting to see that.
It's always such a good feeling go down to the next set of numbers. I'm feeling your excitement!

Originally Posted by Chele615 View Post
Haha...I came home from the gym today and I was talking to my mom in the kitchen and she exclaimed, "Wow have no butt!! It's gone!" I'm not quite sure how to react to that. Seriously, is that a good thing? LOL
Yes, that's a good thing. If your mother notices anything it's always good. I'm sure you have a cute little butt there that mom's not used to seeing.

Originally Posted by Sgirl View Post
Hi everyone, checking in here.
Congrats to everyone who is losing and sticking with it. Sorry there are just so many awesome people in this challenge I can't remember everyone's names. So yeah for everyone.................

Any kind words of wisdom about my diet and exercise plan would be MOST appreciated................

This is where typically over the last 3 attempts I have just given up, so I really want to push through this
Ditto on trying to keep up with the posts. Today I just quoted everyone on this page. I'm always so behind in replying to anything. But I read all the posts. They are so helpful.

Sgirl, your daily eating plan and exercise is very similar to mine. I also eat dessert on the weekends, hehehe. And I'm at the very spot where I've gained it all back again, too...Sigh....Not this time, though. I'm determined not to give up and you can't either. I don't think it has anything to do with the program (for me anyway). It has everything to do with the programee. I get somewhat complacent about losing weight and bang it's all on again. But not this time, not this time, not this time.....So let's keep doing what we're doing and not give up.

Originally Posted by Kelly46 View Post
Hi everyone. I'm new to the site and I'm in on this.
I went to my Doctor's appt yesterday and she wants me back in about six weeks to see how I'm doing on my new medication. She also said she'd like to see some weight of me (yeah me too)
I weighed in at 185. A LOT more then I recently thought. Boy that weight catches up fast! Bleh.

So my goal is this:
1. Exercise daily. Either the gym or my workout tape.
2. Lose between 12 and 15lbs.

Hmmmm, not ready for clothes yet. But I do need some new makeup soon so I think i'll treat myself to a makeover at sephora (sp).

Looking forward to this !

Welcome Kelly. You can do this. Your doctor will be pleasantly surprised next time you see her.

Originally Posted by Schumeany View Post
I'm down to 162 this morning. That is actually half of my Halloween challenge weight already gone -- which is really wierd because I have not changed my plan at all, and I have suddenly dropped a bunch of weight fast. Water maybe? The pressure of the challenge.

Whatever it is, that is exactly 20 pounds lost since I started this weight loss thing back in July. Another two pounds, and I enter the "normal" weight range for my BMI. I am now doing the chicken dance of happiness.
:cheer 3:

Originally Posted by cdiem4994 View Post
I'm still here, just busy with the entire work/school thing. I'm on track too, maybe even a little ahead. Just a few ounces shy of 175, which I find amazing. I think part of me really didn't believe I could lose weight until these last couple of weeks.

I've been riding my bike a lot lately. It's so much fun and I know the weather won't last much longer and I've hit a nice lull in the on-going, going out to eat, struggle.
It's great when there's finally a "significant" number of pounds gone--enough that you can really say, "I'm losing weight!"

Originally Posted by FB View Post
Hey Sgirl, glad to see you! I'm not a nutritionist nor an expert, but I'll give you my two cents regardless. To be honest, I'm scared to do this (I've never critiqued a diet! Terrified!) as I don't want you think think I'm being really disdainful or full of evil critique - just throwing out what has worked for me. You're eating very healthily and exercising like an iron woman, good job.

Firstly, I think your calories are pretty low. You're a tall girl like myself and likely require more than that. The running/strength training/biking also uses a lot of energy. My first guess would be that your calories are pretty low. Eating more can be a pretty scary thought though and I can understand wanting to try other options as well.

I see a lot more fruit than veggies. Not a ton of lean protein. The only things I wouldn't include in my diet that are on your menu are the daily bread, potatoes and All-Bran things. I'd add in lots more protein in breakfast, some in the salad and replace one of the apples for something more sustaining (cheese, tuna, hard boiled egg?). Definitely more vegetables for additional volume.

I eat a lot more protein than that because my activity levels are very high, as are your activity levels. I've gotten much of my diet plan from my personal trainer, so it's almost a bodybuilding diet.

One of her biggest tips is to eat the carbs in the morning if you must have them (bread, potatoes, ect) and stick to veggies and lean proteins the rest of the day. I don't know how much fact there is behind her idea, but it's worked well for me.

I swear to god I must eat enough veggies every day to feed a family of four! But it keeps me satiated and is nutritious. I'm a big fan of those steamable veggies in the freezer section, stir fry mixes and other easy no brain preparation things. I'm also responsible for the deaths of many fish and chickens. Poor things.

Rather than average calories have you considered sticking to a set amount? I know some people cycle their calories, but if it's not working out for you maybe try sticking to a certain limit 7 days a week. Another tip my trainer has, that I personally don't follow, is to 'refeed' every other week. In other words, cheat it up. Get the desserts and high calorie items in that day.

If you were to take any of my suggestions I wouldn't try them all at once. I'd firstly add some more protein and vegetables in and cut the carbs down a notch before I messed with calories or reverse, whatever - you get my point.

Also, at one point I was stuck on the scale. Both my doctor and trainer recommended cutting some of the activity out (I was going hard at it 7 days a week). I did, and lost 7 pounds in a week. I was amazed! Once the weight leveled off I returned to my old activity levels (I crave it). When I notice a slowing I ease up a bit again.

You could also try switching the exercise up. Rather than run for an hour 3-5 days a week try biking and then run on the weekends. Our bodies acclimated to the duties we make them preform. Confuse your body!

When I first started dieting I was pretty adamant about not going 'low carb'. I've devised my own lowered carb diet with a lot of experimenting. I'm not restricted anything although I do avoid starches, bread in general and sweets for the most part (occasional splurges within calorie limits). As time has gone by I find this to be most efficient for fat burning, for me.

The key thing here is for you to tweak, eliminate or reduce whatever and devise a plan that works better for you.

I hope one little bit of this helps. If not, I don't mind in the least - I'd love to be able to help. Keep on trucking - you're getting there!
Good job. Good advice.

Last edited by retiredone; 09-11-2008 at 06:23 AM.
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:18 AM   #119  
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Beverlyjoy, hope you're feeling better soon.
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Old 09-11-2008, 09:24 AM   #120  
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Jammy- thanks for clearing the path to the 180's! I saw it too this morning at 188.4. My goodness, I swear there was a chorus and angels flying around my head when I saw that number. Or just delirious.

Beverly, I hope your day goes better and the pain lessens.

Sgirl - I was thinking this too after I typed that epic post to you, and almost ran back down last night to restart the computer...
Your diet looks great, but it's a dieter's diet. Your exercise is awesome, but it's an athlete's regimen. If you could get them to match I bet you'd see results.

Everyone we are doing this! The air in my part of the world is getting crisper and fall-ish. Halloween is on it's way. So are we.

Last edited by FB; 09-11-2008 at 09:25 AM.
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