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Old 09-08-2008, 08:43 AM   #91  
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Ok, can I please get back to normal now&! ARGH! This week has been CHAOS! First with my high school boys, our school didn't pass the levy and it has been an absolute madhouse trying to get through the parking lot at school to get them and then make it home in time to get my younger son off the bus! Then with my youngest son's bday this weekend, and our my inlaws in town, I have really struggled to watch the calories. My WI is tomorrow, and honestly I don't expect much, I just hope I haven't gained.
This week with HOPEFULLY be better. I am having a minor procedure done tomorrow in the doc office and I'm hoping that I will come home and sleep and not eat anything tomorrow, I know that is not good, but I usually have issues with anesthesia and can't eat afterwards without being really, really sick.

Here is my plan for today:
B Raisin Bran 240
L Wendy's Ceasar Side Salad 260
D Bacon Rosemary Wrapped Chicken, Green Beans
S Banana, Orange, Yogurt maybe

I'll report back later on the total and to read the above posts and see how everyone else is doing. I want to be able to reply and provide some support as well as receive it, but as I said, things have been crazy!

I hope everyone has a great afternoon!
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Old 09-08-2008, 10:08 AM   #92  
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I had a bad weekend, but decided to leave it there. in the past. Still excersised so i am still an track with my goal of working out 4 -5 days a week. YAY.

My caloric intake was through the roof this weekend. I am very fustrated with myself there. I need to handel these si9tuations better (birthday party dinners and so forth) But i like i said i will leave it in the past and continue on from here.

Today will be much better!!!

Congrats to all of you that have been doing well and are on track!
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Old 09-08-2008, 12:28 PM   #93  
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Good morning, all!

My weigh in this morning showed me down 3.2lbs! I'm very happy about that. This just shows that my calorie counting and exercising is key to my weight loss progress. I have really been on target with both for a few weeks now.
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Old 09-08-2008, 12:39 PM   #94  
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OK, I did pretty well this weekend. Although, I did share a piece of wedding cake with my husband at a reception we attended on Saturday. However, I went for a five mile hike yesterday, rode my exercise bike for 30 minutes both days, and did my Sunday strength training -- definitely enough penance! And I am down another pound over the weekend, so I think that makes it three or four since the challenge started. Actually too fast, but I have not changed my plan at all so maybe some of it is water weight because I am finishing up my TOM. Regardless, I am 1 POUND away from the twenty pounds lost mark for this weight loss adventure. Hurray! And more than halfway to my goal.

I am also having to shop for clothes and pulling things out of my closet left and right -- weight loss is expensive!!! Especially since I plan to lose another twenty pounds or so, and I will not be this size then. I hate spending too much on interim clothes...Value Village is my friend. Problem is that I am going to a formal Charity Auction in two weeks, and it is NOT the sort of event that I can just wear anything. I need a really, really nice dress, but I don't want to buy some $200.00 piece of clothing and wear it once! Maybe a consignment store? I have never shopped for secondhand formal wear, and I feel a little at a loss...
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Old 09-08-2008, 01:13 PM   #95  
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I had a pretty good weekend over all. Friday I went over on my calories by about 200, but I am not going to feel to guilty about it. I did workout that day. Saturday was my day off so i didnt do too much. But I did stay within my calorie limit. And Sunday I walk/jogged on the treadmil for 30 mins and did 15 mins of yoga!!

Great job everyone!! Keep up all the good work!

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Old 09-08-2008, 01:45 PM   #96  
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Originally Posted by Sgirl View Post
Hey everyone. Looks like you are all doing well. I did ok for the rest of the week with eating and exercising, but being stuck on this plateau is slowly making me lose my motivation. I feel like, what is the point of not eating the doughnuts brought into the office if I'm going to weigh the same regardless.
I set my goals too high I feel for the Canada Day Challenge and was disappointed when I didn't make it, so set an extremely low Labour Day Challenge which I was able to do, but the scale didn't move at all, so I have set my goals higher again for Halloween and hopefully have struck the right balance.
I don't even know what my clothes feel like. The only thing keeping me going was people telling me I am looking great at a wedding I was at two weeks ago, but I credit it to the spanks I was wearing. Oh man, guess I'm just having a rough time with this

Hey Sgirl. It's hard to be stuck, on a stall, plateau from **** or whatever you prefer. But the important part is that you're sticking with it. That's a huger victory than seeing the numbers move downwards.

You know it - but look at it this way - you're not gaining. That's such an important lesson for later on when you reach goal. And you WILL reach goal. But we all need to know how to maintain, stick with it or else we'll have to be losing all over again someday. Who wants that?

Keep with it!

Have you tried shaking things up? What sort of foods are typical on an on-plan day? How about the exercise? Could you shake that routine up?

Last edited by FB; 09-08-2008 at 01:46 PM.
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Old 09-09-2008, 12:59 PM   #97  
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Schumeany, I know they rent they rent formal dresses for ladies? Just a thought, or do you have a friend who can loan you something just for the event?

Sgirl, what FB said. I've been changing up my exercise and also my day-to-day calorie intake, which seems to have done something, because I'm not stuck at 193-195 anymore. If you're not sure what to do, try posting here a day or two's worth of food and exercise, and we could give you some ideas.

Everybody else, I'll just say "hi"!

Today I'm taking my ds11 to the fair, so it won't be a great day foodwise, but I've been saving up for it and am not going to stress over it. I was doing great on the exercise, then petered out a few days ago. Not sure today is going to be any better, but I will get a lot of walking in, so I guess that will count for something. Tomorrow, I am determined to get back on the exercise wagon. I know that a sticking point is my lower body lifting workout. I don't have the equipment/weights that I need to get a good workout at home, and any more, I just have no desire to make the trip to the Y for that, so I end up not doing my LB lifting workout at all, then the next day I think I should do it, but I don't, and that's when I fall off the wagon. I have been trying to find a weight bench, barbell and weights on Craigslist, but they are either priced like you'd pay in the store, or they're gone before I see them. I will keep looking, but I may just have to break down and buy new if I want to get something before I die of old age. If I at least had a barbell, I could do a lot more for legs, and could pick up a used bench as I'm able.

Hope you all are having a good day today! No weight loss for me, yet, but this morning the scale was teasing me with 190.2. Wish I could see a 180-something on there, dangit!
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Old 09-09-2008, 01:10 PM   #98  
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I am going to get into the 150's (any number would make me happy) and maintain... I have been maintaining at 164 and it is time I concentrate and get into the 150's....
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Old 09-09-2008, 01:12 PM   #99  
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Hey Jammy- Have fun at the fair! I'm jonesing for fried goodies, but you didn't give me that craving. Fair food is so worth waiting for.

It's hard to force yourself to the gym. But - easier than finding a weight set, moving it and dealing with all of that. If you really don't feel like going I've found great deals at used sporting good stores. Do you have one of those nearby?

I love LB workouts. Love them. They're so tortuously wonderful. But, hard to make yourself do. Luckily my personal trainer is now trading services with me. Since she waits on me up at the gym I have to be there, or get my house egged. Easier to punish my quads.

I discovered I have muscles, for real the other day. A few people commented on my back and shoulders so I handed the hub the camera. I was pleasantly surprised!
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Old 09-09-2008, 03:53 PM   #100  
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And where are the pics, FB? hmmm?

I decided to quit being a whiner and do what I could for legs today. So, I did squat cleans (or whatever it's called) with DBs, SLDL, step-ups, deadlifts, leg extensions, and for the last BFL torture set I added ham curls (sorta, I can fake it at home), zercher good mornings, regular DB squats, I think that's it, and did 20 mins of jogging after. That was all I had time for before needing to get ready to go. Now, my sister is a little late, but hopefully will be here any minute and we can go, because a friend is waiting on my son to ride the midway rides today, while the old folks walk around and look at boring stuff.

Sorry, didja, almost missed you there! Welcome to the challenge and good luck with your new lower maintenance goal!

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Old 09-09-2008, 08:25 PM   #101  
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I went to the gym today after school and it was actually a great relief!!! We are only in our first full week of school, and things are already crazy and going nonstop! I didn't even have time to eat lunch today because I spent my lunch block trying to get some of my students' schedules figured out. It took the 22 minutes they give us for lunch just to get one schedule fixed. My poor G block kids had to watch me eat lunch because I was starving and didn't have any other free time throughout the day!! haha Thankfully, they are good kids. Then, I stayed after school to help out with some organizing and was there for another 2 hours.

I was exhausted when I finally left, but I still made myself go to the gym and it was actually nice just to put my ipod on and zone out on the elliptical for 30 minutes. It was nice to not have to focus on anything and to just go!
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Old 09-10-2008, 08:06 AM   #102  
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Well after a not so motivated day yesterday, I feel like today is going to be a lot better.

It was raining here all day and I know its not an excuse but all I could manage was a 15 dance workout. But I guess at least it is something.

Today I did one of my biggest loser DVDs and am going to my moms to take a hike in the woods. The leaves are starting to change already so why not see them up close!!

Have a good rest of the week everyone!!!

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Old 09-10-2008, 08:06 AM   #103  
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Now I know why I don't miss teaching. 22 minutes for lunch is a familiar memory to me. The first few weeks are always crazy for the teachers. The kids are all excited to be with their friends again and the teachers are all in an uproar about class schedules, supplies and duty schedules. Ah,'s all in the past for me. He, he, he.

I'm staying on plan all week so far both with calories and exercise so we'll see what the weekend's weigh in brings.

Everyone seems to be doing well. I think September brings a certain amount stability to one's life.
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Old 09-10-2008, 08:48 AM   #104  
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Isabella ~ I think that is normally true, but not this year with me, I have never been so stressed out in my life as to have to worry about getting the kids back and forth to school, getting to work, getting home to get the young one and then back to the school to pick up my high schoolers. I have actually had to leave my teenagers at school because they did not get out in time for me to have to be home to get the little one and then go back again later, anyways enough of that rant.

Grats to everyone that has lost this week, you guys are doing AWESOME!
and for those of you fitting in exercise, can you send some energy my way? I can't seem to find any!

Angel ~ A hike sounds so wonderful to me right now, maybe I can find time to get down to the park this weekend, the last time I went we ran the other way because the cicada's (sp?) were swarming.

Jammy ~ Have fun at the fair! My fav thing ever to do, I do love the food but find it's not so hard to keep it in check with the prices.

Chele ~ I have an elliptical, too. Something is wrong with it though. I called the company and they sent me parts a few months ago and said they would put me on a schedule to call me and walk me through fixing it. I have been so intimidated by this that I have not called them, me and tools don't mix. DH just gets mad every time I talk to him about it because he doesn't think we should be the ones fixing it. I'm just happy they are willing to do something as I suspect my teenager is the one who messed it up in the first place by getting it going real fast and then riding on one foot, he won't admit this but his brother told me.

Anyways, yesterday was WI and I'm down 2 lbs! Can I get a WOOT WOOT!
I was totally shocked and extremely happy.

I didn't end up making my bacon wrapped rosemary chicken the other night because I forgot to lay the chicken out so I made tortilla soup and skipped the chips which came out to 300 cal. I'll be having leftovers today.

so here is my plan 1200:
B Toast/Bacon 240
L Tortilla soup 300
D Bacon Wrapped Rosemary Chicken, Veggies 430
S Oatmeal Creme Pie, Milk 220
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Old 09-10-2008, 11:03 AM   #105  
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auer~j, sorry about all the stress going on with you this month. Is it possible that a neighbor, with teenagers going to the same school, pick your kids up? My oldest son was always waiting for me to pick him up but the youngest one always walked. We lived close enough to walk.
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