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Old 09-22-2008, 10:24 AM   #211  
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Originally Posted by Schumeany View Post

Ummm, I hit my Halloween goal this morning --10 lbs. I'm a bit earlier than I expected...that is the understatement of the year! I am not sure what happened -- plan is the same, I even upped my daily calories a bit a week or so ago (1450 to 1600), and my exercise is the same, but I have lost 10 lbs...

Sooo, can I still hang out, read how you are all doing and post? This is probably going to sound crazy, but I am feeling a little cheated that I didn't get to struggle right up into late October...and a little worried about it dropping off so quickly. Oh well, I now fit into my Size 8 jeans...THAT is fun. Single digit sizes...seems impossible.
Wow!! 10 pounds is awesome. When I reached my goal early one month I added a few more pounds on to lose and changed my goal. And of course you can still hang around. Ha, ha. It'll be easier to hang around 10 pounds lighter!!!

Last edited by retiredone; 09-22-2008 at 10:44 AM.
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Old 09-22-2008, 12:36 PM   #212  
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Well, I was down 2 lbs mid-week but back up to no loss by my official weigh-in ( *le sigh* ). Yesterday was not a great day for eating (spent the day at a Ren Fair, no outside food or drink allowed ). But the good news is that I easily fit into my costume dress which was a real squeaker a year ago (and that was lower than my eventual HW).

I do expect slower progress at this level, so for now I am just going to keep doing what I am doing and see if things shake loose. Even if I don't lose anything, I can view it as practice maintenance.

Congrats to everyone making good progress!

Last edited by yoyoma; 09-22-2008 at 12:36 PM.
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Old 09-22-2008, 01:16 PM   #213  
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Originally Posted by cdiem4994
I felt good about having my treat, but didn't want to overindulge. I have never done anything like that before and it wasn't really a struggle. It felt so good! I'm so relieved that even though I am crazy busy and crazy stressed out, the healthy habits I learned this summer are carrying over.
You should be so proud of yourself. I know how difficult it can be to stay OP when life throws a million things at you, and it would be so easy to just grab some take out. I have been experiencing some of those things myself lately and it's been one of my biggest motivators. I was going to treat myself last Thursday by having lunch out but I was doing my research so I could make a healthy choice. After looking at several places and getting some calorie counts, I decided none of them were really worth it. So while I was out, I skipped the restaurant and joined the YMCA. I am excited to enjoy the water aerobics classes as soon as I can find something to wear.

Ok so hello everyone, sorry for being a stranger but life can be hectic at times. I just wanted to pop in a say congrats to everyone for staying OP and losing. Even if it's a pound it still counts as a loss.

I have good news to report, I have lost another 6 lbs so that only leaves me with 2 lbs to reach my challenge goal. As for my exercising I could be doing more but I have made it 3 times in a row, so I am on a streak. I had also set my goal to drink my water, 8x8oz=64oz, and not doing such a good job on that. Then heard some people say that it was a debunked myth that you had to drink that much. I've actually found some articles that say that number is more than the average person needs. I'll post one from Blue Cross Blue Shield site, let me know what you guys thinks. I have decided that as long as I get in 40oz a day I will be doing good. I have also pretty much cut out diet drinks. I didn't set out to do so, it just sorta happened. I pretty much just drink water or the occasional juice (V8 and V8 fruit juices taste great to me).

Anyway, my mom is finally being released from the hospital today, after a 7 day stay. She isn't 100% now but they need to wait for her ulcer to get better b4 they put the stent in. I have to get ready to pick up my son from school and then go get her.

The link for the water isn't working, just do a search on 8 glasses of water myth.

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Old 09-22-2008, 01:34 PM   #214  
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Hey all. It's been a while since I've posted.. sorry!

Things around here are going well. I am 3lbs from my Halloween goal.

Originally Posted by Schumeany View Post
Hi Fellow Challengers! It sounds like everyone is doing a great job.

Ummm, I hit my Halloween goal this morning --10 lbs. I'm a bit earlier than I expected...that is the understatement of the year! I am not sure what happened -- plan is the same, I even upped my daily calories a bit a week or so ago (1450 to 1600), and my exercise is the same, but I have lost 10 lbs since we started this challenge. That is almost as much as I lost in the month and a half before that...and I am eating more not less. All I can figure is that the strength training has increased my lean muscle mass ALOT and my metabolism is in high gear. Anyway, I have upped my calories again as of this morning. I am now eating 1700 a day. I do not want to lose the rest to my final goal this fast! I guess we will see what happens.

Sooo, can I still hang out, read how you are all doing and post? This is probably going to sound crazy, but I am feeling a little cheated that I didn't get to struggle right up into late October...and a little worried about it dropping off so quickly. Oh well, I now fit into my Size 8 jeans...THAT is fun. Single digit sizes...seems impossible.
WTG, Schumeany!!! That is awesome! Must feel great to get into those size 8's.
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Old 09-22-2008, 02:02 PM   #215  
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Just wanted to pop in and say Congrats to everyone's weight loss...way to go

While I have been on and off TOM has finally left me and I am back on track today. I am feeling good. I starting walking at lunch again. I am still proud of myself for maintaining my weigh for the past 5 month's.

I ate a Smart Ones for the first time today for lunch...YUMMY!!! I have been stuck on Lean Cuisines all these years and just plain had enough of them.... Now all I have to do is wait for someone to have Smart Ones on sale.
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Old 09-23-2008, 01:58 AM   #216  
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Hello, guys.
Just had to congratulate you all on a good job- everyone seems to be doing well towards their goals- and of course I wish you all the best of luck for this week.

As for my progress, I haven't much to say... Weight loss has been slow since I've gotten into the 140's; I seem to only lose in .5 lb increments these days... but I am happy for having weight loss occur at all. I do believe that I am down a half lb since I last posted here, so yay to that.

Though the weight loss is slow, this appears to be one of those often-reported periods of weight loss speed ceasing, however my body itself is firming up and getting smaller regardless. That makes me happy.

Anyway, good wishes to all of you. Heh, this thread really makes me long for October to come; my favorite month.
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Old 09-23-2008, 02:10 PM   #217  
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Hi everyone. You are all doing so well and it is great to read about your results. For everyone having a tougher time, . Hang in there.

I am down another five, according to my crazy scale. I am happy with that. I am not eating enough, the last couple of days. But I am going to try to do better. And I am exercising and getting my water. (I also don't drink 64 oz. I just drink to my thirst and stay hydrated.)

I am still hoping that I am going to make my Hallowe'en goal. I don't know... But I am trying.
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Old 09-24-2008, 09:10 AM   #218  
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good morning,
life has been CRAZY and seems to be getting worse!! LOL I am not eating enough some days and am trying to eat more today and i have not exercised for a few days..gotta get back at it!! Wedding planning is alot more work than i realised!! Still having trouble matching her color..oh well it will work out.. Still waiting for my little granddaughter to arrive..36 weeks today and they are setting the date to induce in 2 weeks.I would love to be 5lbs less by then. Still hoping to make my goal for halloween 9 more lbs to go.
hugs to all
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Old 09-24-2008, 03:08 PM   #219  
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I usually go straight to the gym after school, but on Wednesdays, I go with a friend of mine who can't make it until after 6pm. I am so antsy!! haha Well, antsy and completely exhausted. I am sitting on my bed, somewhat under my covers because my feet are cold, and I feel like I could take a nap right now!

I think I might actually take the time now to go make my lunches for the next two days of work. That should kill at least a couple minutes! haha
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Old 09-24-2008, 04:53 PM   #220  
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Congrats to eveyone for doing so great!!!

I am down 1 lb, which I guess is 1 lb lighter than I was a week ago but was hoping to see more. I think that I am going to start Calorie Cycling. I have read a lot about it and I am going to give it a whirl.

I also am going to up my cardio. Now that it is getting colder and darker a lot earlier, ugh!! I am going to have to use my treadmill more so I am going to try to do some interval training!!

Good luck everyone and keep up the good work!!

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Old 09-24-2008, 05:27 PM   #221  
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Guess what I found! My wristbones. I didn't even realize they were missing until I noticed them today while I was driving. Now to dig out those collar and hip bones!!!!!
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Old 09-24-2008, 11:03 PM   #222  
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Hey all!

i just wanted to checking in with everyone. Congrats on all the losses!!

I am doing soooo much better this week and lost three pounds. I know some of it was water weight from my TOM symptoms but it si nice seening it on the scale, lol. I have even been excersising everyday. I feel alot better about doing it. I love beening on track.

Cdiem - I would love to find my hip bones, its been a very very long time since i have seen them. One day, One day.

Hey check it out, i got my signature today, lol. I was so excited.
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Old 09-25-2008, 12:09 AM   #223  
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Originally Posted by dgramie View Post
good morning,
life has been CRAZY and seems to be getting worse!! LOL I am not eating enough some days and am trying to eat more today and i have not exercised for a few days..gotta get back at it!! Wedding planning is alot more work than i realised!! Still having trouble matching her color..oh well it will work out.. Still waiting for my little granddaughter to arrive..36 weeks today and they are setting the date to induce in 2 weeks.I would love to be 5lbs less by then. Still hoping to make my goal for halloween 9 more lbs to go.
hugs to all
Okay girl, you officially have a crazy life. Wedding planning is a real job, but it can also be so much fun. And, just think of the lovely day to come. Even if the colours aren't an exact match, the glow on her face will dim everything else. Two weeks to baby day! I officially request pics of the cuteness.

Originally Posted by AngelMae View Post
Congrats to eveyone for doing so great!!!

I am down 1 lb, which I guess is 1 lb lighter than I was a week ago but was hoping to see more. I think that I am going to start Calorie Cycling. I have read a lot about it and I am going to give it a whirl.

I also am going to up my cardio. Now that it is getting colder and darker a lot earlier, ugh!! I am going to have to use my treadmill more so I am going to try to do some interval training!!

Good luck everyone and keep up the good work!!

A pound down sure beats the heck out of a pound up. Yay you!

Originally Posted by cdiem4994 View Post
Guess what I found! My wristbones. I didn't even realize they were missing until I noticed them today while I was driving. Now to dig out those collar and hip bones!!!!!
Dude... Bones. Cool. I am looking forward to rediscovering mine, too.

Originally Posted by dlphnmomva View Post
Hey all!

i just wanted to checking in with everyone. Congrats on all the losses!!

I am doing soooo much better this week and lost three pounds. I know some of it was water weight from my TOM symptoms but it si nice seening it on the scale, lol. I have even been excersising everyday. I feel alot better about doing it. I love beening on track.

Cdiem - I would love to find my hip bones, its been a very very long time since i have seen them. One day, One day.

Hey check it out, i got my signature today, lol. I was so excited.
Three pounds is great! Congrats on your new siggy.

Another good, on track day, today. I ate a bit more. But I am still nowhere near my target range. I got a good 40 minutes of cardio in, too.

Hang in there, have a great on track day.
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Old 09-25-2008, 09:23 AM   #224  
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Originally Posted by AngelMae View Post
Congrats to eveyone for doing so great!!!

I am down 1 lb, which I guess is 1 lb lighter than I was a week ago but was hoping to see more. I think that I am going to start Calorie Cycling. I have read a lot about it and I am going to give it a whirl.

Congrats on the pound loss!! Every little but helps towards your goal.

I am not consciously calorie cycling, however, whatever I am doing is working. I am down a pound this morning. Finally the scale has moved... YEAH!! On Tuesday and Thursday I do not go home after work so I make those two days a sort of free day at lunch. I have chicken on a wrap with two slices of provolone cheese... It is up there in calories so this is my big meal of the day.... this fills me up until I get home at 7:30 pm... then I allow myself another 100 calories for a snack. I am guessing on these two days I maybe hit 1500 or 1600 and the rest of the week I am aiming at 1200-1300. So I guess this is calorie cycling... Also, depending on what kind of week I have had... I allow myself a REAL CHEAT meal on Saturday.
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Old 09-25-2008, 01:56 PM   #225  
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Morning everyone.

Been a bit nuts around here, but I wanted to check in. Eating has been worse than normal, more due to lack of planning on my part, than any cravings. I'm trying to get back on the straight and narrow today, with a protein shake for breakfast, and packing salmon and broccoli for lunch, since I have to be at my sister's most of the day.

Running dogs was put on hold due to the heat, but yesterday the weather turned cool and rainy, so tomorrow morning I will run my 2, then Sunday Gracie (my dog) and I are going to a group run with some other dogscooter teams, running on a trail that cuts through the pumpkin farms. This is a great time of year to do that run!

Okay, gotta fly. I will catch up on posts soon, very soon, I promise! to everyone!

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