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Old 02-11-2008, 11:27 AM   #121  
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Good Morning GG's, I hope you're warmer where. It was 7 degrees here yesterday and it's supposed to get up to a whopping 14 today.Just way too cold. Didn't want to get out yesterday but had to buy groceries. Came home after that a built a fire and make roast chicken for dinner. All in the effort to keep warm.

Gayle, It's wonderful that people have started noticing the weight loss. Gives added incentive to keep going. And you have time before the wedding to lose more. Gotta look good in that Mother of the bride dress. I'm happy to hear that things are working out better at work. Hang in there girl.

Karen3, Getting rid of the old "fat" clothes mean that you've made a major commitment. No turning back, straight ahead to health. And now you're in the "under" club. How great is that! And all the while making that tempting food.

Counting down, I'm amazed that anyone makes yogurt and soy milk. Takes a real dedication. Yeah, it saves money but you also know what's in it. Just like before we all got so used to all the modern conviences that we take so for granted now.

Phyllis, With your DD's move you will have even more family that you are close to. What great news. Have even more grandchildren to spoil.

Michele, I totally agree with the journaling. As time goes by our portions tend to get a bit bigger and we slide little things in there that add up to whole lot of unwanted calories. I think Journaling is the only thing that keeps in in line.

Birgit, You simply cannot get good help these days can you? But you can't fool us, you're keeping Sven around just because he's so cute!

Karen, Just keeping my fingers crossed (and eyes too if you think that would help) that the house sells soon and you get to go be with your family.

Everyone stay warm, Freda
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Old 02-11-2008, 12:50 PM   #122  
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Default Congratulations, Karen!

Karen, BIG Congrats on the 4lb. loss and reaching such a huge milestone - you must feel terrific! Way to go! Michele
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Old 02-11-2008, 02:10 PM   #123  
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Karen3 -ohmigosh, what wonderful news! Thought you'd just slip that 4 lb loss by us, huh? I am so proud of you for getting under 200, and I know you will soon meet your next mini-goal. Way to go! (BTW - don't forget to update your stats ).

Freda, funny thing about Sven's looks. When my BF is out of town (which is usually about 1/2 of each week), Sven tends to be about 35 and majorly buff. When my Sweetie is nearby, on the other hand, Sven tends to be 85 and is stooped over his cane. Whaddaya think that's about, huh?

Phyllis, I think it's so much harder to pack only some of your stuff. You have so many more decisions to make about what to leave behind and what's essential to bring along. I feel for you. It's even more difficult that you can't be proactive by packing stuff up because you need to continue to have the place look as presentable as possible. This sort of thing always kind of makes me nuts: apparently realtors believe that potential buyers have absolutely no imagination and cannot picture what the place would look like without the packing boxes. Apparently they also can't imagine what their own colorchoices and furniture placements would look like, unless we (the seller) provide the image for them by making sure everything is painted in a nice bland neutral color and no clutter is visible anywhere. Personally, I think potential buyers are smarter than that. I doubt that anyone's purchase decision is going to hinge on whether or not your packing boxes are visible. On the other hand, of course, you want to maximize your chances for a speedy sale as much as possible. Every little bit helps. Guess I'm just saying that I feel for you - it's very, very hard to be in that "holding pattern" place.

Karen31 - same is true for you. I feel your pain...

Counting, thanks for the info on making your own soymilk. Sounds admirable, and I salute you for doing it. I think I'll stick with the carboard boxes, though...

Michele, 11 days down - that's great! One day at a time... one day at a time... they add up quickly, though, and pretty soon they add up to some very real results.

Gayle, those are words we all long to hear (well - most of us). I can tell you that I am looking forward to the day when someone actually notices. I think I have a ways to go yet, though.

As for me, I have reached that stage where the only way I can get my jeans to fit (at least for a few hours) is to put them in the dryer. Normally I line-dry them cuz the dryer shrinks them up too much. Now I need them to shrink, though - cuz they're beginning to look decidedly baggy. Guess I shouldn't complain though, huh? I'll live with a droopy tush for a few weeks and then progress downwards to the next size down. Lord knows I have them in the closet, waiting for that happy day.

Hugs to all,
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Old 02-11-2008, 06:57 PM   #124  
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Hi Y'all....Boy looked back over the day and must apologize for my typing and misspelled words. I was using the keyboard in the dark. Blew my lamp switch and too much of a hurry to go turn on another light. Am so sorry you are all having such a nasty winter. We are supposed to get big thunderstorms tomorrow evening thru Wed. But come September you can watch us battling mother nature when the hurricane storms start rolling in. Spent the whole day with a grin on my face. I can't remember being this light. 20 years maybe! Still don't see anything different in the mirror.

Is the recipe for making bread with yogurt in the recipe file? Bread is my weakness right now and would like to make something that satisfied my inner man. Have learned if I have the taste or texture of something I want I can satisfy my hunger for it. And I still really want a loaf of that Italian bread.

Bought GSA cookies from my GD and sent her the money and instructions to eat them. It would have killed me to have boxes of GS shortbread cookies sitting here. And I couldn't eat just one....

Just a grinn' and a clucking.....Take care of yourselves, eat healthy and hugs. karen3
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Old 02-11-2008, 07:19 PM   #125  
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Hi everyone.. im home..i lost my mom on january 27 th..i got there in time and i like to think she knew i was there,to say the things i needed to and let her go..we where really close and i miss her terribly..the trip was awful.. i dont travel well stress doesnt help was nice to see old friends and family esp my was hard going thru my mom's house but becuz i was only there 2 weeks it needed to be taking her dog but he couldn't come on plane with us, weather to cold for him to fly..he will be here saturday.. hes a white schnuszer named Willie and my mom loved was sad leaving but im soo happy to be home..Joanne and Pamatga my hearts go out to you and your moms's ..ive tried to catch up on all your news..thats alot of posts to read so i will say thanks for all the kind words..i came home with an awful cold and a bladder in fection so im taking it easy.. my wonderful daughter picked us up at the airport in anchorage and brought us home to a clean house,flowers, fresh banna bread, soup simmering and fruit and staples in the fridge..she is so kind and sweet to blessed.. ttfn (((hugs))) rosey
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Old 02-11-2008, 08:15 PM   #126  
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Rosey, I'm so sorry about your Mom. Sorry, too, that you're not feeling well now. It's been a difficult emotional time for you, and now this - but it must've felt awfully good to be so well looked after by your daughter. Hope you're feeling better soon.

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Old 02-11-2008, 08:56 PM   #127  
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Michele - Congrats on day 11! WAY TO GO!!! Keep up your blogging and TDP I know what you mean. I am a data junkie and I just love analyzing everything. I make a "project" out of it. Every couple months, I add up my exercise in different categories - it astounds me that I have gone from a couch potato to exercising almost every day for 7 months. I really believe that this process is one step and one day at a time.

karen3 - that meal sounds amazing! And that bread recipe sounds wonderful too! I need to get more creative with my bread recipes. I have entire cookbooks with bread recipes. Do I use them?

Great job on your weight loss this week

Phyllis - where near Knoxville? My mom and SF are in Louisville (used to live in Maryville) and my brother is in Friendsville. We love the Knoxville area We will be down there the end of next month for our annual spring break visit. It is a beautiful part of the country - and Pigeon Forge is calling my name. I am hoping to pick up some clothes even though I won't be at goal yet. I'm thinking I will be close enough to try things on and make some intelligent guesses on sizes. - particularly things that aren't fitted - like tops and skirts.

Freda - I'm a firm believer in the Ecclesiastes passage about "to everything there is a season". When we first became vegetarians and had our first DS (26 years ago) I quit my job and stayed home. I made everything from scratch. Then the kids grew, I went back to work, and a new season dawned. Now that the kids are gone, I'm returning to having more time to cook and some of the old habits are returning - slowly

Birgit - congratulations on those droopy jeans! That is AWESOME!!!!

rosey - so sorry to hear about your mom! You are in my thoughts and prayers - I hope you are feeling better soon!
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Old 02-11-2008, 09:33 PM   #128  
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Default sorry to hear you have lost your mother. It is so hard and every day seems heavy right now. Time does help. You will always miss her, but time lets the grief stretch out and be less overwelming. You are in my thoughts and prayers. karen3
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Old 02-11-2008, 11:53 PM   #129  
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Rosey, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself.
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Old 02-12-2008, 08:37 AM   #130  
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Well, dear Golden Girlies, we in the northeast are not faring well at all this winter. Oh, I know I have no business complaining, what with the tornadoes down Mississippi way - and I’m ever so grateful that our MaryLynn and her family got through them with everyone safe - but I have to tell you that this 3 degree weather, with a windchill of something in the minus teens, is not making yours truly a happy camper these days. These old bones have come to like being warm and cozy, and feeling chilled all the time is just not acceptable at all. And to whom can I direct my complaint? (I just KNOW this is Bush’s fault! ). They’re having problems with the heating system in my office building, and yesterday we fluctuated between roasting and freezing to death. No happy medium. VERY unhealthy. <hack, hack, koff, koff> I’m home today. It’s ever so comfy here in my own warm & cozy house. I can hear the wind whistling outside, though. It sounds like a freight train racing through town.
Karen3, you’ve done a terrific job with the weight loss! Homemade bread! Y’know, I don’t think there’s anything I like better than a hunk of freshly baked bread still warm from the oven (or the bread maker). These days all I eat are low calorie/high fiber flatbreads - and I just found a new bread at the grocery store made by Fiber One, with scads of fiber in it, so I guess I’ll be eating some of that. I have only baked bread once or twice in my life, and ate so much of it those few times that I did, that I knew better than to get in the habit of baking it. I’d be TWICE what I weigh now, because I’m one of those people who can’t just eat a reasonable amount of something. As long as there’s some left, I’m going to pick at it until it’s gone.
Nice going on the baggy jeans, Birgit! Don’t you love it when stuff starts sagging and bagging like that? I have a long, straight jean skirt that was too tight to zip up when I first started this new “lifestyle”, and now I have a good eight inches to spare around the waist. In fact, I can wear it, but it kind of sits on my hips now instead of my waist. Gotta love it, huh?
Hey, Freda - looks like you’re in the arctic belt along with us. I can hardly believe how cold it’s been, and another nasty, snowy week predicted for this week. NOT optimum. My SAD is kicking in, I swear. I may have to book a last minute flight and head out to visit my son again in L.A. If I don’t see some sun soon, I may become catatonic.
Well, Phyl, it sounds like you’ve got things planned out pretty well. It all seems so overwhelming, and then suddenly it’s all over with, and you’re all settled into your new place. Seems to take forever, and then before you know it, it’s all behind you. Your condo is gorgeous - I can’t imagine it not selling - but if you can hold off until you can do a bit better on the price, why not wait? Karen, your house is amazing, too. Let’s hope that spring brings a whole hoard of potential buyers and you can pick and choose between them!
Good going, Michele! You’re making some real progress! I’m always tempted to ask what it is you all are doing to get the weight off quickly and consistently, but then I don’t (ask) because I know you’ll say “exercise”, and I’ll feel guilty, but will do as little of it as I can get away with. I’m just a slug, is all. Especially when it's cold out, and it feels so good to snuggle up in a robe and hunker down in a big chair with a book...
CountingD, Wow! You make all that stuff from scratch, at home, YOURSELF? Hmmmm. I’m impressed. That’s real commitment!
Gayle, I’m so glad that things are improving for you at work - and that you’re getting settled in at home. It sounds like things are coming together and you’ll be able to relax a bit now - at least mentally. Sounds like you’re keeping busy, though.
Lynn, I hope your shoulder’s feeling better - and that those students of yours aren’t keeping you TOO busy. Sounds like you enjoy it, though. I’m wishing I could do my job from home and eliminate the commute. There’s really no reason why I couldn’t - at least two or three days a week, unless there were meetings I had to attend. But just driving in to sit in my office and write makes no sense. I think I may have to do a little negotiating at work soon.
Thanks for the “food porn” Cat - it was just enough to make me lick my lips and wish I had some.
MaryLynn, hope all is well with you folks down there in MS.
Jo-annie, you know my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Welcome back, Lyn. Glad you had such a good time, and sorry you had to come back to THIS frozen mess!
Take good care, all, and keep up the good work!

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Old 02-12-2008, 09:20 AM   #131  
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Good Morning Golden Girls,

Rosey, I'm sorry to hear about your mom. And sorry to hear that you're feeling under the weather now too. Take care of yourself, ok? And you're blessed to have a daughter so caring.

Counting, We usually get down to Pidegon Forge at least once a year too. Beautiful there.

Birgit, Isn't it wonderful to NEED new pants? I judge my weight more on how my clothes fit than the scale. And you sly thing, to replace Sven with an 80 year old when your BF is there!

Zoe, We're getting the same miserable weather as you, and i'm tempted to just hybernate the rest of the winter. I haven't seen that fiber one bread in the stores here yet, but i'm going to look for it. Now i'm eating the Aunt millie 12 grain and it has 6 grams of fiber. Have you tried the new caramel fiber one bars yet? YUM!! Although they taste more like butterscotch to me, which is just fine, since I love butterscotch.

Lynn, miss you, hope your shoulder is feeling better. Are you stil doing the therapy?

Meowee, where are you?

Phyllis, I know you're busy packing and getting ready for the move. You must be getting really excited now.

Karen, hang in there, and pack up what you can. It will be your turn next.

All the rest of you, stay warm, freda
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Old 02-12-2008, 09:29 AM   #132  
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Rosey, I'm so sorry for your loss. How nice your keeping your Mom's dog, he will give you a lot of comfort. What a wonderful dd you have. Feel better soon and great to have you back.

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Old 02-12-2008, 09:42 AM   #133  
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Rosey ~ Sorry to hear about your mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hope you feel better soon.
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Old 02-12-2008, 11:30 AM   #134  
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Morning everyone.. its cold and snowy still on minnesota time so my sleep patterns are off but i have to say i am feeling better..thankyou for all the caring words and support it means mom's dog is coming on sat..can hardly wait to hug his furry little self as my mom loved taking it easy but also need to get back to my normal routine..ttfn ((hugs))) rosey
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Old 02-12-2008, 11:37 AM   #135  
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Rosey, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. I am sure that this is a very difficult time for you and your family, and I send you all my most loving wishes. I am glad that her dog will live with you - he will bring you much comfort.

Karen3, I got the recipe for the Yoghurt WW Bread from the recipe booklet that came with the breadmachine. I haven't made the bread yet - various "issues" intervened. Don't have the recipe accessible to me right now, but will send it out to all of you as soon as I can put my hands on it.

Zoe, I so agree with you about the bitter cold. Geesh... generally I don't mind the winter, but when it's below zero, well that's just a bit out of control. Still, this morning I bundled up in a couple of additional layers and headed out to walk to work in spite of the cold. I figured that even if I dragged the car out of the garage, it would still be cold. By the time the car had warmed up, I'd be at work. This way, I walked and in so doing I warmed up my body. Plus, no contribution to my carbon footprint. Thanks, Al Gore, for raising my consciousness...

So what's everyone doing for Valentines Day? I'm looking for ideas...

Hugs to all,
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