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Old 02-02-2008, 08:49 AM   #16  
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Femme, how do you like the Roomba? I've thought about getting one (Heaven forbid I should work too hard vacuuming my floors... I might accidentally burn some calories ) but I can't quite imagine how they work. Does it get into the corners and edges? How often do you have to empty the dirt container? Are you happy with it?

Meeowee - I feel your pain. The storm you're having right now blew thru here yesterday, and it weren't pretty. Lots of freezing rain and this morning we have ice coating everything. I'm not leaving this house till I've seen at least 2 plowtrucks with salt come down my street.

Those of you who live in warmer climes - you just don't know the fun you're missing.

Hugs to all,
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Old 02-02-2008, 10:08 AM   #17  
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Originally Posted by floridarusty View Post
Lynn, do you notice if you have more energy with more calories? Hey one lb. is good, I'm still playing with the same 5 lbs. losing and gaining it....that is going to stop. One hr. exercise a day should really shake things up for you.
Good Luck.
Hi Phyllis,

No - I haven't noticed any change in my energy level. However, I only upped the calories by around 200/day. I don't think that's enough to have much of an affect.

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Old 02-02-2008, 10:09 AM   #18  
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Originally Posted by yoyodieterinvegas View Post
Hope the new month finds you all well and happy. Not in the greatest frame of mind today. Very DF and co-worker had a stroke right in front of me at work yesterday afternoon. As I was walking next to her on the way to the ambulance she was trying to say something to me. Had bad dreams all night that there is something she wants me to take care of for her but I can't get what it is. So far hosp. is only releasing info to family so I have to wait to hear from her sister. Please send prayers this way. Thanks.
I'm so sorry to hear that you had to go through this traumatic experience. My best wishes to you and your DF.

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Old 02-02-2008, 10:15 AM   #19  
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Sandy, I LOVE my rooba. Have a scooba too,(mops the floors) which I also adore. I have 3 dogs and it really does a good job on my floors getting the hair etc. The roomba does get corners has a "round brush" that comes out the side that gets the corners. Scooba doesn't get the corners, but it's easy enough to get a wet rag and get them...just takes a minute. Emptying depends on how much crud is on the floor, but it's not real often even with dog hair. I love how it goes under furniture that is high enough.

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Old 02-02-2008, 10:17 AM   #20  
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Hi Everyone,

Welcome Laurie - I'm so glad to see you here. Congratulations on winning the January Challenge.

Started out my morning with the gym and PT. Don't have a lot planned for today. Maybe I'll try out a new recipe.

I saw my Little Sister yesterday - we went for dinner & a trip to the bookstore. My basic message to her was - "No matter what you ever do, I'll always love you." I decided (with some good advice from our case-worker) that her parents need to be the ones dealing with the issues & I just need to let her know that I'm there for her.

Tomorrow, my sister and I are meeting for lunch & then going to see "Bucket List." I love Morgan Freeman & Jack Nicholson. Should be fun.

About the book discussion - being as several of us have already read "Kite Runner," how about we choose a different book for our discussion? Any ideas?

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Old 02-02-2008, 01:23 PM   #21  
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hi you all...I have a question. Do they make adult size bibs that come in colors and styles to match my outfits? I have dribbled something down the front of everything I own. Doesn't matter if am using fork or spoon some gets plopped on my chest. I carry a Tide stick and then I have a big wet spot around the dribble. Maybe can get teflon shirts? Or the old Sat Night Live drool cups. Would attribute this dribbling to old age but have had same problem since birth. Maybe need PT to get excerise in locating mouth. Ha, that I sure do know where it is. Guess only hope is wearing spottchy patterned shirts. Sometimes I think I've packed a lunch in my bra!
Scary thing happened here in our neighborhood. The house up on the corner was robbed Sunday. They were home but out back on the lania and guy came in used 2 pillowcases to steal cameras etc. The cops caught him before the neighbors even knew they were robbed. He has admitted to dozens of local jobs. Another reason I love Dash...he maybe a 65lb coward but he barks at anything weird. The Yorkie up the street scares him to death.
Watching your weather and wish I could send you the sunshine. Hang in there Spring is coming. Happy Ground Hog Day! karen3
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Old 02-02-2008, 02:05 PM   #22  
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Ice changed to rain . . . . . . temperature is up to 6C (almost 43F) and the both the ice and the snow are almost washed away again. Unfortunately it is still very, very windy.

Hope your lastest ice piles are soon a thing of the past too BIRGIT. . .

Oh CAT . . . that recipe sounds good. I'm sure I could defeat any good intentions with it and eat the whole pan (just like I can with 'real' sugar-laden brownies). My stomach works just like a Roomba sometimes. No crumbs left behind; not even in the corners.

K3 . . . I know just what you mean. I always kid that it is amazing that I can miss something that big. I've gone as far as to wrap a tea-towel around my neck like a bib sometimes if I'm wearing something that I know is really hard to get food out of.

Congratulations LAURIE. . . Glad to hear you had a nice loss for January, Chickie.

LYNN . . . I will add her to the winners thread right now.

Stay out of trouble, buddies -- see you soon --
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Old 02-02-2008, 04:30 PM   #23  
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Happy Saturday everyone!

Cat - that brownie recipe looks wonderful! Thanks for posting it

Birgit - I love my Roombas too! We have a hairy dog (golden and shelty) and 3 cats. I can't imagine keeping up with their shedding without my Roombas! You just turn them on, set up any virtual walls you need to keep them contained, and let them go. The long dog hair can be a pain to clean from the brushes - but that is the same as my regular vacuum cleaner.

Lynn - Being a big sister is such a great thing to do. I have participated in the mentoring program we do in our elementary schools. It is so rewarding, and so many kids need good role models. Let us know how you like the movie - I love Morgan Freeman too!

Karen3 - LOL, how about a coordinating BIG square scarf? Wear it in front while you eat

meowee - you can keep your rain! We had snow again today - just enough to dust the XC trails. We did the 3 mile loop this morning. It was beautiful (picture attached).

Lynn - thank you again for inviting me over for the chat thread and the challenge thread. I love holding myself accountable by posting my results each day. Speaking of which - I need to get cracking on posting yesterday's numbers

Attachment 28340

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Old 02-03-2008, 07:12 AM   #24  
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Good Morning Everyone,

I've planned a lazy Sunday. Taking care of some little household things, meeting my sister for dinner and a movie, finishing up a few coursework things.

Karen3 - yes, they do make adult bibs. I think you're joking, but if you're serious, PM me & I'll send you the website.

Linda - what's up with the kitties? Haven't heard about them for a while.

Laurie - glad you joined us. This month, I'm going to give you some real competition on the Challenge thread. I'm planning to lose at least double last month - this shouldn't be too difficult.

Hope everyone has a Happy and Healthy Sunday,

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Old 02-03-2008, 08:28 AM   #25  
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Lynn, have fun at the movies and going out to dinner. We took my Mom to see "The Bucket List" yesterday. Really enjoyed it.

Nothing fun happening here today. My husband goes in to work late and gets off late, so our usual "Sunday schedule" is thrown off. I need to go to the grocery store and since I've been spending way too much while all the family was visiting, I may go to Wally-world to save a few bucks on groceries. I'd rather eat dirt than go there because of the crowds and lines. The rest of the day is up for grabs...housecleaning, work etc. Wanted to go to New Orleans to catch a couple of parades, but without my husband that's not an option. My MIL is going through "parade withdrawals" since she now lives in Houston and is planning on coming to spend a couple of weeks with us in late March so she can catch the "Irish-Italian" parade then. Should be fun..she's a doll and a hoot. I'm off of school tomorrow and tuesday for Lundi Gras and Mardi Gras, so that's something to look forward to.

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Old 02-03-2008, 09:12 AM   #26  
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Good Morning everyone,

Not much going on down here in Sunny Florida. Going to drive over to the beach today and collect some shells, I love doing that. That is one thing I'll miss doing when we move.

Well, my 2 nights of eating out, wine have caught up with me....up 2 lbs. and I know they are "real lbs.". I am going to start the Flat Belly Diet over on Monday (as we have a Super Bowl Party tonight) doing the 4 day jumpstart and hopefully lose those 2 lbs. and get my stomach settled down.

Karen, my sister told me that houses ALWAYS start to sell after the Super Bowl.....Let's hope she's right....Good Luck!

Guess we are for the Giants, as my dh's team isn't in it or mine. So my son is crazy for the Giants and we hope they win for him, you would think he owns the team the way he acts! lol

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Old 02-03-2008, 03:22 PM   #27  
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Hi Everyone,

Femme and Counting - thanks for the Roomba endorsements. Maybe with my $600 rebate later this year I'll get one. Actually, I have about $2500 worth of plans for that $600 - but I guess that's the idea, huh? Just doing my bit to keep the economy going...

Karen3 - clearly you have a hole in your lower lip, that's the source of all your trouble. Have you thought of patching it? Personally, I find that duct tape fixes pretty much anything. I highly recommend a strip worn on your chin - that should fix it... Or you could just live in your raincoat... (I pride myself on my problem solving abilities )

BTW - here I've been all this time thinking that "Dash" is your husband. But since he weighs only 65 lbs and is afraid of Yorkies, I'm guessing maybe not. (I also pride myself on my powers of deductive reasoning )

Lynn, I think your approach with your LS is right on. You are there to be a source of support in her life - it's her parents' job to be the disciplinarians. Good for you, and thank you for volunteering to be part of the "village" that's raising this child.

All is well in my life today. My Honey and I were invited to dinner by my friend and her husband (no, not to watch the Superbowl. Believe it or not, these people don't even have a TV!). I was asked to provide - I kid you not - cheesecake! So I googled up a low fat version and produced something that I think may be reasonably passable. Looking forward to hanging out with our friends.

Have a great day, Everyone...
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Old 02-03-2008, 04:01 PM   #28  
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A nice balanced Sunday for me Church this morning, then cross country skiing, then lunch and a nap Now a few chores and catching up with 3FC. No parties for me, though we might watch a few minutes of the game.

Birgit - good for you, finding a healthy cheesecake recipe. It is one of those foods that I just can't control myself with. And - I LOVE your sense of humor! I can see that this is gonna be a fun place to hang out

Phyllis - sounds like a fun day! I would LOVE some sun right now. We haven't seen it for what seems like weeks! Where/when are you moving?

Cat - I love hearing that you get off school this week. It is fun to see the differences by region of the country. People are amazed when I tell them that we get off for the first day of deer hunting season, but we don't get off President's Day or MLK Day. My DIL is in CA and gets Ceasar Chavez day off.

Lynn - I'm up for the challenge! I really need to kick up my exercise this month. Feb. is always a dreary, winter month for me. And food is what I traditionally use to help me feel better. I'm learning though ...

Plus, I have an opportunity to present at a conference in Chicago in March with the Superintendent. I would LOVE to shop for a new fitted suit to show off my hard work.

I hope you all are POP today - ignore all those commercials during the game!!!!
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Old 02-03-2008, 04:01 PM   #29  
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Hi you all....Thanks Lynn for reminding me about the movie The Bucket List. Took my lonesome self over to the mall and saw it this afternoon. Wonderful story and made me cry in the end. Sat thru the whole movie without even a small tub of popcorn. Would credit willpower, but honestly I hate diet coke and that is all they sell. the duct tape! There must be a zillions uses. Not to confuse you but Dash is our dog. He's a fuzzy faced German Wirehaired Pointer who has never been told he's a dog. Has a beard, mustache and bushy eyebrows. Actual he and dh look alike!

Got volunteered to direct this Firday's bridge game. Probably be close to 30 tables. Racking my brain for finger foods for 100 people. Better turn on the foodnetwork they probably have snacks for superbowl parties. Get so caught up in setting stuff up and running the game that I never eat any of the food so doesn't have be South Beachy. That many tables will run my buns off and dh will be lucky to get instant oatmeal for suppper.

Found the perfect way to eat out on a diet. Went out last night dh had flounder stuffed with crab that had no crab, flounder that was tapia and all was covered with pork gravy. I had broiled lamb chops that were so tough couldn't cut them with my butter knife. I'd have tried a steak knife but couldn't find the waitress to get me one. Will cross that place off our list. Can't believe I came home hungry.

Take care and stay warm all you snowbirds. karen3
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Old 02-03-2008, 06:13 PM   #30  
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Bucket List was good, but sad more than funny. I was expecting the opposite. Throughout the movie, Morgan Freeman looked so much like my DH - especially in the hospital scenes - made me REALLY sad. I guess I'm still not ready for too many reminders about that time in our lives.

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