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Old 02-18-2008, 03:14 PM   #211  
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Default Good Monday afternoon all!

I haven't been on since Friday night, but I did post on Saturday night, but my compter timed-out twice in the middle of each post, so I just gave up.

Anyway, Glad to hear from everyone, I just read all the posts since Friday night - wow, we are a busy group!

Welcome Phillygirl! I am also relatively new, I joined this group about two weeks ago -- I love it -- it's a very supportive group, who are also comical, bright, and interesting people! I am slowing trying to get to know them all. There are great recipe sites on the internet -- some that I like are: (alot of crockpot recipes),, and the - most of them you can save recipes right on the site. Just google "recipes", or "diet recipes" and you will get loads of sites to research.

akrosey - Weather here today is over 60 degrees, I also have my windows opened today. The diet doctors I went to when I was a preteen, early teen, also prescribed diet pills -- I remember having so much energy I once mowed the lawn twice in one day!

Birgit, I laughed and I cried when I read your post on Saturday -- 10 1/2 men's loafers and pencil skirts at 12 - it is amazing what we went through in those days -- but, I still think we are probably much stronger and more senstive persons for all of it - I guess I wouldn't change a thing. Saturday night I also had a junk night -- I started out great on Saturday, then by Saturday evening, I didn't have dinner, drank three glasses of wine (hadn't had any in two weeks, so I was in the mood), and ate reduced fat Kettle Chips and Triscuits -- I stayed within my calorie count for the day, but not healthy choices. But, once in awhile, why not?? So you won't need a candy fix for awhile!!

Karen3 - I had my DH read your post on Friday about your DH possibly frying in the footbath, and your Hotbed Inn -- we both lol. We have a shore house (well, we did, we just had it torn down and it is now being rebuilt) and we have company during the summer every weekend. I really don't mind the company so much as long as for the ones who just stop in, I don't have to entertain them all day (if they were invited, that's a different story). My BIL, who spends alot of time there on the weekends, jokingly describes coming to our house on the weekend as "Michele spreads out take-out menus on the dining room table, and asks, "Do you want Italian, Chinese, etc." I was always usually working during the week, so this was my weekend too -- the last thing I wanted to do was cook huge dinners for company every weekend!!

Lyn - hope your weigh in was successful too -- I lost 1.3/4 lbs last week - I am just under 180 at 179 3/4 -- and I am down just 1 1/2" (thighs and waist).

Lynn - when I am at 150 lbs., then I do love shopping!! I can see where you and your daughter had a ball shopping and trying on clothes for each other -- I can't wait!!

Gotta go log my food and exercise in for the last three days - I took a vacation this weekend keeping track on the computer, but I have it written down -- gotta get back to the routine!

Hope you all have a fine day!! Michele
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Old 02-18-2008, 03:20 PM   #212  
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Oh PATTI . . . and I'm very willing to share some of our snow.

Big HI for everybody else . . .

Not a holiday here . . . but for those of us who are retired . . . who can really notice. It is a brand new Stat (something called "Family Day) in a lot of places in Canada; but our Provincial government decided to take the stance that "everyday is Family Day in Nova Scotia" and we did not need it to be official -- really popular decision, as you can imagine. Especially as everybody went to work this morning.

It's raining, windy and mild today -- hopefully sun will be coming out again tomorrow. Actually, I have to admit, we do not (at the moment) have very much snow on the ground at all -- but I also imagine it will make up for that in another few days.

Just got back from taking Blizzard to the Vet -- he has an ear infection and has been scratching the inside and outside of the ear raw -- all the bleeding is really eye-catching on a white cat. Now he is wearing one of those delightful collars to try to keep him from scratching so the ear gets a chance to heal. He's not a happy camper and he keeps walking into stuff with the edge of the collar. Poor baby.

Nothing else too exciting around here. Hope everybody is having a great day. Keep doing the good stuff, gang and try to stay out of trouble.

Looks like I've missed a couple of birthday . . . so sorry, girls . . . but, hey, at our age we just get better anyway, never older. Trust you have both had wonderful days.
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Old 02-18-2008, 03:21 PM   #213  
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A very lazy day today. I see I missed Karen31's birthday! And yours, too, Birgit! Well, belated good wishes to you both, and sorry for being behind the times.
I had a busy Saturday & Sunday - a sixth birthday party for my grandson on Saturday which turned into (as usual) a long family day that wasn't over until late Saturday night, and then DD3 & her DH & DD and DH & I went to DD2's and watched movies together starting in the afternoon until 11 at night. The kids played, we ordered sandwiches from D'Angelo's (I got the veggie pocket, which is probably the least damaging, diet-wise) and we just hung out together for hours and hours. Today has been quiet - DH has been painting and I have been reading aloud - Gone To Soldiers, which as you know, we've both read before, but since I'm going to actually be participating in a book discussion with many of you GG's, I thought it would be good to have a little preliminary once-over with DH in case I missed any important stuff. I get so involved with the characters that I forget to do any analytical reading at all.
It rained overnight and is 55 degrees outside according the the Weather Channel. I couldn't swear to it as I haven't been out, but the snow has about melted away all aroud us, and that's an optimistic (if temporary) sign of better things to come.
I am now going to make a little something for dinner and then go back to reading.
Hope you're all enjoying the extra day off today! Oh! And welcome, Phillygirl!
More later - sorry for no personals (except birthday wishes and welcomes) but I am feeling and behaving like a slug today (still in my PJ's) and only capable of reading other people's words, not writing many of my own.
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Old 02-18-2008, 03:27 PM   #214  
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Hello Golden Girls. This website is fantastic. I am probably goldener(!) than most but still need to lose a lot of weight. Not for bikini wearing of course--but to be healthier.
I, too am a soup lover. Especially homeade (based on WW veggie soup) and Progresso one pointers. I just jopined WW last month. Into 5th week. 8 lbs down. Hope the loss continues!I'm sure if I keep on joirnaling and eating right it will.(exercise also) I am so inspired by all the losses here. Thanks. So glad I found you all. I joined 3 FC couple years back but lost link.
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Old 02-18-2008, 04:04 PM   #215  
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Default Welcome Liz

Welcome Liz, and congrats on the 8 lbs!! Great start. I also love the Progresso soups, especially the WW 0 points ones -- great for lunch or just for a filler snack!! Michele
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Old 02-18-2008, 05:55 PM   #216  
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Originally Posted by Phillygirl2 View Post
Okay, my name is Patti. Bucks County Lyn, I live in Fox Chase, within viewing distance of the Montco border, near the Fox Chase Cancer Center.

Thanks for the welcome. I am jealous of all you people who live in areas where you actually got snow this winter. We've had a real dearth of it, and I am a snowbaby! I am crossing my fingers that we get a February or March storm.

Nothing really interesting to say today, not as depressed as I was last week, but still not in a really good mood. No job offers and no weight loss for two weeks is a real bummer.
Hi Patti,

Nice to meet you. I've spent considerable time at FCCC over the past year. I had surgery there last August - my dermatologist is around the corner. I live around 40 minutes away.

I'm NOT a snow-lover, but I would kind of like 1 snowy evening. Someone (maybe Lyn?) wrote about taking a walk in the night snow - sounded really nice. Uh-oh - we'd better be quiet - I don't want to evoke the Snow gods.

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Old 02-18-2008, 06:14 PM   #217  
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I'm fairly new to this site. Most of the posts I've seen are on the East coast and I'm out here on the West coast. We finally have sunshine for a few days but in the area we live it's very windy. I took my dogs for a walk today but bucking 30-40 mile an hour winds was not condusive to a long walk but it did feel good to get out. I go to TOPS for weigh-in and support and found the on-line support to be helpful too. So now I have to get in my 30 days and 30 posts to have the cute weight loss ticker too. I like Phillygirl2 am looking for a job and being overweight and over 50 doesn't breed much confidence. Although I know something will open up when I least expect it.

Keep moving forward.


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Old 02-18-2008, 07:21 PM   #218  
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hi y'all...Wow 3 new Golden ladies in one day! Hello Em, Patti and Liz......welcome aboard. I'm gonna be an old hand quickly.

Just popped in to say good bye. All packed and car loaded. Alarm set...have small bag to stash book and odds'n ends in.Have to leave here at 5:30am. I love going to tournaments. We'll play bridge 2-3 sessions aday. Eat a nice dinner and play more cards back at the motel. Alot of competition followed by gallons of giggles! Will be brain dead when I get home.

Now girls treat yourself kindly ('cause you are needed to take care of everyone else), eat healthy and hugs......karen3

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Old 02-18-2008, 08:46 PM   #219  
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Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post
Hi Patti,

Nice to meet you. I've spent considerable time at FCCC over the past year. I had surgery there last August - my dermatologist is around the corner. I live around 40 minutes away.

I'm NOT a snow-lover, but I would kind of like 1 snowy evening. Someone (maybe Lyn?) wrote about taking a walk in the night snow - sounded really nice. Uh-oh - we'd better be quiet - I don't want to evoke the Snow gods.


I've also taken advantage of Fox Chase's facilities, in 1996 when I had breast cancer. I remember my mother giving me **** for buying such and ''old" house in 1987, "...yoouuu'll regret it, they need a lot of work, hidden problems, ... yada yada." Well, when I got cancer, and only had to walk out my back door and cross the parking lot for my radiation at FCCC and to Jeanes for my chemo, she said "God had a reason for you buying this house!" She's SUCH a PITA, but I still love her. I realized just how lucky I was after I talked to people in the waiting room at FC and found that many of them either drove hours each day to get there, or moved in with relatives for the duration of their treatment.

My dad had lung cancer surgery last summer and my parents, who live in Jersey, ended up staying at my place overnight a lot as he went through his tests, and during his hospitalization. Same thing when my brother was being treated for his cancer, but sadly he didn't make it. Ecstatic to say Dad is doing VERY well, and didn't need chemo or radiation. Living near two hospitals does make you a pit stop. If it's not the sick people, it's their visitors who stop in because "they're in the neighborhood."

We may be in for some snow on Thursday, but so far it's going to be that wet, rainy mix, that will not last even one day, and cause icy streets, which are worse than snow IMO. Here's hoping a cold front will change direction and give us something to stare out the window at or go for a walk in. I used to love to shovel, but my COPD has taken that joy out of my life.

My sister and a cousin live in Croydon. Are you anywhere near there?


Last edited by Phillygirl2; 02-18-2008 at 08:51 PM.
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Old 02-18-2008, 09:11 PM   #220  
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Welcome Em, I am also fairly new to the site -- there is alot of friendly support here! Michele
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Old 02-18-2008, 09:46 PM   #221  
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I feel like I have been gone for weeks - not just one day

Birgit - Happy Birthday (belated)!

Welcome to our new chickies, Em, Patti and Liz! I am relatively new here too (a couple weeks now, I think)

I love experimenting with cooking, but I don't have a lot of time these days to do so. I also love one-dish meals. Stir-fry, or crockpot recipies are GREAT!

I would be happy to send snow to anyone who wants it. It is getting to be really annoying. And - like Freda - we had a nasty ice storm yesterday. Most churches canceled their services (not ours).

Karen3 - enjoy the tournament!

Lynn - yes - I LOVE WATP. I have several of Leslie's DVDs and they are GREAT when I can't get outside!

Hello to Zoe, Linda, Michele, Karen31, rosey, Phyllis, Marylynn, Lyn! I hope you all had a great day! I read everyone's posts, I will try to catch up more with the personals tomorrow.
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Old 02-18-2008, 10:09 PM   #222  
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Oops! Happy happy birthday to Birdgit! This is going to be your very best year ever!
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Old 02-18-2008, 10:34 PM   #223  
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I just read an article that said people on WW points system only lose an average of 6 to 11 pounds, EVERY TWO YEARS! What a bunch of bull. Anyone else hear stuff like this?

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), funded by Weight Watchers, found people who followed the Weight watchers Points program for two years lost an average of six pounds. Diligent participants - who attended at least 78 percent of the weekly meetings - lost an average of 11 pounds after two years on the program.

Last edited by Phillygirl2; 02-18-2008 at 10:37 PM.
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Old 02-18-2008, 10:40 PM   #224  
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Default Belated Birthdays & Ipods

Happy belated birthday Karen31 and Birgit! I forgot to mention in my afternoon post -- and hello to you too, Laurie!!

Marylynn - what a wonderful dd you have! Ipods are not inexpensive!

My husband bought me an Ipod for my birthday in September, at the time I only downloaded some dance songs for the gym. Now, since I have the time, I am also having a ball downloading podcasts, etc. I used to subscribe to the New Yorker magazine for years, and finally cancelled my subscription cause they would pile up when I didn't have to time to read them all. Now I can download the fiction stories from each month, the latest news & political articles from the most recent to older issues, and it's all free!! When do you get free things anymore -- it's amazing! I looking for an audiobook to download next, just for the heck of it -- and as lyn knows, it certainly makes walking much more interesting! I just finally bought an armband for mine. Marylynn, you can spend alot of fun time checking out free stuff to download -- a new toy!!

Lynn, they are easy to use once you get the hang of using the touch wheel on the front --

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Old 02-19-2008, 08:10 AM   #225  
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Originally Posted by Phillygirl2 View Post
I just read an article that said people on WW points system only lose an average of 6 to 11 pounds, EVERY TWO YEARS! What a bunch of bull. Anyone else hear stuff like this?
Hi Patti,

Actually, if people can lose 11 pounds (and keep it off) for two years, they're doing well. For the most part (I think we're an exception because we've accepted the fact that this is a life style change, not a "diet"), folks put back more weight than they've lost in a shorter time period.

There's a book - Rethinking Thin - that you might want to read. It's got a lot of GOOD research information about the factors that influence our weight, our losses, and our gains.

I plan to be on this website for as long as my brain/fingers/eyes are working. This is where I get the support I need to keep on keepin' on.

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