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Old 02-09-2008, 10:29 PM   #106  
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Hi Eveyone, I just finished writing a long letter and the computer ate it. I don't have the energy to do it again! Darn computer! Everyone, I apprecite everyone of you, and look forward to "talking" to you every day. Good night all, Freda
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Old 02-09-2008, 10:47 PM   #107  
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Originally Posted by Michele237 View Post
Lynn - I have the book "Gone to Soldiers" from Library and plan on starting it tomorrow -- what museum is in Doylestown? DH and I were planning on taking train to Phila. tomorrow for a museum tour, but decided to postpone until next Sunday (I want to start book!)
Doylestown has 3 museums - the Tool Museum, the Castle and Tile Works, and the Art Museum here are links -

NOTE: Byers Choice - those singing dolls that are all over in pricey gift shops at Christmas - has a great museum and you can see them making the dolls - just outside of Doylestown -


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Old 02-10-2008, 09:04 AM   #108  
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Hi GG's, Hope this computer decides to cooperate a bit better today! It might help if I wasn't so computer challenged!

Cat, Good to hear from you again! Thanks for the pictures, we get to see a lot of things through your eyes. I love the idea of square foot gardening. i am a farm girl at heart. What are you going to plant? Watch the herbs, if you haven't planted them before. I made the sad mistake of planting mint in the garden. Now it's a weed and I can't get rid of it!

Karen3, Go for that cruise job! My niece did that. She quit her job and got a job with Norweigian cruise lines. She's stationed in Hawaii and loves it. Once in a lifetime thing.

Marylynn, How did you begin training for your marathons? I'm interested but right now I can't even walk any distance.

Zoe, Yelp, I really did take belly dancing, a trillion years ago. I was very thin then too. and you know the sad thing? I thought I had a big stomach. Our body image issues start early and take a lot of work to get over. I went to Kohl's yesterday and was prepared to pick up some much needed additions for my closet. NOTHING! They have a very sparce petite department.

Lynn, Hope you get all those papers graded today and have some spare time. We miss you. And i am picking up the book tomorrow and starting to read. Can't wait.

Countingdown, you have done so well with your dieting. If you could give one piece of advice to anyone starting to diet, what would it be?

Karen, Spring is coming, hang in there. Hopefully the hosing market will pick up them. In the mean time, maybe the long visit would help.

Birgit, I have a problem buying clothes too, different end of the scale, but just as frustrating. Not many places carry clothes for short people. Or if they do they look like "old lady" clothes. I might be old, but I still want to look like I have some sense of fashion.

Michele, Still cold and white here, I imagine you're getting the same. Hang in there, it will get warm soon. Won't it?

Phyllis, Yeah!!! Moving soon. Were you already packing some things or do you have to start now? You're liable to find things you never knew you had. Where does all that stuff come from? I swear it multiplies.

My menu is made out for the week and I've got to go grocery shopping and pick up food. Everyone have a good day
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Old 02-10-2008, 01:32 PM   #109  
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Good afternoon you all.....Made up my week's menu (thanks Lynn) and did the grocery shopping. About 2 hours earlier then usual to miss the after church crowd, but literally was run into by the motorized cart folks. Those carts have brakes REALLY! It was like the old stockcar races at Flemington Fair Grounds and I was prime target. If anything goes beep beep I'm out of here. Knew Florida drivers had reputation but try 6 GOLs learning to drive.....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I don't envy either one of you packing up and moving. Said that next move will follow a fire sale. I found things that I had packed in 1958. As soon as I toss or donated something I need it. Took all my "fat" clothes to the goodwill and hopefully next will go the medium clothes. Last summer decided that if I didn't have any fat clothes to fall back on I'd have to continue on this diet journey. So if I fail you will recogize me as the one in old bed sheet.

Ordered both books yesterday...told you reading was my 2nd addiction after food. I tried the libary and neither were available anywhere in the county.

Still thinking about that cruise ship position. admit I even got my passport updated...hmmmmmmm. Haven't told DH. My friend did the cruise trip of a life time. San Frisco to China, then up the yellow river, back to USA and then up coast to Alaska. All for free as bridge director with her DH. Over a month away. Yeah I'm a sickly green with envy!

Back to the kitchen to prep for the week. Take care of yourselves, eat wisely and hugs......karen3
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Old 02-10-2008, 01:33 PM   #110  
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Default I got it!

I know, I know - realized it after I logged off - duh! Sometimes I worry about myself!! haha. Karen, what is the 5th wheel? Michele
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Old 02-10-2008, 01:42 PM   #111  
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Default Thanks!

Thanks for the museum info, Lynn. I will check them out. We are always looking for something different to take the grandsons on the weekends.
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Old 02-10-2008, 01:54 PM   #112  
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Good Morning! Still getting a few things caught up around here and the NASCAR races are starting again!! YAY!!!! I really enjoy watching them and I think that Jeff Gordon is so cute!!! Ok back to serious things!!

Michele -- the 5th wheel is our RV. It is a camping trailer that you connect to a hitch in the bed of your pick up truck. Which is why they call it a 5th. wheel. We have some people that have emailed me about it this morning and hoping that they will come to see it. We are just asking what we owe on it and would love to get out from under that payment and then sell the house! Then MO. here we come!!

Well, I want to get some more done around here and have a couple boxes that I would like to get packed up and out to the big garage. I try to pack a little bit here and there--- that way not so much left inside to clean or that much left to pack!

Have a great day!!
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Old 02-10-2008, 06:53 PM   #113  
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Originally Posted by Michele237 View Post
Laurie, I was typing when you posted, congrats on the 2 lbs. - you are almost there!!

Birgit and Karen 31 - who are Gwendolyn and Gertrude? Your DH's?

Goodnight again everyone, Michele

Hi Michele, don't know who Karen's Gertrude is, but Gwendolyn is my imaginary maid. Hey, some people have imaginary friends, don't they? Gwendolyn washes my dishes (only after I load the machine, of course), she makes my coffee in the morning (after I set up and program the machine the night before) and most recently she baked my bread. I also have a "groundskeeper" named Sven. Sven makes sure my car is washed (although he's really not very committed to the task), he shovels snow and mows my grass (funny... he drives a John Deer tractor and the condo assoc pays him. Wonder what that's about...), and he takes out my trash - although not without a great deal of prompting from me. I suspect that Gwendolyn and Sven are getting it on behind my back - that's the only way I can explain the occasional unwashed dishes, unwashed clothes, or unwashed car. Hmmm...

The bread came out fabulous, Ladies. I bought a bunch of additional ingredients today. Gwendolyn's next little baking adventure will involve Yoghurt Whole Wheat Bread, I think. Unless, of course, Sven distracts her from her mission

Counting, you make your own soy milk? Interesting. How is that done? And why? Do you do it yourself for health reasons, for cost considerations, or both? I love soy milk, but I just buy it in those rectangular containers. If you don't mind sharing, I would love to know how you make the soy milk and how you use the "okara." (Probably best to PM me so we don't bore everyone else to tears. thanks.)

Have to get ready for a class on Walt Whitman on Tues nite - have a bunch of reading to do. Have a good evening, Everyone -
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Old 02-10-2008, 08:10 PM   #114  
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Hello all

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend. I started the personals, but one thing and another ~ haven't been able to get them done. Will have to finish that on another day.

While Karen and Phyllis are packing up ~ we are finally unpacking here. The house is starting to shape up and look a bit more homey. Trying to get it straighened up and shaped up ~ Steve's father and his wife are coming to visit next weekend.

At work the other night I heard those wonderful words that we long to hear ~ have you lost weight? I have lost a little bit and have so far to go, but that was a great motivator to keep working at it. I am hoping to look a little less blimp like by the time of Jennifer's wedding in October.

Things are looking up at work. I will be working with a different group of people (no longer with the one who said I was slow). That one ~ I felt uncomfortable asking her questions ~ her tone with me made feel like I was stupid. So, anyway ~ it worked out that the boss was able to switch me and hopefully now I won't dread going there so much. Yippee.

Ok, better get back to chores.

Take care all
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Old 02-10-2008, 08:16 PM   #115  
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Hi Gayle!! WOW!! Don't you love it when someone notices that you are losing weight? I know I do. It just seems that sometimes you work and work and you yourself can't really see it but when someone says something to you about it --- well it just puts you up there on and motivates you to keep going!

Glad that your house is getting into shape the way you want it. I just wish I was able to pack up more and get it moved! Still nothing definite on the house or the 5th wheel.

Well, I need to get in there and get the kitchen cleaned up from supper. Extreme Makeover is coming on tonight and I just love to watch that show. Almost always have to have the Kleenex handy!!

Take care.
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Old 02-10-2008, 09:00 PM   #116  
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Freda - I have mint too. Same thing happened to me. I now use it as a ground cover in a couple parts of the yard. I have a lemon thyme that is out of control as well.

My one piece of advice - that it tough, I tend to be so wordy - I think it would be to journal your food. It is the one thing I never did before. It holds me accountable, even when no one sees that extra bite, nibble, snack go into my mouth.

Karen - we will be in bed sheets together, since I have donated everything too! Actually, we will be elegantly dressed and stylish - because we are NOT GOING TO FAIL, and we ARE NOT GOING TO REGAIN THIS WEIGHT!!!! I think that coming here as really helped me immensely. The support and inspiration I get by visiting with everyone has really helped me in so many different ways.

Birgit - in the "old days" I made soy milk and tofu because they could not be found in grocery stores. Now, of course there are wonderful soy products everywhere. We went to buying prepared soy milk for several years. I bought a "house gift" at Christmas - a Soyabella unit. It is mostly because of the ingredients - I can use non-GMO soybeans, and agave to sweeten it. Cost is also a factor. I make 1.5 qt. for about 80 cents (and that is because agave is so darned expensive). I would use Splenda, but DH doesn't care for it and he drinks more soy milk than I do. The third reason is the okara. I actually missed having it when we stopped making our own tofu. It looks yucky (I'm not kidding when I call it soy sludge), but - just like the pulp when you juice veggies, it is so nutritious. Being vegetarians, I am always looking for ways to add protein in my recipes. Using okara in my breads, biscuits, soups, etc. helps me keep my cheese consumption under control.

BTW - your yogurt bread sounds wonderful. I love adding yogurt to bread. Speaking of which, I think I need to dig out my yogurt maker and try making some soy yogurt
Maybe next weekend

Gayle - those are precious words indeed! It makes my day when people notice. Others on 3FC say they hate it when people comment - I absolutely love it
Wonderful news about work as well. It is really hard to work with people that don't value us or our efforts.

I made a big pot of 15 bean soup tonight. It is yummy Cajun spicing. I'm looking forward to lunch tomorrow so I can have some.

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday! Stay warm!!!

Last edited by CountingDown; 02-10-2008 at 09:02 PM.
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Old 02-11-2008, 09:42 AM   #117  
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Default Good Monday morning everyone!

Hi everyone! Day 11 for me and I am still feeling pretty chipper! Doing pretty good counting calories and keeping up with exercise -- so far, so good.

It is finally winter weather here -- this morning it was 26F, wind gusts of 30-40 miles an hour overnight, with a wind chill of -6F. Last week it was almost 70 degrees here one day!

Counting Down - I agree with your advice to Freda -- everytime I write everything down that I eat each day, including exercise, I always do much better, (as long as I do it, i.e.). In the past, the minute I get distracted with some life thing, I stop journaling and there goes my accountability. One of my goals this time around is keeping up the journaling, making this a main focus in my day, not letting life stuff get in the way, and begin to make it a real habit.
I began a diet blog last week, and I also log in and calculate my calories eaten and exercise each day on The Daily Plate site. It has been helping keep me motivated, and it's all free. It has also been a real learning experience, as I am also shocked at how much sodium I consume -- never really bothered to look at that before. I am also seeing how many carbs, protein and fat I am eating each day.

Birgit -- lol - I have a Gwendolyn too, but I wish I had a really good Sven -- my "Sven" is not really handy around the house and yard anymore -- poor guy - I am forever looking for someone to do little fix-up jobs and yard work around here - now, that I am off, maybe I will get back into the yardwork this spring and summer.

Glynn - I have a good friend who was a lifelong NJ resident and her husband, daughter and she packed up everything and relocated to TX about two years ago -- they absolutely love it! Glad to hear about the job, it makes a world of difference when you enjoy going to work with someone who appreciates you, doesn't it? -- congrats on your losses.

Hope everyone has a good day -- onward and downward! Michele
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Old 02-11-2008, 10:00 AM   #118  
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Hi...Just had to tell you about dinner last night. Went to new local restaurant that was fabulous. Offers 1/2 portion dnners. The waitress said her name was Marie but if we didn't like the meal her name was Barbara. I had a fillet with mushroon demiglases, steamed vegies, salad and roasted potatoes. OMG sooo good and cost $11. Boy have I turned into a cheap date. Admit to tasting the home made rustic Italian bread, would have eaten the whole basket, but heard a bunch of Golden hens clucking in my head.
I forgot about my bread machine. Have crawl under the cabibet are retrieve Bessy. Never had good luck making ww or rye, but U2have got me thinking. Used to make raisen bread with apple crust. Called it my accidental bread. Tossed in the apples at the last minute and instead of getting mixed with raisens ended on crust.yummy! Fattening! Bet you can't eat just one slice....

Karen hang in there. Spring is prime home buying time. More people are moving to West for retirement instead of South. Plus people with kids look in Spring so they can move during summer vacation.

Gotta run...leave for bridge in 1/2 hr. Stay warm, eat wisely and hugs! karen3
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Old 02-11-2008, 10:03 AM   #119  
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Gayle, so great someone noticed the weight loss....I can see you smiling! You have the motivation of the wedding so I'm sure you will do great. Glad your getting unpacked!

As far as packing goes we are only taking (by UPS) clothes, 1 TV and most of the kitchen things that we can pack in our car or UPS. The big move will be when we sell this place or right before we rent it out. So for now I am just cleaning things out, getting rid of junk and donating excess things so I won't have so much do to when the above move happens.

Looks like my dd and family will be moving from Michigan to Tennesse near Knoxville, which will only be 4 hrs. from us....they would be a 6 1/2 hr. drive the way it is right now. And that is such a beautiful area right at the foot of the mountains.....1 hr. from Gatlinburg. We are excited for them too. Anything is closer that the 17 hr. drive we have now!

Karen 3, I am finding lots of things I forgot we I guess if I haven't missed them in 6 yrs. I'm not moving them to Ohio. Strange the things we do hang on to.

Brigit and Counting down, all that homemade bread is making me want some. I use to always make our bread, think I will start up again after the move. Thanks for the reminder.

Karen, I wish I could be packing up some things but the realtor doesn't want boxes sitting around right now so I have to wait. We would prefer to have this condo sold before we leave or as soon as possible, we are leaving it on the market but renting out in season will work and maybe the market will be better by spring of 2009 and we can recoup some of the financial part. Still keeping my fingers crossed for both of us.

Hey, to all the GG....Zoe, Joanne, Lynn, Lyn, Freda, Linda and all the ones I missed this time.....

Have a GREAT week...Phyllis
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Old 02-11-2008, 10:24 AM   #120  
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Quick note.Just did wieght and am below 200! Lost 4lbs this week even with all the cooking Thursday. I'd take credit but without you all I'd never have done it. Thank you all!

Next goal is to be less than DH......karen
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