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Old 02-12-2008, 01:00 PM   #136  
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Hi Everyone,

I've finished the course I'm taking - going to the doctor this afternoon to see if I can get a shot of cortisone for my shoulder - dealing with some COLD weather - taking care of household stuff.

I live in an over-55 condo with 30 units. There are 2 camps here - the Board and a "shadow-govenment" board. The situation is something like "a WASP India and Pakistan." I've tried to stay out of it since I moved here. Last night I got roped into going to one of their meetings - BIG mistake. By the time I got back to my unit, my blood sugar was over 200!!!!

I am just NOT good at dealing with confrontation. I did that for 30+ years in my jobs for pay (ended up with high blood pressure, carotid artery disease, and type 2 diabetes) & I'm NOT going to do it here for nothing. My advice - NEVER move into an over-55 "community."

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Old 02-12-2008, 03:16 PM   #137  
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Default Good afternoon all!

It's snowing here today (yea, husband is picking up firewood on his way home from work (it will be a nice & cozy evening) - and it's not as cold and windy as it was the last two days - this is tolerable.

Lynn - I know what you mean -- I also put up with all sorts of confrontations all through my career and I hated it (and it showed in my blood pressure), but no more -- I recently resigned from a great job that afforded us "play money" because I absolutely refused to get into all the politics - I am too old and too valuable for that sort of stress anymore!

CountingDown - Laurie, lol, yeah I am also a data junkie (although I have calmed down in the last 10 years!) - this is also another project for me that I will probably soon get bored with (but, in the meantime, besides daily calorie totals and exercise minutes, I also know how much fiber I am eating each day!!)

Zoe - I am just beginning this journey - time will tell how consistent I am -- but, I am exercising each day, this is true, but nothing drastic, believe me, I don't have the energy I used to have!

Birgit - I am waiting to have droopy jeans -- love that feeling!!

Rosey - so sorry to hear about your Mom - but her dog will bring you so much comfort. We adopted my dear friend's dog after her untimely death about 8 years ago, and "Casey" brought me so much comfort for 5 years before she finally died -- I felt that my friend "Ros" was always still with me when Casey was here.

Here's hoping everyone has a good day - Michele
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Old 02-12-2008, 04:34 PM   #138  
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I'm Baaaaack . . . actually I didn't go anywhere but my computer did. He decided on Friday that he needed a little R & R and nothing I tried would convince him otherwise so on Saturday bright and early I took him to his favourite spa. When I've had to do this in the past, he's usually ready to come home late that same afternoon; but not this time. Joe (my very favourite computer geek) decided to take the weekend off and so I was told I'd have to wait until Monday to get my dear old guy back. Then, our weather decided to turn terrible and Joe didn't even come to work on Monday. So . . . here it is Tuesday late afternoon/early evening and I just got my baby back home again. The bad news is that even Joe isn't sure what went wrong and has informed me that there may have to be a newer model in my fairly near future.

I am about 6 pages behind since I've been missing and I just finished skimming through. Sorry I'll just never get caught up on everybody so I won't even try. Just wanted to say Welcome Back to you ROSEY. Sorry to hear about your Mother's passing but she is at peace now and I'm sure having her dog with you will be a great solace for you.

Also wanted to mention to you LYNN that I know exactly where you are coming from. I was the President of my Condo Association for a couple of years (back in my Ontario days) until I realized that it was driving me completely bonkers and only adding complications to some of my health issues. You are a wise woman, stay away from that ratsnest.

My BGL has been somewhat erratic over the past few days, but actually not too bad. My eating has been a little erratic, too -- but definitely better than it was in the latter half of January. To top things off, my left eye decided to act up starting on Saturday -- really weird and blurry, off and on. Guess I'd better make an appoitnment with my GP so I can get an appointment for a check-up with the Opthamologist that did my cataract surgery last September -- it's almost like the artifical lens that was implanted in the left eye has shifted or something . . . although I really doubt that is a possibility? But, it is driving me nutz. So I'd better find out for sure.

As mentioned above, yesterday (and Sunday, too) our weather was terrible. today is very cold but the sun has been shining nicely -- however, another major, major storm is predicted for tomorrow -- will this Winter never end???

Well . . . got a lot of other places around here to catch up with, gang. Have to go update my "challenge" entries while I've still got my little journal pages for reference.

Big for everybody and, hopefully (eye- and 'puter- willing) I'll see you all again really soon and I'll try to keep up with stuff a little better, too.
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Old 02-12-2008, 06:35 PM   #139  
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Evenin you all....Lynn: move to Fl and the whole state is just about an over 55 community. Actually 55 is a young whippersnapper! At 67 I'm the kid.

We are having massive hugh booming thunderstorms right now with rain coming at about 4"/hr. The sea fog is also drifting in from the Gulf. Time to curl up with hot tea and a book. Hopefully the power will stay on. Dash takes every boom as an insult. He's attempting to be a lapdog!! Not complaining because we do need the rain. DS never believes me when I tell him that Nov to June is the dry season down here. I get "Now Mother"....I hate that almost as "Are we there yet". And he's 45yr. Good thing this is not on speaker because the rain on the tin roof over part of lania is deafening. I ran to my car across the parking lot hoping that this time getting soaked I would shrink. Oh well didn't happen.

My regular partner never showed call nothing and by chance a sweety gent from Nova Scotia was looking for a partner. We connected with seconds to go so I never even found out his hometown, but was a delightful afternoon and we came in 2nd!

Just remembered I made up a notebook with all my bread a "yogurt" one is in there. Now just have to figure out where I stored the darn book. WW and yogurt...hmmmm That should be an indictation how long it's been since I baked bread.

Droopy drawers...gosh I can't wait to go into a store and not have to go far in the back behind the pipes for plus sizes.

Take care of yourselves, eat healthy and hugs.....karen3
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Old 02-12-2008, 10:03 PM   #140  
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Default Yup, I'm Back

I just read through all of the posts in Feb and it took over 2 hours. Sounds like a lot of you are doing VERY WELL!! Great!

Rosey - my condolences on the loss of your mother. Give yourself time to grieve and hug that doggie a lot.

Don't have time to reply to impressions of what I read are...belly dancing, horrid weather, moving woes, imaginary household help (Sven??), something called fluidity, and lots of great sharing. I missed you all

Our trip was wonderful. met up with some friends from here in LeRoy and we toured St. Augustine and saw lots of wildlife (manatees) in Blue Springs. I body surfed in cold ocean water and spent lots of time lazing by a heated pool.

Here is a link to some photos...
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Old 02-12-2008, 10:10 PM   #141  
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Thank you GGs for a wonderful laugh - you are so much fun

Karen3 - 2nd - with a new partner - that is awesome! I hope you are staying dry.
With your success at losing, you will be out of those plus sizes before you know it. Not far to go now

Linda - glad you are back! We missed you. Good luck with your GP visit - let us know what happens. Hope the kitties are doing well.

Michele - how is it that so many of us let our work affect our health? Our BP, our weight, etc.? It has been a real learning experience for me to let go of some things and put myself in a place where I stay balanced and healthy. I wish it hadn't taken me this long. But, at least I HAVE taken charge of it. Better late ...

Lynn - that sounds dreadful. I just want to curl up in a ball when I get in the middle of those types of situations. But it must be hard to ignore, since their decisions directly affect your life and your home. I appreciate your candor with your experience. We have thought that we might investigate other living options in the future, and I love hearing about the experiences of others - good and bad.

Congrats on finishing your course!!!! Hope the shot has helped your shoulder too. Being in pain makes everything else so difficult to enjoy!

Birgit - wow - walking in this weather? You deserve a gold star on your exercise chart!

Rosey - prayers continuing! Dogs are wonderful companions, and welcoming your mom's dog into your home will certainly bring you joy and fond memories. What a wonderful tribute to your mom!

Hello to Gayle, Cat, Zoe, Phyllis, Freda, Karen31, yoyo,
Joanne, Pam, & Marylynn

Wishing you a POP day
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Old 02-13-2008, 08:32 AM   #142  
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Good Morning girls! Had to share this one as I'm big on fiber and water.
Top YOU Tip #6: Fab Food Combo
The food duo with the most muscle? Fiber and water. Together they keep your food bulky and soft, so it can move easily through your system without putting too much pressure on your intestines. Remember, without water, fiber often turns to cement.

The combo of fiber and water also makes you feel full, which helps your overall health, because it keeps you from eating other things that are more likely to lead to problems associated with obesity, like heart disease and diabetes.

Where to get it? Fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, oats, beans, and some cereals. Your goal: 25 grams a day for women and 35 grams a day for men. And don’t forget the water

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Old 02-13-2008, 09:44 AM   #143  
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Lyn, your photos are great, I really enjoyed them and glad you had a great time. We have been to St. Augustine and loved it there, lots to do, now I'm wanting to go back again....awh I guess on one of the drives back down we can stop for a couple nights. We are about 4 hrs. south of where you were.

Linda, good to see you back....we missed ya!

Lynn, Oh I stay away from our HOA meetings now. It is like being back in high school. My dh goes, he enjoys it and always comes home laughing. We will go to our new one in Ohio and see how that goes but I don't expect it to be any different, I think they are all the same nitty, picky and always some bossy ones think they own the place. But when we first get there a good way to meet the neighbors. Hope the shoulder is OK.

Zoe, if you figure out how to make pictures smaller let me know, I can't post the ones of our new condo...says their too large. I would love to see your place now that your settled in. I will probably join the book club once we get settled in .... I use to read all the time, computer has taken readings place I guess.

Karen 3, those storms where much needed here. Our poor Doberman that we had was so scared of them, he would just shake. Guess we are in for another round this afternoon.

Brigit, droopy jeans, don't ya love it. All my pant are droopy because I lose first in my legs and all my pants look too big but still fit around the big belly!
I have all sizes in my closest and refuse to buy any larger sizes. This is making it hard to figure out what clothes to take with me on the first round of the move. Hey maybe I'll just get new ones!!! Keep it up your doing great.

Laurie, it usually isn't dull around here...great group of women.

Michele, a nice warm fire sounds so nice. Our condo in Ohio has an electric firplace! Can't tell the difference from the gas ones and it does blow out heat if you want it too. Think I'll miss the wood smell but not the mess of cleaning it out.

Sandy, we will just go out for a quiet dinner and have decided not to get cards this year and put that money towards some nice wine with dinner.
Hope you have a nice day, if you come up with something exciting let us know.

Hi to all the GG I missed.....need to sign off and get busy.

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Old 02-13-2008, 10:20 AM   #144  
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Hi there . . .

Look at this, will ya . . . my computer is working just fine this morning . . . unfortunately the eye isn't much different than yesterday either. At least it hasn't started to snow yet, but they are still calling for every nasty thing you can think of -- snow, sleet, rain. Just hope it holds off until they've picked up the garbage. Sure don't want to have to lug it back in again.

LYN . . . so glad your trip was a wonderful success. . . . Always fun when you meet people from home. I remember meeting some perfect strangers from my (then) hometown of Kitchener, Ontario in (of all places) Beirut, Lebanon.

BOBBI . . . right on, girl -- I am a great believer in lots of fibre, too -- and luckily, water is my 'beverage of choice', because you sure can get into problems if you increase the fibre without the increase in water to go with it.

PHYLLIS . . . Me too . . . I'm such an apple shape (so not healthy) that all my pants are baggy in the butt -- even the ones with an elastic waist.

Keep things on the straight and narrow today gang . . . See you all a little later . . .
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Old 02-13-2008, 10:49 AM   #145  
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Good morning to All--

Firstly, let me give you the recipe for Yogurt Whole Wheat Bread that I promised you. It's for a 2 lb loaf, and you put your breadmachine on "Whole Wheat" setting if it has one. All all ingredients to Bread Pan in order given:

1 cup plain nonfat yout
1/2 cup warm water
1 1/2 Tbl vegetable oil
2 Tbl maple syrup
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 1/4 cup bread flour
2 Tbl wheat germ
2 tsp active dry yeast

I made it last night. Wish I could tell you it came out awesome, but I don't know yet. Truth is, I initially set up the machine and then left the house to go to a meeting. When I returned I expected to walk into the house to the lovely smell of baking bread, but nothin' doin'. Turns out I didn't properly ratchet the bread pan into its little nooks and crannies - so the thing was trying to do it's best for 2 1/2 hrs and getting nowhere fast. I attempted to salvage the situation by putting the breadpan where it was supposed to be, pushing the button, and praying. 3 hrs later I had that delicious smell I was looking for, but the bread was basically a dense lump of unleavened dough. Not the consistency I'd been promised. Tasted real good, though, if you don't mind chewing on a hard lump of clay. All of which to say, I'm going to try it again - and this time do it right. Live and learn, right?

Lynn, I'm not over 55 yet (I'll be 53 in a few days), but I know what you mean. I am a property manager by profession, and in my past life in Boston I managed over 1,000 units of affordable housing for elders of low income. Sure blew my misconceptions of "old people" right out of the water. I always believed that we gain wisdom as we age and that with that wisdom we learn how to get along with each other. Not so! What I learned instead is that as we age we stay who we are, only more so. If you were a sweet kind loving person when you were 16, you will still be that when you're 75 - only more so. Conversely, if you were an obnoxious snivveling whining creepy self-indulgent little &%$#@* when you were young, it is more than likely that you will still be that when you're old - only more so. In my current life here in VT, I manage nine mobile home parks. Guess what? Much of the dynamics are no different... But it's all what you make it. The vast majority of the people I deal with every day are wonderful, kind, caring, hardworking people who are committed to their community. But hoo boy - there is that 5% that sucks up 95% of my professional time...

Meowee - glad you (and your computer) are back. We have become so dependent on our computers, and it's so frustrating when they go down. It's really frustrating when the problem is some "gremlin" and you don't have any assurance that the kink's been worked out. I wish you luck!

Linda, welcome back. Your trip sounds (and looks) wonderful. I'm jealous...

Hope everyone else is well. Have a great day...
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Old 02-13-2008, 04:01 PM   #146  
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Hi Hi all. I'm still here. Been lurking and reading as many posts as I can just no time to write. My gracious, what a wonderful busy group of golden girls! How glad (and lucky) I am to know where to find you all!

Just have a quick sec so apologies for no personals but I think of you all every day I hope to be able to come back for real soon and get all caught up with everyone.

My friend is doing much better although she's going to have a long tough recovery but I think the hardest part for her right now is having to lay in bed all day. They still have to have a tube draining fluid from her brain (sorry if your trying to have lunch), and they've had to put her in light restraints because she keeps trying to unplug everything and get out of bed - with no control of her right side that would be a big plop. Not good. Her speech is severly impared but she's got the nodding yes or no down pat and recognizes all her friends (even behind the gowns and masks). I've even had her laughing a few times - which kind of gets me a nasty look from her ICU nurse since she's supposed to not get agitated - but the lady I know and love is still there and that lady thrives on laughter so I hope a little giggle now and then will help more than hurt.

Still taking care of me too and have (surprisingly) been able to stick closer to plan than I thought I would. Must be extra energy from the better eating. Tomorrow is supposed to be weigh day but - you guys are right - the guilt thing has me worried. I feel like I have no right to be pleased with myself over something as trifling as losing a pound (or half a pound) when my DF has such huge hurdles ahead of her.

Oh gads, look at the time! - wow I rattled on.
more s to all.
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Old 02-13-2008, 04:12 PM   #147  
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Hello, hello, hello to all of you golden ones! I am home for a second day in a row from work, and while yesterday I was a little antsy, today I’m perfectly happy to laze about and doodle on the computer in between naps. It’s pouring outside - after a night of snow and ice - so it’s slushy and nasty out there. A perfect day to stay warm and dry inside. If I don’t look out the windows, I’m okay. It’s only when I look outside that I become overwhelmed yet again with the neverending story that this winter seems to have become.
Birgit, the bread recipe sounds to die for! But such healthy ingredients! I swear I’d like to give that one a try, but I’m SO afraid of eating the whole loaf myself. I have very little self-control around fresh-baked bread.
Welcome home, Meowee-Linda! Sorry for your technical difficulties. We missed you, and it’s good to have you back. I guess your weather is about the same as ours - awful! Should we feel better because we’re not suffering alone? If I don’t see some sunshine soon, I may have to make an emergency trip out to L.A. and drop in on my son. Right about now, I wouldn’t care if it cost me a thousand buckaroonies. (Until my credit card bill came. That is. )
Omigawd, Phyllis, I think I DID it!!!! Shrunk the pictures, I mean. Try this link & follow the extremely simple directions. You KNOW they’d have to be extremely simple for me to use them. If there are pictures at the bottom of this post, it means I did it. If not, well, I’ll have to just keep trying, I guess. I THINK I posted a picture of my modest little bathroom/Zoe’s spa/keep out(! ) and maybe a picture of my very eclectically furnished sitting room - lots of odds and ends of this n’ that put together: no discernable decorating style, but it works for two old farts like DH & I. Here’s a link:
Oh, Bobbi, yes indeed…I do the high fiber and drink ‘til it comes out your ears program, too. A tad gassier than I’d like, but what are you gonna do, huh?
CountingD, hello and glad you’re enjoying our little group. We’re enjoying you, too, so by all means, put your feet up and stick around!
Absolutely glorious pictures, Lyn! Oh, how I wish…
Karen3, I am discouraged and disappointed to hear that running through the rain doesn’t result in any shrinkage! Once it warmed up a bit, I was planning to give it a try. Maybe I should move to Florida. Being a “kid” again might be fun!
Michele, I betcha it’s raining in New Jersey now, right? ‘Nuff said. Ack!
Omigosh, Lynn! Don’t put yourself through that aggravation! I pretty much imagine that Birgit knows what she’s talking about in terms of how people’s behavior changes (not!) as they age. I know the older I get, the less interest I have wasting my (good) opinions on anybody else or convincing anybody of anything…guess I’d make a good hermit (or would that be hermitess?). So probably an over-55 community wouldn’t be a good choice for me. Actually, a good choice for me would probably be a cave out in the woods somewhere. I’m still waiting for that darned book to come. Watch me be the last one to get it, after recommending it and all!
Freda! I haven’t seen the carmel Fiber One bars, no! But I sure will be looking for them, now! They sound sooo good! I’m liking the new cereal flavor, too - tastes kind of carmel-y, actually. I’ve been eating it dry, along with oarmeal squares in my morning “bag-o’fiber” that I make up for myself.
Hugs to Jo-annie, MaryLynn, Karen31, Gayle, and glad to have you back, Rosey.
Ooops! I guess it's back to the drawing board for those attachments! Have to make them even smaller! Drat!
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Old 02-13-2008, 05:11 PM   #148  
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Okay, these may be TOO SMALL, but NOW I'm determined!!!! Grrrrrr!!!! The first is the sitting room (that chair has seen many a book read from cover to cover!) and the next is my modest little PERSONAL bathroom/spa with that clawfoot tub that I love so much. Hopefully, these pics will enlarge if you click on them, but knowing me, maybe not...

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Old 02-13-2008, 05:19 PM   #149  
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Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I THINK I got it. (Sorry for all the posts!)
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Old 02-13-2008, 06:41 PM   #150  
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hi y'all....Birgithank you for the bread recipe. After writing it down I opened a cabinet and there was my bread book with dozens of tried recipes. Just reading thru them is fattening! But the smell alone is worth drooling so better wait until will power regains some strenght.

Lynn: Did you have the shot? Oh BOY did that hurt! DH swears never again, but when no choice......

Meowee: My DH had cataract surgery in Oct and old hand me kept saying aren't the colors beautiful and so clear. He thought I was crazy. Turns out he had a celopane membrane form over retina and he sees everything blurry now out of that eye. Been to specialist, but surgery to repair is so dangerous with possible retina tear or detach they are waiting!

Did you all shipped that chilly weather South? It is windy and quite chilly today. Good thing because I was starting to pack for Sarasota tournament and wasn't thinking at warm clothes. The building they have the tournament in is hugh empty 2 basketball court size wide near the water. Wind blows around it's corners just a howling. Chilly inside even on warm days.

Zoe: am almost tempted to fly North for one soak in that tub!

Take care of yourselves, eat right and hugs......karen3
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