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Old 02-16-2008, 09:57 PM   #181  
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Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post
Hi Laurie, did you get your Challenge reward?Lynn
Yes! It looks wonderful! What a GREAT reward!

The sun was shining here today as well BEAUTIFUL sunset! Freezing rain predicted for tomorrow I'm hoping we can make it to church ok. I have to run the media presentations and help with coffee hour.

Busy day trying to catch up with tasks I neglected all week. Also trying to get as many arrangements as possible taken care of for the Chicago business trip next month. Kalamazoo hotel booked.Train booked. Transit tickets purchased. Now, I just need to find a hotel for the weekend, and decide what theater tickets we want

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend

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Old 02-16-2008, 11:40 PM   #182  
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Hello all ~

Just popping in to say hi. Steve's dad and his wife are here from St. Louis, Missouri for a few days. We are having a nice time visiting. They are nice people. Jason stopped by to visit them for a bit this afternoon. Then we went over to Sara's today so they could get to visit them. This will be their first time to see Maddie and they haven't seen Corbin or Sara since Sara's and Robert's wedding in 2000.

Hope you all are having a nice weekend.

Take care
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Old 02-17-2008, 07:54 AM   #183  
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Default Sunday Morning

Good Morning Everyone,

Looks like I need to go to a D (not for "dear") condo meeting tonight. Anyone not there might get voted onto the board - the "phantom gov't" just impeached the last board!

Other than that, I'm on my way to a quiet day. I'm getting my stuff together for taxes, filing papers, playing online, and reading my book. NOTE: for those of you reading the book, what did you do to keep track of the characters? My brain does NOT work in such a way as to handle 50+ new names at a time. I made a "cheat-sheet" with a little phrase about each character. Good thing I did. Otherwise, I NEVER would have picked up on the interrelationships.

Hi Birgit, about your childhood experience with shopping - hurt my heart. Hard enough for us to go through emotionally painful experiences when we're old ladies. So sad to have to deal with them at 12.
About your philosophy - When I was younger, I believed much more in nurture than in nature. I minored in sociology/anthropology & was VERY entranced with the role that our family/society played in our lives. NOTE: my sister who has 4 children always believed much more in nature. As I've gotten older, I have come to accept the "things we can't change" - for example - our genetic makeup. However, I believe that regardless of the role played by nature or by nurture, how we react to circumstances/events is up to us & we are responsible for ALL of our actions.

Hi Karen, what's a Hotbed Inn? Like a B&B?

Hi Rosey, I'm sure I missed something - how come your mom's dog is on its way to you? About the diet pills - I was put on those by a doctor when I was around 20 and weighed 130. I cleaned the house and talked on the phone a LOT and slept VERY little. My weight has been a problem ever since.

Hi Laurie, one of the last trips I took with my DH before he had his stroke was to Chicago - we saw about 5 plays. I had never realized how much theater they had. Enjoy!

Hi Gayle, Enjoy your family visit!

Hope we all have a Happy and Healthy day,


Last edited by ladyinweighting; 02-17-2008 at 11:11 AM.
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Old 02-17-2008, 08:31 AM   #184  
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Good Morning . . .

Wow -- another cold but morning here in northern Nova Scotia -- this makes two in a row and I'm delighted.

On the 'Nature/Nurture' topic -- my eldest son was raised by my SIL and her husband and I honestly did not see him between the ages of 2 and 21 (very long story; basically I was left a widow at 19 with a 6 month old baby and just could not cope). When he finally decided he wanted a relationship with his birth-mother and came to visit, it was absolutely amazing how many of my own traits where instantly visible in him -- things I would never have thought of as 'genetic' such as a very sarcastic sense of humour, for example, and something his adoptive parents could never figure out where it came from. Other things, like his hatred for almost all vegetables, definitely came from being raised by a step-father who never met a veggie he liked. The kid I raised loves his vegetables almost as much as I do.

Anyway, gang . . . better get moving so I can enjoy this sunshine while it is here -- hope you all have a really great day. See you later . . .
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Old 02-17-2008, 11:09 AM   #185  
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Good morning y'all.....It is a sky breaking blue day here. Have a bunch of errands to run and need to start packing for Sarasota trip. Will pack good snacks and try to stay OP. Already stuck bunch of H2O bottles in trunk.

Lynn....a Hotbed Inn is actually a hotel of ill repute. Refers to a fast turn over of Johns without changing sheets. Now ain't that a yucky Sunday morning bit of trivia! And on the book characters I found using the index is a quick way to figure out who's who. With a cheat sheet,it and I are never in the same room when needed.

I have this weird quirky mind that remembers stupid trivia like there are anchovies in Worcestershire sauce and can come up with off the wall answers on Jeopardy, but can't remember peoples names. AND that is genetic! My DF was a doctor and he never remembered your name until you were up on the examining table. I may not remember your name, but when I see a face I remember every detail of your history. Got dicey sometimes when I'd blurt out that I didn't recogize someone dressed.

Off to Publix for groceries...late enough to miss the GOL driving carts. Gotta cook stuff for DH. Take care of yourselves, eat healthy and hugs.....karen3
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Old 02-17-2008, 12:41 PM   #186  
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Rainy Sunday here in NYS. Just got home from church and don't feel like doing much. I may make a chicken chili for dinner tonite. We had a Progressive Dinner yesterday and the appetizers were at our house so me and DH spent most of the day picking up and cleaning. I swear if we never had company we would never clean up. So today is truly and rest day. I was going to go out and walk or X-Country ski, but not in the rain.

Birget, Congratulations on the red sweater fitting. I enjoy reading you posts and can relate to the growing up tall issues. I was always the tallest girl in class and felt so self conscious. Thus, I did not stand or sit up straight and now I have horrible rounded shoulders. Also, my mother was always good looking, and fashionable and I struggled with my awkward appearance.

Karen3, We were in Daytona a few weeks ago so were just across the state from you. I loved seeing the springs while we were there. I bet you do get a lot of visitors being in such warm and lovely country.

Michelle - sounds like you are very motivated with the exercise. Good for you..hope you have a good weigh-in. My TOPs weigh-in is tomorrow and after 4 weeks ( including 2 weeks in FL), it will not be pretty. But I'm not giving up!

Bobbi - Thanks for the volumetric advice. I'm going to make that chili today with lots of northern beans for bulk.

Meowee - interesting story about your son. My, we all have such fascinating histories. Yup, I agree that nature and nurture work together and it's hard to give one more credit than the other.

Hi Lynn - hope the condo meeting goes ok tonight. I'm about to start that book and if it really has 50 charactors I may be lost as well.

Glynn - Have fun with your family!

Hi Laurie, Good that you got those business trip plans out of the way. I love going anywhere by train. Way more romantic that flying.

Rosey, Sounds like you're doing ok. What kind of doggie is it? Nice to have those treasures for you memories. Also thanks for sharing your childhood hurts. Big hug for you

Zoe, Hope you are enjoying the long weekend. I intend to relax for the next two days and read read read. Yes, lets take spring/flower avitar photos!

Well, please excuse me if I missed anyone. Spring is coming, you know. We're more than halfway through winter!

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Old 02-17-2008, 01:51 PM   #187  
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Morning everyone.. it finally stopped snowing and now we need to shovel..i should be doing things today like housework but tomorrows another a good procrastinator..Lynn..after my mom passed my sisters and i could not just give her dog away,however i was the only one willing to take him..he's a 6 yr old white shcnauzer named willie..we had to ship him from minnesota and he got here sil picked him up at the airport and my youngest dd will pick him up tomorrow and bring him to sure the dog is very confused about now..he ment the world to my mom so im happy to give him a good home..nothing on my agenda today..i feel like being lazy hope your weekends was great ((hugs))) rosey
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Old 02-17-2008, 02:37 PM   #188  
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Hi y'all....Never shop when you are hungry or curious! Followed Bobbie's advise and bought a bag of what thought was puffed wheat cereal to add fiber to my breakfast. Now don't know what I bought. "Organic Puffed Kamut"......"Kamut is the GreatGrandfather of Grains"....Egyptian wheat kennels which are larger than modern wheat relatives.....OMG! I was copying the label and decided to taste it looked at package and moths were crawling around inside..............Didn't open the bag and am going right back to Publix. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhh!

Bridgit: Loved knowing you were in the perfect red sweater! Best goal not set ever made.

Lyn.....looking at your pictures and you have the lenght legs I have always wanted.Bet you twist them around... me they would have get the jaws of life to untangle me! We are on a canal that has mixture of salt and fresh water from a magna spring. So we have Manatees year round. Visitors love them. But they don't call the seacows for nothing.

Rosey: We are addicted to fuzz face dogs and can't imagine not having one in the house. According to The Dog Whisperer they live in the monment. So he should adept quickly to a new home. Esp since he is house broken. Dash is 2 and has us well trained.

Hope today is not any indication of my week. Gesh thought I was done with groceries. Wavying goodbye....YUCK! karen3
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Old 02-17-2008, 03:20 PM   #189  
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Oh my Karen - that is indeed YUCKY!

Freezing rain here today - really disgusting outside. We had to cancel our Lenten study at church.

I really, really, really am sick of this winter!

I need to get cracking and figure out how I am going to exercise indoors today. I hope you all have a great week!
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Old 02-17-2008, 04:20 PM   #190  
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Hey y'all....I wrote in down 2 weeks ago and just found my note.

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KAREN31! Feb 14th makes her a sweetheart!

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Old 02-17-2008, 04:29 PM   #191  
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Hello Everybody! Karen3 Thanks for the birthday wishes! We were in a blizzard here so we didn't do much but did go on Friday to Texas Roadhouse for dinner! It was good and now that I have splurged long enough I intend to get myself back on track again!

I've been reading all the posts and Lyn I just went and looked at your pictures!! Sure looks like you had a good time! I love looking at vacation pictures like that especially when it is 20 degrees here with horizontal snow!! I know Spring is around the corner but I wish the corner wasn't so BIG!!

Been cleaning and getting the house in "Show & Sell" shape again today. Our realtor is listing it in the paper for the next 3 weeks straight so hoping something good comes from that!

Bobbi---- I love the picture of Charlie!! He is so cute and probably just about as spoiled as Ginger and Sissy!

Well, I know I haven't answered everybody but I just set down with a Diet Zero to take a break and thought that I would check in and see what was going on. I'll try to get back to everyone later this evening, if not there is tomorrow! Have a great day!
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Old 02-17-2008, 06:01 PM   #192  
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Default Happy Sunday!

Hi GG's Everywhere!

The MIA thing wasn't deliberate, as usual been going ninety miles an hour with my hair on fire. Good thing I like that pace.

I've missed enough time that doing personals might not be optimal just this moment but there are some highlights.

Rosey I'm so very sorry to hear of your mother & glad to hear you're taking her pup. She might not be here at this moment but I'm convinced that her love for you is stronger than ever. After thirty years without my mother, I still have her & will see her again soon enough. Thinking of you with a hug.

Have I missed any new posters? If so I'm terribly sorry! Welcome & so glad you're here! Now if I would only participate as well! I've found this is a real group of genuinely terrific women who are concentrated on the positive, something necessary for my life. Someday I hope we can find a way to meet. Wouldn't that be a hoot! (Perhaps at that bellydancing convention I've yet to locate)

Zoe the pics of your home are beautiful. One question. Is that a cymbal on your wall, the upper left of the picture? If so how creative! Now that I've seen pics of your house rest assured I won't be publishing pics of my own anytime soon. The viewer would see wall after wall of whiteboards, shelves of store inventory & the occasional wierd art. Until the children/gchildren move out we're keeping things as simple as possible, like a Motel 6 Bed & Breakfast motif. Seems to be working for us.

Happy belated Birthday Karen! Again, I apologize for not getting to you sooner. Here's hoping that this will be your best year ever! Enough of our thoughts enjoying a moment in our past, time to enjoy now, right now. Glad to hear your realtor is getting more aggressive. You have a beautiful home & the right buyer is on the way. We have to believe this.

Last week my DD came home & gave me & DH each our own Ipod thinghey! (First thought in my mind was she can afford this but not an apartment? Later she confessed that her IRS refund came in & most of it went to savings) What fun I've been having with this thing! Anyone here have any experience with podcasts? I know I must sound like I'm on Star Trek but this is amazing. It gets a little new agey but I'm having a blast!

Here's the deal. We can all go online and download for free podcasts (audio lectures) on just about any subject out there. Of course I headed straight to health & fitness & boy oh boy what fun I've been having. Lottsa good stuff but the bottom line I keep finding is that positive thoughts lead to positive lives & negative thoughts seem to make things worse. Not rocket science but to me it's huge! So... on the count of three.... everyone.... find something about yourselves right now that you think is wonderful, and believe it!

Congratulations on your red sweater victory Birdgit! From the looks of things, you're doing wonderful!

Sandy I agree with Lynn about Curves or any gym. Go talk to them & sleep on it. Frankly after a few years with a well known chain (not curves) I've stopped doing memberships that involved a timed contract & automatic payments from my account. It took us over a year past the contract termination to get ***** to stop taking our money even though the contract was expired & we had moved way out of state! I've heard good things about Curves & didn't we have another thread member that's done Curves? Who was that & where is she?

Looked all over locally for the Gone To Soldiers without success, now turning to Amazon. Thanks Lynn for the heads up to get the characters organized. Until that comes in working on The Secret & Bob Greene's Live Your Best Life & very much enjoying both. Right now trying to focus on rating my hunger on a scale of 0 to 10 before & after each meal. Very surprising. Not as hungry as I thought & I still do a lot of mindless munching. How cool is that to discover this stuff!

Lynn, good luck with that condo meeting. I had a feeling I wouldnt fit in with a homeowner's association & the realtor who helped us find this house thought I had lost my mind when I told her no dice to a HOA. I figured we're way too ecclectic to fit in with that group.

Gayle enjoy your family! Tell us more about Madison. When's the wedding? Nosey people like me want to know! How does DH like living in Texas?

Phyllis your son will love Nashville! Glad to hear of his position there. The housing market is kinder in this area than in some spots & Nashville has a wonderful reputation for being a family oriented city. I have a BIL up there with his family & am planning to take the half marathon foot tour of the city in April. Being around the grandkids will be a joy. I'm looking forward to my kids safely moving out so I can look forward to one full weekend a month with the four grandaughters myself. Right now we're in sensory overload since we all live together in our communistic setup. (I make the grown kids pay rent & their share of expenses)

Still running, still enjoying Zumba (c'mon someone do this Zumba thing with me please!) & I FOUND THE BELLYDANCING DVD!!!! Planning to plug it in! Yes Zoe, you can do this! You're gonna be fabulous!

CountingDown! You'd LOVE Zumba DVD's! Google it & check it out! I tried out a bunch of different ones & I like to think I'm sharpening up my latin dancing skills (just what I need here in the midsouth) & getting more energetic with each workout. Yay! I found a Zumba partner!

Bobbi! So good to see you! Love the pic of Charlie! I declare sometimes the fuzzy family members are so much more fun than the other ones. I love that live in the moment that they do, if only we could master that attitude eh?
Wishing warm pretty weather on you!

Lyn, good to see you & glad you enjoyed that vacation! I've been this height (actually an inch taller) since sixth grade & it wasn't until about ten years ago I made peace with it & started wearing heels & standing up straight. It's really tough on a shy teenager. If only I could hit a replay button & enjoy those years with a better self esteem. I thoroughly understand the height thing.

Okay, gotta run again. Everyone think happy thoughts & consider yourselves hugged!


Last edited by Dulaneycat; 02-17-2008 at 06:02 PM. Reason: Forgot to highlight a name!
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Old 02-17-2008, 06:04 PM   #193  
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A belated Happy Birthday Karen......Sorry I didn't see it. Sounds like you had a nice dinner out....don't you love not cooking!

Again, Happy Birthday.....

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Old 02-17-2008, 06:37 PM   #194  
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Hey...just a ps. When I took the puffed stuff back and told them it was full of bugs the clerk asked me if I wanted another bag of same stuff.......Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....karen3
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Old 02-17-2008, 07:05 PM   #195  
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Happy Birthday, Karen. Guess we needed our reminder lady ("Lynn"), anyway hope it was great!!
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