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Old 02-08-2008, 11:28 PM   #91  
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Default Good evening all!

Hi all, thanks for the congrats -- but I am keeping in mind that it was my first week -- I ran (and I mean ran) to the bathroom quite alot during the last week - the water just ran through me!! I hope I have Countingdown's patience when I slow up (although Counting Down, you have done incredible for only six months - if that's slow, I will be happy to be a turtle too!!)

Ladyinweighting - We live in Mercerville, a suburb of Trenton, so you are not far from me at all. I am excited about the Book Club -- I have read the Kite Runner a few years' back, but I would read it again. But, tonight I put a hold online at my Library for "Gone to Soldiers" by Marge Piercy - I will pick it up tomorrow.

Ellabella -- Looking forward to reading the Marge Piercy book -- thanks for suggesting it. I also love Kohl's -- and have many nice slacks and skirts from there -- although since I have had this last weight gain, all my slacks from there are too tight, so I am anxious to fit back into them again -- they have everything in there!

Sandypickle - I live close to Lynn, just across the river, and yes, our weather this year has been amazing. I think I mentioned earlier that it was almost 70% here the other day -- and most days this winter have been pretty mild. This is usually the snow season here too. And yes, you are right, posting here the last few days has kept me from snacking --

Karen3 - Wow, I thought you were cooking for some kid's game, where you dropped off the food or something, and didn't have to be around it. You did double duty being good -- cooking it the day before and then having to be around it all the next day - not sure if I could pass up deviled eggs and did you say carrot cake???? Kudos to you.

I am still trying to get everyone straight, so I know I am not getting everything -- looking forward to getting to know you all. Have a good night. Michele
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Old 02-09-2008, 09:07 AM   #92  
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Zoe, sorry, no can do on the food porn. I've been behaving (dammit). I indulged in a couple of desserts when my family was visiting, so I'm making up for it now. Having a dinner party next Saturday and plan on eating dessert then. (I'm bad, I'm going to make "good" dinner and "nawty" dessert.)
Oh, wait, I DO have a couple of food porn pictures! Go to the bottom of this album and it's a dessert I had after we went to a parade a couple of weeks ago. It was actually pretty small, but good so I didn't feel terribly guilty afterwards.

Trying to go back and read all posts, but I am so far behind! I can't wait till school is out so I have more time to play.

Got up at four to work so I could play outside in the gardens today. I need to cut back all manner of icky frozen stuff and start pruning my roses. We are going to put in a "square foot" vegetable garden in the back and need to start mapping it all out. It will consist of 4 3x3 squares with paths in between and a big pot of herbs in the middle. Can't wait till it's done!

Last edited by femmecreole; 02-09-2008 at 09:10 AM.
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Old 02-09-2008, 09:49 AM   #93  
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G'morning, all - just a quick stop-by before heading out to do grocery shopping and pick up a chair that I bought at auction last week (trying to attach picture; don't know if it'll work). Then to Home Depot w/DH - he didn't like how the cupboard that we're using for our pots & pans is set up, so he's reconfiguring it using those white-coated metal shelving thingies that we have in our clothes closets. He's handy like that. Since we've been here, he's done some amazing things with storage space. I could practically move into my clothes closet, the way he's got it set up with shelving and hanging space and shoe rack thingies and what-have-you.
ANYWAY, I ate six little Ritz crackers with peanut butter last night. Don't ASK me why. I wasn't feeling tense or stressed, wasn't even particularly hungry, even - just sat at the kitchen table before going to bed and very methodically put little dabs of peanut butter on each cracker and slurped them down with some of my diet Arizona Iced green tea (my new favorite drink). Grrrrrrrrrrrr. No, it's not the end of the world, but my REAL goal has been all along to NOT WANT stuff like that, and I thought I was almost at that point. Ptooey!
Well, I have to say that I am looking forward to reading "Gone to Soldiers" with a group - my guess is that there will be insights that I missed, even with all my reading and re-readings. I'm excited! As for leading the discussion, though, Lynn, unless you just have too many commitments right now to take that on, I'd really rather not. Avid reader that I am, I have never belonged to a book club, and haven't actually discussed what I was reading with anybody much since college, which was back in the dawn of time when books were written on papyrus scrolls. Okay, maybe not THAT long, but I really wouldn't know how to LEAD the discussion. DH and I have talked about various books, yes - even this one, because I had him read it (and he really liked it, too, so it doesn't just appeal to women by any means) but not in a formal discussion group, and I'm afraid I wouldn't do it justice at all. BUT, Lynn, if you lead it - or if someone else does who has had some experience with this sort of undertaking - I promise to listen and learn, and maybe lead the discussion for our next book.
Okay, Karen3, I think maybe the reason YOU were so strong, and didn't give in to the temptation of all that FOOD was because you passed the cravings onto me - thus all those danged peanut butter crackers! (Chocolate would've been better!) Congrats, though. You're definitely a stronger woman than I am! Bridge director on a cruise ship?????? Wowza! Now THAT sounds like fun! And they pay you for it, too, right? I'd go in a New York minute if I knew how to play Bridge!
Darn, Michele, reading your post reminded me that I haven't been drinking enough water this week, and it really is critical to dropping those pounds. So, I'll be running to the bathroom right along with you (well, in spirit, anyway) starting today!
CountingD, using Kohl's as the proverbial carrot to keep yourself on your weight-loss plan is GREAT! It would definitely work for me. I love that store, and the funny thing is that when my daughter goes there, she can never find anything she likes. Picky, picky, eh?
And Birgit, yes, Vera Wang doesn't design for a larger-framed woman, but Kohl's carries quite a few other brands that do - and they have a larger women's departmwent in which an 18 would be one of the smaller-end sizes, and would probably have the length you need as well. Just a thought from "the woman who shops" (my son's nickname for me, which isn't even REALLY true!)
Hi Freda - more nasty weather predicted for us this weekend, too. I'm so sick of it I could scream. What is it with you, Lynn - getting no winter just a few hundred miles south of where I am? Darn it all! Anyway, it snowed - flurries, mostly - all day long in Boston yesterday and the sky remained this soft, billowy-looking gray from dawn until dusk. Ack. My S.A.D. is starting to really kick in. That's probably why I ate those stupid crackers last night!
Hey, MaryLynn, Phyl, Jo-annie , Karen 31 and Meowee-Linda...hope you all have nice, relaxing and trouble-free weekends (must say, Phyl, I'm thinking more and more of you sitting in that lanai room with a pair of shorts on, sipping something cool, and it's starting to make me gnash my teeth and make little whimpering noises. )
Okay, off to my errands,

Okay, I can't attach the chair picture because it's too big and I don't know how to make it smaller. Tsk!
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Old 02-09-2008, 10:05 AM   #94  
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Thanks for the "food porn" Cat....that looked wonderful....I should try things like that more often.

Wow, everyone is posting and that is great....I need to check in more often as it gets hard to keep up. But I have read everyones posts the last few days and a big hello to all.

I cleaned out my bathrm. closet yesterday and I have enough soaps from nice hotels and resorts (the french milled & mango sented types) to last a couple years. What am I saving that for???? A soap party!!! lol I am taking it with me to Ohio and use everyday....

We are just taking things for 6 mths. (which means most of the kitchen things and clothes) as we will be back here for about 6 wks. to make the final move with what little furniture, TV's, etc. that we are renting a truck for later. Lots will have to be sent UPS as the car will be overflowing.

Today I am packing up and cleaning out the guest bath....that shouldn't take most of the day like ours did but I figure it will be done and one job finished and then I'm packing up my china cabinet and giving the cabinet to my son. I hate to let that piece go but I don't need it and it doesn't work for the contempary style of furniture we have in Ohio.

I have been good on my diet except for one night we went out, I had to escape the crazyness here and had a hamburger, fries and 2 glasses of wine...and loved every minute of it!!!

Zoe, if I bellyed dance it would be ALL BELLY!!! You could do it woman...your looking great. Come on down and rent this place but if you came I would want to be here also.

Joanne, take care of yourself. Your Mom sounds like she has a good attitude and that will really help all of you.

Maybe I can join the next book club Lynn, I would love to be in one again but don't have the time as we leave here in 6 weeks! Yikes...

Everyone sounds like they are staying motivated, keep it up. I forgot who lost the 5 lbs. and inches....Congrats

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Old 02-09-2008, 01:09 PM   #95  
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hi you all....Michele how wonderful! Closest I ever saw 1lb=1". hehehehe...gonna take my tapemeasure and buy a 4" roast. Does belly jiggling from giggles count as belly dancing?

The Diet Gods rewarded me for not even tasting that cake. Yup the scale didn't move. Since I came close to burying my face in it that is okay. Will drink my water today and wait for offical day monday.

Cat..don't know what that dessert was, but OMG it looked wonderful. Didn't look at the other pictures 'cause if there was a loaf of pretty bread I'd have lost it.

Lynn....forget to check back in on book club. I read 4-5 books a week and am so addicted that without a book available I go into withdrawl. Shakes, irritablity and restlessness. Last time we were in a motel and spent the night reading yellow pages.

Stay warm,eat wisely and hugs....karen3
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Old 02-09-2008, 01:43 PM   #96  
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Hello Everyone! Well, I am happy to say that I lost the 2 pounds and now I am back down to my ticker weight again! WHEW!! just need to keep it going in the right direction now!

Zoe, Glad to hear that you are doing good. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who is fighting snow and winds!! But I remember when I lived back there in Peabody that there was plenty of snow and wind there too! I do have more pictures of Ginger & Sissy and when I tried to add them they said I had exceeded my limit for attachments! So I guess I need to go back through all my posts and see what attachments that I can delete. But if anybody wants to I have lots of pictures and some videos of Ginger and Sissy on myspace. Plus I have more pictures of family there too. If you would like to go there to see them PM me and I will send you the address for myspace.

Phyliis, I am so jealous that you are going to be moving! I am so anxious to go. I think if the house hasn't sold by the first part of May that I may just go back and spend some time with my family anyway. Dad is 88 and I don't want to miss out on some of the great times that can be had right now.

Karen3--- I would never have been able to make all that "Stuff" and stayed sane!! Tim keeps wanting some homemade cookies and I am still putting that off! Although, I can eat a couple when they are warm out of the oven and then I can really pretty much leave them alone. MOST OF THE TIME!!

Well, I'm going to get some more stuff done around here today... Some people said they were going to come down from Denver to look at the 5th wheel and I also need to get some housework done. Maybe I shouldn't--- that would be a sure way to have all kinds of people wanting to see the house!!!!

Take care everyone and I'll check back later.
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Old 02-09-2008, 04:42 PM   #97  
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Hi Everyone,
Just a brief check-in cuz I don't have much time. I did read everyone's posts though, and am happy to see that everyone appears to be doing reasonably well.

Even you, Zoe - 6 Ritz's with PB is not outrageous. Yes, true - you weren't even hungry and what the heck were you eating it for... but still, could have been far worse. Lesson learned, right? And thanks for the tip on Kohls. Maybe I need to give the store another look-see. I'm just pretty well geared to shopping online because I just never expect stores to have clothes in my size. But maybe I need to have another look.

I'm doing well, here. My Honey and I just got back from running a bunch of errands. Including spending the $50 which my Mom sent me for my birthday. I spent it on a breadmachine I used to have one a while ago, and then it gave up the ghost. I'm happy I finally replaced and as I'm sitting here typing, "Gwendolyn" is busy baking our bread for our dinner tonight. Don't you just love it?

Gotta run, kids. Need to do laundry and other fun stuff...
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Old 02-09-2008, 05:08 PM   #98  
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Hi Birgit!! Just had to laugh when I read your post--- "Gertrude" just finished making bread here!! I love the breadmaker!! I am now on my second bread pan with this machine and have worn a hole in the "On/Off" cover!! Need to get going again. Just set down for a minute to look at a house on the internet that my cousin just bought in MO. Now it is my turn!! Take care
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Old 02-09-2008, 06:14 PM   #99  
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Hi Everyone,

Started day with the gym - then PT - then met my DF for lunch - then off to a museum in Doylestown. By the time I got home, my shoulder was aching. Took a nap & just got over here.

Tomorrow I plan to finish my students' papers & then will have time to spend here.

Check back then,

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Old 02-09-2008, 06:15 PM   #100  
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Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
Well, I have to say that I am looking forward to reading "Gone to Soldiers" with a group - my guess is that there will be insights that I missed, even with all my reading and re-readings. I'm excited! As for leading the discussion, though, Lynn, unless you just have too many commitments right now to take that on, I'd really rather not. Avid reader that I am, I have never belonged to a book club, and haven't actually discussed what I was reading with anybody much since college, which was back in the dawn of time when books were written on papyrus scrolls. Okay, maybe not THAT long, but I really wouldn't know how to LEAD the discussion. DH and I have talked about various books, yes - even this one, because I had him read it (and he really liked it, too, so it doesn't just appeal to women by any means) but not in a formal discussion group, and I'm afraid I wouldn't do it justice at all. BUT, Lynn, if you lead it - or if someone else does who has had some experience with this sort of undertaking - I promise to listen and learn, and maybe lead the discussion for our next book.

That's fine, Zoe. I'll take the lead on this one. I just ordered it online yesterday. It was available for $1.99. The shipping was more expensive than the book!


Last edited by ladyinweighting; 02-09-2008 at 06:16 PM.
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Old 02-09-2008, 08:03 PM   #101  
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Default Picked up book today

At the library -- will start reading tomorrow -- looks very interesting! This is my first time in a book club too - I am looking forward to it. Michele
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Old 02-09-2008, 09:22 PM   #102  
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Karen3 - glad you got through the game successfully! I'm still in awe that you stayed OP through all of it!

Michele - thank you for your kind words. I know it really hasn't been that slow, it just seems like it. I'm getting antsy to buy some new clothes. Patience IS a virtue!

Cat - we have had square foot gardens for many years. I really enjoy them. Now we grow mostly flowers with very few veggies. My work schedule and dwindling family size has changed our growing patterns the last few years.

Zoe - I wouldn't fret much about 6 crackers and pb. Maybe you needed some protein? That was a pretty nutritious snack.
Sometimes I find myself in the kitchen making a snack and then "snap out of it" - what WAS I doing? Usually i am bored or in need of something - often it is fluid. I have really tried to drink before I reach for food. Often I am just thirsty.

Phyllis - your post made me laugh! We have a whole drawer full of soaps and shampoos from our traveling. While I love having a few around - particularly with the new airline rules, I can't imagine what prompts me to continue bringing them home from every hotel stay. I should donate them to the scouts or some organization that takes kids camping or traveling. It sounds like you have a good plan for using yours

Karen31 - way to go on the 2 lb. loss! Got my that you were successful in selling the 5th wheel!

Birgit - enjoy that bread machine! I just finished making a loaf in mine. We make our own soy milk and the "soy sludge" (okara) makes a wonderful high-protein bread. I just LOVE the smell of bread baking. (insert litany of food porn here)

Lynn - hope your shoulder is getting better! Way to go getting to the gym and then PT - you are doing GREAT this month!

Good day for me - my weigh-in had me down 2 lbs. for the week. I got laundry, bills and cleaning done today. Bread is made for the week. I'm hoping to do some cooking tomorrow so that we have lunches prepared ahead. It really helps me stay OP if I can cook on the weekends.

Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend!
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Old 02-09-2008, 09:47 PM   #103  
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Default Good evening all!

Between reading the posts here, keeping up a journal on the blogs, and loggin in and calculating calories on another site each day, I have no excuse for going drastically off my goals -- I am really keeping busy - I just hope I will keep this up!

Except for the 26 Reduced Fat Kettle Chips that I had after dinner (that I bought for my DH today ), I am still doing okay.

Lynn - I have the book "Gone to Soldiers" from Library and plan on starting it tomorrow -- what museum is in Doylestown? DH and I were planning on taking train to Phila. tomorrow for a museum tour, but decided to postpone until next Sunday (I want to start book!)

Karen3 - you are a funny lady! I wish giggles counted as belly dancing, I would have some body! This is the first time I have ever taken measurements, I am even charting it this time, I am hoping it will keep motivating me to continue on when the weight loss inevitably will slow up.

Femmecreole, Cat, your garden sounds great! I used to have a small one when I first retired, it was fun, but alot of work -- then, I went back to work (and the man next door, who has a beautiful and very large garden each year, kept on telling me how I should be doing things). There went my garden. The dogs in the pictures were precious! What was that dessert? Looks wonderful.

Zoe, the books really looks interesting, very meaty, and lots of characters!! Can't wait to get started tomorrow.

Karen31 - congrats on the 2lbs!

Phyllis - Clearing out a house is so much work!! It's amazing how much stuff we save. Please be careful - this past November, I tore ligaments and muscles in my back while moving a box of dishes with my husband to one of those Rat-Pack storage units. It took me two months to begin to feel better.

Hope everyone has a good evening -- I will check in tomorrow. Michele
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Old 02-09-2008, 09:54 PM   #104  
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Default Two more things!

Laurie, I was typing when you posted, congrats on the 2 lbs. - you are almost there!!

Birgit and Karen 31 - who are Gwendolyn and Gertrude? Your DH's?

Goodnight again everyone, Michele
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Old 02-09-2008, 10:26 PM   #105  
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Hi everyone-- Thanks for the congrats on the 2 pounds lost this week. Now I just have to keep it up!

Michele-- my "Gertrude" is my bread machine! Love being able to mix it up and then just turn it on and enjoy the smell of fresh bread baking.

Just a quick update on the 5th wheel---- so far no one has shown up or called! Still have my fingers crossed for tomorrow.

HAve a great night everyone!!
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