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Old 01-05-2010, 08:03 PM   #46  
Write It Before I Bite It
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Originally Posted by MelO View Post
MotherMe, have you ever tried rebounding? It is a killer workout. All you need is one of those mini trampolines. I just recently started reading about it. It strengthens your knees too for any of you who have knee issues.
I've never even heard of rebounding, but will check it out. I do some yoga with a DVD but it's not very cardio/aerobic. This darn winter will end eventually and I can get back outside (or take up snowshoeing!), but it sure would be nice to have something to do indoors for the next 8-12 weeks.

Mostly OT but it sounds like there are a few of us who homeschool. I've got two girls, 4 and almost-6. We've just started homeschooling but are having a lot of fun with it so far.
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Old 01-05-2010, 10:12 PM   #47  
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((((Nuunikki9)))) Chin up dear!!! Those teens years suck. I remember giving my momma heck. We were just talking about the stuff me and my sis did. OMG! I will beat my DD if she acts like me or does anything I did. She is only 11 and I am already experiencing the preteen mouth.
Have you had a sit down with your hubby? Men defintely do not get it. Mine still eats stuff in front me. I just tell myself " Is it worth it, Will I be happy on weigh in day if I eat that" And most of the time I can get by with not eating it. Chips and ice cream is the worst for me because I love both. Perhaps if you tell him how unhappy you are and how much you want to lose weight he will support you. Maybe he is just insecure about your losing weight. My DH once said to me that if I got skinny I would find another man, which of course isn't true. LOL I told him it took me 15 years to train him. I don't want to have to start over.

Welcome newbies! Great place to hang around!!!

Night all, see you tomorrow.
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Old 01-06-2010, 08:49 AM   #48  
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Originally Posted by MelO View Post
AFChick, you remind me so much of myself. I read your bio a couple days ago and kept thinking, “Hey! That’s just like me!”
One more thing we're alike...I grew up in SoCal too...Palm Springs area, did undergrad at Cal Poly SLO...haven't lived there since joining the AF though...I miss the warm weather!

Half marathon is an awesome goal too. I ran 2 of them while I was doing my PhD in Ohio. (One as a run/walk, one running the whole thing. Amazingly, I got almost the same time.... ) I was too heavy though when I did them though and it was really rough on my knees. I remember them just throbbing for about 6 miles. I want to be smart this time....
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Old 01-06-2010, 09:54 AM   #49  
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KathyinAL --

2 big retrievers (mine) 1 min pin (roommate's). All are a never-ending source of entertainment, particularly Eleanore the young retriever (1 yr on the 24th), and Fisher the min pin. Fisher knows what he likes: 20 degrees is -not- it. He spent all of yesterday burrowed into his human's bed, occasionally sticking a nose out, or an ear tip.

Eleanore and Halifax (the older retriever, who also has Car Issues: he once ran into an Altima. Not got run into, but ran into on his own -- he's special that way) pitched a fit when we headed out for the walk: not revelling in the idea of going on a Pull instead of a Walk, they got dumped back inside and I went on my own. Didn't make it very far.

OTOH -- stayed Under Calorie Allotment!

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Old 01-06-2010, 10:29 AM   #50  
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Oh boy, it's one of those days! I woke up a little late this morning and forgot my food for the day. Which means I will probably eat out for lunch so I need to make a very healthy decision. We keep Special K protein bars in stock here in our office, so I had one for breakfast!

I didn't work out yesterday which bummed me out a little, but I was so tired after we got home from my daughter's swim lesson that we were all passed out by 8:30 pm. That's a first! I did eat healthy though and stayed within my calorie allotment which is good!

Today, I plan to drink more water than I have been lately (I've been really bad) and am going to go on a jog with my dog this evening after my daughter goes to bed!

How is everyone else doing today?
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:49 AM   #51  
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Pretty good yesterday. I stayed within my calories (even after having about 10 M&M's with my kids). I also braved the freezing temp (sub-40 is "freezing" in AL...) to walk 3 miles at lunch then went to mandatory PT at 1530. We did calisthenics for a while (that sucked) and then I got to run for about 20 minutes...did speed intervals on a treadmill.

I'm on track so far this morning. About to eat my celery and laughing cow cheese for snack and then brave the cold again for my walk. I'm not sure of the temp now, but it was 20F at 0730. With the breeze, that equates to "dang cold" in my book...

Last edited by AFChick; 01-06-2010 at 10:50 AM.
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Old 01-06-2010, 11:08 AM   #52  
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AFChick: Good for you! I know what you mean about sub-40 temps being "freezing" LOL I'm in Texas and it's the same here! Geez, it shouldn't be this cold in the south =)
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Old 01-06-2010, 11:13 AM   #53  
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I'm in texas too, and this cold is horrible; I can't remember such a long stretch in the decade I've been here. I almost didnt' want to drag myself out of bed to go to the pool today...but I did
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Old 01-06-2010, 11:14 AM   #54  
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Everything has been going really well for me. I've been having fun trying new foods and seeing what I like. I made a pasta dish last night that was super healthy. I sauteed some turkey sausage with onion, yellow sweet peppers, and garlic. Then added tomatoes and spinach. I found some whole wheat fettucini noodles and tossed all together. By the time I added all of the veggies, most of the bulk was taken up. Compared to a lb of ground beef, sugary prepared spaghetti sauce and white pasta, it was a HUGE improvement. Taste-wise, too!

After letting that settle for a bit, I rode my exercise bike for an hour watching NCIS. The time flew by.

I have been noticing that since I started exercising, I am zonked with a capital Z at bedtime. I sleep so much better too. No more staying up until 1am. Anyone else notice that?

I am VERY jealous of your warm weather Mollz! Forgive me for my ignorance, but does your town get cold in the winter or are you one of those lucky ducks that lives in a year-round temparate climate? Making a mental note on whether we can return the favor in July? LOL! Just teasing - enjoy that gorgeous weather!

Have a great day ladies!
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Old 01-06-2010, 11:24 AM   #55  
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Hello everyone.. Sorry for not seeing this earlier..

My bf and I had steamed crab and baked potatoes for our New Years meal. It was wonderful... Had to work to eat. lol... I stayed up till midnight but my bf fell asleep around 10ish... My parents are in florida and called at 11 to wish happy new year. I thought that was cool.. So my new years eve was uneventful.. We still have the champane from last year in the frid. Does that go bad???

We had our last xmas party with his family on the 2nd and after I put the pictures taken on the computer I vowed to get back on track and lose the weight. My picture with my bf was horrorifying... I looked terrible...

I am take the Jillian Michaels from Biggest loser supplements and fat burners and they seem to be working. I did weigh myself after a day of using the stuff and lost 1.4 pounds. Now I am sure it was water but at least it was soemthing. My weigh ins are usually on saturday mornings. So we will see this saturday how well it does actually works.

I also am up to 50 minutes a day on my thred mill. I have been on it for the past 3 weeks. I am working on doing it an hour a day. I take sundays off though. Right now I am unemployed so it works out pretty good in the mornings when I get up to do that. Starting next week i will be at 60 minutes a day. And I am trying to stay on a 1500 calorie intake too. We will see..

Keep it going everyone and lets make 2010 a year of losses.....
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:24 PM   #56  
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Shea5: I know! Usually, the weather here in TX changes every couple of days! I can't believe it either!

BeachBreeze: Your dinner last nite sounds awesome!! I wish I had more time to cook, but with working full time and going to school it's hard for me. I do A LOT of lean cuisine meals for myself. Although, I did just find a weight watchers crockpot recipe document that someone from 3FC sent to me a while back. I may have to try that.

Flyingwasp: Good for you! That's awesome about your treadmill workouts! I really need to make better use of mine! Uggh, we bought it last year in January and we've used it a handful of times! You are doing much better than me!

On another note, it turned out I had a spare lean cuisine here in the freezer at work, so I don't have to worry about going out to find a healthy lunch. I'm also going to the grocery store this evening and will load up on healthy foods!
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:32 PM   #57  
This means war...
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Hey all, I'm a returning member but havn't been here much since November due to just not wanting to deal with dieting and thinking about food and calories and working out. but, I'm back now, a little more motivated and feeling the need to come on line for support and laughs.

Last night a did some minor grocery shopping. I'm pretty broke right now, as I'm trying to keep my house out of foreclosure. I've been cooking on the cheap, which is usually NOT healthy since veggies are really ridiculously expensive in bush Alaska. Last night I made a cassarole of sorts, a layer of rice, a layer of ground beef, a layer of canned diced tomatos and a layer of canned corn. super cheap, made two pans and froze one, dinner for a week for under $20.00. Of course...ew...I hate it but my son loves it. Next weeks dinner is going to be a lot of spaghetti and sauce from jars because ragu was on sale 2 for $6.00. If that price made you **** your pants, well, that was cheap for us considering the other jars of sauce where over $5 each. Trying to diet on a budget sucks. I have one tomato, once head of lettuce and one onion in the fridge at home...we may have scurvy by the time I finally save the house and have spare money for real food.
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Old 01-06-2010, 02:34 PM   #58  
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Originally Posted by BeachBreeze2010 View Post
Everything has been going really well for me. I've been having fun trying new foods and seeing what I like. I made a pasta dish last night that was super healthy. I sauteed some turkey sausage with onion, yellow sweet peppers, and garlic. Then added tomatoes and spinach. I found some whole wheat fettucini noodles and tossed all together. By the time I added all of the veggies, most of the bulk was taken up. Compared to a lb of ground beef, sugary prepared spaghetti sauce and white pasta, it was a HUGE improvement. Taste-wise, too!
Sounds really nice. I haven't bought pasta-sauce in years- I've been making stuff out of a cookbook and occasionally experimenting (when I deign to eat pasta- it always makes me gain weight the next day!). Yours sounds really nice, though no turkey sausage here. I'll make it with some topside mince (which is pretty much fat-free). The serving sizes are so small!

Originally Posted by BeachBreeze2010 View Post
After letting that settle for a bit, I rode my exercise bike for an hour watching NCIS. The time flew by.
I bet it did . Gibbs is hawt with a capital HAWT. I can sit for an hour drooling over him.

Originally Posted by BeachBreeze2010 View Post
I am VERY jealous of your warm weather Mollz! Forgive me for my ignorance, but does your town get cold in the winter or are you one of those lucky ducks that lives in a year-round temparate climate? Making a mental note on whether we can return the favor in July? LOL! Just teasing - enjoy that gorgeous weather!
Actually, yes, it does get cold. Around July, we start getting daily frosts (-3C or so), but it warms up to about 15C (er...60 degrees-ish) in the afternoon. We get the weather coming off the mountain (well, volcano, really) about 3 hours south of us. But since the weather is so nice, I figure I'd just make you jealous.
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Old 01-06-2010, 02:41 PM   #59  
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Welcome back Mango30!
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Old 01-06-2010, 02:55 PM   #60  
On my way to a size 10!
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Oh my what a busy day I had yesterday. Went to the back doctor & got "released" but only for the treadmill & eliptical. No weights just yet.
Went to my resale/consignment shop & dropped off stuff...only made $10 last month. It pays for my weeks worth of lunch = good enough for me.
Then off to the college to get set up. Ran to the admissions office, then to the counselors office, then to the business office, back to admissions, over to the counselors only to have an IT issue with my online login. I'm set up, but the system still doesn't reflect everything I had accomplished yesterday. Gotta give it one more day.
Then to the dentist for my perm. crown...which is now bothering me when I eat.
I was exhausted when I got home...but couldn't sleep. Go figure.
Today = woke up a little late. Got everyone off to school on time and I made it to work on time (which isn't normal for me). Busy morning, but I managed to stick to my "meal plan" for the day (so far).
I was shockingly surprised yesterday that my efforts to obtain a certificate of completion would end up helping me with obtaining an AAS in Accouting & possibly a few other Associate degrees due to all the classes I took previously. Whoo hoo. I can "test out" of a few and in 4 semesters I should have 2 new degrees! whoot!

*This Texas weather is the pits. My toes are freezing!!!*
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