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Old 01-04-2010, 09:12 AM   #16  
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good morning everyone! we spent new year's at a friends house and I ate way too much. I was up 2.2 lbs the next day, I am back down 1.4 lbs but am really going to get serious now!!

I hope you all have a great week!
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Old 01-04-2010, 03:20 PM   #17  
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Hi everyone, I would love to join in on the 30-somethings group. This is my second go around on 3FC. I lost the weight before and I know I can do it again.

For New Year's we went to see Sherlock Holmes, we were kiddo free so it was just nice to come home late and go to bed
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Old 01-04-2010, 04:05 PM   #18  
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Dollypie: Welcome back!

Has everyone recovered from NYE's? My kid's go back to school tomorrow, so that will bring things somewhat back to normal.

After a 2 day break from exercise, I got back on the treadmill today. I was able to take my "long run pace" from 5 mph to 5.5 mph on NYE to 5.6 mph today. My long run pace is the one I can run consistently for 30 minutes without a break. I'm trying to get it over 6 mph. Once I get there, I'm going to try to add time and run at the fast pace for longer than 30 minutes. The eventual goal is to run another marathon with a decent time, but I would like to be near my goal weight before I seriously marathon train because it is so hard on my knees and ankles if I do significant mileage when I'm too heavy. Anyway, done rambling now...

Anyone else interested in a marathon as a goal?
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Old 01-04-2010, 05:00 PM   #19  
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Marathon?! You've got to be kidding! For me that isn't gonna happen yet. I am sure you will be able to conquer it!

I do want to walk the 5K Komen Race in May. Last year I walked most of it and jogged some. I hurt my ankle and gained 20lbs this late summer/fall as I sat and felt sorry for myself because I wasn't exercising. I bought an exercise bike that I can ride that doesn't bother my ankle. My goal is to get enough weight off of my ankle by May that I can walk a 5K without worrying about flaring it up again. Then, next year I will train for that marathon with you! :-)
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Old 01-04-2010, 05:13 PM   #20  
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Hello all... real quick note before I run to my WW meeting. I have stayed on track this week. One minor slip up but I counted my points and lessoned learned. I ate all of my points for breakfast at Cracker Barrel! I did have points from my weeklies leftover so no biggie but I don't like doing that and don't plan to make a habit out of it.

School/work starts back tomorrow but we have a little bit of snow left so it's already on a 2 hour delay That means I get to sleep in one more day!! yeah!!!

Gotta run.. I'll be back later to post my weight for the BL.
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Old 01-04-2010, 05:33 PM   #21  
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Default Not to whine but... it's cold!

I'm so envious of those of you who can either get outside to walk/run or have access to a treadmill. It's about 10 degrees outside right now and we have something between 6-8" of snow on the ground. I have been doing very well with watching what I eat and not snacking, but the exercise part of my plan is just NOT happening. All I want to do is crawl under the covers, hibernate and drink hot tea!
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Old 01-04-2010, 07:36 PM   #22  
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AFChick - yes, yes, yes - Marathon here we come! I've run a few 5k's and one Half Marathon and I'm gonna do it again. I'm with you though - I've decided I have to be at 175 to start training - TOO hard on my back.

Did you know that for every 10lbs of weight, you putt 100lbs of pressure on your back!? Yikes.

Squeak - good job moving on from Cracker Barrel. I'm sure you'll see a nice number tonight.

MotherMe - I'm with's subzero here and we've had BUCKETS of snow.

Well today we started back to school. The kids were very excited to trade History for Science this semester. My son (6th grade) is so bored with the math book. I have the 7th grade stuff - I told him I would look over it after the semester break. He got an A last quarter.

My daughter (2nd grade) really enjoyed our Science unit on plants. It's going to be a fun one.

Well, it's after supper and I've used 1745cals of my 1800 allotment. Should hop on the treadmill, but to tired. Hope baby boy sleeps better tonight.

Hooray for Tuesdays!! My DH is home and helps me herd and direct the circus here.
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Old 01-04-2010, 08:04 PM   #23  
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Ok so drumroll please........

I lost 4 lbs this week... woot woot
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Old 01-04-2010, 10:09 PM   #24  
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Originally Posted by squeak351 View Post
I lost 4 lbs this week... woot woot
Congrats! WTG!
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Old 01-05-2010, 08:18 AM   #25  
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Originally Posted by squeak351 View Post
Ok so drumroll please........

I lost 4 lbs this week... woot woot
That's fantastic!! GO GIRL!!
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Old 01-05-2010, 08:53 AM   #26  
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Default marathons

AFChick -- I've also got my eyes on a marathon -- maybe later this year or early next? Assuming no injuries, I'm pretty firm on doing the 1/2 Maine Marathon in Oct. I actually trained for a marathon about 5 years ago, but ended up having to stop my training because of IT band syndrome. So I went to the race anyway (San Diego), and walked/ran the whole thing. I was supposed to only do a bit, but ended up finishing. 8 hours and 15 minutes later. So needless to say, I'm pretty sure I can "shave" some time off

We run about the same pace, too. 5.5 is "fast" for me, but I'm pleased to report that as the weight is coming off I'm finding it easier to run faster. I'm also OK with being a slug -- I think there is something to having your own pace that's comfortable.

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Old 01-05-2010, 09:18 AM   #27  
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Squeak!!! WAY TO GO!!!

I was down from Thursday (NYE) by .6, but still above 221, so I'm calling it 221 and not starting with 10ths yet.

Yesterday, on plan, despite serious psych freak outs and insufficient work done, but yay, got work data!!

The cold down here is freaking everyone out -- being a Yankee transplant, I'm actually enjoying the chance to wear my warm sweaters and long johns. The dogs are enjoying having full body fur coats; the cats have all invaded the roommate's room and are intimidating the 10 lb miniature pinscher. It's ridiculously cute. The room has 2 exterior walls, but they're rock, which lets me, professional energy geek, get some interesting data.

It's astonishing: the front 1/2 of the house (stone construction) is much, much warmer than the back half (wood) is. That rock really absorbs and holds heat!

Today's plan: stay on plan for food (so far, so good), go for a dog walk (we'll see how they like that!) and get the data analysis done. Also, cancel dentist, because we're going to be down one car, and I'm not going to be able to get there from here.

Good luck everyone!

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Old 01-05-2010, 09:19 AM   #28  
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Squeak351: Congrats!!! That's AWESOME!

MotherMe & MortonPixie: I don't envy you two at all! I'm in TX and it's in the 30's right now with the highs in the 50's and I'm freezing my bum off! Yikes. Good luck with keeping up the exercise.

AFChick: Good luck with your marathon training. I may consider doing a marathon at the beginning of 2011 - the Houston marathon. I used to run quite a bit before I had my daughter. I was actually training for a 1/2 marathon when I found out I was PG - I ended up with a stress fracture in my foot, so had to stop - good luck!

I started doing the 30ds shred last night, then my DVD started skipping. uggh. it's all scratched up b/c my daughter was playing with it. I got other exercise in though by cleaning the house and getting boxes ready for a garage sale my sis and i are having in a couple of weeks...that was a lot of work!

Last edited by sockmonkey; 01-05-2010 at 09:21 AM.
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Old 01-05-2010, 10:08 AM   #29  
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Mortonpixie- we're doing 10 weeks of botany at the end of the school year! We're going to use Green Thumbs as our spine and lots and lots and lots of library books. I can't wait.

Squeak- way to go!!!!!!!!! I hope we can both lose lots this coming week and kick some booty in the BL competition.

We live in AL (obviously) and it's freezing here! I wanted to add a nature study to our schooling but I think I'll wait a few weeks til it warms up.

Shrewkate- how many doggies do you have? We have husband just ran over one dogs paw with his car. Poor old dog has stitches now. Thank God she has no broken bones or serious injuries. Our dogs are a 10 year old dacshund/shi tzu mix and a 8 month old chihuaha/pug mix (he's a naughty little boy most of the time, lol)
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Old 01-05-2010, 10:10 AM   #30  
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Morning all!

School was cancelled today because of the weather. So no work today
DH was happy because I fried a whole pack of bacon, and made scrambled eggs and bacon sandwiches. I only ate 1 pc of bacon on my sandwich and didn't do the eat as I fry thing that I normally do. I am gonna sit around and do nothing because the house is already clean and nothing left to do. Then go over to my mom's after lunch and scrapbook. A fun day for me.

Ya'll take care and stay on track.
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