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Old 01-21-2008, 07:13 AM   #1  
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Default 30 Somethings Daily Chat Monday, January 21

Good morning! We are up bright and early here...watching The Wiggles with DS.

DH has today off, so I am hoping that we can run out to do something fun now that the weather is above 0 degrees and the football games are over. I am hoping to get some sort of workout in, too.

My parents left before we went to church yesterday, so we were able to nap, watch football, etc.

I have been using FitDay to track my eating and it doesn't look like I am getting enough protein. Any suggestions on what else I can eat? The nuts are getting me into the area of too much fat!!

I hope that everyone has a great day...more later. Dawn
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Old 01-21-2008, 08:09 AM   #2  
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good morning i am so glad it is Monday kids back in school and DH back to work!!! i mean i love and miss them but wow it is so nice to have some time to myself. i have started using my eliptical i have made it up to a 15 workout. it is a lot harder then i ever thought it would be. now all i need to is get my eating back on track some. hope everyone has a great day
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Old 01-21-2008, 08:40 AM   #3  
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morning all...just checking in. I was actually at an 8am lecture...but it became snoozville so i exited stage left. Overall most of my lectures have been great...this was the first boring one. I knew i took a chance due to the title...the title was "the human-animal" bond..i knew either the speaker would be awesome or it would be a i took a chance...boy was it a snooozer. The rest of the lectures so far have that i've gone to have been great. Learned alot about rabbies and rodents (yes that right mice and rats) yesterday...lizards and dragons (not the puff the majic kind LOL) on monday...and today i'm sticking with the cats/ some geratric cats and pain management lectures this am and then i might go to a lecture on animal hording in the afternoon...haven't decide yet. Its been fun...a bit cool in Florida...but thats ok...i've seen a few of my old classmates and ran into a few techs that i worked with in i'm enjoying the conference...this conference is always pretty good. I'm having fun.

sorry i really haven't had time to answer all individaully..i did see that it was alicia's happy bday..hope everyone is doing well...i'll try to check back later.

Take care all!!!!!
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Old 01-21-2008, 09:11 AM   #4  
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Morning Everyone,
It is start of another week! I hope you all have a great week of staying on plan and working out. I do have today off and plan on being lazy again today. I think I will get my workout in, get ready for the day, maybe finish a book and do a little paperwork on my Alternate Assessments for my 9 kids. But I will have to fight with the stepkids to get on the computer. LOL Might have to think about a gettting a second computer for the house. Or getting a timer and a wipe-off board.
GG glad you are enjoying your confernence. Thanks for popping in and chatting with us. How long is your confernence?
Dawn, hope you enjoy your day with your dh and son. What do you think you are going to do? As for the protein, have you tried eating egg whites, beef, chicken and fish. Hope that helps some.
Milleradah, congrats on the 15 minute ellipicatal workout. What is your goal minutes that you want to be on the ellipiciatal? When I would go to the Y, I worked up to 30 minutes. Boy can you feel it. What a great workout! Enjoy your day of peace and quiet. I wish we had peace and quiet at our house today. The stepkids are here well their mom is at work. They are very hyper and ramboious becasue of it being so cold and windy that they can't play outside. Can't wait for spring! LOL
Hi to everyone else. Hope you all have a great day! I will try and come back on here and check in with everyone later. But have to fight for my turn on the computer.
Chat with you all later.
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Old 01-21-2008, 09:26 AM   #5  
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Holli...chin up, girl!! Today is a new day, hope you have abetter outlook. I know it can be frustrating, esp. waiting for TOM...((hugs))

Kerry...we have the timer thing going for our computer. The kids have an old one in the basement, but we don't want to hook it up to the net (dangerous, IMO) so we always fight over who gets the "good" one. Hope you enjoy your day off. So far, so good on this end (meaning no fights) but it's early yet!! nice to hear you are enjoying your conference. I thought it was just for the long is it actually?? are in school?? I thought EVERY school had off today!! You are lucky! Good job on the workout, I know ellipticals are tough!! WTG!!

Dawn..Hope you enjoy the day & get your workout in. How was your visit with the Ps??

Well, I'm beat today. Cadence has a cold (thought it was allergies...WRONG!!) so she ws up all night crying because she couldn't breathe. Brought her down on the couch at about 1am so DH could sleep...anyway, hopefully I'll get my workout in today!!! Other than that, I think I'll just clean & do laundry (my usual Monday) and putz around with the kiddos. DH is going to some music studio to get some of his songs "remastered" so he won't be home for dinner. THinking of taking the kids somewhere to eat tonight. I'm actually using it as a bribe for good behavior...I must be making my kids sound really bad. They're actually very good kids, just get on each others nerves a lot and bicker/fight quite often. It's annoying.

well, I better get y day started. It's 9:30 and I still haven't showered yet. Talk later!!

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Old 01-21-2008, 09:41 AM   #6  
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kerry, i would like to get up to a least 30 min but that might take a bit!!!

pam they should be but we had 2 snow days and three days out because we just went threw a bad flood. we got lucky did not lose anything but many many people in our town that did it has been very sad!!!
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Old 01-21-2008, 09:42 AM   #7  
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Good Morning everybody,
My weekend was soooooo out of control, good times, bad times, its over now so I can breathe again. I resisted the cake unil everyone went to bed then I could no longer avoid being seduced. It was almost, yes, almost, better than sex. I was very, very bad though, when I lose control, let me tell you its scarier than Friday the 13th. Had my DH been awake and heard my moans of pure pleasure I'm sure he would have come downstairs with a gun. I hate myself sometimes, but then I get over it. We went to the jail last night and the service was AWESOME!!! Those women so need to know that they are not alone in this world, as much as we struggle with issues with our kids and spouses I can only imagine how bad it is when you're locked up and have no idea where they are and can't speak to them. It is as much a blessing to us to go in there as I think it is for them when we come.

Beachmomma, I use Honeysuckle White turkey products mostly and thats in the Turkey section at the super Walmart. The links are excellent!

Jasmine, I used to eat the veggie sausage but I love, love, love the turkey.

Diana, my oldest got set on fire almost two years ago by his brother and a couple of friends, they were making home wrestling videos, after we had told them no more wresting crap. They were outside at the barn and poured lighter fluid on him because his shirt wasn't lighting and he had a water wicking shirt on under a t-shirt, so you can imagine what happened. The bottom shirt soaked up the fluid and when they lit him it went up in flames while the outside shirt held it near his skin. Thankfully the pond was nearby and after 30 seconds or so they threw him in cause he was so freaked out he couldn't think straight. They tried to tell me he was burning trash and his shirt caught on fire, but I had a feeling something wasn't quite right. They had it all on tape too but erased it while I was gone to the emergency room with Josh. They told him he was very lucky he didn't pull his shirt off over his head or he would have inhaled the vapors and burnt his lungs, he has some scarring still on his chest and belly but other than that the only lasting effect is the healthy fear of fire. Kids, can't kill em' so what are ya gonna do?

Chela, I keep nothing around but juice and milk, I allow myself one cup of coffee or green tea in the morning then I have no choice but to drink water.

Lauren, hope your mom is doing better, you need to take a day to relax once you get her home and just CHILL. I'm sorry I didn't give you my miles yet, I only had 8.5 last week, I told you I was off track. I saw that you didn't have any down for me last week, I think I had 12. Are we going to a different schedule, Sun-Sat?

Txangel, I like the Turkey Italian sausage cut up and cooked with green and red bell pepprs and onions, YUM! I'll post my pumpkin muffin recipe later if you like, my family loves them and they know they pretty healthy, Strange.

Delta, I keep EAS AdvantEdge Shakes, they're high in protein and low on the carbs and fat. I also keep protein powder on hand that I put in SF pudding, for my dessert. Easy way to get in some extra protein.

Rooster, where are you? Are you feeling better?

Try to check in later, got lots of housework to do and need to get my workout in, not looking forward to tomorrows weigh in after last weeks chaos. I'm a stress eater, too much stress last week. Got to keep focus.
Have a great day! Trish
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Old 01-21-2008, 10:08 AM   #8  
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Ugh. I spent the night and the morning in the ER with Kegan because he has an ear infection. He's on antibiotics because the infection was so bad and he seems to be much better right now. I pulled a muscle in my neck and shoulder trying to help the doctor examine him. (He was in so much pain he was vomiting and practically convulsing, he woke up from a dead sleep that way.) So I can't even turn my head to see the computer screen. I hope you all have a better day than mine's turning out to be. Ha! Later, chicks (and rooster)!

Last edited by ekstatikia; 01-21-2008 at 01:53 PM.
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Old 01-21-2008, 10:22 AM   #9  
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Good morning!!!

ekstatikia and pam-sorry to hear about the sick kiddos. I hope they feel better soon.

Patricia-glad you are enjoying your conference.

Kerry-have fun with the paperwork!! I am lucky most of mine is just behavior charts.

I am going to be enjoying my day off. Today is DH's birthday. He is going to the movies with my brother. They are going to see Cloverfield which I have no desire to see. We are then headed to a big mall and Bucca Di Beppo for dinner. This morning I am hoping to get a workout in. The wicked witch visited yesterday. She was early, so I am crampy so I don't think it will be a long workout.

See ya on the flip side!

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Old 01-21-2008, 10:33 AM   #10  
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Good Morning all,

It was a crazy weekend here. I has been frigid up here in Wisconisn and it is snowing again. All the drama started Friday night from my sister who is hysterical. I live about 5 hours from my family. My sister is 27 and pregnant with her 5th child. She and her husband have been married almost 7 years. They were having some issues and then he just up and decides he wants a divorce, quits his job and tells her he never wanted this baby or my youngest niece. He says he isn't happy, doesn't know if this will make him happy but he has to try. Did I mention that his family is a huge influence on him and he is currently with them. So she ended up in the ER Saturday night while my mom watched my nieces and nephews. Then at first the doctor couldn't find the heart beat, which freaked her out even more.

My son had a bowling tournament so I got to take time out of that drama to take my son to that while husband watched daughter at home. Husband doesn't believe that bowling is a sport so he won't go watch son participate. I did pretty well this weekend. I didn't work out, but I usually take the weekend off. I will probably get 45 minutes in today. I haven't gotton on the scale yet because it is almost that TOM so I want to wait till that is over with. Hopefully I will see some progress. Talk to you all soon.
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Old 01-21-2008, 11:22 AM   #11  
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Hey,everyone! I'm new here and just wanted to say hey! I'm looking forward to talking to you all!
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Old 01-21-2008, 11:39 AM   #12  
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Default Good Morning Everyone

I kinda went MIA last week. The kids had a ton of X-tra curricular activities, and then I had to work a couple of days but I am back.
I managed to get all my workouts in last week but my eating is crazy. I don't know what is wrong with me, I sorta plan my day of eating but I guess I need to be more specific and maybe plan the day before. It's hard b/c sometimes things change quickly in my house, but i think this is what I need to do. Plus i need to journal ffod on myfitday-help me . I feel so awesome after a workout at the gym and if I could get control of my food and this will hopefully help me feel happy.

Delta Dawn- I am really glad the I am done with all those crazy singing groups(my kids was Barney). The protein, I suggest some milk, yogurt, soy milk or soy bread. The bed doesn't taste any different then I good whole wheat bread.

Milleradah- I am with you on the kids and hubby in school. There is a certain calm over the house when they all leave. I love them also but....we need some down time-Enjoy your day.

Gatorgals-Since I am relatively new here, what is it you do? I know it has to do with animals(which I am totally a dog lover). Its freezing here in Canada, so enjoy the milder temps in Florida.

KAR73- Good for you and don't let the stress of the kids/computerget you off plan.

pmasci-hope your DD feels better, tis the season for colds-my DD continues to fight one.

ekstatikia- I hope you have a better day, it can only get better, right?!

Tanner'smom-Happy B-day to your hubby and remember to stay on track at dinner!

fightingtolose-first of all-that is so crazy about your sister. I am NICU nurse and I see these little baby's born to early, so tell her to stay calm. I know its hard considering her circumstances but the conquences of freaking out are really not worth a premature delivery. She's the boss of her body and that dead beat hubby of her's can't control that.

Chat later
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Old 01-21-2008, 11:49 AM   #13  
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Old 01-21-2008, 11:53 AM   #14  
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Old 01-21-2008, 12:21 PM   #15  
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Megan, that sounds just awful and scary. Hopefully the antibiotics will make him feel better soon.

Trish, omg, that was so funny. Was that the pumpkin cake that seduced you?

Holli, when I get discouraged, I come here. I always find someone who motivates me. It's very discouraging as I do well all day until dinner. My biggest downfall.

Dawn, as far as protein, I agree with Kerry and the eggs, sliced Turkey Breast, tuna (minus the mayo). Have a good day whatever you decide, glad it warmed up, lol! When I was using fitday, I didn't pay much attention to how they broke it down, I was basically using it to keep track of my calories, are you calorie counting or ww? I forget.

Pam, my two also bicker, its why I am afraid of taking them places, it can be very embarassing. Hope Candece feels better.

GG, it actually seems like a nice change from your office.

Kerry, Do you have three step kids? Are they all teens? Have a relaxing day, hope they let you back on the computer. BTW, what books have you been reading?

Fighting, Scrappin, adah, all else have a great day!

I don't know if I will get my workout in today or not, DH decided to work from home. I haven't gotten anything much done around the house because EVERYONE is home. Just gotta tell myself tomorrow, just one more day, lol.

We went to the mall on Sat. I think I over did it at the Bath and Body works. I was even thinking of going back for more, lol. I got 2 pretty pieces of Silver. Also got some stuff from Philosophy. Oh and DH got me this thing from Brookstone that I can listen to my mp3's on. We had a great dinner, DD and I shared a meal so hopefully I didn't do so much damage.

I want to get my dining room cleaned out today. We went to Kmart and got this really cute Dining set. It's like a pub set. It sits up a little higher than a reg table. It's small but I thought for the 4 of us it's perfect. I still have alot of boxes and 2 computer desks in there so I have alot of work to do. Oh and in the shed outside, we found french doors for the dining room.

So far I have eaten okay. I had a Michalenas (sp) Sometimes its easy to eat those frozen meals as I know how many calories are in them.

Sorry if I rambled...Have a Great Monday everyone!
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