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Old 01-13-2010, 12:35 PM   #136  
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I'm glad you're feeling better today, pixie.

We wound up not having the coleslaw last night, as the dressing would have added so many calories it was ridiculous! (70 calories PER TABLESPOON!)

This morning's breakfast consisted of a breakfast wrap. That's 2 scrambled eggs, a bit of grated cheese and some fried mushrooms all bundled up into a tortilla wrap with the ends folded in so nothing escapes and ends up on the plate. One tortilla wrap has 210 calories, two eggs have a total of 160 calories and there was about 60 calories worth of cheese on there. So 430 calories for breakfast. Not bad. Fitday says I should be eating about 1000 calories for breakfast, but I can't. If I eat anything heavier than a breakfast wrap or an omelette in between two slices of bread, I feel like I'm going to be sick. It balances itself out, though, because I usually have more calories at lunch and supper. (Wish me luck... Supper tonight is spaghetti and meat sauce with two kinds of cheese!)
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Old 01-13-2010, 02:10 PM   #137  
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AFChick, What’s up with the artificial sweetners? We use them a lot. WTG on the southern food! I think you should def chalk that up as a “win” even if you did eat the tomatoes. (It’s a veggie j/k!) You know how many calories you ate. That’s good.

Pixie, how are you feeling now? Although I do NOT miss nursing, I DO miss the 500 calories a day it burns. It was really tempting to keep pumping and dumping just to get those 500 calories. I wonder if there is a market for breast milk? I heard that it is the world’s best fire ******ant. Weird. I wonder how they figured that out? (I’m just a wonderin’ away today!)

Squeak, I’m sorry that you are frustrated with your .5# loss. This week’s numbers should be better. I’m in the same boat. Really what choice do we have? We can keep going or do nothing and shut up about our weight. I used your signature quote as my Facebook status. That’s really sad about the chickens. I’m not an animal lover either (AFChick), but I don’t want animals tortured for my dinner plate.

Staffingchick, whoo-hoo, Vegas! How fun! Do you drink?

Lots, YAY!!!! 3#s!!!! I didn’t read the Twilight stuff. My DD’s both read them (so they must be good because they don’t read for leisure).

Misfit, Welcome! How many calories were in the mushrooms?

Shrewkate, congrats on getting to 218!!!!

This is going to be a crazy few days. Today I am prepping 35#s of pork to make at least 14 dozen tamales tomorrow. A friend of mine is adopting a little boy from Bulgaria. We are selling the tamales to raise money. (It costs $33k!!) Anyway, so today I have school, cleaning, shopping and prepping the tamale stuff. Tomorrow I will be a tamale rollin and steamin fool. Friday I have to do some MAJOR (like all day) grocery shopping.

I am frustrated with my weight too. I need to be at 209.5 by Monday to stay on track with my 2# per week goal. I am at 211.5. I wouldn’t be as frustrated if I had been slacking, but I haven’t. I wonder if my calories are off. I work out at least 1 hour a day and write down all of my food/calories. UGH! Do any of you ever do a cleanse? (Don’t count how many of my sentences start with “I”.)

Do you watch The Biggest Loser? Do you have a favorite?

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Old 01-13-2010, 02:18 PM   #138  
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***fingers in ears**** lalalalala!!

Would you guys mind if we started a new thread to discuss The Biggest Loser show. I don't get it until a week after it airs on network TV. I don't want to know anything....

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Old 01-13-2010, 02:32 PM   #139  
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Thanks for all of your well wishes. I am very excited about the trip, but dreading all of the temptations out there. I have lost 5 pounds so far since last week, and I don't want to regress. I will keep you all posted. I'm hoping to win BIG!! The weigh in should be interesting on Monday :-)
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Old 01-13-2010, 02:32 PM   #140  
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Mel, I'm laughing about your nursing comment. That was definitely a calorie burner and man did I learn that the hard way when my girls stopped nursing!

BTW: you can donate your milk. I donated some after DD2 was born to a milk bank here in Ohio. They sent me free supplies, I pumped and froze milk until I had enough to fill a box, then shipped it with dry ice overnight mail.
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Old 01-13-2010, 02:39 PM   #141  
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Originally Posted by squeak351 View Post
That is why I only buy free range chicken. There are lots of chicken farms around here because of a chicken processing plant in the area. Yuck! It makes me sick really. I see the chickens loaded in tiny changes and shipped with no cover from the wind on the way to slaughter. We are talking about windchill factor of -5 and I still saw a truck with no tarp or anything on it. I know they are going to be slaughtered but that's just torture. I didn't see the Food, Inc but have saw clips of videos mostly on the internet. I also saw one about cattle. Sad really that some people are so cruel.
We usually raise our own beef but with my FIL sick I am about to run out and there are no more left. Not sure where I am gonna get beef now. Homegrown tastes so much different than store bought.
We buy either a quarter or half of a cow from a mate of ours and we pay the butcher's fee on top of it. Usually, a quarter costs around $300; half costs about $500. So $600 for half a side of beef isn't bad and it lasts us 6 months to a year. We get lots of cuts: tenderloin, brisket, steaks, roasts, mince, shins (good for slowcooking) and the bones (for the dog). And it costs us something like $3 a pound.

Homegrown, grass-fed beef tastes SOOO good. Everything else pales in comparison.
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Old 01-13-2010, 02:57 PM   #142  
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Omg, staffingchick, 5#’s!!! If this scale doesn’t start moving soon, MotherMe is going to put in for a new partner!

Pixie, no more TBL talk, I promise.

Dang! They censored my comment. That’s is FUNNY! I hate the word they blocked anyway.

MotherMe, that is VERY cool! Do they feed it to babies in the hospital?

Mollz, they should barter. They can have 10#s off my butt for 10#s of their beef. Think they’d buy it? lol
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Old 01-13-2010, 03:06 PM   #143  
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Hey, pixie, did you quietly drop into Onederland?
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Old 01-13-2010, 04:37 PM   #144  
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Originally Posted by MelO View Post
Hey, pixie, did you quietly drop into Onederland?
Yes. It's my second time around...did it right after Thanksgiving, then back up 4 lbs, then down, down, and finally DOWN!

Thanks for noticing - made me feel great!
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Old 01-13-2010, 05:20 PM   #145  
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Originally Posted by MelO View Post
Misfit, Welcome! How many calories were in the mushrooms?
I have no idea... There's no nutrition label on the package. I always buy fresh, whole mushrooms in a 454g container and it lasts me about a week to ten days depending on what I'm cooking.
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Old 01-14-2010, 10:55 AM   #146  
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Originally Posted by AFChick View Post
I'm not sure I could know the name of my steak and still eat it... We had chickens in the yard when I was a teenager...we inherited them from a neighbor. We ate the eggs, but my mom named the 2 chickens, talked to them every morning and cried when one of them got eaten by a stray dog...they definitely would never have been our dinner...once it's named, it's a pet unfortunately...

I like good old anonymous meat...
You wouldn't like eating at our house then. DD always named the steers. The first was one Bob, then Bobtwo,Wille, Elmo, Brownie.. OMG I can't beleive I can remember their names. DD was like 3 years old when we got the first one. We had to tell her he ran away to another field. At first it bothered me, but after you taste the beef, yummy.

Mollz- Thanks for reminding me. I had forgotten that before we raised our own we would buy half of one. Now I just need to find someone with half a beef to sale.

Andrea- I meant to congratulate you on Onederland. You snuck that in on us! You are where I want to be for my first goal.

Thanks for all the encouragment guys! I am sticking with the disappointments. You guys are right, if I give up now where will I be in the future.

Does anyone like Red Lobster? The pick your way cocnut shrimp with the pinacolda sauce is my favorite. Yesterday my mom and I recreated it at home. I baked the shrimp, and used organic unsweetened coconut. The sauce is pinacolda drink mix, cottage cheese and fresh pineapple. The thing with the most calories was the drink mix. I went very easy on it and used more pineapple. It actually turned out very well. Mom even made the cheddar biscuits. I love it when you make something at home that is just as good as a full fat version in a resturant.
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Old 01-14-2010, 11:07 AM   #147  
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I'd like to join the chat but I'm a bit overwhelmed!!! But I wanted to say hello!
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Old 01-14-2010, 12:41 PM   #148  
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Hi ladies. I haven't been on much in the past couple of days but just wanted to check in. This week has been rough for me. My eating has been ok, but I've just been blah! I think it's the weather!

I haven't been able to exercise as much as I would like. I am hoping I will get a chance this weekend. It's going to be a busy weekend since we are having a garage sale at my house with my sister, mom, and some friends. I really need to kick it in high gear for Monday's weigh in! Eeek.

Oh Melo! I couldn't be around that many tamales without eating them. Sheesh. I'd gain sooo much weight!!!
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Old 01-14-2010, 02:01 PM   #149  
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Originally Posted by Martina View Post
I'd like to join the chat but I'm a bit overwhelmed!!! But I wanted to say hello!
just jump right in and tell us a little about how it's going! Sometimes people address specific posts in a reply. Sometimes not. Just post your heart and you can't go wrong!

Well, I'm feeling MUCH better today. I'm showing a film for our afternoon school session. I do that about once a month. It's a nice break and...well it's a nice break. Our 2yo has been HORRIBLE today. Both of the DC kids are sick and coughing, I'm still kind of tired from fighting this infection - and we have Skate Nite tonight. So am I taking the easy way out for Science class - yep!
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Old 01-14-2010, 02:27 PM   #150  
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whew! I'm worn out! I did 4 miles tuesday, 5 wednesday and the 30DS, 5 today. My legs are tired. Not really sore, just tired. I've done pretty good on my eating, kept my body moving and I've been drinking all my water. TOM is here this week, so we'll see what that does to the scales on Tuesday. Have a great rest of the day!!
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