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Old 01-15-2010, 11:05 AM   #166  
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Hi ladies. I just need to vent a little. Right now, I feel like taking my scale and throwing it out a window of a 50 story building. I jumped on my scale this morning and I am up .8 since monday. I know it's not much, and it's probably just water weight - but it really frustrates me especially since Weds morning I was down 2.2 from Monday's weight. Oh well. I really need to kick my butt into high gear.

Okay. Rant over. I just had to get that off my chest thanks!
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Old 01-15-2010, 04:58 PM   #167  
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Originally Posted by sockmonkey View Post
Hi ladies. I just need to vent a little. Right now, I feel like taking my scale and throwing it out a window of a 50 story building. I jumped on my scale this morning and I am up .8 since monday. I know it's not much, and it's probably just water weight - but it really frustrates me especially since Weds morning I was down 2.2 from Monday's weight. Oh well. I really need to kick my butt into high gear.

Okay. Rant over. I just had to get that off my chest thanks!

This is why I MAKE myself only weigh on Monday (for our weigh in) and on Friday (for my family weigh in). If I checked any more and I went up, I might lose it!!!
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Old 01-15-2010, 06:28 PM   #168  
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Yeah me too, I only weigh-in a couple of times per week. Otherwise I would go nuts!!
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Old 01-16-2010, 11:55 AM   #169  
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I made my roommate hide the scale better than I have, otherwise I'm on-off-on-off-on-off, and really, I need to direct my obsessive habits to thesis writing and comps reading...
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Old 01-17-2010, 01:20 AM   #170  
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YAY!!! For Pixie!!! That’s great!

Martina, Welcome! Being overwhelmed kept me away from many a thread. Just start from now instead of trying to catch up.

Sockmonkey, I did SO good with the tamales. I didn’t even eat 1. I tasted a bite of 3 of them because I wanted to check how the masa came out. (different batches of masa) They were really good. We made 20 dozen. I am completely with you on the stupid scale out the window idea.

Omg, lots, are all those miles running, a bike or what? You are such a motivation!

Aiesline, congratulations on reaching 189!!!! That is AWESOME!

Squeak, lol about FINALLY putting stuff up in your spare room. 6 years is a long time.

MotherMe, it figures we would both slack at the same time!

AFChick, I’m not sorry that I asked about the sweetners. I can’t say that I am swearing off using sweetners after reading your post, but I am def thinking a little more about it before I give it to my kids.

Staffingchick, I’m a little scared of you for Monday’s weigh-in. I hope you’re having a great time in Vegas. That’s only a few hours from me.

Well, I suck, kind of. As I had said I knew I was in for a few crazy days. The food in the house was slim-pickin’s. It has been one of those “eat what you’ve got or eat nothing” times. The problem with that is how do you calculate calories for leftovers? If I am making a meal for the family, I portion mine out as I’m making it and add all the ingredient’s calories together. So, for the last few days, I have eaten small portions and tried my best to stay under my 1500 cals by guessing. I haven’t written anything down and I have only spent 20 minutes working out (total). I have been on my feet a lot and my back is feeling it. The scale was unkind to me when I was being diligent. Today I got on the scale and I am down 1#. I give up on trying to figure this out, let me tell you. All that being said, today I have written down everything and I am going to be working out once I finish this cup of coffee. (big sigh and moving on…)
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Old 01-17-2010, 02:00 AM   #171  
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So far this week, I'm down just about a pound. YAY! Week started off pretty crappy, just couldn't get the scale to move, but it finally moved on Wednesday (it's now Sunday). I just know that I'll gain some water weight tomorrow... was a little dehydrated on my hike.

DH and I just got back from our bushwalk today at Kinloch: a 4 hour hike from the beach to another bay at the beach. It's a 12km roundtrip hike through some really nice native bush with lots of great views over Lake Taupo. Probably a good thing it was a long hike, I needed to burn off lunch: a steak, bacon and cheese pie (ugh, felt really ill afterwards!). When we finished, it was dinner out at a pub: chicken canneloni, but I scraped the cheese off it, ate the salad and had the few chips that it came with, DH ate some too.

It was a pretty eventful day and we're glad we decided to go. The weather held out too.

Tomorrow, we're off to Whakatane to pick up DH's new motorcycle and get us some fancy leather gear.
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Old 01-18-2010, 11:18 AM   #172  
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Hey everyone!

I've been out of the loop the last few days...I'm trying to get rid of some use or lose leave (if I don't take it by the end of Sep, I lose it, so I'm trying to get ahead of it....), so I took Thurs and Friday off...I've only been on-line to log my food in Sparkpeople.

I lost 3.3 pounds this week, so I'm pretty happy about that. I have my PT test date set (this Sat--YIKES!), so keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer for me...I should be fine...about 3 points to spare if I keep on the trend of my last taping, but I just worry I guess. I'm going to kick the workouts up through Wed and then cut back so that I have fresh legs for the run on Sat.

In other news, my kids' school parents association is having a fundraiser at Five Guys burgers! (I'm on the board, so have to participate.) My plan is to get a small burger with all the low cal toppings and then take the burger off the bun to bring home and use for left overs for my kids at some point. I will eat the bun and all the veggie toppings that will fit on the that crazy?
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Old 01-18-2010, 03:56 PM   #173  
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Hi Ladies!

I fell a few days behind and there have been so many posts! YAY!

lotstogo - Wow! You've really done a great job lately! Keep it up!

Sockmonkey - You'll be fine. Let it go and just move forward. You can do this!! I really think there is an evil scale monster that jumps in the scale and moves it a few pounds one way or the other regardless of what we have been doing. Some days, I think I have blown it and get on the scale and I've lost and other days I am kickin' it in high gear and gain. Maybe try weighing once a week for a while if you can?

AFChick - I think I am the type that would eat the burger w/o cheese and all the veggies I could find and skip the bun. Our cheerleading group has a pizza fundraiser of which I am NOT looking forward to - I might "have plans that day." Good luck!

I am excited because I got my ticker today! Little things, I know. I am down 11lbs so far this month. WOW! I have been eating about 1500 - 1800 calories a day and burning 500 calories through exercise about 4 to 5 days a week. I don't eat my exercise calories back. My clothes are getting looser. I have had a couple of people ask random things - Have you colored your hair, did you get a new sweater, etc. I think I am at that stage where they can tell something is different but can't quite put thier finger on it. I just smile and say, no.
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Old 01-18-2010, 04:15 PM   #174  
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Heh, I feel kind of left out here, I've never been on this thread before, I thought it was a scheduel of a chat, not the chat itself!

I have to say I am really happy today DH is now getting on board on changing the environment so there isn't a ton of bad food in the house like in the past. Part of it is because my house-mate has now been drifting into starting a diet plan but insists, "she has no will-power" so I chimmed in with, "guess the environment has to change." Finally after two years of dieting my DH is getting with the program!
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Old 01-18-2010, 04:22 PM   #175  
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Hey, Skullarix! Welcome to the chat!
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Old 01-18-2010, 07:39 PM   #176  
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Originally Posted by Skullarix View Post
Heh, I feel kind of left out here, I've never been on this thread before, I thought it was a scheduel of a chat, not the chat itself!
Hey BL partner!

Welcome to the chat...sorry, I didn't realize...
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Old 01-18-2010, 10:35 PM   #177  
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Old 01-19-2010, 10:31 AM   #178  
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Morning all!

Welcome Skullarix!!! Join in the chat anytime, don't be a stranger girl.

Back at work today . I have only worked 2 half days since Dec. 18th!! I have gotten so lazy. That all changes today. I am so tired of little to no results. You get what you give, eh? I haven't really put much into it and I haven't gotten much in return.

After work I have talked my sister into walking with me and plan to start off with a mile everyday this week. If it starts raining (supposed to start tomorrow night) then I will use the Wii Fit and do the run on there. It's not the same but it's exercise. If it's not raining too badly and it's only misting or something then I will still go for a walk up my steep hill. I have also promised DD that I will do the Wii with her for at least 30 minutes everyday this week.

Now that I am back at work I don't have snack foods available to me during the day and it 's much easier to stay strong in the evenings at home since I am not there as much. The only food I have at work is what I bring with me. I find that the food in the cafeteria I can say no to and it doesn't bother me.

Yesterday I took DD for more allergy testing. She had it done when she was 5, had allergy shots for 5 years, then this year had sinus surgery and still is having headaches. We went with a different group this time and I was really impressed. Man, did they know their stuff. Amber is allergic to 42 different things. Most of the molds, yeasts, grasses and trees. As well as all the weeds in our area, cats, dogs and strawberries. Hmppffff... they changed her meds again and suggested allergy shots. Luckily for us I changed our insurance and her allergy shots are now included in preventive care which means no more co pays for shots or the serum. Yeah.. 20 dollars 2 times a week, every week for years really adds up.

Ya'll have a great day and I will "see" ya tomorrow.
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Old 01-19-2010, 10:59 AM   #179  
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squeak: Wow, 5 years of allergy shots! Your poor kid...I'll be keeping her in my prayers that she doesn't have to have them as long this time around. My DH had allergy shots for 9 years as a kid and he still remembers them. He's much less allergic now, so I guess it was good overall.
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Old 01-19-2010, 12:49 PM   #180  
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Jen with our luck she will have to take them until she turns 99! LMBO
I am just glad I don't have to shell out anymore money for them. When I called the insurance company and was told no copays and that they were covered I asked the girl to repeat it because I thought I misunderstood. Maybe my luck is finally turning around.
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