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Old 02-06-2024, 11:53 PM   #46  
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Went to to doctor, weight over 200, blood pressure pretty good, sugars still to come. Doc didn't tell me to lose weight - she knows I know I need to. Starting tomorrow I'm going to work with what's in my house to do a 1200 calorie diet. No more excuses!

Excerpt from the book I was writing but am stuck on:

As Fancy sat on her couch eating Chinese food and watching a reality show about police work, it occurred to her how often she thought of herself solely in terms of her age, height, and weight, as if she were a criminal suspect: female aged 34, 5' 1", approximately 190 pounds, wanted for ordering a pint of pork lo mein in an obese condition, all units be advised. Seeing the digital 1-9-0 that morning, that ten pound milestone, had triggered what to many will seem familiar as a "celebration binge" -a phenomenon which can occur after relatively little progress and sabotage months-long efforts. Fancy hadn't gotten any lower than 177 in the past five years, but she had found occasion to feast upon seeing a particular number flashing on the scale -she had once reached 180 and what started as celebration feast led to a two month long free-for-all until she stepped on the scale again and saw she was back over 200. A thing like that did seem like a crime to Fancy, a crime against oneself. And if the government punished other self-harming crimes such as drug use and, once upon a time, alcohol consumption, it was only a matter of time before junk food addicts were locked up alongside violent offenders. If that happened, Fancy thought, she and more than half of U.S. citizens would be behind bars within a year.
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Old 02-07-2024, 12:08 AM   #47  
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Good morning! LadyBinger, sounds like your doctors appointment went well. Will be shutting down in a few minutes to go to bed. 😁💝😷❤️
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Old 02-07-2024, 01:03 AM   #48  
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Activity for 6 February 2024

50 minutes elliptical
3 mile walk with stretching

Meals (1053 cal)
Breakfast : peanut butter on toast, soy drink (345 cal)
… Prunes,Kirkland Signature 5 (100cal)
….Yogurt Fruit Snacks, Strawberry (70 cal)
….Bean & cheese burrito with Avocado (250 cal)
….Chik nuggets (288 cal)
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Old 02-07-2024, 01:09 AM   #49  
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LadyBinger-so how will Fancy find a new focus in life and replace the one she has on food?
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Old 02-07-2024, 08:55 AM   #50  
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Good morning again! Forgot to say I exercised for a total of forty seven minutes yesterday. Will have breakfast and work out in a few minutes. 😁💝😷❤️
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Old 02-07-2024, 10:21 AM   #51  
Trying to live below 200
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Good Morning, Everyone!

Yesterday I had a Dr. appointment and after I went shopping for new sneakers. The shoe shopping took most of the day because I have a larger foot and need good support and stability. After that my friend and I went to donate blood. No formal workout, just the walking while looking for shoes. I did find them so I will be ready to go to start wearing them on March 1. My current shoes seems to have worn out a bit early. I have the new ones in case I have to start wearing them sooner. I already did my longer walk for the day. I knew I needed to get that in before everything else kicked in. I will be taking a friend to an orthopedic appointment today. She fell last week and hurt her knee.

My food yesterday was on plan.

Steps from yesterday: 5,081

Have a Blessed day and stay safe and healthy!

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

February 7

Luke 22:32
'But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.'

Everyone always wanted Brad on their team. He was tall and very athletic, and every team he ever played for seemed to win. There was also something about Brad that brought out the best in everyone else. It's good to have someone on our side who can swing the odds in our favor. Jesus Christ is just that Someone. He promised His disciples that He would pray for them and they could not fail in their endeavors. He prays for us, too. Jesus is always on our side, and that makes us unbeatable. As we attempt to lose weight, it is vital that we include Jesus in our plans.

Today's thought: With Jesus on my side, temptation doesn't stand a chance!
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Old 02-07-2024, 10:44 AM   #52  
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I got lost lol! Thank you Sina.

LadyB I'm determined to never be 200 lbs again! To think I fussed so much because I couldn't get out of 180s! I'm encouraging you.

So I was 201.6 without my heavy winter pants yesterday. I thought I had a day off but got called in later! I did everything. I gave client shower, went shopping at 2 grocery stores, and woke up heavier at 203.8.

I think I already ovulated but wasn't paying attention so I'm not 100% sure. If I did, that's why weight is going up despite eating well.

I did eat more than normal yesterday at 1900 cs but I was nonstop all day.

Anyways, I'm resting today and still haven't eaten yet.

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Old 02-07-2024, 11:33 AM   #53  
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Hi all! Had breakfast and did 2 miles Leslie Sansone this morning. Will take a shower in a few minutes. Will eat lunch after my shower. 😁❤️😷💝
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Old 02-07-2024, 01:30 PM   #54  
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Default Anyone remember me?

Its been a long time since I posted. I have been totally out of control. I tripped on a tree root and fell face against a fence bending my spine backward In a tremendous amount of pain I went to a spine surgeon. He took x-rays and I have a vertebrae that slid forward. Only cure is surgery. The surgeon said it would be too dangerous to operate until i lose substantial weight..

I started the Carnivor way of eating on Christmas Eve and have lost 46 pounds so far,
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Old 02-07-2024, 02:12 PM   #55  
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Activity for 6 February 2024

50 minutes elliptical
3 mile walk with stretching

Meals (1053 cal)
Breakfast : peanut butter on toast, soy drink (345 cal)
… Prunes,Kirkland Signature 5 (100cal)
….Yogurt Fruit Snacks, Strawberry (70 cal)
….Bean & cheese burrito with Avocado (250 cal)
….Chik nuggets (288 cal)
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Old 02-07-2024, 02:15 PM   #56  
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Originally Posted by Larry H View Post
Its been a long time since I posted. I have been totally out of control. I tripped on a tree root and fell face against a fence bending my spine backward In a tremendous amount of pain I went to a spine surgeon. He took x-rays and I have a vertebrae that slid forward. Only cure is surgery. The surgeon said it would be too dangerous to operate until i lose substantial weight..

I started the Carnivor way of eating on Christmas Eve and have lost 46 pounds so far,
Hi Larry, That sounds extremely painful. What a way to be motivated to lose weight. I hope it goes well for you. You are welcome to join in our group daily.
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Old 02-07-2024, 02:17 PM   #57  
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Default Motivational Quote

Whatever the problem is, the answer is not the fridge.
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Old 02-07-2024, 03:05 PM   #58  
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Good afternoon! Welcome back Larry! Congrats on losing 46 pounds! Power walked and ran errands after lunch. Will go for another power walk and run errands later on this evening. 😁❤️😷💝
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Old 02-07-2024, 04:16 PM   #59  
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I've been to the gym and rode the Nustep for 30 minutes Then I did 10 minutes on treadmill. im still very slow on the treadmill but building up endurance. I want waking to be number one exercise
Hello to all
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Old 02-07-2024, 06:24 PM   #60  
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Good evening! Power walked and ran errands before supper tonight. My fitness goals for today have been attained. 😁💝😷❤️
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