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Old 09-09-2006, 12:13 PM   #106  
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I just found a scale and discovered that i weigh 92,5, not 94!! I'm so happy!
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Old 09-09-2006, 12:13 PM   #107  
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Hey guys,

so sorry I didn't post my food last night. I was on a date with my hubby. and I am sorry to say that I went over my calories but it was a nice date. Okay well I have to go. I just wanted to let you know that I love yall and I'm thinking about you. IM GONNA DO A LOT BETTER TODAY

have a great day guys!!!
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Old 09-09-2006, 05:38 PM   #108  
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KIWI24- I would love to join! I have 30lbs to lose- had a similar experience to you, i.e. YIKES. what the f*ck happened to me??!? if u see my previous pic ull see what i mean.. eeeh.. yikes. but we'll do it.
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Old 09-10-2006, 03:58 PM   #109  
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I can't believe how mad I was
Its my hubby's fault Okay its mine. Need I say more?

I told you when he is around he makes me cheat

We are headed for the beach to spend the night. I'll check in with all of you tomorrow and let you know how mad I really was. I just pray I haven't gained!!

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Old 09-10-2006, 04:18 PM   #110  
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My hubby makes me cheat too. I haven't had such a good weekend. We went out on a date last night and I had two drinks and chips with queso...not on the South Beach. Then today I had a piece of cake...not so good! I just hope I haven't gained. My husband will be gone for work for the next 12 days so hopefully I can do really well on my own. I won't have him tempting me. I'll just keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow's weigh in. Hope everyone else is doing good!
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Old 09-11-2006, 12:32 AM   #111  
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So just thought I should check in to let yall know I'm still alive haha sorry I've been MIA this weekend although it looks like most of yall have been too I'm nervous about the weigh in tomorrow I'm sure i've gained I've been baddd this weekend.

well only time will tell see ya tomorrow
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Old 09-11-2006, 02:39 AM   #112  
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Well, I guess I just can go ahead and weigh in, since it's monday here. I've just been to the doctors, to have my blood tested. I am looking at my cholestrol and other scary stuff. They are supposed to have gone down.

Anyway, I tried their scale and it displayed the scary amount of 205 pounds. Great. I hate scales!! Anyway, I have a lot to lose until monday, so I am giving up sweets, and starting to walk more.

My goal date is approaching!!
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Old 09-11-2006, 08:59 AM   #113  
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I gained 2 pounds this weekend, yuck! I know that I was bad so I will be extra good this week so that I can see another loss on Friday! I am also really trying to not drink as much caffeine...I want to only have water after noon. I have to have a little caffeine to function but maybe I will slowly get off of it. Hope you all had a better weekend than I did. Have a great day and let's all remember the one's that were killed on this awful day. Let's also remember the people that are still fighting to make it right.
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Old 09-11-2006, 10:11 AM   #114  
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good morning ladies! i hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
i will weigh in tomorrow because i don't have a scale at home, and i can't make it to the gym on mondays.
as for my weekend....kinda sucked. i started coming down w/a nasty cold fri night and had to work all weekend. so although ihad a cheeseburger and fries this weekend...i'm not too concerned because it was all i ate all day on sunday and i was on my feet all weekend. i had a totall lack of appetite because of my cold and only ate because i had too.
i have to go to work today so i probably won't be back on until after the kidlets go to bed tonight.
happy weigh in day!!

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Old 09-11-2006, 01:00 PM   #115  
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Wow, I guess I'm not the only one whose husband makes them cheat

I tried hard this weekend, but when he says "do you want to go out to eat", I can't answer fast enough Anytime I don't have to cook, I'm happy with that.... but it's so hard to pick good meals. Anyway.... I lost 1 pound of the 2 that I gained last week, so I guess that's good

I feel better though knowing that we all mess up and I'm not alone.

Have a good day everyone and I'll post my food later tonight. I still have lots of water to drink, so I'm off to the caf to get some more.

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Old 09-11-2006, 01:14 PM   #116  
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Hi everyone! I've been doing better today!
I had a protein shake for breakfast, 3 meatballs and some spaghetti for lunch, and the same thing for dinner. I had a little bit of watermelon.
But I cheated.. I had a chocolate cake. I hate that.... But still, I walked today! About 1 hour!!! And I'm going to walk some more in half an hour!!!
Plus, my hemoglobin a1c is back to normal range! that means I am not going to have diabetes!!!!!

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Old 09-11-2006, 02:14 PM   #117  
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soooo I gained weight this weekend like I knew I would but it's no ones fault but my own. I'm doing good today but I'm bummed that I've right back where I started oh well I'll get there

luv ya ladies!!
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Old 09-11-2006, 03:05 PM   #118  
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Good Morning everyone!!

I hope everyone had a nice productive weekend! As for me my weigh in was disappointing I haven't lost or gained any weight I'm trying to eat healthy I did have that one piece of Hersheys Almond Bar When my husband is home it's harder to eat smaller portions he loves to cook and you can't say no to him.. I guess I can't blame it on him

I don't know what I'm doing wrong?? The scale won't move I'm so frustrated I'm walking on the treadmill everyday for 1hr do you think I should increase my workout should I try a Diet Meal? instead of counting calories please help!!

Anyways I hope everyone has a good productive week.

Talk to you all later.
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Old 09-11-2006, 07:31 PM   #119  
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I know what you mean... I think I'm being good, I exercise (kind of), then I still gain. It is very frustrating. I have been eating healthy things, but not counting the calories. I think I need to start counting, just to make sure.

You say you're walking on the treadmill. How many calories are you eating a day? Maybe you need to change your workout routine. They say that your body get used to the same routine and your metabolism slows down again. For every 3500 calories that you eat less, or burn, you lose a pound... so hang in there it will work.
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Old 09-11-2006, 07:37 PM   #120  
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Something else to throw out at everyone.... how can you break that vicious circle of wanting to lose weight, but then you look at yourself and see a fat person and get depressed and mad at yourself, then you eat the "comfort foods" to feel better.

I have some days like this, then other times I'm really good and try hard to lose the weight, then it doesn't come off, or I gain, and I'm right back at being upset at myself again.

Does anyone else have these days? If so, how do you deal with it?

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