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Old 09-05-2006, 02:17 PM   #1  
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Smile Help I've been living in denial

Hi everyone,
Last night I was on the computer when I saw my reflection in the window. Oh my gosh!! Where did I go? My face, my arms, my stomach? I went from this to this

So today I start my diet. I weighed myself and surprisingly I need to lose 72 pounds! I can't believe it?! Have I been in denial or what?

I don't have a certain diet as of yet but I do know what I am cutting out!!

Is there anyone out there that is ready to lose weight and needs daily accountability? The more the better. If so write me back and lets get started.
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Old 09-05-2006, 03:55 PM   #2  
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hi! i'm new to 3FC, but i would love to have a buddy!!!
i'm 27, married, 2 kids and i began my weight loss journey about a month ago. i've lost 11lbs and i want to lose 30more by the end of the year.
so i'm not sure what we do from here, but i'd love to have someone to hold me accountable!.
for both of us!!
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Old 09-05-2006, 04:15 PM   #3  
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Sounds great to me! I'm not sure exactly what to do either but getting started has got to be the first step.

So lets try making a committment to each other. Good days bad days whatever, we hang in there for each other.

How many days a week can you come to this site? (for accountability) I am a stay at home mom. (SAHM) so I can commit to monday through friday. Possibly Sat and Sun. How many for you?

Also, what diet plan are you on?

MY PLAN is to tell you everything!! I promise not to zap your energy with whinning!! My goal is to encourage and to be encouraged.

I REALLY want to lose this weight. But I LOVE EATING SWEETS.

So I do have a plan of attack for myself but I'm figuring I need someone with the same goals as me and that is to seriously get this weight off.

So what's your thoughts since you have already lost 11 pounds Good for you!!

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Old 09-05-2006, 06:41 PM   #4  
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i work part-time, but like maybe 15hrs a week. i am on here every week day, so i can definately commit to that!! sat and sun are hit or miss depending on what we've got going on.
so let's see...i've been doing weight watchers at home and love it!! also working out 4-5x a week. although i need a serious kick in the you know what this week!! my bday was saturday and i totally fell off the wagon over the weekend and having a hard time getting back on. today i ate 2 donuts. eek. that's 10 points. eek. and dind't work out like i normally do since i got NO sleep last night and my little guy was up for the day at 6 am. yuck.
so tomorrow i'm back on full time. won't make it to the gym as my 2y/o and i have our first *just mommy and me* class in the morning and i work in the afternoon, but my plan is to do my video while the kidlets are napping.
i went to the store today and bought my weight watchers muffins for breakfast, plan to have an apple for snack (we went to the orchard and now i have them in abundance) lunch will be a lean turkey sandwich w/fat free mayo, on whole wheat w/lettuce and some baby carrots. dinner will be something from work. but i'll keep it grilled chicken and veggies!!!
ok, so i'll give you some of my vices...i can NOT resist junk food. not at all. so now i don't have any in my house. i have low fat or weight watchers if it isn't good for you!!! cake and brownies are definately my biggest downfall. lol!
i LOVE to workout but have had a hard time finding the energy w/a 25month old, a 9 month old, a wearing part time job and a husband.
sooo...i guess that's it. i'd love to exchange email addy's but i'm not sure how to do it w/o posting it here for the world to see.
hope to hear from you soon!

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Old 09-05-2006, 07:56 PM   #5  
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Hey I'd love to be a part of this too! I'm new as of yesturday! and I dont really have a plan either I'm just trying to cut out the crap BUT if any of you have a good plan that we could all stick too I'd love that too!
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Old 09-05-2006, 09:09 PM   #6  
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that sounds great!! the more the merrier!!
like i posted above, i am doing weight watchers and loving it. i still get to eat mostly what i want, just less of it. and if i make smart choices i'm not hungry all day!
ok, well, i'll throw some ideas out at you ladies and you let me know if that's cool, what you want to do, how we can change it/make it better.
we could do mini challenges and of course a large challenge. for ex. my big challenge is to lose 30lbs by the end of the year. a mini challenge could be 8lbs in 6wks or something like that.
we could post/email daily what's on the menu and if/how we stuck to it.
we could also do something i've seen on some of the boards which is to work out *X* number of minutes in *X* amount of time.
let me know what you think. also, it looks like we can private message each other for email addy's if that's what you would like to do.

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Old 09-05-2006, 09:12 PM   #7  
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Okay then we have a team!! BrittanyIsAStar how much weight are you wanting to lose?

momtu2 Happy Birthday. I hope you had a good one. Mine is next month.

You do ww at home? What about meetings and keeping up with points. Someone told me you had to go to meetings to get your book and learn the points etc.

I really don't know how my weight got to this level. I always thought I was a emotional eater but life is great. I guess I just sit at home and eat all day. I am going to start writting everything down. If I do that maybe I will pay more attention and won't eat like I apparently do.

I did good today. I had a Banana for breakfast and luch. Then ate a huge salad for dinner. I seem pretty satisfied. I know I can't do that every day but I am going to take one day at a time.

I would like to start weighing in on Friday and Monday. Friday because its the end of the weekday and Monday because it will make me accountable for the weekend. Does that sound good to you two?

I don't know how to email either. I think you have to private message but I have learned that yet. I also noticed you can instant message people. I have that but I don't know how to do it either. I guess we'll learn as we go!

I am really excited about losing this weight. I want to find me again

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Old 09-05-2006, 09:25 PM   #8  
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ok, i just sent you a private message. hope it works! lol!
my sister gave me the weight watchers books and points thing. all you need is the calculator and the books. i don't go to the meetings. i think you can order it online, possibly cheaper on ebay.
oh. i also think we should post how much H2O we're drinking too. my goal is 60oz a day.
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Old 09-05-2006, 09:52 PM   #9  
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Well I need to lose more weight than probably both of you I'm 225 and ULTIMATLY I'd like to get down to 115 or 110 depending on how I look I might even like 120 or 125. But I like the idea of mini challenges a lot ecpecially since I have so much weight to lose. What I like to do also is have something that I get myself after I reach each mini goal like new shoes, a new pair of jeans or new workout clothes. Mondays and Fridays sound good to me as well! 2 days a week is better than one to me. And I am ADDICTED to Diet Coke so I really need to work on my water intake. I guess I'll PM yall my food and excerise intake daily if that's cool and weights on the two days. Can't wait to get started. I'll try and set out a schedule for my mini goals and post them when I can!
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Old 09-05-2006, 10:02 PM   #10  
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This is so great!!! I'll try to find me a ww manual. I have a richard simmons weight book. I picked it up once at a yard sale but don't think I ever used it. Its like points. You actually move cards from one side to another. Is ww like that? I'll pull it out. 60oz of water? I can do that. I don't drink water but now is a good time to start.

Okay so lets recap:
We check in daily and tell what we had to eat plus (the rest of my life story Ha Ha)
We drink 60 oz of water daily
30 min of exercise. (I'm new to exercise give me a break )
Weigh in Friday and Monday

Anything else?
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Old 09-05-2006, 10:14 PM   #11  
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I think that's about it
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Old 09-05-2006, 11:13 PM   #12  
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Hey I was reading some of the threads around here and it says that they may move our thread to another area once it starts getting alot of responses. They move it to the area it is about. I guess for us it would be Support group. So if we should disappear from the Buddy list section look in the support group section.

I am going to make a goal poster. I know that sounds silly but I am a visual person so maybe if I have pictures of a thinner me and outfits I would like to wear maybe even a place I would like to go once I lose it. I think I may get excited about that.

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Old 09-05-2006, 11:42 PM   #13  
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I'll make sure I find it if and when they move it. I know it always helps me to look at clothes I really want to wear. also I know you shouldn't compare yourself to other people but I like looking at celebrities that have my same body type and height and seeing how they look to give my insperation or "thinperation" haha
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Old 09-06-2006, 07:13 AM   #14  
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Hey ladies! I was just wondering if I could join you all in this journey to lose fat! I am also a stay-at-home mom to two. I have two boys, a 25 month old and a 4 week old. I really think it is because I am at home most of the time and that is why I eat, eat, eat. I have tried Weight Watchers and I end up messing up midday and then going overboard so today I am going to start with South Beach again. I have tried this before and I lost about 15 pounds and then I got pregnant and my diet went out the window! I want to lose about 60-70 pounds. It all depends on how I feel once I get down there. I have a broad build so getting too low of a weight may look funny on me. I am 210 now and wanting to get to about 150. So, here we go...good luck!

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Old 09-06-2006, 08:36 AM   #15  
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Hi Jaime,

Sounds like you will fit right in. I love alot of WW snacks. I noticed SB has alot of snacks now too. I haven't been on either diet "seriously" to decide if it works for me but I have heard great things about both. I think I'll try ww first and see I how do.

I am only 5.0 tall and once upon a time I wore a 8. Now I am a uummmm? I'm still in denial. That can't be right. I can't say it.
You know I started checking out the Maternity sizes but I told myself that I loved how cute they looked. Not pregnant looking just stylish. Then I told myself when I would shop elsewhere, that the sizes were made smaller. That's the style. That's why I was shopping bigger sizes. I enjoyed bigger clothes. When I looked in the mirror I didn't SEE a big girl. Now its like "who the heck is that?! How crazy is that?!

Hey everytime I try and send my message I get sent back to the begining and have to sign in again. Then redo the message. What am I doing that is causing that. I have to log in like 3 times then go to the home page and log in there to actually get back up. Is anyone else having this problem?

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