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Old 07-05-2005, 06:41 AM   #1006  
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Well its back to reality! I have spent a few days on the water front camping and now its back to work. I had a good time with boating, fishing and hiking. The area of the lake we were at was beautiful but the swimming not so good. So I never did get to swim. The eating wasn't too bad I don't think I over did it. I had some extra's but not so much. We would have breakfast then kind of skip lunch and just snack then have dinner. There wasn't alot of junk food. I had some fruit that helped. I also had packed some hummus and one day had that for lunch scooped up with some cuke slices. The jalpeno is my favorite. Today I am going to go to the gym. I did do a little swimming at my sisters yesterday when we got back. My five year old grandaughter was jumping off the diving board into the 8ft. end. She learned how to do flips in the water. She is the brave one out of the 3 and the quickest to do something new she just catches on. Nice to see kids do neat things.
Hope your all off to a good start this week with your intakes and adventures. I have no plans for this upcoming weekend now that is the first for a while that is free. I am going to concentrate on my calories this week and my exercise levels. Hopefully, I am in the mood to make a difference in my scale. I had my barbecue ribs this weekend not to much fat and they were boiled first they grilled. So I am sure some of the calories were out of them.
Intake for today: 2 poached egges/dry rye 1 1/2 slices and a few potatoes 400
lunch=yogurt 90, casear salad w/ lite dressing 120
peach 37
dinner= sirloin tip roast 200, baked potatoe200, brussel sprouts 30w/ vinegar
snack fruit 50 preplanned 1,000 calories I am sure with little add in's I will reach 1400 for my day
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Old 07-06-2005, 06:28 AM   #1007  
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Well girls not too bad of an eating day yesterday. I actually got out of the office thought about going to get something different for lunch and made the better choice to eat my salad. Then when I got home I was really hungry but stuck to what my meal was going to be. But had an extra piece of roast beef. Didn't have my frozen fruit bar. I did swim but didn't get to the gym. Oh laughing must raise my metabolism don't yah think????
Last night I went to the casino with my friends I never win. Go up and down only take about 25.00 with me. Well I won on my 25.00 I had it up to 40.75 played 50 cents on Indian Gold just a pull tab type machine it started to rack up the money and I won 2,000 on it. Oh my God I was so excited. I said to my friend hey I won it was up to 45.00 at that point as a win then I said oh its 2,000. We all were so happy it was so much fun. We laughed I was in shock needless to say. I had them take the taxes out. Then I put the winnings in my wallet. Oh I needed I.D. 2 forms I leave everything home except my license and what ever else I have is tucked in behind it. Well she told me I needed one more piece of info. they didn't except my work picture ID. So I said oh I have my fishing license its just this little paper. That will work she said! Well how funny is that? After I played the machine for 20.00 more lost it. Went to a Kenny Rogers game and came home with another 200.00. Wow talk about luck huh? First of all I never really come home with any then win 2,200. Hope I am that luck next week on my bus trip with the girls to Niagara Falls. Glad I could share this with you this morning. I hope your all having a wonderful day! I am saving some of this for my Hawaii trip next spring. Paying off some bills etc. Giving the little ones some cash for their trip to the amusement park.
Intake plans= bagel w/c.c. lite 275
casear salad w/lite dressing/ almonds 300 cals
yogurt 90
pork chops grilled 200, tomatoes, cukes, onions, feta cheese, basil w/ dressing 150
1,050 at this pt. more calories throughout the day with fruit will get my calories up there.
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Old 07-07-2005, 06:33 AM   #1008  
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Just me here where did yah all go? Well I did good yesterday for breakfast and lunch no eating between my meals the whole day. But we went out for dinner instead of me having pork chops I had spaghetti, meatballs and hot peppers stuffed with sauce. I only ate a small portion of pasta and one meat ball and 3 sm. peppers but the garlic bread I had 2 pieces and that was my down fall. No exercise either. But today the gym bag is packed and ready to go. So I better get there today. Hope your all doing well I remembered that your on vac. Tired hope thats fun for all of your family. I am taking a couple days at a time this year so far. Now that I know I will be going to Hawaii in the spring. I will make sure I save an extra week of vac. to add in to go. I want to beable to go for at least 2 weeks.
Todays intake pre plans= cereal 150 w/ yogurt 90 total 240
1 meatball, 2 sm. hot peppers, tomatoe, onion, basil, cheese with olive oil and wine vinegar, croutons no more than 300 cal?
pork 200, brussel sprouts 35, baked potatoe 200
1,000 pre planned and 400 to go with any add in's.
Scale day is friday!
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Old 07-08-2005, 06:29 AM   #1009  
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Checking In: I am up a few lbs. I am hoping it is water wt. My clothes seem to be fitting just fine. I have let a few extras in . Lately I have been skipping out on the gym as I have been active doing so many other things. But I guess maybe that wasn't so smart? Oh I miss all of you and hope your having fun somewhere and will rtn . soon I need some support!
I will get to the gym today if it kills me. I am also going to becareful with my intake. Last night I had some gouda smoked cheese and greek olives that might of been a little salty stuff maybe water wt.? I also have skipped my presp. for the thyroid for a few days got to go pick it up today. I am going to track my exercise again that helped in the past. Just don't want to go backwards and have several events coming up!
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Old 07-10-2005, 06:52 AM   #1010  
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Checking in: This week I am starting on Monday going to the gym before work. In the past this seemed to work out for me. I need to get there and it just isn't happening so easily. So I figured it out and if I go in the a.m. it will become routine at least in the good weather. Hope your having a nice vacation Tired!
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Old 07-10-2005, 09:40 AM   #1011  
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Hi Carol, thanks for hanging in there while I was gone. I really want to get the ball rolling as far as the health journey goes. I'm so glad that you're here for support. Your lake site sounds very pretty. I love the peace of being near water. My house is actually about 1/4 mile from a river - wetlands separate the river and the hosue. Someday I want to make a wooden path to the river so that I can walk to it. It's on my list of many dreams.

The vacation was lots of fun. We rode our bikes, played in the waves, ran the beach, had a campfire in the sand, went to the fireworks and a parade, played chess and visitied with friends and family. The weather was a bit drizzly during the second half of the week but we managed to have fun despite that. Now we're home and it's time to unpack, wash the clothes and clean up the house. Then back to the health journey. During the vacation I just ate whatever I wanted so now I'm back to business - the health business.

I have two very ill relatives right now and they both are ill because, in part, of their lack of a healthy regime - a good lesson to all about what healthy living can do for you.

Let's really make this a great week of exercise and diet! We can do it. For me - no alcohol, no sweets, 1500 cals a day and exercise each day. I think I can do it. What's your goal.

Here's my list of reasons for this health journey:
wearing great clothes
fitting into a few nice things I bought late last winter
feeling great!
my college reunion - next june (I want to be 150 for it)
running a small local race in sept - less weight, easier to run
july 31st triathlon - I want to finish, I've got some work to do
longer, healthier life.

take care Carol
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Old 07-10-2005, 08:00 PM   #1012  
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Hi, gals! Carol, thanks so much for hanging in there. I saw you last few posts, but wasn't able to crank up the computer and respond. My brother is here for a few days, and we've been running around town, and I've been taking advantage f the fact that he drove (meaning, access to wheels). We went to a friend's cookout yesterday, and had a nice time with the folks there and their kids. One little boy must've been a ninja in a past life. He's obsessed with "dragon power" and was really pretty funny. Later we drove out to Annapolis and wandered around the bay, very charming. Ice cream was involved, however, and I still had a stomach ache this morning to remind me that I can't eat ice cream much anymore. Today we worked out in the exercise room, and went out to the shopping malls. I've been trying to figure out how to replace a big ol' club chair with something small and comfortable (and cheap) that would set two people without taking up too much room. Didn't buy anything, but got some ideas for later.

Tired, welcome back! It sounds as if you had a great time and came back renewed and ready to met your next set of goals. Good for you! I agree that looking at what's happening with older relatives is depressing but can be strongly motivating to take your health seriously. I certainly don't want to be like my parents, who struggle with sleep apnea, bad backs, hearts and knees, etc., mostly due to being so overweight for so long. Even when I feel like the pounds aren't moving, I know that what I can't see--my blood pressure, my digestive system, my cholesterol and more--are better for trying to work out and eat right.

Carol, I'm so envious about your casino winnings! I've never spent much time at the casinos, but winning a bunch of money sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you take that good luck to Niagara Falls. I will think of you Monday morning as I head out to Curves. I have to organize myself tonight, as I'll be a bit slower in the AM, working around my brother (who's sleeping in the living room) and needing to get full days in at the office. It's my last week at this job, and I have a lot to do and I don't want to be burning the midnight oil.

Hope you both have a wonderful Monday!

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Old 07-11-2005, 06:52 AM   #1013  
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WELCOME BACK I MISSED YOU BOTH! Tried sounds like you had a great time. Where was it that you visited? My hubby and I are going to do something next month for our anniversary I am just not sure where. With gas prices soaring to the sky not too far! Judy sounds like your enjoying your brothers visit and doing some fun stuff. I am hanging onto some of that cash for my trip next year to Hawaii. I want to get there to see the kids. I will be careful to not gamble it all back. I only take 25.00 most of the time. I could see where people could get addicted quickly. That was just pure luck! But lots of fun!
I am also ready to loss some wt. I looked back at what I was doing awhile back which was positive stuff. Counting my calorie, eating healthy meals and snacks, exercising more on a schedule and writing my intakes down. So I am keeping my calorie counter near my computer to make it easier. I went grocery shopping and have some goodies and my garden only has radishes ready so I will stop at the corner farm for veggies. My reasons for losing are to be healthier, live a better lifestyle as I age, lose wt. , fit into some nice clothes, to reach my goal of 155. My mini goal is by the end of July to be back to my losest wt. loss so far. So I need to get going. I do have several social events coming up. So I figure one day a week can be more of a free day. Kind of 6 days on one off type of thing. We'll see how it goes. Exercise is a must! I was going to start the a.m. exercise this morning but have to pick up a client at 7:30 a.m. for camp. I almost forgot that would of been awful! I am going after work!Counting my fibers daily for a bit also.
Intake plans: breakfast= high fiber cereal Kasha 170 with 1/4 c. milk 25 1/2 banana 50
snack= nectaurine 67
lunch= yogurt 90, salad w/tuna90/celery/onions/little mayo35/lite dressing 35
dinner=pasta 200cal.! w/ sauce/mushrooms/cheese100, salad w/ vinegar and olive oil spices 100
nectaurine67, low fat ice cream bar 100
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Old 07-11-2005, 03:03 PM   #1014  
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Hi all,

Glad to hear that you're both in good spirits and making some progress on this health journey.

This week I have a couple hours to myself each day. Today I took a great bike ride with a friend - lots of fun and a good workout. The exercise really, really helps you to eat well. Days that I exercise I eat so much healthier than days when I don't.

Time for a healthy shop here - thanks for the reminder Carol.

breakfast - two pancakes 300
snack - protein drink 190
lunch - healthy turkey sandwich - 500 (about)
total so far 990
dinner plans - salad maybe?
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Old 07-12-2005, 06:18 AM   #1015  
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Well girls I didn't make it tot the gym yesterday. But this a.m. I am dressed in my workout clothes and going before work. I have to get there once I do I know it will make me want to go more often and stop making excuses! I did do some gardening last night put in some huge lillies 2.5ft. tall more like a bush. I will have to baby them for awhile with showers of water since we are going in the 90's today. I ate healthy yesterday. It was so nice to stop at the little farm down the road. I ended up making sweet corn last night instead of squash and reg. salad. I made a salad w/ cherry tomatoes a little mozz. ch. fresh basil. So fresh and tasty. Now that makes eating healthy easy!
I seem to be in a good frame of mine again with this so hopefully that will waste away a lb. or 2. I know I should be just trying to maintain with having so many events going on that would be the easier route. We will see! Have you tried the crystal light single packets yet. There nice to take to work. I take 2 bottles of water one to drink plain and one flavored. I put them in the freezer when I get there so its really cold by lunch. I read that drinking real cold water raises our metabolism levels as our bodies have to work at warming it up. Who knows for sure just some info.
Intake plans so far: breakfast= 1/2 banana 50, cereal 175
snack= yogurt
lunch=cottage ch. on a bed of lettuce w/mandarin oranges 220
dinner: some type of salad or sandwich it is going to be hot today!
snack; fruit w/sugar free lime jello
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Old 07-12-2005, 01:43 PM   #1016  
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Sneaking in quickly to say hi! I'm really swamped with things to do these last days at my current job, and I'm trying not to stay late so that I can hang out with my bro. I had a good workout at Curves yesterday, and had my long walk this AM despite the blistering heat. I have done a little vacation eating, alas--BBQ at dinner, and popcorn at the movie ("Me, You and Everyone We Know"). But I'm feeling good, not out of control, just making sure that I don't add any weight this month.

Go to the gym, Carol! Se how good it makes Tired feel?

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Old 07-13-2005, 06:24 AM   #1017  
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Oh girls I finally got to the gym yesterday a.m. . It was a good feeling for sure Judy. I was able to start off right where I left off last time I was there. Then added on more of a challenge. I only had a 40 min. workout but the sweat was out and about! This is the highest level on the treadmill yet. Showered and off to work only running a few min. behind. Then never got my breakfast before leaving so stopped for a yogurt at the little store. Well no good foods there and I didn't want to blow what I just worked off. So I found a mult. grain bar at only 140 calories. Not so bad added with 20 almonds. My lunch went well all the girls were drooling over it. I laughed and said its only a bed of lettuce, cottage ch, fruit and celery! Too funny! They should take 5 min. to whip something together. The junk they buy at our caft. is awful and a waste of money! My calories burned yesterday morning were 400. My intake for the day was 1200. But Tom is here for a visit so I am skipping the planned gym this a.m.. I am at a pt. in my life where he doesn't come at all or he comes full force so I best be careful. I am planning to swim after work if it ever stops raining. We got a storm last night. This is my last work day this week. Judy hope things wrap up nicely for you at work so you can enjoy your time with your brother. Tired I am sure your biking around somewhere. Nice you have a friend to ride with that makes the time fly by. I am off to the casino in Niagara Falls on thurs. with a group of friends. I will try to not over eat as I have a clam bake saturday. Today I have a lunch buffet meeting with 2 clients. Funny it ended up I am seeing one at 12:30 another at 1:30 at the same location. Then I have to finish my day and I am off til monday.
Have a great day and working out does make you think about your intake more. I was so pleased that I had not lost any ability at the gym but yet gained strength to do more.
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Old 07-13-2005, 09:09 PM   #1018  
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Hi all. Last night I couldn't log on. So glad that I could tonight.

Judy - I wish you well as you finalize things at work. I'm glad that you're enjoying your brother's visit. Great job walking and making it to Curves.

Carol - you have so many wonderful interests. I'm glad that you made it to the gym and so glad that you've been able to make healthy food choices. The salad sounds so delicious! Maybe you could make a little extra money by making salads and selling them to your co-workers. Only kidding.

My workouts are going great! I ran a slow seven mile loop today - first time I've done that in 20 years! I also swam a half mile. The triathlon is very motivating. I tried on tri bathing suits and gear today and none of it is made for my big body - humbling. "Who cares!" I decided and I bought a tight fitting suit and shorts for the event - there's a real comfort level knowing that this is an all women event.

I haven't lost any real weight and remain at 180. The weight only comes off if I eat healthy and light. I am simply the kind of person who can not eat a lot and be thin so I will continue to try to beat this battle. I appreciate everyone's support and great ideas.

breakfast - healthy fruit smoothie 250
lunch - power bar 170
snack - apple, blueberries 150
dinner - fish, broccoli, risotto 700
snack - pb bagel 400
total - 1670 or so
lots of water too
sw 210 cw 180 gw 150 (lowest weight on the journey 167 and that felt great!)
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Old 07-14-2005, 06:23 AM   #1019  
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Tired I am so glad for you that the tri. is motivating you. That is a wonderful part of your life and just doing it alone is so exciting. Good for you making that run I don't care if it was at a turtles pace that is wonderful. Keep trying. I looked over your intake watch those bagels. I love them too! The calories rack up high with them. I just made one for breakfast a dark rye w/ some lite cc. I gave part of it to the dog to share a few calories with her. hah! hah! she can afford them better than I. At any rate I went a long time with out having them recently decided I can have them in moderation. That is the trick to all foods we can have just about anything we want but watch the portions and count the calories. I have been doing pretty good this week so far but I am out of town eating at a buffet today and clam bake saturday. The clambake comes but once a year and I will get my days worth of clams and crab legs. I don't need the butter really to enjoy them. I did okay on my lunch out at a buffet yesterday tried a little bit of different things had no dessert. Last night we went out for supper. The hubby wanted a sub. I ordered roast beef with lots of veggies I ate 1/2 and picked just the meat and peppers out of the other half. Now in the past I would of ate that whole thing. So I see differences happening and there good changes. I did swim on my way home at my sis's house. Nice just me did lots of laps. I am planning a trip to the gym and swimming with the kids at her house friday. She nicely offered me the pool v.s. taking them to the lake. We will pack up drinks, food and go there instead. Try adding some lemon to your water it cleans out your pipes they say! Also crunches your thrist. Good luck and keep on posting and putting your exercise down too! Judy hope your havign some fun with your bro.
No putting my intake in today other than my rye bagel w/lt. cc and coffee
Taking water bottles and some crystal light, fruit along for the trip today to Niagara Falls area. sHOULD BE A DAY OF LAUGHTER AND FUN WITH THE GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 07-14-2005, 02:03 PM   #1020  
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Hi Carol, thanks for the great tips. I know you're right about the bagels. Last year when I lost the greatest chunk of weight I all but gave up bread and other carbs. I know we need some carbs, but bread can really add on the cals.

Good job skipping the dessert. Enjoy the clam bake - I love clams so I know what you mean about not counting on that special day.

Have a great weekend!

Another great exercise day. 12 miles on the stationary bike (hills), 1/4 mile run, 1 plus hour of vinyasa yoga (wonderful!)
I'm checking in now because I'm dying to eat all the food in the house - checking in helps to keep me in check.
breakfast: eggs (100), bagel with light cc (300), fruit salad (100)
lunch: power bar (240), 1/2 bagel with pb (300), bowl of carrots and tomatoes (100),
snack - handful of cereal (50)
1190 total so far
also, lots of water
checking in on intake is a necessary step for me.
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