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Old 01-02-2005, 03:05 PM   #511  
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Hi all. Good to hear about all the shopping, celebrations, family, and letdowns too. Julie, don't worry about sharing the downers - it gives us permission to share those down days too. Sometimes our partners really disappoint us. It stinks! Know I'm here rooting for you. I'm so glad to hear that the tumor has shrunk more - that's super. Keep us up to date. Happy New Year.

We had a fun getaway up north. Stayed at a quaint inn and went skiing on a small mountain. Great air, pretty scenery. The kids had fun with their cousins. It's amazing how a couple of days away from home can free your mind.

I'm so glad the holidays are over!!! I never thought I'd say that but I'm so ready to get back into the routine of healthy eating and exercise. The holidays brought me more temptation than I could deal with. I'm so ready to get back on track. Today I went grocery shopping and bought lots of healthy food like yogurt, fruit, oatmeal, etc.

Have a great day all. I'll be back on tomorrow.


p.s I bought the Dr. Phil weight loss book. Read a few pages and it sounds great - really about healthy living and making good choices.
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Old 01-02-2005, 05:43 PM   #512  
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Thumbs down So Sorry For The Ride To Bummerville

GOOD MORNING s, Thanks for the kind words TIRED, but my problems are just that, I can,t believe I let myself get so down, I can handle just about anything life sends me but my husbands indifference is something else in my life I don,t have control over, I seem to have enough of that already without more added anyway I,m better its a new day with no mistakes in it yet, I,ve had a nice pear and yoghurt and skim milk smoothie for brekki, I,ve got my vegetable soup simmering on the stove, I,m about to make a and get stuck into some study I think just putting my feelings down here last night helped me greatly and thank you for taking the time to read it, well you all keep up the good work, I,ll catch up with you all later, bye for now BLESSED BE TO ALL, JULIE
SW/ 172LBS
CW/ 165LBS
GW/ 132LBS
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Old 01-02-2005, 09:01 PM   #513  
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Hello everyone! Well getting back on track isn't so easy, thats one thing for sure! Julie I second everything that Tiredoffat said we are here for each other for the good and the bad. This is a great place to vent! You will feel better and we don't mind. We have all had those kind of times at one time or another. Don't feel alone. I am glad to hear your news about your test results. That is something to feel good about for sure. Thank goodness there are some good doctors out there.
Tiredoffat wow its hard having a good day all day long. I did good for breakfast oatmeal, lunch not bad a spicy chicken buritito. But for dinner ate some bread I didn't need and then had 2 pieces of my hubbies candies. Gee Wiz what the heck is wrong with me? I am sure it will be a bit easier when I get back to work away from food and only take a limited amount with me. At least I hope so! I am going to try and go to the gym after work on monday. My hip seems to be better a little tender yesterday. I will take it slow for a couple of days. My intake of water was also down today again. I am going to keep track on a little food chart for a few days til I get into the swing of things. Let me know what you think of Dr. Phil's book. I think its similar to South Beach but I am not sure. I did do pretty good with that before. Maybe I should try it again? Oh well just stop eating junk and exercise that would be something smart to do.
Well monday will be the real start day, I guess I should do my scale thing knock the dust off of it and all. Don't want to weigh in more than I do. You ski break sounded like a good time. We have no snow I did miss it for christmas but now it can stay away. We are not really missing it that much and driving is so much easier.
Julie have you ever used lavender products? The products help you to relax, calm for a better nights sleep? I have purchased some Blue Lavender Pamarona lotion from Bath and Body Works. It is wonderful! Also Johnson and Johnson Baby Lotion has a lavender soap which is similar. Well check it out anything is worth a good nights sleep. A nice bath with a candlelight and some sweet lavender soap. You deserve some relaxation treat yourself!
Rollmdl did I hear yoga? I haven't tried it but sounds like fun! You go girl!
Take care and Monday will be our fresh start of the week. Lets get it together girls we can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Keep in touch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-02-2005, 11:38 PM   #514  
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GOOD AFTERNOON s, HOPE YOUR ALL WELL, HEY ROLL MISS YOU, again for the kind input I know I can come here to vent and you are so to say its OK, I guess I don,t like to get like that to often, its Ok for others to let me down but when I let it affect me to the point of feeling utter despair then I,m the one letting ME DOWN anyway just a quick check in back on track today and doing fine, I,ve called it a day for studying, AND MY NEW YEARS RESOLUTION IS NOT TO LET OTHERS GET ME DOWN, AND TO FOCUS MORE ON ME BYE FOR NOW TAKE CARE, NO GIVING IN, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, STAY FOCUSED, REMEMBER TO BE GOOD TO YOURSELVES WE ARE DOING THIS SO YOU GO GIRLS BLESSED BE , JULIE
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Old 01-02-2005, 11:43 PM   #515  
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OH CAROL, yes I do use lavender quite alot I like to burn incense or oils and I use the oils rubbed on my temples before I go to bed, being a wiccan I tend to use herbs and home remedies before I resort to chemicals unless like resently I have no choice over it thanks for the input you are so sweet to be thinking of ways to help me get through these trials YOU ALL ARE bye again, JULIE
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Old 01-03-2005, 07:04 AM   #516  
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Oh girls I got out that white scale from the closet what a reality kicker it was. I have gained even though I don't really feel it with my clothes. I guess my eyes decieved me! I guess checking in with the scale does have to fit in to my weekly intake record somewhere. At any rate I will focus harder on my wt. , exercise and intake of food and water.
Julie I also am trying to learn more about using herbs instead of always resorting to medications. I recently started to increase the use of cinnamon spice. It is suppose to help with cholestrol levels. I tend to have higher levels and the medications help but on the other hand what do they do to your liver? So I am trying to go without Tricor for a few months and see how I do. But with the recent naughty intake of junk I am sure its not a good thing right now. I am going to take control today though! I let the bad foods in now its time to take them out! I am trying to drink 1 coffee and 1 tea in the morning. I am going to try herbal tea before each meal it is made with real herbs. It is quite good and can't hurt me! I can only try it out and see how it goes. Less caffeine than coffee.
Tiredoffat well today is back to work for you too! I guess your school break is over? My grandkids go back today. I am so grateful for the teachers they have this year. They really go that extra mile, I can tell from your info. on this site your that kind of teacher also. I have been off of work since the 22nd of Dec. wow! Its going to seem weird going back. We are hiring another coworker soon as one has left last week. I hope its someone whom goes with the flow and just fits in with everyone. One can only hope. I can't wait to see how many messages are on my phone!
Good luck with your first day back!
Intake plans for Monday! A.m. water 10 oz. Water intake 32 oz. for work day.
Breakfast= 1/2 of a grapefruit 39 cal., raisan bran cereal 1 cup 156 cal. w/ little milk 50 cal. 1 coffee, 1 tea cinnamon spice herb. Breakfast= 245
Snack: celery12 cal. w/ laughing cow lowfat swiss cheese 35 cal 1 wedge, tea=50 cal
Lunch: 3 oz. parm chicken breast 250 cal., 2 cups spinach salad 50 cal. w/ little olive oil and balsamic vin.? 50 cal.= 350
snack= 1 pear= 98 cal
Dinner: Pesto Italiano Red Tilapia 140 cal, salad 100 cal., brocolli 1 c. 44cal.
Smoothie: frozen blueberries 80 cal, yogurt 100 cal. and spices vanilla flavoring= 200 cal.
I will check in later to adjust the plan if need be! Good luck with your choices today!
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Old 01-03-2005, 03:46 PM   #517  
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Lightbulb Remember me?

Hi All,

I've had a pretty rough time keeping on track. It's that old---"healthy eating all day, it's late and that ice cream looks really good" syndrome. I don't really have any good vegetables in the refrigerator-- some two week old lettuce and 2 celery sticks. What do you think? Time to go to the store?
I finally got the Christmas decorations put away last night at 4:00 am. We are supposed to be starting our home schooling schedule today.

Julie, I commend you on sharing your feelings good and bad. I don't even like labeling them as that. The way we feel at any given time is so temporary. I'm with Tired in that it gives us all permission to share. When I stop sitting on my feelings, they seem to shift more rapidly. I've been in a funk for the past few weeks. I'm ashamed to say that I'm ashamed of feeling mildly depressed and overwhelmed. .

Julie------I'm thrilled about your progress. You must be doing something right.

Well, I'm going to go to the store RIGHT NOW to buy vegetables. I'm going to take my daughter and WALK to the store.

Thanks for being here. Take care, all. Have a good day back at work, Tired and Carol. I hope your families baby you when you get home.

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Old 01-03-2005, 04:42 PM   #518  
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GOOD MORNING s, WEL LOOKS LIKE EVERYONE IS BACK TO NORMAL IN THE HECTIC LIFE RACE good to see you all sound pretty much on track, CAROL don,t worry about a gain I was told by my DOC to gorget the scales and listen to your clothes and measure yourself every 2wks and keep a record of inches lost, if your exercising they say muscle weighs more than fat, I find if I weigh myself every week I sometimes feel discouraged if it says I have gained or haven,t lost a thing so I tend to weigh myself once a month instead it helps me ROLL for your kind words YES I,m over the moon with my progress the DOC said cutting out my red meat intake helped it helps to make the treatment more effective or something like that, OOOH tomorrow is the last day and then I have a rest for a week then another scan and DOC will decide on what he is going to do anyway all that is getting rather boring don,t you think, GOOD GIRL for going shopping for healthy foods , if there not there we can,t eat them, I love fruit and veges there are so many different things to try I guess I,ve liked them since I was a kid, when they were the cheapest thing on the shelf and you,d have your plate piled high with them, now they seem to be just as expensive as meat these days oh well thats life, CAROL, TIRED, the kids here downunder don,t go back to shool until the end of JANUARY they go off for christmas break on the 19th December they average 6wks break Catholic shools go back a week sooner, ROLL I haven,t taken down my decorations yet I might do it today I just hate doing it I hate losing that atmosphere CAROL I,ve switched from to decaf and I now drink green tea instead of black it is a great antioxident and cleans your system out even better if you get used to having no sugar I also drink herbal teas there are so many flavours to choose from I enjoy a camomile before bed so relaxing, experiment I,m sure you,ll enjoy the change, well hope you all have a great day I,ll catch up with you later, BE GOOD , STAY FOCUSED, USE THE TAPE MEASURE, REMEMBER THE SCALES ARE GOOD IN THIER PLACE BUT SOMETIMES SPEAK FALSE MOST OF ALL BE KIND TO YOURSELVES DON,T YOURSELVES TO HARSHLY , I,M GOING TO EAT LIKE A TODAY A ON STEROIDS BYE FOR NOW BLESSED BE TO ALL , JULIE
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Old 01-03-2005, 06:55 PM   #519  
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Hello all. Good to hear from you. I agree it's a battle getting back on track. Work helped.
breakfast - cereal/milk/coffee 300 (I'm trying not to skip)
lunch - salad and apple 400
snack - smoothie, granola bar 600 (really good granola bar - Kashi, healthy ingredients)
dinner - chicken, grapefruit 400
total 1700 ( a bit high - but back to healthy choices )
exercise - 30 minutes on the eliptical, great music, great workout
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Old 01-04-2005, 06:18 AM   #520  
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Great Workout this am. 2 mile run, 1/4 mi. walk. Dr. Phil book is motivating and challenging. Will talk later! Have a great day!
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Old 01-04-2005, 06:54 AM   #521  
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Hello everyone its great to be back on this site it helps so much! I would be lost without this support. I ate pretty much to plan yesterday. I did eat one piece of choc. that was in a gift box at the office. I managed to stay away from it until the end of the day even lifted the box to ck it out once and covered it back up. But then it got me two pieces left I took one and gave the other to my friend whom also is trying to be good. Misery loves company shared calories are at least better! I also didn't have my smootie but had a bowl of cereal. Night time cravings I guess. But on a good note I exercised after work for 50 min. 25 treadmill at 1.5 miles, burned 205 cal. and then did wt. resistance for 25 min. So not so bad! I feel more in control now than even one day ago.
Rollmdl you beat me taking down the decorations its in the works though. I also need to go get groceries the pickings are geting slim. It helps so much when we have good choices in the house. My friend said she tried soy ice cream bars 120 cal. really a nice treat. I may ck them out.
Tiredoffat good workout good for you. It does help you feel much better. As you must of noticed it normally will give you more energy. I think on Wed. I will work out for my lunch time. It will be quick but maybe the only way to fit it in.
Julie I am enjoying my cup of tea. I start the water boiling at the same time as my coffee. Then have one cup of each. I had a cup of tea during my break yesterday its very good and relaxes me. Thanks for the tips on measuring on wed. morning I will attempt to do just that and keep a log. I did jump on the scale this a.m. I just felt I had to. It was down 1.5lbs. from yesterday . So I figure it must of been water wt.? What ever I felt a bit better about it. Still up but not so bad. After all what did I expect? It was christmas I ate lots of goodies and wasn't very careful. So yah pay the price but it will come off very some efforts of hard work and better choices.
Oh so glad your treatments are coming to an end and that you did so well. Keep up the good work with following the Doc's orders!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Intake today: Breakfast = oatmeal, dried cranberries, cinn, splenda
Tea, coffee and water to go!
Snack= 1 laughing cheese and celery, tea
Lunch= chicken parm. homemade w/ veg on the side portion control
Dinner out with a friend oh a trip to the casino! Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great day!
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Old 01-04-2005, 01:24 PM   #522  
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Lightbulb quick check in

Good morning all,

Looks like we're all back on track. I stayed away from sweets yesterday and had plenty of vegetables. I'll be back to counting today. It's going to be a pretty busy day. I'll have to check in later when I've finished with appointments etc....

I've had a breakfast of

scrambled eggs w/cheese and a turkey patty (homemade sausage) my daughter gave me breakfast in bed.

Keep up the good work!

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Old 01-04-2005, 04:34 PM   #523  
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GOOD MORNING s, good to see your well, we all seem to be back on track , isn,t it good , well final treatment today, the type of treatment I had this time was in pill form every second day, there are three types intraveinious, injections I had that last time and pills each one is for different ways the DOC decides to attack the problem, I,ll be glad when its all over and my life gets back to normal, CAROL I,M so glad you enjoy your tea it is so much better for you than but I enjoy my 1 a day in the morning you and TIRED ARE GOING GREAT WITH YOUR EXERCISE, just a little while ago TIRED you were worried that you weren,t getting it in now look at you 2mle run and 1/4mle walk WOW KEEP IT UP you both make me so envious at the moment, I can,t believe I miss exercise, anyway I know I,ll be back into it soon enough and thats so wonderful, ROLL what a sweetheart your daughter is to bring you brekki in bed , its the little things like that , that makes it all worthwhile isn,t it, I,ve kicked off with a good start today
I,m trying to get my 8 glasses of water in each day sometimes I do but sometimes I feel so bloated I only do 4 but I guess it all helps, well bye for now, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, I think this site is great and you are all so wonderful I know at times it helps to keep me honest with myself about what I,m eating and to avoid the pitfalls of emotional eating which at times I often give in to BLESSED BE s, JULIE

Last edited by I'm Living; 01-04-2005 at 04:39 PM. Reason: SPELLING MISTAKES
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Old 01-04-2005, 06:16 PM   #524  
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Good evening! Yes, it's great to hear that everyone is back on track. I feel so much better don't you! Julie, I know how it feels to wish to exercise as that's how I felt last semester. Soon you'll be back. Believe it or not all the wishing you're doing now will help you get back enthusiastically once you're ready.

Carol, a good grocery shopping will help. I went on Sunday and now I'm deciding between having a grapefruit or a fruit smoothie - both healthy, yummy choices. I'm so glad that all the goodies are gone. The kids are eating better too. Roll, good to hear that you're back.

breakfast - cereal/milk (trying to increase my fiber intake w/healthy cereal) 245
lunch - salad with turkey and orange 300
snack - smoothie, Kashie bar 430
dinner - pasta and sauce (heavy on low cal yummy tomatoes)about 500 probably rounding me out to 1500
That's it for today with the exception of water
My daily goal is 1500 cals/30 min of exercise (any kind!)
That does it for today
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Old 01-05-2005, 01:08 AM   #525  
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Default All Done, Now Wait And See

GOOD AFTERNOON s, hope your all well, well I,ve just got back from the DOCS, now I rest for the next week, then go and see what happens from there it will be good, I have had a good day so far have stuck to my plan, well I just dropped in to say HI, catch you all later, bye for now, be good , blessed be, , JULIE
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